So, how did everyone discover Lunar?

This board is for general discussion of Lunar. Especially things such as Lunar merchandise, general discussions about the story that span more than one game, etc.
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Re: So, how did everyone discover Lunar?

Post by Final Night »

First post, woo!

I had a friend who started using the screen name Luna online. She told me all about Lunar and I was just intrigued enough that I had to go get SSC. I LOVED it. The music still takes me back to warm fuzzy moments.

Later on when Eternal Blue Complete came out, I wasn't smart enough to pre-order but still wanted it the day it came out. However, we got hit with a pretty severe snow storm, so it was delayed in getting to our EB. I called every day for four days until it finally came in. When I finally heard that it was in I went that evening to get it. When I got there the guy at the counter asked me if I was the one who kept calling. I sheepishly said that I was and he gave me an extra Ghaleon puppet that someone hadn't wanted when they picked up their preorder.
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Re: So, how did everyone discover Lunar?

Post by DragnMasterHiro »

I saw the ads for TSS in GamePro and EGM at the time, back in..(checks TSS release year) o man, 1993.. 17 years ago.. Yikes I'm old. lol.

A new game store had opened up and had sent out flyers for specials. One of them were for a Sega CD system. I rounded up all my NES and Genesis games I was not going to play anymore, traded them in for that and TSS and was in heaven. And thus begin my many, many, MANY hours spent on WD games for years to come. (and $$$ on Lunar merchendise, yikes!)

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Re: So, how did everyone discover Lunar?

Post by Lyriel »

I saw the ad for TSS in GamePro magazine back in late 1993. I was blown away by the screenshots. I did not have a Sega CD, however (although I did have a Genesis), and being only 13, I didn't really have the financial means to get one... but I would always remember that game (mainly because I kept the magazine with the ad in it!).

I would also see the ad for Eternal Blue (the three-page spread) a couple years later. I asked again about getting a Sega CD that Christmas... but got a Playstation instead.

Needless to say, when I found out that not only was TSS being remade, but it would be for the Playstation, I was thrilled. I would get SSSC for my 19th birthday from my then-boyfriend, and EBC the day it FINALLY came out in 2000 as a Christmas present to myself.
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Re: So, how did everyone discover Lunar?

Post by whitedragon_nall »

I saw an ad for SSSC in a magazine and thought it looked like a game my sister would enjoy. She liked RPG's, so when her birthday came around, she asked her boyfriend to buy it for her...and he did. She barely gave the game a chance before she decided she didn't like it.

A few months later, she decided to trade it in and get store credit for a different game. For whatever reason, I, the dumb kid with very few RPG's under his belt, decided to ask her if I can have it. She wanted the store credit so it ended up costing me 10 dollars.

So for 10 dollars, I got an awesome game, my favorite series, and an almost insatiable craving for RPG's. It really upsets me that I didn't start many 90's RPG's I missed. :cry:

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Re: So, how did everyone discover Lunar?

Post by TheBlackPigeon »

Lunar: The Silver Star first graced my television screen on December 25, 1993. A pretty awesome Christmas, in retrospec. My friends and I were hooked, and I'll never forget the good times we had trying to kick the Magic Emperor's teeth in, and all the jokes we'd crack about Ghaleon's voice (Yeah, we loved John's performance for all the wrong reasons.)

It's a torrid love affair that continues to this very day. "My apprentice NAAAAAASSSSSSSSSHHH...."

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Re: So, how did everyone discover Lunar?

Post by StrawberryFlower »

I don't really remember how I discovered Lunar, but I do remember that my best friend (at the time) and I wanted to rent games and we saw SSC sitting on the shelf. We couldn't stop playing for days and loved to sing all of the songs. I remember we had such a hard time beating Ghaleon the first time, and when we finally did we cried with joy. Then we discovered it was just an illusion! Holy fudge! My friend broke the game, so we couldn't play anymore after that. :(

Then, years ago I got it again and finally beat it several months ago. XD
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Re: So, how did everyone discover Lunar?

Post by Alunissage »

Your friend broke a rented game?

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Re: So, how did everyone discover Lunar?

Post by Silver Phoenix »

TSS is better, SSSC deserved to be broken. I have spoken!

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Re: So, how did everyone discover Lunar?

Post by StrawberryFlower »

Alunissage wrote:Your friend broke a rented game?
Yeah, he did. XD He was younger than me and had to buy the game. >.> I forgot how he did it, as it was sooo long ago. O.o
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Re: So, how did everyone discover Lunar?

Post by ShindoW »

I was in an old EBGames at the mall and I saw the cover for the LE (it was complete, too!) Snagged it for $35 at the time and was surprised at how much the plot differed from my impressions on the cover. I ended up loving this game, it brings back so many memories... then Lunar 2 came out. It's up there with my best games of all time next to Persona 4.

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Re: So, how did everyone discover Lunar?

Post by Vyse of Arcadia »

A friend of mine in middle school got SSSC. Years later, in high school, I finally got my own Playstation and both SSSC and EB. The same friend also introduced me to Grandia, Xenogears, and Suikoden. He's more or less completely responsible for my current taste in RPGs.

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Re: So, how did everyone discover Lunar?

Post by Old_School »

Vyse of Arcadia wrote:A friend of mine in middle school got SSSC. Years later, in high school, I finally got my own Playstation and both SSSC and EB. The same friend also introduced me to Grandia, Xenogears, and Suikoden. He's more or less completely responsible for my current taste in RPGs.
Sounds like a very good friend, indeed!

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Re: So, how did everyone discover Lunar?

Post by ajuice21 »

Shortly after I got my PSX (as a Christmas present), I saw my uncle playing SSSC, and thought it looked pretty awesome. Being the nice guy he is, he let me borrow it. I played it non-stop for weeks, (I was young, I wasn't the greatest video game player), until one day I tried to load up my game... but it was gone! I'd gotten to the grindery, and my save not being there was a real blow. It wasn't until years later that I found the game at a local video game store, payed a ridiculous amount of money for it, and beat it. Haven't looked back since.

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Re: So, how did everyone discover Lunar?

Post by Elie »

My best online friend at the time (about, oh, ten years ago?) kept telling me how good the Lunar games were (Playstation versions; neither of us owned Sega CDs). So I looked up information about it... and ran into articles and translations about the SIDE game, Magic School Lunar. I became obsessed with learning more about the game since there was next to nothing about it on the Internet at the time, and finally picked up my own copy of the Saturn version... BEFORE I even played Silver Star Story.

So yeah, that's why I'm such an obsessive LMS fan here, heh... Of course, I love all three games.

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Re: So, how did everyone discover Lunar?

Post by Zhane Masaki »

I was becoming an otaku and I saw it had good anime clips, fell in love with it once I found out more.
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Re: So, how did everyone discover Lunar?

Post by Dragon Master Lunar81 »

I wish I could remember the original Lunar's release but it was a little before my time. (I was 3 when it came out in Japan) My first remembrance of a Lunar game is reading a review of it and seeing a full page advertisement in 1998-99 for Lunar SSSC. It looked interesting but at the time wasn't really interested. (Sadly, I was more interested at the time with FFVIII) Never gave it a second thought.

Then a couple of months later, or maybe a year later, saw a strategy article of Lunar EBC and it was a complete strategy guide of the epilogue up to and including the Star Dragon. I read through that and thought what a pretty game and it was very intriguing. Then I went to my local second hand gaming store (now bankrupt) and saw a copy of it used but looking new with everything included in the original package for $30. (I kick myself to this day for not buying it) but I was a kid and I didn't have the money so then a year or two after that I found Lunar-NET.

One thing I cannot remember though is how I found Lunar-NET. I wish I could remember but I have no recollection. I also can't remember whether I found Lunar-NET and then played Lunar or vice versa. However, I do remember my first e-bay purchase which was Lunar SSSC for $100. It was my birthday present from my grandparents.

I've been at Lunar-NET for seven years ever since. On and Off of course but I remember the days when I was on it religiously. The days of the RP.

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Re: So, how did everyone discover Lunar?

Post by Solana »

My cousin was the one who introduced it to my brothers and me. (As with most other games. 8-) ) He had a Sega CD and I remember when we were watching him play it the first time through, and trying to figure out where the Grindery was. (We missed the clue about the water.) He's the one who got me into games and more specifically RPGs in the first place.
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Re: So, how did everyone discover Lunar?

Post by Sophia »

I think it was at a Best Buy I first saw the box for Lunar 2: Eternal Blue Complete. I spent several minutes staring at it wondering what it was (and failing to realize I could open the front to read what it was about...). Checked out an online review and was a bit hesitant to try the game because of the graphics (I was so shallow!). But when my birthday came up I decided I just had to get Lunar 2 as my present.

Best decision I ever made!

Lunar 1 Side Story: After finishing L2 I decided I needed to get the first game. I had my parents drive me to every EBGames/Gamestop/Best Buy/Rhino/etc in the area to find a copy but to no avail! I was a sad panda and ready to call it a day, but my parents recommended we stop by a Wal-mart on the way home just to see if they had it. Sure enough, they did! Among a pile of L2 boxes was a single Silver Star Story Complete box. It was a bit banged up and half-priced. Must've been on that shelf for ages. I got it and it's been proudly displayed on my shelf ever since. Ah, memories...

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Re: So, how did everyone discover Lunar?

Post by Arya »

I believe it was 11th grade science class when my science teacher told me about it. He recommended it to me, so I decided to try it out. I'm glad I took his advice.

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Re: So, how did everyone discover Lunar?

Post by Audric »

I was like 12 or 13 yrs old and i seen the Box of Eternal Blue complete, saved up allowence and bought it a couple months later, glad i did, fav game

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