New Year!

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New Year!

Post by Sonic# »

Well, today's the last day of our calendar year. I wonder what people have planned... and what resolutions (if any) they intend to keep.

I'll probably spend it quietly playing video games and sitting around with the family. As for my resolutions... I'm going to try to write a poem a day (or a 'poetic exercise'), and read five poems a day. I'm already doing *at least* both of these, but once school starts, that might quickly fade away in favor of, say, post-homework vegetating. ;)

"Than seyde Merlion, "Whethir lyke ye bettir the swerde othir the scawberde?" "I lyke bettir the swerde," seyde Arthure. "Ye ar the more unwyse, for the scawberde ys worth ten of the swerde; for whyles ye have the scawberde uppon you, ye shall lose no blood, be ye never so sore wounded. Therefore kepe well the scawberde allweyes with you." --- Le Morte Darthur, Sir Thomas Malory

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Post by Agawa »

I work at a restaurant, so I'll be late there. Last year I worked New Years Eve until 3AM, and then back to work at 12AM for New Years Day....This year though, I'm not on the next day until late afternoon, so me and a few other staff members are going to get together for an hour or two at what ever godawful hour we get off.

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Post by Werefrog »

As I was starting this post, I got a call that may change my plans :). Maybe going to friends house to play Guitar Hero. Or staying home to play FF 12. Either are good in my opinion.

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Post by Imperial Knight »

I'll be spending the day at a friend's house.

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Post by phyco126 »

Spending the night at home, only out of lack of safe transportation and money to get wasted. *sigh* See, this is why I want a full bar installed at my house :P

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Post by Asmodean »

So far my day has consisted of Final Fantasy XII. And I just finished a puzzle! I haven't done one of those in a while. It was just a 550 one. But I enjoyed it!

Afterwards I'm goin' to spend my night playin' Final Fantasy VI. That way it will be the last game I play for the year and the first for the new year. I've been doin' this for quiet some time now. It's my lil' tradition.

As for resolutions. I've never takin' them seriously. Most people break them. So I make resolutions that I won't even attempt.

And the one I always go with is to stop bein' my little straight edge self and drink.

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Post by Rimmie »

I just took a hot bath, if that counts as celebrating, and at 12:00 I'm gonna call my brother because it's his birthday. =P
Pickle? I thought you said baseball card!

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Post by Mog Dragonheart »

New Years Soba Champuru with the family. For the last few years I spent it with my friends getting drunk off my butt, this year is with the family.

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Post by GhaleonOne »

Was gonna chill with some friends, but nothing was going down, so I stayed home. Watching the extended edition of Chronicles of Narnia that came out this month.

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Post by JWL »

It's a few minutes after midnight here now, so Happy New Year!

I spent the evening with some relatives until about an hour ago, then turned on the television in time to see the ball drop in Times Square, and now I am watching the mass of reparation on EWTN. Obviously I'm not the partying type.

I resolve to work to improve myself in every way I can think of which can help me to serve others.

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Post by Blue_Sycro »

I didn't go out this year...just stayed in and played SSSC. In fact, I was watching Vane vs. The Grindery when it turned midnight. Hopefully it's not a bad omen :o

Anyway, all nerdiness aside, I never make resolutions because by the time I get around to accomplishing them I can't even remember what I resolved to do :D

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Post by Alunissage »

Spent most of the 31st in the car, driving home from Vancouver. Well, from Salem, since that's where we spent the previous night. Wanted to get home before partygoers were out on the streets, and I suppose we succeeded, arriving about 9 PM. After all that, I completely forgot about the New Year until sometime after 2 AM; we've been busy unpacking and playing Okami.

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Post by YoshiMars »

Threw a party with my friends that was supoosed to be fun, and it was... up until the last thirty seconds of 2006... when two of my roomates got into a fight (verbal only I assure you). Not the way I wanted to remember celebrating the new year.
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Post by ilovemyguitar »

YoshiMars wrote:Threw a party with my friends that was supoosed to be fun, and it was... up until the last thirty seconds of 2006... when two of my roomates got into a fight (verbal only I assure you). Not the way I wanted to remember celebrating the new year.
Wow. Talk about spectacular timing.

I spent New Year's with a small group of people at my friend's place, all of us quite drunk and having a great time.

As for resolutions, I'm going vegan. I've been vegetarian for a while, and I've been considering taking that next step, so I'm doing it now.

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Post by Mog Dragonheart »

oohhh I forgot my resolutions!!

This year I'm going to dedicate myself solely to Karate training and school. Which means I won't touch any of the (limited amount anyway) of junk I eat now, run every morning and to never skip any classes regardless of anything. I want to achieve and maintain atleast a 3.5 GPA this year, bulk up to 205lbs and at the same time shed my fat (I'm 198lbs right now) and receive my yellow belt by the end of this year.

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Post by Agawa »

I worked until 1:30AM New Years Eve on an eight hour shift, had a little party with a few friends who work at the same restaurant, went home and slept for three hours, then up and back to work for an eight hour New Years shift.

I'm finally home now, and it was pretty fun for working, although my feet are killing me. We had the same two tables in over midnight (New Years Eve) that we did last year, and we played really loud music in the restaurant and the staff got free drinks. A nice evening, if quite tiring. Plus, I bet I made a boatload of tips - I haven't counted yet.

Anyway, Happy New Year everyone! May 2007 be an improvement on 2006~!

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Post by phyco126 »

Since I can never keep my new years resolution, I might as well as make one I can never keep. I vow to become a Super Sayian!

Now that my immatureness has passed, my real resolutions will be VERY difficult for me to keep. I vow to regain some of my muscle mass, loss at least 20 - 25 pounds, and get a job that I can not only hold, but I can actually like or at least stand to like until I find something totally better. I then plan to attend some college, finish my bankruptcy, and save enough money to feel like I'm worth something.

I also resolve to re-image myself, including new clothes, which include suites, better hair styles, a more clean shaven or well trimed face, and keep my chin up.

To add to that, I also resolve to be more creative, which means more poetry, free-style writing, more ideas, more learning, and more drawing. This includes finishing all the scripts that are completed for my L: L//L-Net/L-Wars comics.

Finally, I want to resolve to try and not fall in love with anyone this year, carry myself with more confidence, and try to live a more peaceful, forgiving life.*

*Void depending on mother's condition.

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Post by exigence »

im just got back today i spent new years eve with my friends, it was pretty crazy.

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Post by YoshiMars »

ilovemyguitar wrote:Wow. Talk about spectacular timing.
That's what I said. Things are better now, they've worked it out, but since one of the two was (and still is) my boyfriend, he's been trying to make it up to me. I'm not mad anymore, but I told the boys that next year if they so much even think about a repeat of that, the girls and I are having New Years on our own!

Though I still got to wear a glittery top-hat all night... and that was so worth it. :P
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