Whooo, thunder!

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Whooo, thunder!

Post by phyco126 »

Actually, more like lightening. My sister lives about 100 feet from us, but it's about a 5 minute walk due to not being able to walk across people's yards and thus having to take the sidewalks. Anyway, I came from her house about 20 minutes ago. When I left, a huge storm system was about 5-10 eye miles from reaching us, but it was lightening like crazy. So I head home, grab my camera and walk outside to start filming it. At that time the system was about 3 eye miles from reaching us. Finally, in about 2 minutes, the system reached over my head. With a relatively clear view of the storm system, I have to say the lightening was impressive. MASSIVE amounts of lightening (though only a quarter you could actually see a bolt) zooming through the clouds, and plenty of thunder to go with it.

Anyway, it looks rather beautiful actually. I got some film footage, but the lightening doesn't show too well, so it's not even worth it to post. All I have to say though, is I wouldn't be surprised if we get some tornadoes out east (about 15-30 miles out at least,) hail, and lots and lots of rain. I'm actually expecting the power to go out tonight. The only thing about lightening and thunder is that when I am home alone (liek I am now) then I get veeeeeery skidish and uneasy. Almost to the point where I act like I do when I halucinate.

Long story short, wish you guys could see the lightening show. It's big, it's beautiful, and there's a lightening clash every 2 seconds (on average, I did the math :P) I honestly have to say it's the biggest lightening show I've seen in years (not to say there wheren't bigger, but if there where, I didn't see them :P)

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Post by yroc »

It's nice to see another person enjoys watching lightening storms as much as I do. I just love to watch it out in the country but where I'm living, that's impossible.

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Post by GhaleonOne »

Being in Kansas, thunderstorms are second nature. Yesterday morning on the way to work there was a weird cloud that was pouring rain and misting when it hit the ground. But the shape of it gave a look of a tornado tearing through. Not to mention, all the cloud to ground lightning. Thunderstorms rule.

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Post by phyco126 »

When I was in Denver visiting my dad about a months and a half ago, there was a storm that came through and we saw a HUGE flash and lightening bolt. Several minutes later we where driving and in the direction of where the lightening flash was there was a large bellow of smoke in the air (fresh mind you) from where it evidently struck and caught something on fire.

Now when I first moved here in 1996, every spring and summer thunderstorms where common. However, around 2000 and on we have been in a drought (off and on in the past couple of years) so we didn't have that many, but still some decent ones. But this one had a ton of lightening. It was great. I do love watching the lightening, but it still scares the crap out of me at the same time (I don't know why, but I have noticed I am more succectable to my primal instincts than most, maybe that's why? *shrugs*)

Anyway, when I lived in Florida, we would have a thunderstorm or five everyday, lol.

G1, do you get storms where you are driving and it's raining very hard, and suddenly it stops or slows to a sprinkle, and you look back and you see nothing but a wall of water hitting the ground? I think those are fun, we get them now and then here (mostly in the form of snow though) but they where everywhere in Florida.

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Post by Benevolent_Ghaleon »

I understand this, but i hate when people enjoy tornados at all.

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Post by GhaleonOne »

G1, do you get storms where you are driving and it's raining very hard, and suddenly it stops or slows to a sprinkle, and you look back and you see nothing but a wall of water hitting the ground?

Yeah, had that happen Thursday driving home from work. And what was even weirder is during the downpour, the sun was out. It made it really hard to see where I was going.

I understand this, but i hate when people enjoy tornados at all.

My old neighborhood used to sit out in lawn chairs to watch the things. People around here are fairly used to them. Sure, when they got close, people went for cover, but storm watching is a pasttime for people around here. I'm not really sure why enjoying tornados is any worse than enjoying lightning shows though. Lightning kills far more people than tornados.

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Post by YoshiMars »

Eep... I hate lightning, it is true what Phyco says about Florida, especially in the summer... storms everyday. Lightning scares me mostly when for whatever reason I am outside and/or in the car (both technically being outside I s'pose) thanks to Tampa being the Lightning capital of the world (not sure if that's completely true but it's darn close...) though that could probably apply to anyone huh? =P

Neat to look at from a distance, but really, really scary up close.
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Post by phyco126 »

My friend started to rig his car so he coud chase tornadoes, but then his engine blew. Now he has a very nice two seater 300 hp sports car, but he hasn't said if he wants to still chase tornadoes or not.

G1, we get those storms now and then, I actually love it when they do it, just for the sole purpose that it's unorthadox. Though better yet is when it gets so cold here, the sky will be COMPLETELY clear, no clouds, but it'll still snow :P Mind you their very tiny, but it's still snow :P

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