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Hello ^_^

Posted: Sat Jan 23, 2010 3:54 am
by StrawberryFlower
So I was like reading the forums as usual, and saw you guys talking about people looking, but not posting. I felt like I was being called out, so I finally joined!

I've been a lurker for awhile (forgot how long). I've never made an intro thread anywhere, but thought I should this time.

I can't say I'm a big Lunar fan, but I loved the PSX version (I never played the original) to death. I have so many memories of when I played it as a kid with my best friend at the time. I finally beat it for the real time not that long ago (and cried ^_^). Now with the re-make coming out, I've been silently coming here to see what's up with it. That's how I knew about a demo. I played a little of the second one on accident (rented one game, but that one came too). Never had a chance to finish it. >.> I used to sing the songs from this game whenever I was in a good mood, and I once was going to name my first son Alex. Pretty strange. XD

Anyway. Um... Hi? O.o

Re: Hello ^_^

Posted: Sat Jan 23, 2010 7:03 am
by Silver Phoenix
Welcome StrawberryFlower. I highly recommend you play both games as the story continues and you'll enjoy both for different reasons.

Re: Hello ^_^

Posted: Sat Jan 23, 2010 1:18 pm
by Kizyr

And don't mind Jenner. She wasn't calling you out; she's just always like that. KF

Re: Hello ^_^

Posted: Sat Jan 23, 2010 4:04 pm
by StrawberryFlower
Okies, I might play them if I am able to find them. :3

I think it's kind of funny that I got my boyfriend into Lunar by just having it as my desktop wallpaper. He was like, "I want to play that". He started playing his own game finally! YAY! XD

I was going to talk more about myself, but I didn't want people to get bored or something. I'm a bit shy on forums, but I shall try to comment on things. :)

Re: Hello ^_^

Posted: Sat Jan 23, 2010 4:51 pm
by Silver Phoenix
Don't be shy, no one is staring at you while you make a comment. I think....

If you look on Amazon you can find used copies at reasonable prices sometimes. You just have to actively look and you can find a bargain sometimes. You also have Craigslist and ebay as options. I also recommend watching "Let's play" on YouTube as different people record their playthroughs. This way if you've never played the Sega CD versions you get to experience their differences and the better music.

Re: Hello ^_^

Posted: Sat Jan 23, 2010 5:26 pm
by Dark_Fairy
Welcome to Lunar-Net StrawberryFlower! *gives StrawberryFlower a cookie*

I love your avatar, it's really cute! Did you draw your avatar and signature?

I agree with Silver Phoenix. If you can, try to play Lunar 2. It's just as good as the first Lunar. The Sega CD versions are also worth a watch on Youtube through "Let's Plays" if you can't actually get them.

I know how it is to be shy. I used to be really shy myself. Over the years I've opened up almost completely. This was one of the few places I wasn't really that shy about. Rest assured, we're all a friendly bunch here and won't bite. :3

I wanted to name my first dog Alex, lol. My mom wouldn't let me however, so I named him Lunar instead. Alex was a bit less weird, but whatever. My mom IS weird. XD

Re: Hello ^_^

Posted: Sat Jan 23, 2010 5:43 pm
by StrawberryFlower

My boyfriend drew my avatar and all of the characters in the signature. We are making a game called Celestial Sphere, and she's my character: Corinne Rautio. My talents are currently unknown. I just made my first pixel art, but it probably sucks. :D

I'm going to try and play Lunar 2 again eventually - I just have 50 other games to play first. XD

I would've still named my son Alex, but my boyfriend didn't really like that name. O.o

I think I originally came here looking of a good information source of Lunar. Like a wiki or something (the Lunar wiki is lacking T.T) and character bios. I needed icons or artwork or something.

Re: Hello ^_^

Posted: Sat Jan 23, 2010 7:51 pm
by phyco126
Welcome to the threads! And good luck with the game, the artwork is pretty snazzy.

Also, as soon as I saw your name, I immediately broke into a song, singing Strawberry Fields Forever.

Re: Hello ^_^

Posted: Sat Jan 23, 2010 8:51 pm
by StrawberryFlower
Thanks a bunches! XD

My name is kind of random, actually. :3

Re: Hello ^_^

Posted: Sat Jan 23, 2010 10:13 pm
by Dark_Fairy
StrawberryFlower wrote:YAY I LOVE COOKIES.

My boyfriend drew my avatar and all of the characters in the signature. We are making a game called Celestial Sphere, and she's my character: Corinne Rautio. My talents are currently unknown. I just made my first pixel art, but it probably sucks. :D

I'm going to try and play Lunar 2 again eventually - I just have 50 other games to play first. XD
Well, your boyfriend's good then. Corinne is cute. ^_^

Sounds like a cool project you two are working on! What program will you be using? Rpg Maker or something else?

And I know how it feels to need to complete a bunch of other games too. @_@

Re: Hello ^_^

Posted: Sat Jan 23, 2010 10:48 pm
by StrawberryFlower
Thanks, I'll tell him that. XD

Yeah, it's in RPG Maker. :) We're going custom everything - espeically graphics and art. We maybe be able to get a custom soundtrack, but it depends on if the guy does it for us. :D Everything's going slowly, but 'tis okies. :3

Re: Hello ^_^

Posted: Sun Jan 24, 2010 6:17 am
by Silver Phoenix
All good things come in time, except Lunar 3 because we want it NOW!

Re: Hello ^_^

Posted: Sun Jan 24, 2010 10:11 am
by ilovemyguitar
Hi, new person! *waves*

Re: Hello ^_^

Posted: Sun Jan 24, 2010 11:21 pm
by StrawberryFlower
It's cool that all good things come in time - it means it'll be good! :3 Not really - I don't know. XD

I read that a lot of you are awaiting Lunar 3, but I haven't played Lunar 2 all the way yet so I can't comment on much. I'm sure it'd be awesome, though! :D

@ilovemyguitar "Hi member of Lunar-Net!" *waves* :)

Re: Hello ^_^

Posted: Sun Jan 24, 2010 11:45 pm
by LuNaRtIc
Welcome to the boards! I hope you get to play Lunar 2 sometime soon. :D And good luck with your game! Sounds like it would be fun to make.

Re: Hello ^_^

Posted: Mon Jan 25, 2010 1:40 am
by Quark
Welcome! I was a lurker for about 5 years so don't feel too bad :lol:

Re: Hello ^_^

Posted: Mon Jan 25, 2010 5:26 am
by StrawberryFlower
Thanks for the welcome, guys!

The game is fun to make! :3