Sequel or Prequel

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Lunar 3 should it be Sequel or Prequel

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Sequel or Prequel

Post by lutomboy »

What do you want Lunar 3 to be a Prequel or a sequel
Personally I never liked prequels (you already know how it ends) so I would chose a sequel with a new set of characters

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Re: Sequel or Prequel

Post by Kizyr »

If they do a prequel, it'll likely end up like another Lunar: Dragon Song. Also, they tend to really screw with continuity that way...

A sequel would be greatly preferred. The only exception would be a prequel involving the Four Heroes. Kei Shigema has already mentioned in interviews that he sees the history of heroism on Lunar centered around three places: the story of Dragonmaster Alex, the story of Dragonmaster Dyne, and the story of Hiro. So, Dyne's tale would fit in there pretty well. KF
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Re: Sequel or Prequel

Post by lutomboy »

But in the games Lunar SSS you pretty much get the idea and the ending ( I hate knowing the ending before I start a game) and besides what would be the fun in playing a game that you already know everything about I would rather have something new and fresh like 1000 years after Lunar EB

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Re: Sequel or Prequel

Post by Kizyr »

lutomboy wrote:But in the games Lunar SSS you pretty much get the idea and the ending ( I hate knowing the ending before I start a game) and besides what would be the fun in playing a game that you already know everything about I would rather have something new and fresh like 1000 years after Lunar EB
Well, knowing the ending won't be that big a deal since you're pretty much assured that, if you have to save the world, then you will end up saving the world. I think the more important consideration is that the Lunar creators probably won't care all that much about continuity, so it might be inconsistent with what happens in later games.

In general, a fresh, new approach is really needed for another game to be as good as either EB or TSS. And for that, a sequel is the way to go.

After over a decade of speculation, the two most popular ideas tend to be:
1) Four Heroes story, a prequel to TSS, and
2) About 1000 years after Lunar: EB, with the setting being between both Lunar and the partially-revived Blue Star

I favor number 2. KF
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Re: Sequel or Prequel

Post by lutomboy »

same here
i Want them to add to the story and not go back

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Re: Sequel or Prequel

Post by Dark_Fairy »

I voted prequel and that's only if its about the Four Heros. I want to know more about Dyne, Ghaleon, Mel, and Lemia. Seeing them in a game would be awesome too. Otherwise, a sequel would be my choice.

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Re: Sequel or Prequel

Post by GhaleonOne »

I favor a sequel as well, but it should be noted a lot of people talked about a prequel set on the destruction of the Blue Star as well. In fact, that was a reason why I hated the name Lunar Genesis for the DS game. Granted, Genesis doesn't have to mean the very beginning, but when I think of a genesis, I think of the creation and earliest history of a world.

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Re: Sequel or Prequel

Post by lutomboy »

are they making a new Lunar for the DS (Lunar Genesis ) :shock:

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Re: Sequel or Prequel

Post by Sonic# »

lutomboy wrote:are they making a new Lunar for the DS (Lunar Genesis ) :shock:
Heh, I wish. Genesis was what Dragon Song was called while in development. They changed the name to Dragon Song due to a vote for names on this site.
lutomboy wrote: But in the games Lunar SSS you pretty much get the idea and the ending ( I hate knowing the ending before I start a game) and besides what would be the fun in playing a game that you already know everything about I would rather have something new and fresh like 1000 years after Lunar EB
You should look up Lufia sometime. It starts... at the end! Or a end... I have trouble remembering this late in the night (for me... long day).

And... it's not like we really know that much about Dyne, at least not in the games now out. I wouldn't mind a prequel then, but I like the idea of a sequel... and I would even like for them to play with the story a lot in that. Maybe not have a hero... at least not in the traditional sense.

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Re: Sequel or Prequel

Post by Werefrog »

Sonic# wrote: You should look up Lufia sometime. It starts... at the end! Or a end... I have trouble remembering this late in the night (for me... long day).
The first Lufia starts at the end of the second Lufia game (it's the prologue), so yeah, you're right. I've always wondered if I would have enjoyed Lufia II more if I hadn't known the ending beforehand. I'm not entirely sure. The ending would have probably been better, but there are a few moments during the game that would lose their bittersweet quality. So, I guess it's a toss-up.

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Re: Sequel or Prequel

Post by Alunissage »

GhaleonOne wrote:I favor a sequel as well, but it should be noted a lot of people talked about a prequel set on the destruction of the Blue Star as well. In fact, that was a reason why I hated the name Lunar Genesis for the DS game. Granted, Genesis doesn't have to mean the very beginning, but when I think of a genesis, I think of the creation and earliest history of a world.
Not to mention that the storyline of Genesis took place after Lunar's Exodus. :P

I'd only favor a Four Heroes prequel if I were involved to make sure it came out right. Which is also my basic problem with fanfic: no one gets it right by doing exactly what I think it should be. :P I'd have an easier time with other pre-TSS history because it's not so clearly fleshed out. I'd like a story about one of the other dragonmasters, preferably a female (and even better, a beastwoman). After EB, there are no dragonmasters, so unless Althena were revived -- which I think could be done -- there are too few elements of the original stories left to feel like Lunar.

Another "prequel", or perhaps an inquel, might be one set between TSS and EB. There's that backstory about the Serak Palace, which indeed I think would be a good vehicle for reintroducing Althena (incarnated as the founder of the palace, and thus providing both prophecy and her Tears/Aura for future use in Hiro's time). Maybe it's just that I recently reread most of Asimov's Foundation series, but it's not difficult for me to think of reasons why she might remain in existence even after making that recording.

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Re: Sequel or Prequel

Post by phyco126 »

Sorry, but I would not like to see a Lunar exactly 1000 years after EB/C. I mean, doesn't that ring a bell on Rule #172 (or whatever number it is) on the RPG Rules? If anything bad is gonna happen, it will happen 1000 years exactly from the time it happened last time, to the T.


4 heros story or sequel is my bet. Would love to adventure with the SSSC/TSS gang again though. *sigh*

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Re: Sequel or Prequel

Post by Lunariel »

I would go with Sequel, I've been waiting for one for awhile ever since I watched the DvD that I got with my Lunar 2 boxed set.

Yes, this may sound retarded, but I would like to see Lucia and Hiro have..a kid. And Ruby having herself a human form, and dating Nall; watching over the kids blah blah.

Just a thought ^^;

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Re: Sequel or Prequel

Post by SnickieX »

I'd rather have a Prequel, explaining what Hell Mel, Ghaleon, Dyne, and Lemia did to make themselves famous, although it'd be another SSS, I suppose, since that would've been like 20 years prior.

Sequel arguments would be that you would have more of a story, though, and it may be

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Re: Sequel or Prequel

Post by Alex_Pwns_Hiro »

Sonic# wrote:
lutomboy wrote:are they making a new Lunar for the DS (Lunar Genesis ) :shock:
Heh, I wish. Genesis was what Dragon Song was called while in development. They changed the name to Dragon Song due to a vote for names on this site.
lutomboy wrote: But in the games Lunar SSS you pretty much get the idea and the ending ( I hate knowing the ending before I start a game) and besides what would be the fun in playing a game that you already know everything about I would rather have something new and fresh like 1000 years after Lunar EB
You should look up Lufia sometime. It starts... at the end! Or a end... I have trouble remembering this late in the night (for me... long day).

And... it's not like we really know that much about Dyne, at least not in the games now out. I wouldn't mind a prequel then, but I like the idea of a sequel... and I would even like for them to play with the story a lot in that. Maybe not have a hero... at least not in the traditional sense.

Wait, they changed names due to a vote on THIS site? Lunar-net? lol Are you serious?

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Re: Sequel or Prequel

Post by Kizyr »

Alex_Pwns_Hiro wrote:Wait, they changed names due to a vote on THIS site? Lunar-net? lol Are you serious?
The vote was between five names that UbiSoft was considering on the main site. One of the five ("Dark Skies") was my suggestion, and I can't recall which of the others were G1's or a few others' suggestions. In any case, "Dragon Song" won the poll, and Ubi decided to go with that.

Some of the old news articles here mention that. KF
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Re: Sequel or Prequel

Post by lutomboy »

Hay if they changed it because of this site that would be a good thing it shows that they care what we think I just wish they would hurry up and ask us what we want on the next Lunar game :D

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Re: Sequel or Prequel

Post by ilovemyguitar »

lutomboy wrote:Hay if they changed it because of this site that would be a good thing it shows that they care what we think I just wish they would hurry up and ask us what we want on the next Lunar game :D
You do realize that L-Net was the official US website for both Lunar Legend and Lunar: Dragon Song, right?

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Re: Sequel or Prequel

Post by lutomboy »

NO :shock: I did not WOW you learn something everyday
Thank you

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Re: Sequel or Prequel

Post by SwordKing »

Although I would prefer a sequel to a prequel, I do have one minor concern about making a sequel. Hiro, Lucia, and their companions defeated Zophar, the equivalent of Satan in the Lunar Universe. How could the sequel possibly top something like that?

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