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Re: What Are You Currently Playing?

Post by WD RPG WD »

Just finished Infinite Wealth after 165 hours. Loved it.

Just learned that Adachi, one of my favorite characters, is the voice actor for Dyne/Laike in SSSC. Pretty neat.

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Re: What Are You Currently Playing?

Post by Sonic# »

Oh yeah, I also just finished Infinite Wealth after almost 80 hours. I also loved it.

I'm curious where the extra play time comes from, WD. I did almost all of Kasuga's side quests, all of second protagonist's memory missions, everyone's heart links, completed many but not all of the games (didn't go past level 20 in Sujimon), did both basic dungeons (but no DLC dungeons), and set the game aside for now rather than playing around with Premium Adventure. I also spent quite a bit of time just taking in the vibes.

Since then, I've started Final Fantasy VII Rebirth but I haven't gotten far (just to exploring around Kalm), and I also have been goofing around with the digital board game Billion Road.

"Than seyde Merlion, "Whethir lyke ye bettir the swerde othir the scawberde?" "I lyke bettir the swerde," seyde Arthure. "Ye ar the more unwyse, for the scawberde ys worth ten of the swerde; for whyles ye have the scawberde uppon you, ye shall lose no blood, be ye never so sore wounded. Therefore kepe well the scawberde allweyes with you." --- Le Morte Darthur, Sir Thomas Malory

"Just as you touch the energy of every life form you meet, so, too, will will their energy strengthen you. Fail to live up to your potential, and you will never win. " --- The Old Man at the End of Time

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Re: What Are You Currently Playing?

Post by WD RPG WD »

I had 84% completion.

Did all the items you listed.
Dondoko Island and Sujimon were both completed at 100%, which probably took 25 hours each.

Did the "Big Swell" dlc. Not worth it, other than the added cutscenes, which were great. Just watch them on YT. I thought it would be some exciting new mini-game. It's just another 5 level dungeon, with a new aesthetic.

I played Mahjong for at least 20 hours. Always been addicted to it.
Poker, Blackjack, Oicho-kabu & Koi-Koi for at least 15 hours.

I wasted at least 10 hours on Virtua Fighter, because I couldn't beat Dural. Never got the achievement. To this day, I've never beat Dural..

Like you, I just like taking it in at times as well. Swimming and sunset views.

Seonhee has become my favorite character of the new cast.
Nanba went from most hated to 2nd favorite.
Ichiban took a step back. Somehow he feels less confidant than the previous game, even after all that he's accomplished.
His relationship to Saeko was also odd to me. They don't seem to be each others type.
Her reasons for stepping away were genuine, but executed in a way that made her look mean spirited.

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Re: What Are You Currently Playing?

Post by VidKid369 »

Hey. I've been kinda quiet cause my PS4 Pro broke. I got it used so I guess there's that. It ok, because I just went ahead and got a PS5 Slim w/ Disc Drive. It's great because it plays my Survivor DVDs from the US here and I easily changed the region on startup. It was so convenient, the PS4 didn't do that so I'm happy with my purchase.

I did manage to beat a few games during the past 4-5 months. I've also been kinda quiet on here because I just deleted Discord, I was thinking about what my doctor told me that, "[ I ] got depressed, cause when my parents would leave me alone I would go on the computer talking to random names seeking relationships" so I went ahead and just deleted it. I think I'm gonna stay on a more public forum like this one where anyone can see what's been posted vs. hiding on real-time chat where there's no real supervision or eyes, plus I wanna work on my social media more. I was thinking I might be more of normie than I thought cause I can't be bothered with instant messaging programs like AIM anymore like I did when I was younger? It sorta creeps me out... Anyway

I managed to beat: Harvest Moon: Light of Hope, The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening, Hakuoki: Stories of the Shinsengumi, Atelier Escha & Logy, steins;Gate, Life is Strange, Chrono Trigger (PSX), Lollipop Chainsaw & Coffee Talk.

Right now I'm almost finished with Atelier Shallie and I'll be done with all the standard Atelier games for the PS3. And I can move on to the PS4 games. I wanna just finish up a few exclusives for the PS3 and just kinda shelve the console: Folklore, Nier I've gotten recommendations for. And a few stragglers (/non-trophy games I ignore): Heavenly Sword, Eternal Sonata, Resonance of Fate (looks lol), White Knight Chronicles. I feel bad I never managed to beat Final Fantasy XIII-2 and 3 and I almost don't care about leaving it on the system unbeaten. And the bottom of the barrel for me for the PS3 is the Tales of games that're left of the system: Tales of Graces f, and the 2 Xillias. The rest I can find on PS4.

On PS4/5 I've been into 'cozy' games like farmsim-like lifes games..... Little Dragons Cafe, I kinda wanna check out HM titles and I'm almost kinda avoiding Stardew Valley and Minecraft but I've found a fondness for Dragon Quest Builders and Potion Permit. Kinda wanna check out the new Survivor game

I've just been trying to adjusting to my new life here alone but I always come back here for some reason. It just reminds me of my parents and Christmas.

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Re: What Are You Currently Playing?

Post by Sonic# »

^ That's a pretty impressive list of games to beat. And I get what you're saying about social media. These days the only social media I frequent is Reddit, and even there I've taken a big step back since last year (no big/default subreddits). I'm on a couple of discords with friends, but that's pretty much just for arranging or playing games.

I'm still playing Final Fantasy VII Rebirth (on chapter 10 now). I really am enjoying myself, but it has been hard for me to focus on long sessions on the PS5. I've been mostly exploring each area, too, so that has slowed down the playthrough. I love the way Tifa and Barret especially have been written in the remake trilogy, with more detail on their backgrounds and, in Tifa's case, her perspective on what is happening with Cloud.

I've also almost beaten Lunar Silver Star Story Touch. I got used to the touch controls pretty quickly. The game sounds really good with the Saturn music, and the widescreen feels very well done. By the time I got to Meribia, I was blazing through the game, enjoying the story and dialogue. My one complaint is that I sometimes accidentally skip cutscenes because I tap to wake up my phone, but tapping twice (I think) skips the cutscene. Otherwise, it's nice to see how faithful they have been to the Playstation version:


I've also been dabbling with The Ur-Quan Masters (replay, beat), Wildermyth (did first two campaigns), Morrowind (played most of main quest), Luigi's Mansion 3 (currently on floor 7), Super Mario RPG (still near beginning getting first star), and some others.

"Than seyde Merlion, "Whethir lyke ye bettir the swerde othir the scawberde?" "I lyke bettir the swerde," seyde Arthure. "Ye ar the more unwyse, for the scawberde ys worth ten of the swerde; for whyles ye have the scawberde uppon you, ye shall lose no blood, be ye never so sore wounded. Therefore kepe well the scawberde allweyes with you." --- Le Morte Darthur, Sir Thomas Malory

"Just as you touch the energy of every life form you meet, so, too, will will their energy strengthen you. Fail to live up to your potential, and you will never win. " --- The Old Man at the End of Time

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Re: What Are You Currently Playing?

Post by VidKid369 »

Awe, thanks! I was pretty down when my PS4 Pro broke and I sorta just took my place back at the PS3. I was mainly trying to finish up the 6 PS3 Atelier games, cause I got so into it!! My cousin from America brought me a Nintendo Switch so I was messing around with it and managed to beat Link's Awakening which I had forgotten was on the GameBoy, but the remaster was pretty cool and it brought me that old-school Zelda feels. I finished 2 VNs which was my first time trying out visual novels. It was pretty ok, they were both so quirky I found myself just mashing the X button to get through the games and maybe get a few trophies!

Right now though, I'm playing Atelier Sophie: And the Mysterious Book for PS4,--that's kinda just there. But I'm really focusing on beating the stragglers on the PS3 for me I'm juggling rn: Folklore (I heard it was a rare gem and it took me awhile to find a copy here), Resonance of Fate, White Knight Chronicles (heard it was pretty short) & Katamari Forever. Katamari is such-a throwback for me when I first encountered it on the PS2 and it's so much fun to play!!! I have been really into games which feature or highlight the items: Atelier/Katamari. As I'm living alone now by myself I usually think of which items I need to keep the household running/And I also focus on cooking, food-items.

My main fear is the PS3 dying on me, which has happened before in the recent past so I was thinking of signing-up for PS+ Membership to use the Cloud Storage feature so if, say the current PS3 dies I can just save the files onto the Online Storage, get a new PS3 (which's pretty affordable here) + and backup my save files. It's pretty annoying having to run-through a game again that you've already beaten, and want to re-play for trophies or what-not.

The PS5 is fine. I've been mostly using it as a means of watching the only show I ever watch anymore from the States--Survivor. I notice you guys are playing Yakuza. I've beaten Yakuza 0 and think of the game sometimes, I have Yakuza Kiwami 1 I just have to get-through it again.

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Re: What Are You Currently Playing?

Post by ShugoHanasaki »

The last few games i've played have been Trails Into Reverie, Crisis Core FF7 Remake, Atelier Ryza 3, and now Star Ocean 2 Remaster PS4
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Re: What Are You Currently Playing?

Post by VidKid369 »

Hey, I managed to beat Atelier Shallie, Katamari Forever & Moonlighter. Mainly I was focused on beating all 6 of the PS3 Ateliers and now I can concentrate on the PS4 games and onward. So I’m on Atelier Sophie right now—. I’ve been picking up a few random games here and there whatever I can get cheap. I’m kinda focused on Persona 3 Reload for PS5 just because it looks so much better than the PS2 game, which I could never get into long enough to even get halfway through it. Usually I don’t mind “bad graphics” if it’s a RPG game but I found the char models clunky? The PS5 is fine but I’ve been focusing on my PS3 and picking up a few more RPGs for it. I kinda just wanna amass little trophies here and there for it if I can and generally just playing more on it rather than using it as a DVD player. (Haha)

Best news is I finally got around to dling Survivor - Castaway Island (PS5) I can’t find the physical I think I’ve mentioned I’m a huge Survivor fan here and I’ve had this fantasy of spending countless hours on it and really figuring out how strategy and alliances work. It might not have the greatest reviews but I love Survivor.

Been mostly having restless nights just gaming here alone on the farm. I’m really having the best time of my life!

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Re: What Are You Currently Playing?

Post by ShugoHanasaki »

I love the Atelier games! I've beaten them all to date and own them all (Western releases) Looking forward to the new one coming.

I recently played and 100% LOH: Trails Through Daybreak and now i'm playing Visions of Mana on PS5 (^.^)
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Re: What Are You Currently Playing?

Post by Kizyr »

Ok it's *extremely* late to when I said I'd do this, but I finally started and finished Celeste last week (only the main storyline, plus one B side so far). It's as incredible as I thought. I'm also kind of glad I waited a bit because the game and meaning hit so much harder after starting to transition.
~Kizyr (she/they)

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Re: What Are You Currently Playing?

Post by brit »

I'm playing visions of mana.

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Re: What Are You Currently Playing?

Post by Sonic# »

I finally beat Baldur's Gate III after a year-long hiatus. I think the structure and pacing of Act 3 (in actual Baldur's Gate) goes way downhill. They pack so much into that act, but with very little sense of pathing, so I end up having to do a lot of back and forth, backtracking, and saying, "Alright, I don't know what the heck I'm doing, but let's go here!" Act 1 and even Act 2 are both more tightly constructed experiences, where the open areas have more structure to them and more moving the player forward.

That said, I was still satisfied with the character resolutions and the overall endgame, once I got to them. My halfling cleric, she can rest easy.

Of course almost immediately I started a new game with a Drow monk. He has pink hair. We'll see what happens.

Otherwise I've been dabbling. Played most of Persona 3 Reload but took a break. Played several hours of La Pucelle, but after enduring an entire skit about finding underwear I'm also taking a break on that. I'm still playing Balatro.

"Than seyde Merlion, "Whethir lyke ye bettir the swerde othir the scawberde?" "I lyke bettir the swerde," seyde Arthure. "Ye ar the more unwyse, for the scawberde ys worth ten of the swerde; for whyles ye have the scawberde uppon you, ye shall lose no blood, be ye never so sore wounded. Therefore kepe well the scawberde allweyes with you." --- Le Morte Darthur, Sir Thomas Malory

"Just as you touch the energy of every life form you meet, so, too, will will their energy strengthen you. Fail to live up to your potential, and you will never win. " --- The Old Man at the End of Time

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Re: What Are You Currently Playing?

Post by Imperial Knight »

I've also been going slowly through Baldur's Gate III. At this point I've just gotten to the start of Act 3  (just long enough to have met The Emperor). My main character is a half-elf Bard. I've been enjoying the ability to talk my way through a lot of situations. Otherwise I always keep Shadowheart in my team and then rotate others in and out (I try to have characters active whenever the current story thread involves them in some way. Given my general lack of D&D experience there are a bunch of things I wish I had known going in, or in some cases better appreciated (e.g. although I understood there was a difference between learning and preparing spells, it took a while before I thought to be regularly going into Gale's and Shadowheart's spellbooks to swap prepared spells in and out). In any case, I've managed to muddle through and feel like I have a better (if certainly still incomplete) grasp on the mechanics now.

One reason my progress has been so slow is just generally not having as much time for gaming as I once did, and another is that I've also been slowly making my way through Dragon Quest XI. I'm also near the beginning of Act 3 in that one. Once I do finish it, I'll finally be caught up on the entire series, or at least the localized mainline entries. Though I certainly am looking forward to the HD-2D remake of DQ3.

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Re: What Are You Currently Playing?

Post by VidKid369 »

I’ve managed to beat Luigi’s Mansion 3, Legend of Mana (PS1) & Persona 3 Reload since my last post. :p

I only really play my Switch whenever we get brownouts here but I tried out Trials of Mana after I had beaten…

Legend of Mana. This I beat on a whim as a friend had sorta suggested I run through it since he’s a big fan of the Mana games so I did. Was addicted for most of the 20 hours it was like doing little story vignettes. It’s a really random game though that I don’t think I could have beaten as a kid, I used a guide. :p

Persona 3 Reload was like whoa, though I had an idea the game was long but towards the end I found it kinda easy and I just charged forward and ended up platinuming it. I probably won’t start 4 for awhile, I’m kinda looking at getting Star Ocean the Second Story R as my next PS4 purchase. :p

Overall, I’m playing Dragon Quest Builders for now on PS4 and I’m going back&forth b/twn Fairy Fencer F and Time and Eternity for whenever I get bored on PS3. I’m trying to rotate in a PS1 game, looking at: front mission 3, The Legend of Dragoon or Vagrant Story. (I also have Valkyrie Profile: Lenneth for/on PS4.)

I’m looking to knock off some shorter JRPG titles I admit I do cheat and check HowLongToBeat. :p Haha.

Honorable mentions to play: Folklore- a couple online friends suggested I try running through it as it’s short but I said I’ve had trouble with screens not loading. Star Ocean: First Departure R- another shorter game for the PS4/whenever I get bored of DQ Builders I have to start allll over though but was really only 4 hours in when my PS4 Pro died. (I’m on PS5 now.)

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Re: What Are You Currently Playing?

Post by DevNall »

New Zelda Game (Echoes of Wisdom). Mixes a few different styles of Zelda games in, and the result is actually quite good.

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Re: What Are You Currently Playing?

Post by MaroonChan »

Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom

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Re: What Are You Currently Playing?

Post by Imperial Knight »

Dragon Quest III HD-2D.

DQ3 is not my personal favorite RPG, or even my favorite Dragon Quest, but I do consider it to be the greatest RPG of all time considering both its quality and influence (you'd be amazed at how many common elements of JRPGs can be traced back to DQ3 specifically). I really love the look of the game and all the detail added to environments that used to be "generic town" or "generic cave" and little touches like the lantern your hero carries in the dark that casts light realistically. My current party is Hero/Thief/Monster Wrangler/Priest. I'm not entirely sure how I'll do class changes yet but I figure I can decide that when the time comes. I've found the game quite easy so far, even on the Draconian difficulty setting but I've heard the challenge does pick up later.

If you've never played DQ3 before I'd definitely recommend checking it out to experience an excellent and historically significant RPG, and if you have there's enough new here that it's still worth a look.
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Re: What Are You Currently Playing?

Post by VidKid369 »

I’m currently trying to beat some really old games (PS1~) that’ve been in my library for years, but I just haven’t gotten around to yet while trying as well not to buy new JRPGs BUT Dragon Quest III HD-2D Remake is one I have my eyes set on, as well as Star Ocean the 2nd Story R & Suikoden I & II Remaster—whenever it comes out. I just had so much fun w/ those games when I was younger I wouldn’t mind going thru them again. :)

Since my last post I’ve beaten Dragon Quest Builders, Flower, flOw, MGSV: Ground Zeroes, Brave Fencer Musashi & a PSP mini game called Ramen Heaven. I’m slowing down towards the end of the year so I’ve been targeting short games as you can tell.

I’m currently going thru Time and Eternity, Azure Dreams & LUNAR: Silver Star Harmony for the first time. It’s (almost) Christmastime so I’m playing a WD/Lunar game! :) If I had my druthers I’d go thru Vanguard Bandits and finish the Ruin branch so I can call the game complete (all 3 branches done). Usually I do something like that around this time of year. Mostly I’m just on my diet/exercise regime.

Really looking forward to gaming next year. I’ve been tryna research PS Vita (now that I picked up almost all the PS3 JRPGs that I want), PS4, PS5 games that I want to get. I’m just so stubborn about keeping my backlog as trim as I can but I wanna take advantage of any X-Mas deals. Ok, that’s all. 😎

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Re: What Are You Currently Playing?

Post by ShugoHanasaki »

After getting 100% on Visions of Mana i'm now playing Ys 10 (^.^)
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Re: What Are You Currently Playing?

Post by Imperial Knight »

I reached the pyramid in DQ3 HD-2D, which is where people said the game gets more challenging, and indeed it was a significant, if manageable, step up from what had come before. I managed to do it in one go, but by the end of the boss fight I had just about exhausted my party's MP reserves.

As great as the game looks, I think what impresses me more is how they've managed, through clever design choices, to adapt the game to the expectations of a modern RPG audience while preserving the core appeals of the original (which dates back to 1988). It's really a great example of what a remake should be.

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