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New Home

Posted: Sun Jun 19, 2016 4:06 pm
by Kizyr
The reason why I've been so inactive lately... Jenner and I just bought a new house:
NewHome1.jpg (61.72 KiB) Viewed 53936 times
I mentioned this as one of my New Year's Resolutions (under the category "Seriously"), and it's something we've been working at since the start of this year. Now we have a house, so the next step is all the other work that comes with, well, fixing it up a little bit... So, yeah, it's a little anticlimactic considering that there's still so much stuff I left on my to-do list, but it's good to have a home.

We won't really be moving in for another couple of months, though. Need to wait until the kitchen remodeling is done. KF

Re: New Home

Posted: Mon Jun 20, 2016 6:59 pm
by Alunissage
Oh wow! Congratulations! :) All that space for Prel! Er, and you two, of course.

Re: New Home

Posted: Mon Jun 20, 2016 9:05 pm
by Imperial Knight
Too bad you didn't come to me for advice. I mean, I've never bought a home but I have seen some HGTV so I know all about the process.

-Your list of "must haves" should include granite countertops and undermounted sinks.
-Other important considerations are any furniture or paint color choices of the current residents that you don't like.
-Budgets are mere suggestions. You should be willing to go a few, you know, tens of grands above your "max budget" if you decide you can't live without some cool feature you discovered.
-When touring a home, it's considered a major faux pas to refer to the "room" you are in. Instead always refer to it as a "space."

Re: New Home

Posted: Tue Jun 21, 2016 12:54 pm
by Sonic#

It looks just a bit like the house I grew up in. And my partner would be all over that front porch. A good porch is practically a requirement for her.
-When touring a home, it's considered a major faux pas to refer to the "room" you are in. Instead always refer to it as a "space."
Is the idea that it's a space until people fill it with their own stufffashion it to their artistic vision?

Re: New Home

Posted: Tue Jun 21, 2016 1:55 pm
by GhaleonOne
Congrats! Looks like a great home! My wife and I bought one back in October as well. There's nothing better than knowing you own, rather than rent. Until something breaks of course. :) But even then, when you figure out how to fix something, it's a nice feeling!

Re: New Home

Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2016 4:25 am
by Imperial Knight
Sonic# wrote:
-When touring a home, it's considered a major faux pas to refer to the "room" you are in. Instead always refer to it as a "space."
Is the idea that it's a space until people fill it with their own stufffashion it to their artistic vision?
Honestly, I always just assumed it's part of how the producers encourage the home "buyers" to talk.

Re: New Home

Posted: Fri Jun 24, 2016 1:08 pm
by Kizyr
Thanks everyone! We'll try to have progress pics as we go along. At this rate, we're not going to really be "moved in" until late August probably, and we're going to leave some places just empty since we don't need the space just yet.
Imperial Knight wrote:Too bad you didn't come to me for advice. I mean, I've never bought a home but I have seen some HGTV so I know all about the process.
-Your list of "must haves" should include granite countertops and undermounted sinks.
-Other important considerations are any furniture or paint color choices of the current residents that you don't like.
-Budgets are mere suggestions. You should be willing to go a few, you know, tens of grands above your "max budget" if you decide you can't live without some cool feature you discovered.
-When touring a home, it's considered a major faux pas to refer to the "room" you are in. Instead always refer to it as a "space."
Hah, watching HGTV is great for some ideas, but incredibly irritating with how obvious it is when they cut out all of the hard work or stage the presentation of different houses. It's like "Oh, we'll do a renovation ourselves! Look how much fun it is to smash down some walls!" But if they really wanted to show what it was like, they'd devote 2 hours to someone frustratedly scraping at the wall with a grout scraper. KF

Re: New Home

Posted: Fri Jun 24, 2016 7:57 pm
by Alunissage
PM me your new address, if you would. =)

Re: New Home

Posted: Mon Jul 18, 2016 6:32 pm
by brit
Congratulations! The house looks amazing! ^__^

Re: New Home

Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2016 2:34 am
by Werefrog
Congratulations, Kizyr and Jenner!

Re: New Home

Posted: Wed Sep 14, 2016 7:09 am
by Silver Phoenix
I haven't been here for a thousand years, much like the last time GameArts made a proper Lunar game... (f*ckers)

I wanted to congratulate Kiz and Jenner on their new home! Get everything done that you need before any changes in the season, and work on things as you can. Everything is a process and I hope to see your progress. Congrats! :D

Re: New Home

Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2016 7:28 pm
by Ardent Fox
Seriously, congrats you two. That is an amazing step you've taken.

Re: New Home

Posted: Wed Oct 05, 2016 3:19 pm
by Zero
Congratulations! Looks like a nice house.

Re: New Home

Posted: Fri Oct 21, 2016 6:16 am
by Kizyr
Ah, yeah, so... we haven't checked back in like a month in the forums. Sorry... Thanks again everyone for the congrats. We'll have a few pics soon. KF

Re: New Home

Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2016 8:43 pm
by Dangerous_D
nice house you got there

Re: New Home

Posted: Thu Jan 19, 2017 10:10 am
by Jenner
Wow. It looks like Kizyr didn't post more pictures of our house. Luckily, I live here too! (For now.)

GET A LOAD OF THIS -Dragon Diamond-:








*hands on hips* Something needs to be done about this kitchen.

*shaking her head from side to side* Yup, this won't do at all.




Anyway, the tour continues.



Re: New Home

Posted: Thu Jan 19, 2017 10:16 am
by Jenner
Wait, wait, wait. That won't do at all. We're moved in now.

(Bonus Prel who snuck her way into a few pics.)

Here's the Master Bedroom now.

Here's the Master Bedroom from the other side.

Minor issue: We don't really have enough lengthwise wall space to hang all the Serenity posters side by side.

Here's the entry way.
Eventually Kizyr wants to put a sliding door in this room to seal it off from the rest of the room then lay down tatami mats for maximum Nippon
I personally don't like the idea of shrinking the open space but I'm not going to argue with him about it. It's a poor hill to die on.

This room is a continuation of the room in the above picture. We call this room the 'desk room' for lack of a better designation. I love the openness and will enjoy it for as long as it lasts.

Here's the living room. It's connected to the desk room and the entry way in one continuous room. I am in this picture.

Two issues: 1: There is a step up from the desk room into this room and also a step up from the entry way into the kitchen. It is a tripping/falling hazard for people who don't pay attention and poses a not-insignificant risk to the more elderly or less mobile relatives on both sides of the family. In fact, my mother-in-law actually fell on the step up into the living room during our house party. Maybe we'll convert them into ramps?

2: The back rests to the couch are free floating and not secure and as such provide no reliable back support for people sitting on the couch. If you lean back and put any amount of weight on them the cushions slide away/fall off. This really pisses me off and I -Fatal Hopper- mentioned this obnoxious flaw to Kizyr when he showed the couch to me but he was dead set on getting this couch. SIGH. It's a real good couch beyond that though and really suits our style so we'll figure something out.

This is the dining room now.
We also repainted the kitchen but all the pics we took of that are bad and it doesn't look much different from the previous picture of our finished kitchen posted in this thread. Still, I'll see if I can get around to taking some good pictures and posting them up eventually.

This is Kizyr's office.
This picture is awful and very dark and you can't see -Dragon Diamond-, sorry. I'll try to take a better one in the future.
Not shown: A really cute bookcase we picked out tucked away in the corner.

Here's the guest room.

Here's the guest room from another angle.

If you ever visit us in A MAGICAL REALM, here's where you'll be sleeping. All the furniture is Amish made and the room has a rustic, woodsy aroma at all times.
Or as I like to put it, this room smells like Grampas.

Okay, thanks for looking at our house.