Nice knowing you, America.

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Nice knowing you, America.

Post by Jenner »

Ultra Conservative fear pumping is creating epic levels of hostility towards the president he is getting more and more death threats a day from misinformed people, the media is not helping. Even though things are starting to get better Milita activity is on the rise in the USA. Wild men are already starting to get bold enough to be openly violent, stand up to, and challenge authority.. The biased media is encouraging this mentality, vindicating and validating it. Whipping their believers up into a frothy mob. These enraged militia groups, inflamed by these lying batshit right wing apologists, are growing in number and are on the move. I strongly suggest sane-minded intellectual pacifists arm themselves and get ready.

Thank you Fox News.

It was nice knowing you America.

I'm paying for a passport tomorrow.
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Re: Nice knowing you, America.

Post by Nobiyuki77 »

Just got mine a few days ago actually. I'm gonna apply for the JET program, if I get in, maybe I'll just stay there...

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Re: Nice knowing you, America.

Post by NallOne »

Controversial opinion: Let's just send all the conservatives to Hawaii.

They'll fit.

It'll be like our own little Australia. Only instead of criminals we shall populate it with crazy people.
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Re: Nice knowing you, America.

Post by Kizyr »

Where are you going to go that's better than the US? KF
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Re: Nice knowing you, America.

Post by NallOne »

Kizyr wrote:Where are you going to go that's better than the US? KF
Canada. Everybody always goes to Canada.

Personally I'd choose Amsterdam.
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Re: Nice knowing you, America.

Post by Jenner »

Kizyr wrote:Where are you going to go that's better than the US? KF
Obviously I'll just go out to one of the America Controlled islands, Jarvis Island or something, and if the madness travels that far flee to Denmark or something.

It's more about knowing I can leave if everything turns to -Dragon Diamond- like it's looking like it will than being trapped here when it happens.

I'd rather be a refugee.
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Re: Nice knowing you, America.

Post by Ardent Fox »

Being in the military, I wonder what's this is going to come to. Kinda wish I wasn't in, I'd go back home to Scotland. o_o;

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Re: Nice knowing you, America.

Post by Aaron »

Jenner wrote:Ultra Conservative fear pumping is creating epic levels of hostility towards the president he is getting more and more death threats a day from misinformed people, the media is not helping. Even though things are starting to get better Milita activity is on the rise in the USA. Wild men are already starting to get bold enough to be openly violent, stand up to, and challenge authority.. The biased media is encouraging this mentality, vindicating and validating it. Whipping their believers up into a frothy mob. These enraged militia groups, inflamed by these lying batshit right wing apologists, are growing in number and are on the move. I strongly suggest sane-minded intellectual pacifists arm themselves and get ready.

Thank you Fox News.

It was nice knowing you America.

I'm paying for a passport tomorrow.
Good, don't let the door hit you on the way out.

By the way, what a huge hypocrite. I guess it was okay when Bush was getting death threats. All celebrities get death threats. For some reason there is a fringe on both sides of the spectrum, the Ultra wacko liberals, and the Ultra wacko conservatives, both groups like to see the opposite sides destroyed.

But, I can't say I'll miss people with your attitude.

And I realize how harsh this post is but, I'm sick of hearing all these dramatic statements from liberals about leaving the USA.

You never ever leave something you love.

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Re: Nice knowing you, America.

Post by Imperial Knight »

Aaron wrote: Good, don't let the door hit you on the way out.

By the way, what a huge hypocrite. I guess it was okay when Bush was getting death threats. All celebrities get death threats. For some reason there is a fringe on both sides of the spectrum, the Ultra wacko liberals, and the Ultra wacko conservatives, both groups like to see the opposite sides destroyed.

But, I can't say I'll miss people with your attitude.

And I realize how harsh this post is but, I'm sick of hearing all these dramatic statements from liberals about leaving the USA.

You never ever leave something you love.
Boo hoo. Oh, those terrible, terrible liberals who hate America so much. It's a good thing no one on the right has ever talked about secession or anything like that since Obama got elected. Nope, they just love their country too much for that.

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Re: Nice knowing you, America.

Post by Werefrog »

Aaron wrote: You never ever leave something you love.
... That's pretty naive. That said, it'll take more than the current situation to get me to leave the US.

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Re: Nice knowing you, America.

Post by liquidpolicenaut »

NallOne wrote:Controversial opinion: Let's just send all the conservatives to Hawaii.

They'll fit.

It'll be like our own little Australia. Only instead of criminals we shall populate it with crazy people.
Aww c'mon! Hawaii is a beautiful state! Send them to North Dakota or somethin ;)

I still personally love my country...I just dont love the people that run it ;) ....and that was not a knock against Obama...

Kind of off topic but aside from the people, the US has some, if not THE, most diverse and beautiful scenery in the world all in one country...
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Re: Nice knowing you, America.

Post by Nobiyuki77 »

I love America the country, I just can't stand half the people who live in it. Especially because they're stupidity (or at least that's how I perceive it) is in my view, blocking progress that this country desperately needs. Progress that would make everyone's life better except maybe the super rich fat cats.

I love America and everything it stands for. But that doesn't mean I have to let other people run my one and only life out of some misguided obligation to stay. Unless things start to change soon, if I find a better place to live, I'll probably go there.

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Re: Nice knowing you, America.

Post by Kizyr »

Aaron wrote:And I realize how harsh this post is but, I'm sick of hearing all these dramatic statements from liberals about leaving the USA.
You never ever leave something you love.
Hyperbolic liberal's statement: "This sucks. I'm going to move to Canada."
Hyperbolic conservative's statement: "This sucks. I'm going to ignore the law and/or secede."
Does it matter which one is worse? They're both hyperbolic statements. I'm sick of hearing both of them, but they both get said. (You could apply "you never leave something you love" to both sides.)
Nobiyuki77 wrote:Just got mine a few days ago actually. I'm gonna apply for the JET program, if I get in, maybe I'll just stay there...
Don't joke about this. You'll never get approved for a visa that way. But really, if you think conservativism and corporatism is a problem in the US, you're headed in the wrong direction.
Jenner wrote:It's more about knowing I can leave if everything turns to -Dragon Diamond- like it's looking like it will than being trapped here when it happens.
I'd rather be a refugee.
You lack perspective. A few things go wrong (or don't go your way) and you think that the entire country is going to fall apart? Eh, I suppose I'd think the same way if I didn't know anything about history, or other countries besides the US.

I also love the irony that hundreds of thousands of refugees wish they could settle here (US, Canada, UK, etc.) and you'd rather go the opposite direction. No sane person would rather be a refugee; it's like saying "I'd rather be homeless". KF
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Re: Nice knowing you, America.

Post by Alunissage »

Yeah, being able to contemplate leaving for reasons like this is a pretty big mark of privilege. That's not intended as a slam at Jenner, just an observation; living in a better situation than many other people doesn't mean you not allowed to criticize that situation. Better is not the same as perfect.

Re emigrating to Japan, I'm sure Nobi's joking; still, I'm guessing that it bothers people less to see and live with flaws in countries other than their own than it does to see their own homeland with those flaws. And substitute any other relationship for country/homeland; it's probably harder for people to handle their relatives being screwups than their roommates or neighbors even when they're living with or next to the latter and are distant from the former.

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Re: Nice knowing you, America.

Post by Nobiyuki77 »

Yeah, I wouldn't stay in Japan even though there's a lot of stuff there I love. There's quite a lot wrong there too, I'm not blind to it. There's a lot wrong no matter where you go.

I just get frustrated like everyone else because things are so bad. When things get bad, it's not unusual to go gut-reaction on everything and pull to extremes.

I guess part of it is my perspective; I've been pulling for Obama to turn things around ever since he got into office, but it seems that "the forces of evil" (which in my view include big corporations like Health Care, Congressional Republicans) are willing to stoop to every low imaginable to stop the changes that we need. I see this cycle spinning down and down and down until it's unable to rise back up again, all because the rich and powerful will do anything, anything to keep us down.

I'm not against private health insurance; I'm against their practices going completely unchecked. Denying essential coverage which leads to people's deaths (and not "grandma" like they want you to be gov't health care would, I'm talking about a news story I read about a 12 year old girl left to die), denying coverage due to pre-existing conditions, there's so much about this practice that in my eyes I can't see as anything but evil. I hate evil. I want to shut it down and laugh at their misfortune. And by misfortune I mean they go from being ungodly rich to just plain rich being the most likely scenario sadly.

It makes me so angry. It makes me want to punch every single one of them in the face. I don't deny this anger, to do so would be a lie. But what makes me feel worse is my powerlessness to stop them. I was hoping Obama would be able to force things through, but it seems there just isn't a strong enough force in Congress to force it through; and propaganda machines like Faux News just keep feeding these ignorant sheep the lies they need to hate Obama and his efforts to help the millions of Americans who need the most help.
Last edited by Nobiyuki77 on Tue Aug 18, 2009 11:22 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Nice knowing you, America.

Post by GhaleonOne »

Thank you, Kiz. I was reading this from work, and wanted to say what you just said, but didn't have a clue how to articulate it. And you just did, better than I ever could have.

I'd also like to note, that everyone needs to keep their cool in political threads. There's enough to talk about on these boards with a new Lunar game coming that I have no problem locking political threads that stray even remotely into name-calling and such. Keep that in mind when posting.

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Re: Nice knowing you, America.

Post by Jenner »

Aaron wrote:
Jenner wrote:Ultra Conservative fear pumping is creating epic levels of hostility towards the president he is getting more and more death threats a day from misinformed people, the media is not helping. Even though things are starting to get better Milita activity is on the rise in the USA. Wild men are already starting to get bold enough to be openly violent, stand up to, and challenge authority.. The biased media is encouraging this mentality, vindicating and validating it. Whipping their believers up into a frothy mob. These enraged militia groups, inflamed by these lying batshit right wing apologists, are growing in number and are on the move. I strongly suggest sane-minded intellectual pacifists arm themselves and get ready.

Thank you Fox News.

It was nice knowing you America.

I'm paying for a passport tomorrow.
Good, don't let the door hit you on the way out.

By the way, what a huge hypocrite. I guess it was okay when Bush was getting death threats. All celebrities get death threats. For some reason there is a fringe on both sides of the spectrum, the Ultra wacko liberals, and the Ultra wacko conservatives, both groups like to see the opposite sides destroyed.

But, I can't say I'll miss people with your attitude.

And I realize how harsh this post is but, I'm sick of hearing all these dramatic statements from liberals about leaving the USA.

You never ever leave something you love.
Firstly, Liberals didn't start arming themselves and forming militias against Bush. We complained and pointed out how much rubbish everything he was doing was. We spoke out, we protested. We never showed up in DC with a gun and argued with secret service. This is completely different. This manner of behavior is way more hostile than even the most insane lefties dared to tread.

Another difference is that almost every media and news source in America repeated the lies and falsehoods that were spread and repeated by the Bush Administration even when evidence to the contrary was available and more solid than the party line they fed us. Almost every media source is going to great lengths now, to spread every lie and falsehood there is about everything the Obama administration is doing. Using every little thing that happens to take up a whole news day talking about that minor distraction instead of serious issues on days he does not make a mistake.

I love the freedoms America grants us, I love the ideal of what America is meant to be, I love the concept of liberty, equality and choice. I love the ability to, at least in some small way, have a say in who is in charge and what is and isn't legal.

But, if it's unpatriotic to save my ass when a bunch of misinformed, angry, gun-toting, unemployed and resentful folks just looking for anything to vent their frustrations finally get enough people together and enough fear and alcohol pumped into them to start rampaging across the country side. Well then, I guess I do, in fact, hate America.
Kizyr wrote:
Aaron wrote:And I realize how harsh this post is but, I'm sick of hearing all these dramatic statements from liberals about leaving the USA.
You never ever leave something you love.
Hyperbolic liberal's statement: "This sucks. I'm going to move to Canada."
Hyperbolic conservative's statement: "This sucks. I'm going to ignore the law and/or secede."
Does it matter which one is worse? They're both hyperbolic statements. I'm sick of hearing both of them, but they both get said. (You could apply "you never leave something you love" to both sides.)
Nobiyuki77 wrote:Just got mine a few days ago actually. I'm gonna apply for the JET program, if I get in, maybe I'll just stay there...
Don't joke about this. You'll never get approved for a visa that way. But really, if you think conservativism and corporatism is a problem in the US, you're headed in the wrong direction.
Jenner wrote:It's more about knowing I can leave if everything turns to -Dragon Diamond- like it's looking like it will than being trapped here when it happens.
I'd rather be a refugee.
You lack perspective. A few things go wrong (or don't go your way) and you think that the entire country is going to fall apart? Eh, I suppose I'd think the same way if I didn't know anything about history, or other countries besides the US.

I also love the irony that hundreds of thousands of refugees wish they could settle here (US, Canada, UK, etc.) and you'd rather go the opposite direction. No sane person would rather be a refugee; it's like saying "I'd rather be homeless". KF
I have no illusions of America being some fragile little teapot that'll shatter the moment it's rattled a bit. I don't plan to bail just because there's a threat. But I do however, being a timid, privileged whiny little white -Borgan-, want to know I'm be able to get out if these militias actually do get worked up enough to go on a rampage and are actually affective.

I can't help but think that that's what the conservatives want to happen. They want to invoke massive rioting and try to start a second civil war under the Obama administration. Because the conservatives have lost all their support and painted themselves into a corner and that's all they got, is the wingnuts supporting them.

Sigh... I don't want it to happen. I am sure, in the past, it's gotten like this before and it's never happened. But this is RACIALLY CHARGED, it makes me nervous and I don't want to die.
Last edited by Jenner on Wed Aug 19, 2009 11:37 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Nice knowing you, America.

Post by Aquaignis »

I'm glad someone is recognizing the hate-replies that have been flying across the board the past few weeks.
Nobiyuki77 wrote:It makes me so angry. It makes me want to punch every single one of them in the face. I don't deny this anger, to do so would be a lie. But what makes me feel worse is my powerlessness to stop them. I was hoping Obama would be able to force things through, but it seems there just isn't a strong enough force in Congress to force it through; and propaganda machines like Faux News just keep feeding these ignorant sheep the lies they need to hate Obama and his efforts to help the millions of Americans who need the most help.
Don't go Guy Fawkes on us, now, please.
Some of the answers in this post are made of frozen lose with whipped failsauce topping and suck sprinkles......

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Re: Nice knowing you, America.

Post by Aaron »

Jenner wrote:Firstly, Liberals didn't start arming themselves and forming militias against Bush. We complained and pointed out how much rubbish everything he was doing was. We spoke out, we protested. We never showed up in DC with a gun and argued with secret service. This is completely different. This manner of behavior is way more hostile than even the most insane lefties dared to tread.

Another difference is that almost every media and news source in America repeated the lies and falsehoods that were spread and repeated by the Bush Administration even when evidence to the contrary was available and more solid than the party line they fed us. Almost every media source is going to great lengths now, to spread every lie and falsehood there is about everything the Obama administration is doing. Using every little thing that happens to take up a whole news day talking about that minor distraction instead of serious issues on days he does not make a mistake.

I love the freedoms America grants us, I love the ideal of what America is meant to be, I love the concept of liberty, equality and choice. I love the ability to, at least in some small way, have a say in who is in charge and what is and isn't legal.

But, if it's unpatriotic to save my ass when a bunch of misinformed, angry, gun-toting, unemployed and resentful folks just looking for anything to vent their frustrations finally get enough people together and enough fear and alcohol pumped into them to start rampaging across the country side. Well then, I guess I do, in fact, hate America.
Not only do you brandish me with a giant Elephant, but you don't even realize that there are very VERY violent liberal groups.

Commonly referred to as "Eco-Terrorists"

Let me give you a list of a few:
Sea Shepard Conservation Society
Animal Liberation Front
Earth Liberation Front

I have, and apparently you have forgotten about the scientist who died a year or so ago when he turned on his car in his own home and it blew up because some wacky liberal put a bomb on it.

A couple of years ago a hummer dealership was firebombed in southern California. I think we can cross the militias off that list.

Also at UCLA and UC BERKLEY there have been many fires in labs and death threats against scientist using animal test subjects.


Your fear is COMPLETELY misplaced. In a news cycle or so you'll forget all about the white-supremisist-neo-nazi-death-to-women-minorities-jews-ect militia groups.

You can't run from life, no matter where you go there will always be people who don't think, act, talk, or believe what you do. How you interact and treat them is what separates you from the animals.

If find it ironic how you acknowledge that the News is completely unreliable yet use them as the prime reasoning for your desire to depart.

If your so intelligent you should be able to look beyond your own peer group and see that 99% of American's do not behave the way the news portrays us. Media is a private entity who generates revenue by viewership.

Apparently as KF has so pointed out a key word here is Hyperbole.

Media + Perception = Hyperbole

I whole heartedly doubt that even 10% of the militia groups in the USA are racially motivated. Besides that, what does a "racial motivated militia" even strive to accomplish?

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Re: Nice knowing you, America.

Post by Kizyr »

Jenner wrote:I have no illusions of America being some fragile little teapot that'll shatter the moment it's rattled a bit. I don't plan to bail just because there's a threat. But I do however, being a timid, privileged whiny little white -Borgan-, want to know I'm be able to get out if these militias actually do get worked up enough to go on a rampage and are actually affective.
I can't help but think that that's what the conservatives want to happen. They want to invoke massive rioting and try to start a second world war under the Obama administration. Because the conservatives have lost all their support and painted themselves into a corner and that's all they got, is the wingnuts supporting them.
That's what I mean about lacking perspective. The fact that this is really a small (although noticed) group of people actually arming themselves and talking about secession is lost on you--there isn't a large enough group to actually pose any realistic threat. There are tons of things that can lead up to a civil war; none of the conditions in the US add up to that.

Also, "starting a second world war" is not the same as "starting a civil war" (unless your definition of "world" only includes the US).
Aaron wrote:Not only do you brandish me with a giant Elephant, but you don't even realize that there are very VERY violent liberal groups.
The liberal/conservative label is really arbitrary. Saying there are both liberal extremists and conservative extremists who are violent is the same thing as just saying there are extremists who are violent.
Aaron wrote:Your fear is COMPLETELY misplaced. In a news cycle or so you'll forget all about the white-supremisist-neo-nazi-death-to-women-minorities-jews-ect militia groups.
Well, it's still true that those type of extremists have had a lot of lasting power (and at one point, weren't even considered extremists).

In any case, judging either side by the extremists distorts the issue (any normal issue, unless we're really talking about white supremacists and eco-terrorists). I mean, this:
Jenner wrote:Firstly, Liberals didn't start arming themselves and forming militias against Bush. We complained and pointed out how much rubbish everything he was doing was. We spoke out, we protested. We never showed up in DC with a gun and argued with secret service. This is completely different. This manner of behavior is way more hostile than even the most insane lefties dared to tread.

Another difference is that almost every media and news source in America repeated the lies and falsehoods that were spread and repeated by the Bush Administration even when evidence to the contrary was available and more solid than the party line they fed us. Almost every media source is going to great lengths now, to spread every lie and falsehood there is about everything the Obama administration is doing. Using every little thing that happens to take up a whole news day talking about that minor distraction instead of serious issues on days he does not make a mistake.
still has some truth to it (except the "even the most insane lefties" and media bias parts--media bias depends on who you talk to, and "even the most insane lefties" depends on how much you know about leftists).

The average opposition to Bush's policies (mostly the Iraq War) took the form of protests and demonstrations, occasionally stopping traffic; it never involved going to see the President speak with a loaded gun on you. The average opposition to Obama's policies thus far (mostly health care reform) is taking the form of some pointed questions, some yelling out talking points, and some really batshit arguments (e.g., the "death panels" crap). There's a definite disparity there in the type of opposition. KF
~Kizyr (they|them)


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