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Re: Jenner's Humorous ME2 Tangent Thread.

Posted: Sun Mar 21, 2010 9:14 pm
by Sophia
Jenner wrote:Also, I don't know about the rest of you but I'm having the biggest crush on Jack right now, she is SO AWESOME.
I'll never understand why Jack gets so much hate from the ME fanbase. I have a hearty laugh every time she calls me a horrible name or gives me an indifferent attitude. We're now good space buddies.
Jenner wrote:Hate Miranda...
Miranda was okay for someone who's most noteworthy feature is her rear end. I just wish she would actually talk to me instead of saying "she's busy" and "maybe another time". Bah!
Jenner wrote:That's always how I wanted my first experience with sex to end. M'just saying.
Agreed. It would truly be a night to remember. Too bad that didn't happen in my case. *sigh*

Re: Jenner's Humorous ME2 Tangent Thread.

Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2010 5:06 pm
by Jenner
Sophia wrote:
Jenner wrote:That's always how I wanted my first experience with sex to end. M'just saying.
Agreed. It would truly be a night to remember. Too bad that didn't happen in my case. *sigh*
We can change that. :3
Sophia wrote:
Jenner wrote:Also, I don't know about the rest of you but I'm having the biggest crush on Jack right now, she is SO AWESOME.
I'll never understand why Jack gets so much hate from the ME fanbase. I have a hearty laugh every time she calls me a horrible name or gives me an indifferent attitude. We're now good space buddies.
For serious, she is a strong female character who doesn't get too horribly chickified who can kick ass AND chew bubblegum at the same time. Yes, she harsh and unfeminine. It's what VIDEO GAMES NEED a female character who is not just an ass and a pair of breasts. Jack is my space BFF.
Sophia wrote:
Jenner wrote:Hate Miranda...
I just wish she would actually talk to me instead of saying "she's busy" and "maybe another time". Bah!
I'd make time for you.

Morinth's dominate power is FUN TIMES. But I'd rather have my save game carry Samara. What kind of lawful-awful paladin type wears an outfit like THAT I mean seriously... -.-


Re: Jenner's Humorous ME2 Tangent Thread.

Posted: Tue Mar 23, 2010 2:42 am
by Sophia
Oh ho, you. I'm sure our night together would be most fantabulous, suicide mission or not. (But a suicide mission would be nice)

I have to agree about Samara's's an okay costume by itself, but it seems to clash with Samara's super strict and super conservative personality. It's kind of like Dizzy from Guilty Gear. She's quiet and shy, and yet is half naked all the time. (And that "mobility" excuse is crap. CRAP!) And why in the world would you wear high heels if your job has you running around saving the galaxy from injustice? Oh Samara.

Also, have you seen Jack's new DLC costume? She's got sunglasses. 8-)

Re: Jenner's Humorous ME2 Tangent Thread.

Posted: Tue Mar 23, 2010 10:11 pm
by Jenner
Sophia wrote:Also, have you seen Jack's new DLC costume? She's got sunglasses. 8-)

OH -Dragon Diamond- PICS NAO. *goes looking*
Sophia wrote:And why in the world would you wear high heels if your job has you running around saving the galaxy from injustice? Oh Samara.
I dare say, she must be quite nimble indeed. They really need to fix the crazy eyes thing with the graphics. At first, I thought it was just Liara with her crazy eyetwitchings showing how she was going batshit. But other characters get all squinty and one eye bigger than the other too...

It's disconcerting, to say the least.

I <3 the bartender on Illium and I want to have her babies.

Re: Jenner's Humorous ME2 Tangent Thread.

Posted: Wed Mar 24, 2010 3:01 pm
by Sophia ... be-options

I just now noticed Thane too got some sunglasses but they look a bit silly on him.

And I do recall my Shepard having serious eye issues in the first Mass Effect. She couldn't get through a conversation without squinting and twitching one of her eyes. Didn't notice it as much in the second game...then again, I spent most of my time gawking over the fact that Shepard still has plastic helmet hair.

They spent so much time animated the'd think they could make better looking hair.

Re: Jenner's Humorous ME2 Tangent Thread.

Posted: Wed Mar 24, 2010 7:23 pm
by Jenner
Sophia wrote: ... be-options

I just now noticed Thane too got some sunglasses but they look a bit silly on him.

And I do recall my Shepard having serious eye issues in the first Mass Effect. She couldn't get through a conversation without squinting and twitching one of her eyes. Didn't notice it as much in the second game...then again, I spent most of my time gawking over the fact that Shepard still has plastic helmet hair.

They spent so much time animated the'd think they could make better looking hair.
Yeah plastic hair sticking up in places. Also, the butt-plates on the N7 armor. -.-

Interesting side note, watching other people's videos gives me a weird feeling. I've come to associate Commander Shepherd as looking like MY Shepherd so seeing a different Shepherd going about doing whatnot feels so awkward. Anyone else have this issue?

Re: Jenner's Humorous ME2 Tangent Thread.

Posted: Thu Mar 25, 2010 12:34 am
by Sonic#
Jenner wrote:
Sophia wrote: ... be-options

I just now noticed Thane too got some sunglasses but they look a bit silly on him.

And I do recall my Shepard having serious eye issues in the first Mass Effect. She couldn't get through a conversation without squinting and twitching one of her eyes. Didn't notice it as much in the second game...then again, I spent most of my time gawking over the fact that Shepard still has plastic helmet hair.

They spent so much time animated the'd think they could make better looking hair.
Yeah plastic hair sticking up in places. Also, the butt-plates on the N7 armor. -.-

Interesting side note, watching other people's videos gives me a weird feeling. I've come to associate Commander Shepherd as looking like MY Shepherd so seeing a different Shepherd going about doing whatnot feels so awkward. Anyone else have this issue?
Yes, particularly since I play as a female Shepherd, but even seeing another female one, it's usually a pretty big shock to find out they're not described the same. It's like asking someone else what Ged looks like in A Wizard of Earthsea, except more subjective (Syfy got it wrong back in the day, and LeGuin was pissed XD).

Re: Jenner's Humorous ME2 Tangent Thread.

Posted: Mon Mar 29, 2010 3:06 am
by Jenner
Goddamnit Svet-Kun, you overgeeked my thread and killed it. Now everyone's afraid to post here.

Dick move.

Re: Jenner's Humorous ME2 Tangent Thread.

Posted: Mon Mar 29, 2010 3:19 am
by Sonic#
Sorry. I make amends with funny video.

Re: Jenner's Humorous ME2 Tangent Thread.

Posted: Sat Apr 03, 2010 3:12 am
by Sophia
Let's try to keep the little bit of ME magic here alive. Though the only subject that comes to mind at the moment is...

Has anyone tried out that Hammerhead DLC? I've been meaning to download it (seeing as it looks like the final "free" DLC we'll be getting) but I'm too lazy to hook up my Xbawks to the modem. (No wireless internets because I live in the past)

Surely a flying tank must handle better than the Mako. Though I admit I miss the Mako's hilarious bouncing.

Re: Jenner's Humorous ME2 Tangent Thread.

Posted: Sat Apr 03, 2010 3:29 am
by Jenner
Sophia wrote:Let's try to keep the little bit of ME magic here alive. Though the only subject that comes to mind at the moment is...

Has anyone tried out that Hammerhead DLC? I've been meaning to download it (seeing as it looks like the final "free" DLC we'll be getting) but I'm too lazy to hook up my Xbawks to the modem. (No wireless internets because I live in the past)

Surely a flying tank must handle better than the Mako. Though I admit I miss the Mako's hilarious bouncing.
I am reluctant to DL the Hammerhead because I am still emotionally scarred from the Mako. I hated the Mako and how it handled like a stick of butter in a hot pan.

I believe these new outfits are just the old outfits but w/ glasses.

Re: Jenner's Humorous ME2 Tangent Thread.

Posted: Tue Apr 13, 2010 5:12 am
by Jenner
*shaking fist* Hammerhead Levels!!!!


Re: Jenner's Humorous ME2 Tangent Thread.

Posted: Mon Jun 28, 2010 1:01 am
by Sonic#
I play a female Shepard, and I'd been trying for a while to pursue a relationship with Miranda, only to realize that the option wasn't available. It fit perfectly with the personality I was tailoring for my character. Argh! I pondered then that I would enter into a relationship with no one, or Kelly, but Garrus now has some potential.

Re: Jenner's Humorous ME2 Tangent Thread.

Posted: Mon Jun 28, 2010 4:18 pm
by Jenner
Sonic# wrote:I play a female Shepard, and I'd been trying for a while to pursue a relationship with Miranda, only to realize that the option wasn't available. It fit perfectly with the personality I was tailoring for my character. Argh! I pondered then that I would enter into a relationship with no one, or Kelly, but Garrus now has some potential.
Tangent: On romance and Bioware.
Bioware has always done well in character writing. Making all the characters romance options and non personable and crafting unique people with specific interests. They did alright in Dragon Age: Origins (Alistair is a charming -Borgan-) their other titles, and Baldur's Gate (seducing Grey DeLesie, good times), Jade Empire, Planescape: Torment, Neverwinter Nights, Knights of the Old Republic. Mass Effect feels a little RUSHED in both games. You only have a handful of conversations with each because their dialog only shifts after each primary mission and there are only a few of those. I feel, especially in ME2, that they really kinda cheat you on love interests. So few of them are actually INTERESTING. It also infuriates me that there isn't a Gay Option in Mass Effect (except with Asari :/) It's the -Fatal Hopper- future, (There's one for each gender in Dragon Age and that is set in the PAST for -Fatal Hopper- sake) society is past all this DADT rubbish in the future and there is no reason you cannot be gay. (I really wanted to lesbian it up with Jack, as I love her so much. But it's a no go, and it pisses me off. Everything in the game suggests Jack should be a love interest for girls. Kelly says she approaches sex casually, Jack's own Dialog mentions several female "associations."(up until the very end), and Kasumi(DLC Character) suggest it heavily.) Rumors abound on the internet that the gay option was originally coded to be available with Jacob, Jack and Miranda but was taken out or not implemented.

But yeah, Thane is so... blah
Jacob is alright I guess
Morinth kills you.
Samara, so sad :/
and Kelly sucks, she doesn't love you. She's completely superficial.

Jack, Garrus and Tali are all AWESOME. And if you've played the first game Garrus and Tali are even MORE awesome because you've had so much interaction with them. (Tali is just so goddamn cute and I adore Garrus)

Consequentially, it is always difficult for me to reject those characters. As, my Shepherd has always been female and, canonically, always died alone (no romance.) Because I am emo.

It surprises me that you like Miranda, what is it about her?