hat you desire to see of return in lunar silver star harmony

For discussion of Lunar: Silver Star Harmony, the PSP remake of Lunar 1
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hat you desire to see of return in lunar silver star harmony

Post by jos24 »

I desire to see again
the woodcutter of the weird woods
the lighthouse near saith
the mini card game of brett
alex with magic
the mini temples of alhena everywhere
the forest of damon spire
the bromides
to handle to lemia in the tower of crystal
to handle to fresca
the magic of laike
the songs of luna destruction and good luck
the magic of ghaleon
the Angels dragon
the dark cave and
the villagers of burg kidnapped
I expect that something of that this of return
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Re: hat you desire to see of return in lunar silver star harmony

Post by Aaron »

jos24 wrote:I desire to see again
alex with magic
the villagers of burg kidnapped
I expect that something of that this of return
I agree with you on those two...I can't remember if SSSC kidnapped villagers from Burg.

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Re: hat you desire to see of return in lunar silver star harmony

Post by ilovemyguitar »

Aaron wrote:
jos24 wrote:I desire to see again

the villagers of burg kidnapped
I can't remember if SSSC kidnapped villagers from Burg.
They didn't. In SSSC the people of Burg remain untouched in the entirety of the game, and the Vile Tribe instead is enslaved to build the Grindery.

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Re: hat you desire to see of return in lunar silver star harmony

Post by Shiva Indis »

I was reading through the J - E differences last night and I realized something... WD added the bit where Alex plays his harp/ocarina at the end of the game in both the versions they released. Which probably means that it won't be in Harmony either, unless Xseed adds it. I really, really hope they will.

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Re: hat you desire to see of return in lunar silver star harmony

Post by Aaron »

What did WD add because I thought the ending was amazing. So if they change it I'm worried I might not like it...

Are you talking about the whole scene where you have to play the Harp/Ocarina so that you wont die when trying to reach Luna? That whole scene really brought everything into focus. It almost feels inspired.

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Re: hat you desire to see of return in lunar silver star harmony

Post by Alunissage »

You could actually read the J to E differences for the games yourself and find out, you know. But the short answer is that in the Japanese games it's not only unnecessary to play the harp or ocarina to get to Luna, it's impossible in the first release of the remake.

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Re: hat you desire to see of return in lunar silver star harmony

Post by Aaron »

Wow, that really makes me appreciate Working Designs and what they brought to the whole Lunar experience. I didn't realize a localization company had so much liberty to add to the game experience. I think a lot of what we view as classic about Lunar has to do with Working Designs' influence and trademark on their games. It'll be a shame if it's gone in Lunar SSH. Now I wonder what impact Xseed will have on this game...

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Re: hat you desire to see of return in lunar silver star harmony

Post by Alunissage »

Just to be clear, WD did not add the ability to play the ocarina -- that was added during the (Japanese) port to PS and/or when the second Saturn version was made. WD just made it necessary to play the ocarina -- which is why you have to go through the whole game with only five inventory slots for Alex instead of six, just to make sure it's available at the end when Alex is the only one in the party. And because they made that change after the demo was released, some people who played the demo and continued on that save in the main game couldn't finish the game because they'd given the ocarina to Nall in the demo.

While WD definitely put their own stamp on their games, they probably changed a lot less than you think. There was goofy humor and emotional moments and all that in the originals, too. Honestly, I have a hard time thinking of any other "classic" aspects of the games that weren't in the originals, unless you consider pop refs classic. Anyone else?

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Re: hat you desire to see of return in lunar silver star harmony

Post by Nobiyuki77 »

jos24 wrote:I desire to see again
the woodcutter of the weird woods
the lighthouse near saith
the mini card game of brett
alex with magic
the mini temples of alhena everywhere
the forest of damon spire
the bromides
to handle to lemia in the tower of crystal
to handle to fresca
the magic of laike
the songs of luna destruction and good luck
the magic of ghaleon
the Angels dragon
the dark cave and
the villagers of burg kidnapped
I expect that something of that this of return
Sadly, I expect you shall be disappointed. I'm with you on most of those though.

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Re: hat you desire to see of return in lunar silver star harmony

Post by Alunissage »

So basically you want TSS with bromides.

Although I don't understand what you mean by "to handle to lemia in the tower of crystal" and "to handle to fresca".

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Re: hat you desire to see of return in lunar silver star harmony

Post by Deltath »

jos24 wrote:I desire to see again
the woodcutter of the weird woods
the lighthouse near saith
the mini card game of brett
alex with magic
the mini temples of alhena everywhere
the forest of damon spire
the bromides
to handle to lemia in the tower of crystal
to handle to fresca
the magic of laike
the songs of luna destruction and good luck
the magic of ghaleon
the Angels dragon
the dark cave and
the villagers of burg kidnapped
I expect that something of that this of return
I'm definitely with you on Alex's magic at the least.
Alunissage wrote:You could actually read the J to E differences for the games yourself and find out, you know.
You're certainly welcome to not answer him if the question bothers you, you know.

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Re: hat you desire to see of return in lunar silver star harmony

Post by Alunissage »

And to turn that back around, you could always refrain from quoting my post if it bothers you.

The point is that there's an actual site attached to this forum -- or rather, the other way around -- and this sort of information is on it precisely so people can look it up for themselves rather than keep asking (or worse, making incorrect assumptions). You can't seriously be surprised that someone associated with the site nudges people toward actually reading the site rather than asking the same questions over and over. Kizyr put many, many hours into making those lists; it's not too much to ask that people read them. Even if Aaron hadn't been on the board when Kizyr put them up (which I don't think was the case), the list was mentioned in the post to which Aaron was replying, and so he could have asked where it was. But he didn't.

I answered his question, but also told him that that list was accessible to him, so he can in fact look up other things like this. If he's concerned about what kinds of changes may be made in localization or how much of an impact WD actually had on the first games that won't be in evidence in this one, then he should certainly read for himself rather than making guesses and asking questions he can find the answers to. He probably won't, though.

P.S. That's an odd thing to pick out to comment on for your first post in over four years.

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Re: hat you desire to see of return in lunar silver star harmony

Post by Deltath »

Alunissage wrote:And to turn that back around, you could always refrain from quoting my post if it bothers you.
I actually had a fairly lengthy response, but in the end it just seemed unnecessarily combative of me, so I deleted it. Alas.
Alunissage wrote: P.S. That's an odd thing to pick out to comment on for your first post in over four years.
It just gets old to see that on every internet forum ever. Person asks question, everyone else says go look it up. It's not that I don't empathize; search functions and the like are grossly underused. That being said, I wasn't trying to stir the pot. As for an absence of four years, that can be attributed to a lack of new Lunar games. Silver Star Harmony drew me back to this forum, as the good folks at LunarNET generally have the best Lunar-related info on the net. I'm strongly hoping that SSH lights a fire under the whole Lunar franchise so maybe we can see it revitalized. That'd be the day.

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Re: hat you desire to see of return in lunar silver star harmony

Post by Kizyr »

Alunissage wrote:So basically you want TSS with bromides.

Although I don't understand what you mean by "to handle to lemia in the tower of crystal" and "to handle to fresca".
I presume he meant being able to play Lemia in the Crystal Tower, and being able to play Fresca in general.
Deltath wrote:It just gets old to see that on every internet forum ever. Person asks question, everyone else says go look it up. It's not that I don't empathize; search functions and the like are grossly underused.
It's different when you're considering information that most people aren't aware is even available in the first place. How many people would be aware of a compiled list of dialogue differences for the entirety of TSS, SSS, EB, and EBC, unless someone pointed it out to them? It probably would've been better to go ahead and provide a link, though.

I'll do that now:

It is sometimes funny when folks forget that there's an entire site and not just the forums, though. Like when we got a handful of people a month or so ago emailing us to let us know that there was a new Lunar game for the PSP coming out. KF
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Re: hat you desire to see of return in lunar silver star harmony

Post by Aaron »

Well to be honest I looked over those documents years ago. I never thoroughly read them. The reason for that was I never never agreed with the premise that these differences mattered. I never thought that they had any impact on the game what-so-ever. And for the most part they don't. So I stopped about half way through.

The decision to actually change the game at the end passed over me. I didn't read that bit, I didn't know about it. I think that is a huge difference and a huge improvement on the game. The poignant message of love that scene displays is multiplied many times by the use of music that Alex and Luna played together. It made me feel completely attached and I actually cared about whether or not Luna was gone forever. It ratchets up the suspense, it makes you think maybe she'll never return and your entire quest was in vain. That is a mark that WD put in. For all the complaints people have about their low-brow humor, they added something that changed Lunar from having a rather lack luster ending into something that nobody forgot.

Another good example of WD's influence is Meyrod (How do you spell it). I really love that.

And, please don't fight over me. Lol, it's silly. I understand both of your points.

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Re: hat you desire to see of return in lunar silver star harmony

Post by liquidpolicenaut »

Kizyr wrote:It is sometimes funny when folks forget that there's an entire site and not just the forums, though. Like when we got a handful of people a month or so ago emailing us to let us know that there was a new Lunar game for the PSP coming out. KF
Hey, didnt you know there is a Lunar game coming out on the PSP? It's true!! You can read it on any good Lunar website! ;) j/k

A lot of what jos24 listed I would love to see back in SSH...but that really isnt happening since SSH is based on SSSC and not TSS. I missed those kidnapped villagers :(

In regards to WD touches, I, too, loved most of them. I could deal with less pop culture references (like when 10 years pass and they arent considered relevant anymore?) but loved the Star Dragon theme in EB. It actually fit nicely into the game. I never minded the Magic Exp.thing in EB. I actually liked having full color booklets , especially on the Sega CD. Those are just a few... Overall, I think their translations were really good as well as the voice acting. It almost brought a tear to my eye when WD snuck in the piano theme from TSS into the ending shots in SSSC...

Since we were talking about the whole ocarina thing, in the original TSS, it was WD that added the ability to play the harp at the end and soften Luna's lightning attacks, right?
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Re: sombrero que deseas ver el regreso en la armonía de la estrella de plata lunar

Post by jos24 »

I will always hope that in some remake they make Fresca a playable character I imagine her using a whip since Tempest kept the bow and in the Sega CD version he used both
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Re: hat you desire to see of return in lunar silver star harmony

Post by Alunissage »

I think it's extremely likely that Fresca was intended to be playable (and use a whip) when TSS was in development but that that was cut for some reason, possibly to give Tempest a more personal reason to go into the cave when he wasn't supposed to. In one of the first magazine articles showing the characters, she's identified as using a whip, and of course Tempest is always shown with a bow. The weapons in Grimzol's Cave are the Pixie Bow and Pixie Whip (I need to look up what they're called in Japanese), and I think those two were supposed to be for Tempest and Fresca. Then when Fresca was cut from the party her weapon was given to Tempest, since Nash could use the bow but no one else could use the whip.
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