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Madden 2006 and EA's evil Take over

Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2005 6:21 am
by segaboy7
I know This has prolly been talked about for soo long, but I just have to get this off my chest. So Madden 2006 is finally out, and now is the only football game around thanks to those @#*$@#'s at EA. Is Anyone going to buy this game after reveiws are showing to be the worst for a madden game ever? EA is one of the most deceitful video game companys, and aside of Sports, Burnout(which they bought from Accalim after they went under) and Need for speed series, their games really really suck. I hope to god that NHL 2k6 kicks the crap out of EA's NHL 2006. Not to mention that EA is trying to buy out Ubisoft. Could you imagine a Lunar game, or Prince of Persia game By EA, they would RUIN IT, that would be like if Square-Enix got ahold of Lunar, bad enough they have Grandia. Anyway back to the main point, am I the only one that hates this blood thristy company?

Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2005 11:44 am
by drumlord
Square Enix essentially did get ahold of Lunar. I don't know the details, but they made some kind of acquisition or major stock purchase of GameArts a couple years back.

edit: fixed stupid grammar

Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2005 12:50 pm
by Sonic#
I don't play sports games anymore, so... no, of course I won't be getting it, but ... I wonder for all those people that have no alternative... it does seem unfair that they don't have a choice.

Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2005 3:00 pm
by Greensky
Well... in my Nintendo Power magazine, it actually got a really good review. Not to mention that the graphics look amazing and the AI is smarter than ever. But anyways, I still wont buy it. I don't play many sports games, maybe some hocky now and then.

Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2005 3:38 pm
by Kizyr
Magazine reviews are generally long-winded (and paid) advertisements. I wouldn't pay much credence to the ratings they give.

Sports games in general seem to repetitive to me. And, I really don't like EA's business practices. KF

Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2005 6:05 pm

Sounds like somthing I'd write up. Last year ESPN football sold better on Xbox and almost even on PS2. So what does EA do? They said to themselves "Hmm, what can we do to fix this? Oh, lets take away peoples choice and force them to buy our game". And the sad thing is people will. But I won't buy it and I already pre ordered NHL 2k6 since I'm a bigger hockey fan than football anyway.

Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2005 7:35 pm
by segaboy7
yeah NHL 2K6 is looking pretty amazing, I just hope it lives up to 2K5 which is the best hockey game since well NHL 95 on the genesis. As for EA's Bussiness tactics, they are justing doing what microsoft does and just buy out the compition, I really hope this move hurts EA bad, and I mean really bad. This company has no heart, espically when it comes to their employees who by the way took EA to court for not paying their proper wages nor paying proper overtime wages. EA needs to go.