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Post by serphnx »

It says quite a lot about me that I think my words are so important. I feel a need to brag about my physical features and wealth in an arena where no one can prove to the contrary.

I don't know where you're from, but I'm an American. We value our arrogance, and when we don't like something, we go to a corner and cry. At least I do.

I think it's also a clear indication of piddling intellectual ability.

You are in denial if you truly believe nature and human biological needs are not scientifically determined. Take an upper level human sexual reproduction biology class, study the science, or take a sociology course that distills it down for you. There are some uncivilized tribes out there that show human beings natural state is a matriarchal promiscuous society. Civilization is a patriarchal attempt at creating a more stable, efficient structure, but make no mistake that it is an artifical system created by mankind. I should know, I spent the better part of my life encouraging that civilization. I also like to make fun of uncivilized savages. Anyway, as the patriarchal checks erode, the natural state begins to take effect (see the uncivilized promiscuous matriarchal people in inner city ghettos, for example). In essense, females value the ability to gather resources (how many doctors, lawyers and CEOs do you know that have difficulty in attracting females?) whereas males seek fertility and beauty (how many young models do you know that fail in attracting a male?).

You can make assumptions on my earning power all you want, but it's certainly not going to change any facts or win any arguments for you. I'll just say that I'm living in a van down by the river and leave it at that.

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Post by GhaleonOne »

I'm inclined to agree with Benevolent_Ghaleon's earlier post that this topic should be locked, and may do so soon, but I'll give it a chance for the moment.

As a side note...
rather than engage them with any intelligent discourse.
This is coming from the person who restarted a thread to insult people out of the blue. If you want an "active" forum, try GameFAQs. I'm quite content with a slower board that's easy to maintain. More posts doesn't always mean more quality.

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Post by Ozone »

Awwwww, it was so amusing while it lasted.
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Post by Werefrog »

serphnx wrote: You are in denial if you truly believe nature and human biological needs are not scientifically determined. Take an upper level human sexual reproduction biology class, study the science, or take a sociology course that distills it down for you.
No, how about you take a psychology course. Nothing. I repeat nothing about human behavior is caused solely by biology. In reality, there is always a combination of biology and environment. And yes, according to some evolutionary psychologists some of what you said is true. However, you're taking to an extreme level.

And where the hell do you get off calling people uncivilized? Just because they have a different civilization than we do, doesn't mean that they're uncivilized. There is nothing "natural" about the way those people. It's still a social construction just like our society.

If you are going to argue something, at least know the whole story.

There. Intelligent discourse. Now all there is left is for you to tell me that I'm just arguing with you because I don't get enough sex.

Also... upon looking at your posts more you don't seem very scientific for someone who seems to love empiricism.
In essense, females value the ability to gather resources (how many doctors, lawyers and CEOs do you know that have difficulty in attracting females?) whereas males seek fertility and beauty (how many young models do you know that fail in attracting a male?).
Yes, because anecdotal evidence is the best type of evidence. To hell with real statistics! The models and CEOs I've seen have no trouble getting the mates, so obviously it's true all across the board. Of course! Why didn't I think of it before?

Edit: Also, Kiz, I'm begging you here: please, let me be mod for a while. I'll keep my edits to this topic. It'll be fun. I promise.

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Post by Alunissage »

You might not want the strain of refraining from using your powers inappropriately... ;)

While we're working on definitions here, it should be noted that "science" is the systematic study of natural phenomena (among other things), not the phenomena themselves. So saying that human biological needs are scientifically determined is saying only that a complete analysis of these needs has occurred. I really doubt any scientist would say that they're fully known.

Also on the subject of definitions, the edits of the post above were hardly "censor[ing] others that have opposing viewpoints", seeing as those viewpoints come across loud and clear. "Having fun with edits to eke some amusement out of an otherwise ludicrous post" might be closer to what the, ahem, editor was doing.

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Post by Werefrog »

Alunissage wrote:You might not want the strain of refraining from using your powers inappropriately... ;)
Trust me that would not be a problem :twisted:.

Also, I think we need some "evil smilies" that have a more playful property. That will be my first priority as mod.

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Post by JWL »

I don't think Benevolent_Ghaleon detected my sarcasm. Oh, well.
Benevolent_Ghaleon wrote:also, stop being so ridiculous with the second half. i hold christian beliefs on sex but i can also have a mind broad enough to realize that sex isn't special to everyone. Some people just have fun with it. grow up and let people do what they want behind closed doors without your worrying about it. That's about as bad as the girls who yell "SLUT!!" at girls down the road. Why would anyone care about someone having sex? if you aren't a part of it then so what?
So that's the way it's going to be, is it? Well... apparently looking out for your fellow man (and woman) is no longer part of Christianity, eh? Why should I care if a man/woman is going around tricking other men/women into one-night stands? Why, indeed. For what it's worth, here's my answer:
Matthew 25:34-40 wrote:Then the king will say to those on his right, 'Come, you who are blessed by my Father. Inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world. For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, a stranger and you welcomed me, naked and you clothed me, ill and you cared for me, in prison and you visited me.'

Then the righteous will answer him and say, 'Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you drink? When did we see you a stranger and welcome you, or naked and clothe you? When did we see you ill or in prison, and visit you?'

And the king will say to them in reply, 'Amen, I say to you, whatever you did for one of these least brothers of mine, you did for me.'

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Post by Kizyr »

Werefrog wrote:Edit: Also, Kiz, I'm begging you here: please, let me be mod for a while. I'll keep my edits to this topic. It'll be fun. I promise.
Sorry, not gonna happen {^^}. But I am open to suggestions.

Anyway, this is one of those situations where you just gotta let things go (general you, not specific). There's no sense arguing; this guy's arguments are predicated on misogyny, ethnocentrism, and even some racism. Who are you gonna convince? It's like arguing with a brick wall.

I enjoy a good debate here and there, and even more so when I know folks are listening to arguments and points made on either side. But, when the other guy's arguments start off with varying forms of "why are you so offended?" when you make a point, it's a clear sign that it's pointless.
I don't know where you're from, but I'm an American.
Ok, I probably shouldn't be encouraging you to talk any more than you have already, but now I'm genuinely curious... Where were you trying to go with this?
You can make assumptions on my earning power all you want, but it's certainly not going to change any facts or win any arguments for you. I'll just say that I'm fairly well off and leave it at that.
Let me explain it so you can understand this... When someone actually brags about their wealth, it's usually an indicator that they're only moderately well off (most people who really are wealthy don't verbally brag about how much money they have), or that they may have money, but are extremely irresponsible with it.

Considering you opened up by implying that you're wealthier than anyone here, when you have no way of knowing the financial status of anyone on this board, then your statements are pretty much ridiculous from the start. KF
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Post by GhaleonOne »

Let me explain it so you can understand this... When someone actually brags about their wealth, it's usually an indicator that they're only moderately well off (most people who really are wealthy don't verbally brag about how much money they have), or that they may have money, but are extremely irresponsible with it.
That's actually a really good point. Most people I know who are banking nicely have never really said much about their money.

Plus, who brags about their wealth on a video game forum? I mean seriously, that's a major tip-off that the guy is a hardcore troll.
You don't know how much of a problem it is until you get the powers.
Trust me, you don't realize how addictive mod powers are. Take Kiz here for example... I'm half tempted sometimes to make a few fake spambots get through the filters just so I can see what extreme measures he'll take to zap 'em. :P

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Post by Kizyr »

GhaleonOne wrote:That's actually a really good point. Most people I know who are banking nicely have never really said much about their money. Plus, who brags about their wealth on a video game forum? I mean seriously, that's a major tip-off that the guy is a hardcore troll.
Well, it all comes down to an insecurity thing. Someone who's truly well-off shouldn't feel the need to brag about their wealth or well-being. Everyone that I've known who actually does brag about their wealth is nowhere near as rich as they'd have you believe, or really bad at managing the money they do have, or both.

That's why arrogance is such a big turn-off for most women. It's a clear sign something isn't right, or isn't what it seems.
Trust me, you don't realize how addictive mod powers are. Take Kiz here for example... I'm half tempted sometimes to make a few fake spambots get through the filters just so I can see what extreme measures he'll take to zap 'em. :P
Yeah right. It'd be like Maradona trying to get a goal past Lehmann.

I mean present-day Maradona, with the chubbyness and heart problems. KF
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Post by GhaleonOne »

Yeah right. It'd be like Maradona trying to get a goal past Lehmann.

I mean present-day Maradona, with the chubbyness and heart problems. KF
Probably not the best analogy, since Maradona would probably look at Lehmann wrong, and Lehmann would rush him, punch him, then get ejected (look at the Champion's League final last year for proof, dude is a hot head). But yeah, I know what you mean. :P

FYI, you see the Maradona news as of late? Being hospitalized over and over the past few weeks for binge alcohol drinking?

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Post by Benevolent_Ghaleon »

JWL wrote:I don't think Benevolent_Ghaleon detected my sarcasm. Oh, well.
Benevolent_Ghaleon wrote:also, stop being so ridiculous with the second half. i hold christian beliefs on sex but i can also have a mind broad enough to realize that sex isn't special to everyone. Some people just have fun with it. grow up and let people do what they want behind closed doors without your worrying about it. That's about as bad as the girls who yell "SLUT!!" at girls down the road. Why would anyone care about someone having sex? if you aren't a part of it then so what?
So that's the way it's going to be, is it? Well... apparently looking out for your fellow man (and woman) is no longer part of Christianity, eh? Why should I care if a man/woman is going around tricking other men/women into one-night stands? Why, indeed. For what it's worth, here's my answer:
Matthew 25:34-40 wrote:Then the king will say to those on his right, 'Come, you who are blessed by my Father. Inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world. For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, a stranger and you welcomed me, naked and you clothed me, ill and you cared for me, in prison and you visited me.'

Then the righteous will answer him and say, 'Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you drink? When did we see you a stranger and welcome you, or naked and clothe you? When did we see you ill or in prison, and visit you?'

And the king will say to them in reply, 'Amen, I say to you, whatever you did for one of these least brothers of mine, you did for me.'

so you're a knight of sexual morality on a quest to purify the lands? or at least the web lands.

can i assume that you think making sure a man never ends up having a womans mouth on his penis is "looking out for your fellow man"?

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Post by Dragonmaster Lou »

Benevolent_Ghaleon wrote: so you're a knight of sexual morality on a quest to purify the lands? or at least the web lands.

can i assume that you think making sure a man never ends up having a womans mouth on his penis is "looking out for your fellow man"?
Can we cut out the flaming on religion, etc., here? We all have different religions and interpretations of said religions, and there's no reason to flame someone else about it provided that they don't try to impose their beliefs on anyone else.

You can believe your pet goldfish is the all mighty creator of the universe for all I care, just as long as you aren't damning me to hell for not believing that or trying to impose the "commandments" of your "God-fish" on anyone else via peer-pressure, government intervention, etc. Your religion is only the business of you, your family (assuming you don't live in a mixed-religion household), and other believers of your religion. Unless someone openly asks you about it or you're using it to explain your own personal beliefs without trying to impose them on others, it should stay that way.
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Post by Kizyr »

GhaleonOne wrote:Probably not the best analogy, since Maradona would probably look at Lehmann wrong, and Lehmann would rush him, punch him, then get ejected (look at the Champion's League final last year for proof, dude is a hot head). But yeah, I know what you mean. :P
Hah! Yeah good point there. But it was tough trying to find a well-known GK in the EPL who wasn't a punk. (I didn't hear about the Maradona news, but, honestly, it doesn't surprise me.)
DM Lou wrote:Your religion is only the business of you, your family (assuming you don't live in a mixed-religion household), and other believers of your religion. Unless someone openly asks you about it or you're using it to explain your own personal beliefs without trying to impose them on others, it should stay that way.
That assumes a very limited interpretation of religion. My religion does affect the people around me, in the sense that my beliefs will govern the way that I behave with other people (or at least, the way I try to behave--hey nobody's perfect). I don't impose my beliefs on others, but it would be entirely incorrect to think that my religion is only my business.

I mean, religion isn't just one aspect of me, and it's not something I only do on Friday afternoons. My beliefs are me, and they should affect what I do (including what behavior I take towards others). If they didn't, hey, I could probably rationalize being uncaring, callous, and stingy; but that's not me, and it's not me because of my beliefs.

And certainly that'll get me to discourage in others things I think are harmful--you'll never see me encourage or support someone drinking alcohol, for instance, or encouraging sexually promiscuous behavior, since I believe both are very harmful (to oneself, and to others). Now, that doesn't mean I think anyone who does either is a bad person, because it's not my place to judge, nor do I think that forcibly preventing someone from doing either is a valid approach. But, there's no reason why I should stand by and encourage things I think are harmful.

Drinking is probably the best example... I won't go around and take someone's drink out of their hand (except for close relatives, but that hasn't come up). But, say, I don't allow alcohol in my home or in my car, I won't pay for others' drinks, and if it's in my power to do so, I'll discourage someone from drinking to begin with.

There are three important things to note, however... First, is that I don't believe it's in our place to judge someone else to be a 'bad person' based on what they do (within reason). Disliking or discouraging an action should be divorced from how you feel about a person. Second, is that we can't act as if we're perfect, either, if we choose to discourage others from doing something harmful (this is another reason why I believe it's wrong to judge others to be good/bad people). Third, is that I don't believe it's good to do things that are futile and ultimately counterproductive--which is why I never believe in using extreme measures. KF
Last edited by Kizyr on Fri Apr 27, 2007 4:22 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by Benevolent_Ghaleon »

I'm rather confused about your decision to quote me. I don't feel that i've flamed religion. JWL's the one going on about what should be done to a man based on his differences in sexual behavior.

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Post by ilovemyguitar »

JWL wrote:I don't think Benevolent_Ghaleon detected my sarcasm. Oh, well.
Benevolent_Ghaleon wrote:also, stop being so ridiculous with the second half. i hold christian beliefs on sex but i can also have a mind broad enough to realize that sex isn't special to everyone. Some people just have fun with it. grow up and let people do what they want behind closed doors without your worrying about it. That's about as bad as the girls who yell "SLUT!!" at girls down the road. Why would anyone care about someone having sex? if you aren't a part of it then so what?
So that's the way it's going to be, is it? Well... apparently looking out for your fellow man (and woman) is no longer part of Christianity, eh? Why should I care if a man/woman is going around tricking other men/women into one-night stands? Why, indeed.
What, exactly, are you doing to help people not be "tricked" into one-night stands? Other than passing judgment, that is.
JWL wrote:For what it's worth, here's my answer:
Matthew 25:34-40 wrote:Then the king will say to those on his right, 'Come, you who are blessed by my Father. Inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world. For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, a stranger and you welcomed me, naked and you clothed me, ill and you cared for me, in prison and you visited me.'

Then the righteous will answer him and say, 'Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you drink? When did we see you a stranger and welcome you, or naked and clothe you? When did we see you ill or in prison, and visit you?'

And the king will say to them in reply, 'Amen, I say to you, whatever you did for one of these least brothers of mine, you did for me.'
Wow. It's sorta hilarious that you'd use that passage from the Christian Bible to try to justify your words. The only way I can make sense of this is if you're trying to draw a parallel between telling a person that the things they do are wrong and doing some sort of charity work for them. Like they need your help in deciding what's right and wrong or something.
GhaleonOne wrote:
Kizyr wrote:Let me explain it so you can understand this... When someone actually brags about their wealth, it's usually an indicator that they're only moderately well off (most people who really are wealthy don't verbally brag about how much money they have), or that they may have money, but are extremely irresponsible with it.
That's actually a really good point. Most people I know who are banking nicely have never really said much about their money.
Even if a person does have money, it's considered extremely tacky to make a point to bring it up in polite conversation. And it's probably appropriate to mention the adage that money is like oxygen; those who concern themselves with it are those who don't have enough.

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Post by Ozone »

People who have money typically don't bring it up in conversation because they know it's tacky, and it attracts unwanted people.

I always find it amusing when people look down on me for something like the way I dress or something without actually knowing me. I got ambushed by a Bible thumper (no offense meant to anyone here, it's a term I reserve for those people in the malls and street corners who stick their nose into your life and automatically assume that you're not a spiritual person) solely on the basis of wearing a Motorhead shirt and having a piercing in the top of each ear. "How's your relationship with God?" "Great, thanks" I can't stand that. It pisses me off. I'm starting to get that feeling here now too. Really, honestly, not everyone views religion the same way, or lets it effect them in the same way, accept it, be open minded, and just let it go. (That's for both of you)
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Post by Dragonmaster Lou »

Kizyr wrote:
DM Lou wrote:Your religion is only the business of you, your family (assuming you don't live in a mixed-religion household), and other believers of your religion. Unless someone openly asks you about it or you're using it to explain your own personal beliefs without trying to impose them on others, it should stay that way.
That assumes a very limited interpretation of religion. My religion does affect the people around me, in the sense that my beliefs will govern the way that I behave with other people (or at least, the way I try to behave--hey nobody's perfect). I don't impose my beliefs on others, but it would be entirely incorrect to think that my religion is only my business.
Sorry, I guess I was being harsh, and my comments were aimed mostly at the hard core proselytizing fundamentalists out there (and equivalently the hard core "all religion is bad and for the stupid and weak" atheists). If one's religion affects how they deal with someone and how you give advice to someone, etc., I got no problem with that. It's more along the lines of people who always seem to say "you should do this because Zeus almighty says it's the way to live." I mean, sure it's one thing if you hear that from a religious leader at a church/ synagogue/ mosque/ temple/ etc., but I don't want to hear it from someone on the street. In your case, if I visit you and you don't serve me alcohol because of your beliefs, I got no problem with that (not that I'm that big a drinker anyway -- when I do drink, it's almost always on special occasions or with meals and I make sure to limit myself to well below the point of inebriation, and while I think some drinking is fine, I do feel that excessive drinking to the point of drunkenness is completely wrong). Now, if you constantly state your reason not to serve me alcohol is because of your religion and constantly drive that fact into me with a tone that your beliefs are superior to mine, that is what bothers me (not that I think you would do so, of course -- I'm just giving an example). That's more or less less what I meant by religion being a "private matter" -- I'm fine with someone living their life by their religion and with their religion guiding them on how they interact with me, but don't shout it out at me and don't treat me as somehow inferior than you for differing with your religious beliefs.

I hope I cleared things up here... I didn't want to sound condescending towards religions or anything. ^^; I hope I don't anymore either... ^^;
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Post by Dragonmaster Lou »

Benevolent_Ghaleon wrote:I'm rather confused about your decision to quote me. I don't feel that i've flamed religion. JWL's the one going on about what should be done to a man based on his differences in sexual behavior.
It's the whole "knight of sexual morality" thing in light of his stating that he had Christian beliefs when it came to sex. Sorry if I misinterpreted your response.
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Post by phyco126 »

Staying clear of the religious stuff....
Kizyr wrote:Let me explain it so you can understand this... When someone actually brags about their wealth, it's usually an indicator that they're only moderately well off (most people who really are wealthy don't verbally brag about how much money they have), or that they may have money, but are extremely irresponsible with it.
True, very true. One of my cousins (2nd Cousin I believe) made around 175K + a year as a government contractor. Lived in a rather small house.... but in an expensive area. So he had like, a 200K house that was half the size of most 90K houses at the time. He drove a very expensive car, had the latest in entertainment technology (remember laserdiscs?) Now this was back in like, 1996 (if not a year or two before.) Inflation has seriously changed what everything costs now a days, so everything he had, just double it in cost in todays money. Anyway, he didn't exactly brag that he had money, but he sure made it known and flaunted it around (much to the annoyance of a good portion of my family.) Then he got canned, had to sell his house and move. Yet he still drives a 80K car with a custom (expensive) sound system. I haven't seen his new house yet. But trust me, this guy, we love him, and he's pretty cool... but he falls in the "mismanages money" kind of thing I would think.

Then there was two co-workers of mine. Neither had to work, both where wealthy. One never mentioned it, and whenever asked she was very modest. She was also very kind and helped people out a lot. The other co-worker was very open about his money, but was also very modest. He never bragged, he was always just truthful about it. Very nice guy as well. (And trust me, this guy lived on prime realestate in the multi-million dollar homes area.)

So my experiences with the wealthy = backing up what you said.

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