RPG Backlog

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From Mario to Sonic, Zelda to Final Fantasy. Talk about it here.
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RPG Backlog

Post by VidKid369 »

Hey, guys! I wanted to create this new topic and so I quickly searched through the forum and found a way old topic on this subject with the last reply being about 7 years ago, so per the rules on not reviving old topics I just decided to make a new thread on it, anyway! :)

First of all I want to say, I'm really sorry for being so quiet most of my time is dedicated to actually gaming offline! About 4 years ago I stumbled apon a website dedicated to gaming backlogs. I uploaded all of my RPGs and I kept track of my progress on it and it's helped tremendously! I mostly use it to keep track of my progress in each and every RPG I play. I've managed to beat a bunch of my older RPGs and re-played ones maybe I chose to forget. Anyway the link to mine is down in my signature if you want to take a peek - it's really helpful and it might be kinda helpful/cool if we can all maybe become friends on there too.

All of my video games are RPGs I strictly only play RPGs and I was just wondering if any of you all have a similar situation where there're RPGs you just haven't gotten around to playing yet that you may've bought? I used to do this all the time. Now I've gotten better and I keep to one RPG until I finish it and watch the credits roll. I even sometimes do write about them also.

I really wanted to ask you guys first because I'm a dedicated Lunar series fan, I know you guys are too and you're all in my top priority.

I've had a strategy since I was a young kid to only stick to RPGs because they take a lot of hours to beat and there's so much text to read that one can memorize and really analyze. Also something to keep me occupied and out of trouble once I turned into an adult. I used to be such a weak gamer that I'd get tired grinding and I would fall asleep during random encounters with the controller in my hands. Now that I'm an adult I'm in better physical (mental?) shape that I have no trouble grinding and leveling anymore.

I was just wondering what your all thoughts were on first of all what is a backlog and how to beat your RPG backlog? If you also know of any other similar helpful websites that may be video game catalogs and the like? I would be in such tremendous gratitude.

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Re: RPG Backlog

Post by Kizyr »

Well, the rule on reviving old topics is more of a guideline -- we're fine with "reviving" old topics, just as long as people are aware that if they respond to a post in the thread (that was posted pre-"revival") that they may be replying to something >2 years old at that point.

Anyway! That said...

There are so many games in my backlog, new and old, that I still have been meaning to play. As the rest of my life has gotten extremely busy, I need to do a ton to carve out time each week to play a bit, and it's only in the last couple of weeks I've started doing that again (and having time for any game longer than, say, a few levels in Super Mario Maker 2).

As for games I've already bought that are sitting on my shelf, that I still intend on playing, that's something like:
  • Arc the Lad collection
  • Bioshock 2
  • Parasite Eve
  • Final Fantasy X
  • Assassin's Creed (the very first one)
  • Red Dead Redemption
  • Sakura Wars 1 (Saturn; Japanese)
  • Sakura Wars 2 (Saturn; Japanese)
As for my actual backlog, the next three games on my list are actually:
  • The Last of Us (CURRENTLY PLAYING)
  • Horizon: Zero Dawn (haven't decided if I'll get the PS4 or the upcoming PC version yet)
  • Final Fantasy 7 Remake
...and maybe after that point I'll circle back to a few of those older games. I just don't have a ton of motivation for some of them anymore, though.

On what a backlog is? I mean, basically anything that you really intend on playing, as long as it still seems fun to do so. I find that once it feels like a chore to get through a backlog, it stops being fun -- this is a reason why I completely abandoned having, say, a TV/movie backlog. I have a hard enough time carving out time for games, and the list of TV shows people kept saying I should watch was getting so long and seemed like such a huge time investment that the idea of getting into any of them seemed like a chore... so I ditched it and was much happier for it.

Right now, it's mostly promising myself that I'll take a few hours each week to do something other than work, organizing, activism, etc., that's purely entertainment, and having something enjoyable enough that doesn't feel like a chore to get back to for it. That's what's helped actually start "beating" my backlog without, say, beating myself up over it.
~Kizyr (they|them)

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Re: RPG Backlog

Post by VidKid369 »

Thanks for the clarification on reviving old topics, Kizyr! (I was a bit confused on that.)

So. My list of RPGs in my backlog is actually quite long. Right now I'm in an opposite situation, -- I have so much time right now I have nothing else to do but game lol and I thought threshing through my backlog would be a fun endeavor haha. I run into that comment a lot about how getting through unplayed games could turn into a chore I just have actually had lots of fun with it though. >_< It's in reality a LOT of fun for me to try to beat an RPG I haven't beaten yet that's been sitting there collecting mold. I do not think it's turned into a chore at all, I find it quite relaxing.

I just figure I paid for and bought these games might as well finish them.

I was a bit confused once I stumbled upon the term backlog I felt like gamers were just throwing that word around online. I didn't realize what I was doing at the time -- (still playing an RPG, buys new games and intends to play it, never gets around to beating either, goes out and buys another game, and so on) it just happened to me over time.

I actually think doing this's really important to me since I love RPGs and actually beating all my older RPGs is really fun for me as I get to really enjoy a new adventure and analyze the game, and now I'm actually doing more writing and posting online about it more. I think what really helps with a backlog is just not buying new games. I focus on only one RPG at a time and I think really hard about which RPG to tackle next. I like to pick off the big guys first (longer RPGs like, say, Dragon Warrior VII) or an RPG that's apart of a long-running series/franchise (a Final Fantasy game/Dragon Quest).

Keeping track of my progress really helps. As for motivation finding out other gamers online are in a similar or the same situation as me really helps that I'm not the only one that fell into the hole. Just knowing that I'll get thru this one day and be able to play newer RPGs (PS4) is enough motivation to keep going and to beat this. I do honestly and truly believe it's quite fun.

Edit: To be honest, I'm in the process of re-playing all the RPGs in my collection regardless of whether I've beaten them before or not. I dunno what that's, what that would be called?

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