Nobi's diet blog of dictation, observations, and suggestions

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Re: Nobi's diet blog of dictation, observations, and suggest

Post by CatsWithMatches »

I actually just went through a huge dietary change myself a few months ago. I went back to eating meat after almost ten years as a vegetarian. I gained about five pounds, but it was mostly muscle. Been feeling better than I have in years, too.

i'm kind of conflicted on the whole gluten free thing. There certainly seems to be a lot of anecdotal evidence supporting the idea of it being a weight loss trick for everyone, but there's a huge lack of peer reviewed scientific studies showing that gluten is bad for everyone.


Re: Nobi's diet blog of dictation, observations, and suggest

Post by TempestOne »

Hello, Nobiyuki77, I just wanted to say hey because I think you're sort of a celebrity online amongst the gaming circles... I remember your posts from way, way back on I think the old Working Designs website or the older LUNARThreads site and I was pleasantly surprised to see that you were posting here and you were still at it! I think I've been reading your posts since I was way young and it's cool to see familiar faces or internet "celebrities" still on their posting regime. I think that came out wrong, your posting style is just very recognizable, hehe.

I've always wanted to join in on the fun and I've just been doing my own thing, whatever that could be, but it would be interesting to see what you're up to in regards to this topic. I love entertaining your body and mind so it's cool that you put it all out there for everyone to see. I've been interested in the subject at hand since I was way young also, like, think early teens or pre-teens - I don't mean for that to sound creepy but I don't have any other word for it, but, uh, I think everything you've posted is pretty "normal" and I feel most of us here just like to hear some sort of echo in the airwaves or echelons just to feel like we're not the only one out there in the internet-verse. I don't necessarily call it "dieting" but food stuffs is cool to me.

If you're wanting some colloquial, local advice or just oh, here are some helpful hints on my end of the spectrum - I suggest taking a breather and putting everything into perspective. This might sound hokey-pokey but I personally say it's important to make note of "What's the point?" in this process. Are you just flat-out trying to lose weight? Do you want to fit better into tighter clothes or do you want to look better in clothing stores? Are you wanting to build muscle? Or, are you just trying to being more physically active or is food just so curious to you? I've had these thoughts, too, and I've actually never had a problem in the area at all - it's pretty commonplace, hehe. I think our minds just all wander in that department once or twice, maybe even more! My area of wonder was always trying to find a food that I liked to eat, really. My taste buds have always stayed in or on my tongue so once it goes past, I really don't bother, do you know what I mean?

I've always been fascinated with being able to pick up your own weight and I think that goes beyond the physical sometimes. It's key to have a friend or to make friends sometimes. I noticed something in that you say you don't have many friends or none at all in the area that you live so that could be an inherent problem. We can get lost on the internet sometimes because it's such a vast place but physical friends may come and go, and they're there somewhere too, you know? Force yourself to be more outgoing or even less outgoing and maybe some acquaintances will stick around in your mind. It's also important to keep busy! I say it's often looked past but "thinking too much" IS stressful and it could lead to weight loss, too. <- Very helpful hint. Play videogames, read a book or keep up with your online habits. Not to just keep your fingers working but to constantly keep your wheel turning. We wouldn't want to lose anyone in that kind of way where their mind turns to slush. Keep up healthy habits that are almost self-explanatory or in the norm, as incredulous as that sounds, like cutting out drinking alchohol or smoking. Maybe there's a "bad seed" in your life like a broken relationship that needs repair or you're forcing yourself to do something that you don't want to do - online, even.

To get to the nitty gritty, no one wants to admit it, I guess, but exercise, exercise, exercise. Find something that you have fun doing that's in the physical realm. There're a multitude of sports out there. I also noticed you said you feel embarrassed about feeling worthless on a team or something to that effect but every man is important and sometimes you just have to get naked in the locker room and do it. It's not a problem, really. No one's gonna look at you in that kind of way. One of my favorite sports if you like more solo adventuring is swimming. Pair that up with a more interactive, group-like activity like yoga or Dance Dance Revolution and you're set. If you really want to just straight up start looking good, you may have to drop a few things in your life in order to do so because it really isn't an easy task, as a guy, too. You've been keeping up the blog so I know you like challenges and what more can you ask for but finally getting that body type you've always strived for? I don't mean to sound like a hard-ass but just doing it for a summer is sometimes all you really need to do just to trim that extra pudge that we ALL have at times. We're human, you know, it's totally not out of the ordinary to want to feel luxury in excess. I also want to point out not to lose your sense of self in the process. We all know that type of person who loses their trim, or they bumble into a ton of money, strike it rich at some casino and you never hear from them again... but, it's really cool to just keep up your personal habits, too, like if you're a gamer, stay a gamer. You like to grind at work - do it!

I just wanted to throw in some input and my two cents in there because you've been entertaining me over the years, though you may not have known it. It'd be really cool if you kept up the pace. 8-)

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