What Are You Currently Playing?

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Re: What Are You Currently Playing?

Post by VidKid369 »

I caved. Imperial Knight’s posts didn’t help :p, but I ordered Dragon Quest III 2D-HD Remake as well as Star Ocean the Second Story R. I didn’t really get into Dragon Quest until I had played PS1 Dragon Warrior VII one summer and I fell in love. 200 hours were worth it. So much fun, lol. I, for one, am excited to play the earlier DQ games in some form and be able to experience what other RPG fans have been talking about. I probably won’t play it immediately just cause I know I’ll prob enjoy it and I want to get a few other things done first. Before playing the remake I kinda wanna go through the original Star Ocean: 2nd Story and finish Rena’s game and experience that first and be able to call the game complete. (Lord, I’ve gone thru Claude’s 3 times.)

Ahh!!! So many games,… so many things to do

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Re: What Are You Currently Playing?

Post by ShugoHanasaki »

VidKid369 wrote: Sun Dec 01, 2024 12:12 pm I caved. Imperial Knight’s posts didn’t help :p, but I ordered Dragon Quest III 2D-HD Remake as well as Star Ocean the Second Story R. I didn’t really get into Dragon Quest until I had played PS1 Dragon Warrior VII one summer and I fell in love. 200 hours were worth it. So much fun, lol. I, for one, am excited to play the earlier DQ games in some form and be able to experience what other RPG fans have been talking about. I probably won’t play it immediately just cause I know I’ll prob enjoy it and I want to get a few other things done first. Before playing the remake I kinda wanna go through the original Star Ocean: 2nd Story and finish Rena’s game and experience that first and be able to call the game complete. (Lord, I’ve gone thru Claude’s 3 times.)

Ahh!!! So many games,… so many things to do
Star Ocean 2 is one of, if not the best Star Ocean of all 6 games. I loved the original on PSX and PSP and I loved the remaster of the PSP version on PS4. I had a lot of fun playing it. I highly recommend it!

After playing Ys 10, I'm now starting Diablo 4
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Re: What Are You Currently Playing?

Post by VidKid369 »

Yes, Star Ocean: 2nd Story is one of my favorite-est JRPGs on PS1, whenever I go over my list of games I always think back to how I had so many great memories playing it. I’m actually trying to save money rn so I’m trying way hard not to splurge on so many video games (which I kinda did this year for the PS3 tryna catch up to games I haven’t gotten to yet). As of getting my PS5, I haven’t been too, too interested in that many games for the PS4 or 5 I’m more-or-less gonna get the Star Ocean 2 remake, Dragon Quest III remake & the Suikoden and LUNAR remasters next year and that’s it so far I’m telling myself. I’m planning to just stick to my plan of beating old games I have in my backlog for PS1, 2, 3 & PSP. I think it’ll be really hard but I’ve already beaten a few that’ve been bugging me but tbh I’m just trying to be careful abt money and maybe try platinuming some games to occupy my time some more. I think I’ve gotten to that point where I’ve gotten my fill of JRPG-gaming and I already have my favorites (I can re-play). Also, I’m on a-this #weightlossjourney and I’m trying to spend more time outside possibly walking/exercising rather than sitting on my butt all day inside. Fasting has made me feel better about myself and overall, so I wanna keep doing it. I do still love games tho! :)

Yeah I have First Departure R too and it plays a little bit like 2nd Story which I really like, I’ll get to it sometime! :)

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Re: What Are You Currently Playing?

Post by MaroonChan »

Working on replaying Grandia II yet again.

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Re: What Are You Currently Playing?

Post by Kizyr »

What am I currently playing?!?!?

Lunar: The Silver Star, for the Sega CD
~Kizyr (she/they)

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Re: What Are You Currently Playing?

Post by Sonic# »

I decided to pick up Final Fantasy XIII and play it. I missed it on release because I didn't have the PS3 or XB360. I'm in chapter 6 so far - really good! It's unlike the Lunar titles in a lot of ways, including how most of the party characters can't stand one another and seem very reluctant to cooperate. It is more like (maybe) Xenosaga, complete with mysterious otherworldly forces and an authoritarian government; maybe by the time I'm done with this, I'll be ready for Lunar.

"Than seyde Merlion, "Whethir lyke ye bettir the swerde othir the scawberde?" "I lyke bettir the swerde," seyde Arthure. "Ye ar the more unwyse, for the scawberde ys worth ten of the swerde; for whyles ye have the scawberde uppon you, ye shall lose no blood, be ye never so sore wounded. Therefore kepe well the scawberde allweyes with you." --- Le Morte Darthur, Sir Thomas Malory

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Re: What Are You Currently Playing?

Post by Imperial Knight »

I've now finished DQ3 HD-2D. My praise from before still applies, but I do have one significant complaint. The balance gets increasingly wonky in the back half of the game. This is due to a variety of factors but the short version is that the Monster Wrangler class they added to this version is overpowered. It's still the version of the game I'd recommend to newcomers and one of the better entry points to the series along with DQ11.

I've now started Unicorn Overlord. I'm still pretty early in the game (I haven't left Cornia yet and all my characters' levels are in the single digits) but I'm now at the point where it feels like I'm needing to think more about my setups. I have a couple of units I'm very happy with so far (a magically centered unit and a knight unit) while others probably still need some more tweaking. One thing I appreciate about the game is that the battles are relatively short for an SRPG, which makes it easy for me to squeeze one in each evening before bed.

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Re: What Are You Currently Playing?

Post by Alunissage »

Currently watching my husband play Fantasian while I knit. I have a deadline (friends going to see the Northern Lights next month and I promised to knit them hats, for which I am also custom-blending and spinning the yarns) so I'm not doing any playing myself. I currently have Mario and Luigi Brothership in progress and Final Fantasy V maybe 3/4ths done and hope I still remember what's going on when I get back to it -- but most likely I'll be doing some Lunaring after I finish knitting.

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Re: What Are You Currently Playing?

Post by ShugoHanasaki »

I've almost completed Diablo 4 trophies. I'm going to be diving into LOH: Trails Into Daybreak Part 2 in a couple weeks when I get it
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