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Re: How far along is everyone?

Posted: Fri Mar 05, 2010 5:04 pm
by ShindoW
Thank you, Alunissage. I have been running on virtually no sleep myself so I understand where you're coming from. I am only familiar with the US games and so my knowledge is pretty lacking. I figured that was what you were trying to say. XD Sorry again, I hate to be a bother and would rather just keep my mouth shut.

As for my progress, I am in Meribia!

Re: How far along is everyone?

Posted: Sat Mar 06, 2010 9:01 pm
by Kaiya-Sky
4 and half hours later, level 12 and just reached Meribia, to tired to play any more. I should have started playing earlier, or spent less time just running around.

I like the game so far, I don't like how they've made all the places smaller, but its not like the took away anything really important. I was very happy to see a hitchhikers guide to the galaxy reference.
I was disappointed by the prologue, it was just out of know where, I was expecting for a little more then 2 fights I'm guessing you cant lose, and it shouldn't have been at the beginning, since it doesn't really have anything to do with the main story other then it involving the 4 heroes. I think it should have been activated by reading a book in Vane or something.
I don't think I'm ever going to get use to Nall's voice, its, I'm sorry but no, its not Nall

Im looking forward to playing more later~

Re: How far along is everyone?

Posted: Sat Mar 06, 2010 9:10 pm
by Final Night
Kaiya-Sky wrote:4 and half hours later, level 12 and just reached Meribia, to tired to play any more. I should have started playing earlier, or spent less time just running around.

I like the game so far, I don't like how they've made all the places smaller, but its not like the took away anything really important. I was very happy to see a hitchhikers guide to the galaxy reference.
I was disappointed by the prologue, it was just out of know where, I was expecting for a little more then 2 fights I'm guessing you cant lose, and it shouldn't have been at the beginning, since it doesn't really have anything to do with the main story other then it involving the 4 heroes. I think it should have been activated by reading a book in Vane or something.
I don't think I'm ever going to get use to Nall's voice, its, I'm sorry but no, its not Nall

Im looking forward to playing more later~
I'm looking at it from the perspective of having never played the game before. It's a good intro game-wise because you can't die and you're super-powered. Sometimes it can be frustrating starting a new game with crummy equipment and magic.

Also I think it fleshes out the Four Heroes and Althena, who you don't get to see or hear much about for awhile. I would have liked to see more interaction between the characters, but that just makes me hungry for some kind of full-on Four Heroes game.

... and I'm done in Lann and getting ready to head back to Vane.

Re: How far along is everyone?

Posted: Sat Mar 06, 2010 9:39 pm
by Monde Luna
Okay well I'm getting ready to go to the RDC. There was one add on to the game that I was not pleased by. It's a Ghaleon specific *mega*spoiler  When you go to see Quark w/ Ghaleon not only does Quark confirm to Ghaleon that Luna is the Goddess Ghaleon also mentions Eifel. It's like a double whammy, why does Ghaleon kidnap all the other girls if he already knows Luna is the one he wants.... This will drive me crazy forever Other than this and nall/royce's voice I'm happy. =o)

Re: How far along is everyone?

Posted: Sat Mar 06, 2010 9:54 pm
by Kaiya-Sky
Final Night wrote:I'm looking at it from the perspective of having never played the game before. It's a good intro game-wise because you can't die and you're super-powered. Sometimes it can be frustrating starting a new game with crummy equipment and magic.

Also I think it fleshes out the Four Heroes and Althena, who you don't get to see or hear much about for awhile. I would have liked to see more interaction between the characters, but that just makes me hungry for some kind of full-on Four Heroes game.

... and I'm done in Lann and getting ready to head back to Vane.
Well I'm glad, i first time player likes it, i guess that's what really matters, and they way you see it, is good, i hope the others see it like that too. I guess I'm just use to it starting with Alex at Dynes monument. I do like how at the end of the prologue, it shows it as Alex's dad telling it as a story, and seeing little Alex and Luna, to bad there wasn't any art work of them as kids.
I just thought with having at the prologue at the beginning as it is, would have the first time players who don't know much about the game expecting to see more of them and about what's going on in that scene.
I like to think that its just a preview of a game that's to come and they just want to see our reactions on it

Re: How far along is everyone?

Posted: Sat Mar 06, 2010 10:02 pm
by Alunissage
Monde Luna, I can fill you in on that a bit; I asked about it and apparently this wasn't intended to be a plot hole but rather an explanation that got kind of lost in the WD version. Apparently  Ghaleon needs Luna to sing and perhaps to be more nurturing to awaken her goddesshood, so the other girls are captured for that reason, to encourage both of these (cf. the scene at the Blue Dragon Shrine, when they all sing, and at least one of the girls later says that Luna was taking care of and leading them). Once this is accomplished, the girls are let go -- which they weren't in TSS; only one of them escaped, with Luna's help -- in part to show that Ghaleon isn't really monstrous, or he would have just killed them.

Re: How far along is everyone?

Posted: Sat Mar 06, 2010 11:38 pm
by TerraBemani
I'm currently in  Might's tower. I really hate mazes and stuff like this. XD

Re: How far along is everyone?

Posted: Sun Mar 07, 2010 12:05 am
by whitedragon_nall
I'm en route to  Damon's Spire. And by the way.... XSEED's Magic Emperor reveal > WD's Magic Emperor reveal. I was surprised at how much more I enjoyed it.

Re: How far along is everyone?

Posted: Sun Mar 07, 2010 1:19 am
by Silver Phoenix
Did it have something to do with not sounding extremely distorted and ridiculously cheesy?

Re: How far along is everyone?

Posted: Sun Mar 07, 2010 1:29 am
by Guild_Premier_Ghaleon
I just finished up this morning. Overall, I really enjoyed it. The remastered music and the graphical work were excellent. Sometimes things felt off because I was so attuned to the SSSC voice acting, but not in a bad way. Just not used to it I suppose. I was kind of bothered that they changed thing unnecessarily though. For example,  they rename the Fortress of Althena the Azure City of Althena. Why change that? Maybe it's a more literal translation from the Japanese version or something similar to that, but I don't know. Also, I wish they had added more! I really enjoyed the four heroes storyline, and there were also several scattered scenes, such as  the additional scene in Burg when escorting Ghaleon to the White Dragon Cave. At the spring, Luna and Alex go and begin singing, and Ghaleon connects the song Luna sings with Althena's in the opening Four Heroes sequence, and is visibly shaken. But, if they added optional dungeons or something? Maybe revisiting the Leviathan? That would have been cool. But, all in all, an excellent remake. Also, were there secondary Arts Gauge' attacks that I just missed? If I recall correctly, Lunar Legend had secondary AG abillities, but I didn't come across any here. Just curious.

Re: How far along is everyone?

Posted: Sun Mar 07, 2010 1:44 am
by Silver Phoenix
Yes there are secondary Arts Gauge attacks. I believe most (all?) of them are bought at Ramus' shop later in the game.

Re: How far along is everyone?

Posted: Sun Mar 07, 2010 1:56 am
by MaroonChan
I'm at Damon's Spire. Would of liked to finish that part off but tired. Was gonna nap, but meh not happening.

I was wondering about the singer's thing myself too, and that reasoning does make sense.

Re: How far along is everyone?

Posted: Sun Mar 07, 2010 3:21 am
by whitedragon_nall
NOOO! My PSP battery died!!! I guess I should try plugging it in once in a while. No More Lunar for me tonight. :cry:

Re: How far along is everyone?

Posted: Sun Mar 07, 2010 4:14 am
by ShindoW
Got to Meribia tonight. :)

Currently going through the four towers in EBC. I hope thats vague enough. I dont know how to post a spoiler since the spoiler tag doesnt work..

Re: How far along is everyone?

Posted: Sun Mar 07, 2010 5:26 am
by MaroonChan
whitedragon_nall wrote:NOOO! My PSP battery died!!! I guess I should try plugging it in once in a while. No More Lunar for me tonight. :cry:
I feel for ya. I was having problems with my charger when I got the game. I think it was charging, but the light didn't come on. Of course that didn't fix that for the new one I went out and got, but it charges and stuff so meh. Probably messed up something one of the times I dropped it, lol. Ah well, still plays my games. But man I was upset that night...I was all set to play Lunar and was all "NOES!" But was able to, just took a little bit for me to be able to.

Edit: Just got my Dragon Wings back.

Re: How far along is everyone?

Posted: Sun Mar 07, 2010 5:54 am
by TerraBemani
Posting from PSP. XD And almost done.

Re: How far along is everyone?

Posted: Sun Mar 07, 2010 6:04 am
by Silver Phoenix
You do realize that you can play your PSP even if your battery is dead by simply connecting it to the charger while it's plugged in, right? I didn't realize how quickly the battery dies even if you haven't been using the PSP. I went to turn it on and it wouldn't come on, so I plugged it in to charge and I could play it while it was plugged in.

Re: How far along is everyone?

Posted: Sun Mar 07, 2010 6:06 am
by Monde Luna
Alunissage wrote:Monde Luna, I can fill you in on that a bit; I asked about it and apparently this wasn't intended to be a plot hole but rather an explanation that got kind of lost in the WD version. Apparently  Ghaleon needs Luna to sing and perhaps to be more nurturing to awaken her goddesshood, so the other girls are captured for that reason, to encourage both of these (cf. the scene at the Blue Dragon Shrine, when they all sing, and at least one of the girls later says that Luna was taking care of and leading them). Once this is accomplished, the girls are let go -- which they weren't in TSS; only one of them escaped, with Luna's help -- in part to show that Ghaleon isn't really monstrous, or he would have just killed them.
Alun thanks your explanation makes so much sense. This was always something that really bothered me w/ the remakes. To bad it was never executed in a clear sense.

Re: How far along is everyone?

Posted: Sun Mar 07, 2010 7:47 am
by AlexAybara
I Just got kyle in my team. My friend, who never actually played a lunar game before, got this since I always told him about it and stuff. Well he's really enjoying it so far and he beat the second boss last I talked to him. He was level 17 at that point already. x_x I just now got to level 17ish. Im trying to stay kinda at a low level to make the game harder. But it's not working. It's still easy. Still a good game though. xD

Re: How far along is everyone?

Posted: Sun Mar 07, 2010 8:22 am
by MaroonChan
Silver Phoenix wrote:You do realize that you can play your PSP even if your battery is dead by simply connecting it to the charger while it's plugged in, right? I didn't realize how quickly the battery dies even if you haven't been using the PSP. I went to turn it on and it wouldn't come on, so I plugged it in to charge and I could play it while it was plugged in.
That's the one thing I hate about psp is even when its sitting there its batteries die. DS doesn't seem to have as much as a problem with that. Meh...