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Volume 1 of the SSS novelization gets major revision!

Posted: Tue Dec 25, 2007 4:52 am
by GhaleonOne
LunarNET's novel section is still being updated. There was already a (very) brief summary of the Silver Star Story novelization, Volume 1. But now there's a revamped version of it up, that contains tons more detail about the first volume of the SSS novel--we're talking new places, people, events, that sort of thing. Anyone who's interested in not just the novels but the background details of the Lunar universe should get a lot out of it.
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<br />The links are here:
<br /><a href="">Lunar: SSS, Volume 1 - Summary</a>
<br /><a href="">Lunar Novels page</a>
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<br />More detailed summaries of the remaining SSS novels, and all EB novels, are still forthcoming. KF