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Lunar Anime script uploaded!

Posted: Tue Dec 25, 2007 4:51 am
by GhaleonOne
Another Magic-School-related update!
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<br />The Lunar anime is an animated 10-minute short, based off of Magical School Lunar. LunarNET already has the animated short itself, but now we have a translated script of the dialogue itself uploaded! (Still working on compressing the translated video itself, but in the meantime you can obtain it from <a href=""></a>.)
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<br />Anyway, the script is in the <a href="merchandise/anime.php">Lunar Anime</a> section (under <a href="merchandise.php">Merchandise</a>), or you can go directly to the <a href="merchandise/anime-script.php">Lunar Anime - Script</a> page itself. KF