Lunar Secret Santa FAQ & Sign Ups!

For people with stuff to show off. Artwork, music you've composed, websites you've designed, etc. Put it here.
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Lunar Secret Santa FAQ & Sign Ups!

Post by Karthur »

What is a Fandom Secret Santa?
A fandom Secret Santa is a holiday online gift exchange. As a participant, you will make a Wish List which will be given to another member of the exchange. That person will create a fanfic or fanart to grant one of your wishes. In exchange, you will grant the Wish of another member of the community.

What will I be expected to create for someone else?
You can either draw a piece of fanart or write a fanfic. At a minimum, artwork should be a cleaned up pencil sketch and a fanfic should be at least 500 words.

Why is there a minimum requirement?
In an effort to keep things fair among members we are using the minimums above as guidelines. Feel free to exceed them!

Do I have to grant all of the Wishes that my Secret Santa asked for?
No, you will select one to do. However, if you feel inspired, feel free to do another.

Do I have to request a holiday story/fanart?
No, your Wishes can be whatever you’d like them to be.

Do I have to write/draw a piece with a holiday theme?
Not unless the Wish List you get asks for one. And, even then, if there are other choices on the list you can select from those.

Are there any topics that are off limits for a Wish?
Since the board has a rating of PG-13, Wish Requests will need to abide by that rating.

I have to ask my Secret Santa something. How can I do that and still remain anonymous?
PM me and I will find out for you.

Okay, I completed the Wish for my Secret Santa. Now what?
Post it to “The Arts” forum of this board using the following as a subject line:
A gift for [your secret santa!]
If it is artwork, you will need to upload it elsewhere and link to it.

Who gets to keep the copyright of my work?
Even though these are gifts, the author/artist retains copyright.

Can I post the story/artwork I wrote/drew for someone on another site?
You are welcome to post your work wherever you choose.

Something came up and there’s no way I can finish the Wish I was asked to grant. What do I do?
You need to contact me via PM as soon as you realize that you cannot complete the exchange. I will ask one of our backup artists/authors to complete the gift.

How do I participate?
There are two ways:
1. Reply to this thread using the Wish List Form below. If I need to ask you any questions I will email you. By November 30th, you should receive an email with the wish you are to grant.

2. If you prefer your Wish List to be kept private, send me a PM. Be sure to use the Wish List Form below, though! You should receive an email with the wish you are to grant by November 30th.

What’s the timeline?
*Nov 24st: Deadline for sign ups
*Nov 30: Assignments go out
*Jan 15th: Assignments due
*Jan 16th: Unfulfilled requests will be sent out to backup artists/writers
*Feb 16th: Assignments given to backup artists/writers due

Can I post my granted Wish before January 15th?
Sure. You can post it as soon as you’re ready to do so.

Do I have to be a backup artist/writer?
No, but if you are willing to do so, that’s wonderful! Keep in mind before agreeing to be a backup artist/writer that you will be given a second wish to fulfill in the event that someone cannot fulfill it.

Sounds cool! Where’s the Wish List Form?
Right here! Either copy it into your reply or PM.

Wish List Form!

Please understand that by filling this out, you are committing to participate in The Lunar Fanworks Exchange for 2007. You will be expected to complete at a minimum a fanfic of 500 or more words or a cleaned up pencil sketch for another member of the community.

What you’d like me to call you.

A working one that you check regularly, please. I won’t pass it around, I promise.

If you have it and don’t mind giving it out, AIM would help me get questions to you faster.

Games you prefer to write/draw for:
Since the Lunar games are vastly different from each other, I need to know which games you know and love. Please do not put “all.” List them.

Characters you prefer to write/draw for:
Again, with so many characters to choose from, this will help me in creating good matches. You don’t need to list all of your favorites, just the ones you feel most comfortable with.

Pairings you prefer to write/draw for:
Same idea as above.

Anything you absolutely do not want to write/draw:
Please be specific, just remember PG-13 is the limit for this exchange.

Are you willing to be a backup writer or artist?
A back-up writer/artist is someone who will take on a second assignment if, for some reason, the original Secret Santa was unable to finish. Preference will be given to those who have already completed their first project, and you will never be forced to be a back-up writer if you say yes now - I will ask you, and you will always have the right to refuse should something come up.

And now the fun part! Here is where you get to ask Santa for your gifts. For your requests, please submit five different ones. The requests may be as specific or vague as you'd like, but I ask that you do not specify if you want a story or a piece of artwork. Pairing or characters would probably be a good thing to include, along with a scenario, theme or anything else that might get your Santa's spark going.

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Questions asked via PM/Email:

Post by Karthur »

Questions asked via PM/Email:

Can I request characters from my Lunar fanfiction?
You can, but please make sure there are other requests that do not include them in the event that your Santa is not familiar with your work.

Can I request smut if it is uploaded somewhere else?
No. Gifts will be delivered using the board.

What do you mean by PG-13?
PG-13 is a US rating of movies that are appropriate for Teenagers/Adults. It is similiar to the T rating for videogames. PG-13 movies contain some coarse language, moderate sensuality, moderate violence and may have some strong thematic elements. Google MPAA ratings for more information.

Are you participating?
It's kind of hard to coordinate a Secret Santa and then assign myself one that isn't so Secret ^_~ So, I'll probably sit this one out. If a backup writer/artist is needed, I may step in.

If not, can I make you a goodie for your troubles in setting this up?
Aww...that's sweet. Sure. I feel loved!
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Post by PrettyGirlJean »



I don't use it at the moment since I only have the internet on my husbands comp - if/when that changes I'll be sure to update my post!

Games you prefer to write/draw for:
Lunar: TSS & Lunar: SSSC
Lunar: EB & Lunar: EBC
(But any others are okay too.)

Characters you prefer to write/draw for:
Ghaleon (Any Ghal, ie. Young, Magic Emperor, Premiere, etc), Kyle, Luna, Jessica, Alex, Jean, Leo/Mystere. I hate to be a butt, but I'd love to draw any of the characters from all of the games. I'm comfortable with writing about all of them too ^^

Pairings you prefer to write/draw for:
Jean/Mystere ^^ hehe
(Again, any are okay though)

Anything you absolutely do not want to write/draw:
I'm not too fond of Borgan really, or Lunn for that matter...(But if someone REEeeeally wants something...maybe. ^_~)

Are you willing to be a backup writer or artist?
Not at this time, but if things change I'll be sure to edit this post :)

REQUEST 1: Fic/Pic with my lunar fanfic characters Yasuo and Portia. (If more reference is needed please let me know). As far as art, I don't have anything specific in mind since I'd just be delighted to have more fanart of them. It could be a scene from the story, a funny pic with them, or a romantic one even. Please see the following link if you're interested in taking a gander at the fic itself.( ... /tear.html)

REQUEST 2: Anything with Ghaleon. Ghaleon is best. Best what? Do not ask, he is just best ;p Anyhow, Ghaleon is easily my favorite Lunar character so any gift involving him is awesome.

REQUEST 3: Hmm, fic/pic of any/all of the "good guys" and "bad guys" on opposite sides. For example if Mia was actually born apart of the Vile Tribe while Xenobia was a quiet yet full of resolve magic user who grew up in Vane :)

REQUEST 4: Now my last request is weird I guess, but I can see how it could be really hilarious too... Any/all the Lunar characters dressing as other characters, or maybe switching genders. Sometimes I think it's neat when artists, for example, draw pictures of both the male and female "versions" of a character.

On a side note, I know we're suppose to be more specific, but I feel for what I'm requesting it's too restrictive to give particular characters, I'd really like to see how my secret santa will run with my requests :) However, if something needs to be changed I'll definitely do so.

I think this idea is great, thanks a lot! ^_^b

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Post by Kazie Solo »

Kazie Solo


Kazie Solo

Games you prefer to write/draw for:
Silver Star Story Complete, Legend

Characters you prefer to write/draw for:
Alex, Luna, Nall, Mia, Nash, Xenobia, Phacia. I also have this inclination towards Noah and Saria (Alex's parents) as well as post-SSSC/LL Nall (but before he meets up with Hiro and the gang).

Pairings you prefer to write/draw for:
Alex/Luna, Nash/Mia, Xenobia/Ghaleon (one-sided for this one, though) and maybe Nall/randomfish. xD

Anything you absolutely do not want to write/draw:
Smut, lemon, slash, shonen-ai/yaoi, het, shoujo-ai/yuri, incest and the like. Crack and non-canon/experimental pairings are okay with me as long as they're male/female.

Are you willing to be a backup writer or artist?
I don't mind!

REQUEST 1: Alex/Luna. Growing up together can cause confusing feelings, so I'd like to see Alex or Luna at that point in their lives when he/she realizes that "it's love."
REQUEST 2: Anything Dyne/Lemia. Indulge me.
REQUEST 3: Nall playing matchmaker to Nash and Mia.
REQUEST 4: Kyle having problems with his child, who's probably a naughty toddler by then, with Jess just watching him screw up.
REQUEST 5: Anything Ronfar/Mauri.
<font color=pink>Beware of Phyco the Bunny Master, Lunartic the metal-rolling-pin-wielding Diva Sweetheart, and Kazie the White Bunny. We are going to take over... er, save the world!

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Post by LuNaRtIc »



AIM: shaexgrace
(but I'm not on AIM much)

Games you prefer to write/draw for:
+ LL

Characters you prefer to write/draw for:
Nall (in any way shape or form. xD) Ruby, Jessica, Jean, Lemia, Nash, Alex, Luna, Ghaleon, Royce, Mia, Hiro, Lucia

Those characters are some of my best. Above all else, Nall is my first preference. But I'm pretty comfortable with all of them.

Pairings you prefer to write/draw for:
I'm best at writing SSSC pairings, and Nall/Ruby, but I can do EBC pairings as well. Also, let me add that I'm open to ANY kind of pairings.

Anything you absolutely do not want to write/draw:
Nope! I'll write/draw anything! Angst, Humor, Yaoi, Yuri, Shonen/Shojo Ai, Crack, Original Characters, Cross overs... bring it on! >D

Are you willing to be a backup writer or artist?

REQUEST 1: A Christmas Piece
A fanwork featuring Christmas Eve at Taben's Peak. It should have Nall and the kids in it of course, whether or not to include Hiro and the gang is up to you. :)

Nall Fanart
I know the FAQ says not to specify, but I'd really like to see a nice human or adult dragon Nall fanart done for once. -__-; There aren't enough out there. Sorry if that's too vague. ^^;
If the adult dragon form is chosen, all I really want is a head shot, it doesn't have to be full body. I think Nall's a beautiful dragon and I don't see enough detailed close ups of his face. :(

REQUEST 3: The Adventures of Lunartic and Nall! :D
What kind of chaos would ensue if I could spend a day with Nall? xD It can be crazy, happy, sad, angsty, confusing... anything! Have fun with it!

REQUEST 4: A Nall signature banner.
Am I allowed to request this? If not, let me know and I'll change it. I'd just like a nice, decent Nall sig I can use after the Lunar Tournament is over. :D

REQUEST 5: And if there are any brave souls out there...
Alex/Nall shonen ai. ^^;; All I ask is for some light Fluff. I think it's cute if Nall has some kind of 'secret crush' on Alex. Alex can still be straight and date Luna and stuff though, if you want lol. xD

Oooh, and my secret santa might like to know that my favorite form of Nall is his human form. Anyway, did I fill that out right? If my requests are too vague/specific, or if I need to change a request, let me know.
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Post by Kizyr »

Ok, here goes!

Wish List Form!

Name: Kizyr

E-mail: kizyr -at-

AIM: Sir Kizyr

(SPECIAL NOTE: Fiction and drawing aren't my fortes. But you can expect something else just as good from my end, depending on what suits the request the best.)

Games you prefer to write/draw for:
1. Any official manga
2. Lunar EB / EBC
3. Lunar TSS
4. Lunar SSS
5. Lunar WS / MS
6. Lunar Legend
7. Lunar DS
(so really, all, but this is a preferential order)

Characters you prefer to write/draw for:
1. Leo / Mystere
2. The Four Heroes (Lemia, Mel, Ghaleon, and Dyne)
3. Damon
4. Ellie, Lena, Senia, and Wing (WS continuity)

Pairings you prefer to write/draw for:
1. Leo+Jean
2. Tempest+Fresca
3. Hiro+Lucia

Anything you absolutely do not want to write/draw:
1. Any matchups between characters that are already matched--like Mauri with Hiro.
2. Slash. Hell no.

Are you willing to be a backup writer or artist?

REQUEST 1: Anything romantic between Leo (or Mystere) and Jean.
REQUEST 2: Anything comical involving Mystere
REQUEST 3: Combine #1 and #2 for twice the fun!
REQUEST 4: Parody of the Lunar cast (from TSS, EB, or MS) in a movie poster or trailer (i.e., can be either artwork or fanfic style)
REQUEST 5: Comedic animated GIF of any major character (use whatever source you want--game rips or fan-made art are both good)

Ok, yeah, #5 would end up being artwork... so that can be scrapped from the list. Although, I can't think of an alternate fifth... KF
~Kizyr (they|them)

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Post by Ian Nathaniel Cohen »

Already sent this as PM, but what the heck (plus I needed to clarify and tidy up one or two thingies).

Ian Nathaniel Cohen



Games you prefer to write/draw for:
Lunar SSSC
Lunar Legend

Characters you prefer to write/draw for:
Kyle, Jessica, Dyne(Laike), Ghaleon, Nash, Mia

Pairings you prefer to write/draw for:
Kyle/Jessica, Ghaleon & Dyne buddy stories (I don't do slash), Nash/Mia

Anything you absolutely do not want to write/draw:
No drawing assignments, please - I'm a very slow drawer. And as mentioned above, I don't do slash.

Are you willing to be a backup writer or artist?
I'm afraid not - can't spare the time

REQUEST 1: Story about Dyne & Ghaleon having a chat (non-slash)
REQUEST 2: Kyle telling his drinking buddies about his adventures
REQUEST 3: Picture of Kyle & Jessica in heroic poses
REQUEST 4: Romantic pic of Kyle & Jessica together
REQUEST 5: Kyle/Jessica romantic comedy (story)
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Post by Karthur »

Last chance to sign up! I'm giving y'all an extra day because I was unable to post a reminder. Assignments will be done Saturday Night!

So far, I have the following people signed up:

Ian Nathaniel Cohen
Kazie Solo

If you signed up and your name doesn't appear here, PM me. I may have missed it.
Last edited by Karthur on Sat Nov 25, 2006 5:03 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by Agawa »




Games you prefer to write/draw for:
-I can probably handle Magic School characters + characters from Childhood's End, although I don't know the story of either very well.

Characters you prefer to write/draw for:
Anyone, really.

Pairings you prefer to write/draw for:
Mia/Nash, Ronfar/Mauri, canon.

Anything you absolutely do not want to write/draw:
Nothing that I can think of off the top of my head.

Are you willing to be a backup writer or artist?

REQUEST 1:Leo visiting Mauri and Ronfar in the middle of his journey, after the end of EBC.
REQUEST 2:Mia and Nash trying to rebuild Vane.
REQUEST 3:Nall and Ruby, at least a century after EBC.
REQUEST 4:Something Ronfar/Mauri
REQUEST 5:Really, anything funny with Leo or Mystere. Heck, anything with him period.

So you've probably picked up on my favorite characters from reading that, and if you absolutely don't want to do any of them, or they're too closed for you, or you think you have something that I'd like just as much...well, go hogswild!

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Post by Angelalex242 »

Wish List Form!

Please understand that by filling this out, you are committing to participate in The Lunar Fanworks Exchange for 2007. You will be expected to complete at a minimum a fanfic of 500 or more words or a cleaned up pencil sketch for another member of the community.

I go by Alex, when I get a chance.



Games you prefer to write/draw for:
I am well familiar with both SSSC and EBC...but only the remakes.

Characters you prefer to write/draw for:
Lucia is my specialty (surprise surprise) but I can handle any of the characters.

Pairings you prefer to write/draw for:
Lucia/Hiro, or any.

Anything you absolutely do not want to write/draw:
Just remember I can't draw. I'm a writer, not an artist.

Are you willing to be a backup writer or artist?
I don't mind. But again, I'm no artist.

And now the fun part! Here is where you get to ask Santa for your gifts. For your requests, please submit five different ones. The requests may be as specific or vague as you'd like, but I ask that you do not specify if you want a story or a piece of artwork. Pairing or characters would probably be a good thing to include, along with a scenario, theme or anything else that might get your Santa's spark going.

REQUEST 1: Lucia at Beach
REQUEST 2: Christmas Lucia
REQUEST 3: Charmingly clueless Lucia
REQUEST 4: Lucia being groupsnugged by Nall's Orphans.
REQUEST 5: Divine Lucia
Don't blame me, Lucia promised me lots of snuggles and cuddles if I would be her PR guy.


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Post by Karthur »

Folks, it's going to be Saturday (12/2) before I send you your Secret Santas. Sorry for the delay. Work is kicking my butt.

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Post by Maiku »

There is absolutely no way I can sign up right? Regardless of when I joined, I just now saw this notice... Do I get a freebie? =P If so, I'll be more than happy to re-edit my post once I get back from work.
Revised Post with Previous (As seen above)



I don't prefer IMs, but MSN IM is something I do have.

Games you prefer to write/draw for:
Only LSSSC, since I'm familiar about it the most.

Characters you prefer to write/draw for:
Regular Alex, Luna, Small-size Nall, Jessica, Kyle, Mia, Nash, Tempest, Fresca, Ghaleon.

Pairings you prefer to write/draw for:

Anything you absolutely do not want to write/draw:
Nothing TOO explicit. I also will not draw/write Althena, the Vile Tribe sisters, Ramus, any of the Four Heroes, Dragonmaster Alex or Grown-Up Nall. For some reason, too difficult for me.

Are you willing to be a backup writer or artist?
Sorry, I'm not up for it.

And now the fun part! Here is where you get to ask Santa for your gifts. For your requests, please submit five different ones. The requests may be as specific or vague as you'd like, but I ask that you do not specify if you want a story or a piece of artwork. Pairing or characters would probably be a good thing to include, along with a scenario, theme or anything else that might get your Santa's spark going.

REQUEST 1: Sketch of Luna standing in a field of Sakura trees.
REQUEST 2: A cute chibi drawing of Alex handing Luna a christmas gift.
REQUEST 3: A cute chibi drawing of cat-size Nall nestled with a fish plushie.
REQUEST 4: Another chibi drawing showing Mia kissing a blushing Nash on the cheek under a misaltoe (I know I didn't spell that right).
REQUEST 5: A detailed faceshot sketch of any of the characters from LSSSC with shadows and color.
Last edited by Maiku on Fri Dec 01, 2006 7:47 am, edited 6 times in total.

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Post by Benevolent_Ghaleon »

I don't quite understand the PG-13 limitation. I didn't read the ENTIRETY of the first post so i'm not sure, but are all of arts and fics required to be posted on the site or the forum?

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Post by Karthur »

Maiku: Yes, you can join because I'm running behind :)
Benevolent_Ghaleon: The gifts will be posted on the forum, so they must adhere to the PG-13 rule.
"Even if I close my eyes the world will not disappear." -- Mathiu Silverberg, Suikoden I

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