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Post by Sonic# »

But that is just it. I don't see that as innovation. It's PDA screen? What's so innovative? It's not like they invented the technology? I'm sorry, but there is nothing you can say or do that will convince me that scratching a digital pet with a plastic pencil is anything remotely innovative and groundbreaking. It may be fun for some, but that does not make it innovative.

Innovation seems like it's more than the development of something radically new. It's also the use of existing technology in a new way.

PDA screens, yes, they've been around the block. Wireless connections, oh, we've had them for a while. But Nintendo's using them in their systems! They haven't been used to play games on a widespread basis before!

Of course, by the same argument, you could argue that the introduction of DVDs for games was innovative. It was. Shades of grey. ^_~

"Than seyde Merlion, "Whethir lyke ye bettir the swerde othir the scawberde?" "I lyke bettir the swerde," seyde Arthure. "Ye ar the more unwyse, for the scawberde ys worth ten of the swerde; for whyles ye have the scawberde uppon you, ye shall lose no blood, be ye never so sore wounded. Therefore kepe well the scawberde allweyes with you." --- Le Morte Darthur, Sir Thomas Malory

"Just as you touch the energy of every life form you meet, so, too, will will their energy strengthen you. Fail to live up to your potential, and you will never win. " --- The Old Man at the End of Time

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Post by Shiva Indis »

Sonic# wrote:Of course, by the same argument, you could argue that the introduction of DVDs for games was innovative. It was. Shades of grey. ^_~

Moving to DVD wasn't such a big deal (especially for consoles). The big leap forward as far as media type is concerned was the move from cartridge to CD. Approaches to both programing and game design changed dramatically. On the other hand, the move to DVD seems to have been the same approach to game making, but with more constituent parts than before.

However, that's tangental to the subject of Nintendo's recent innovation. As Dragonmaster Dan and Sonic# have said, Nintendo has been experimenting with control concepts. The games they're making are able to engage players in ways that didn't exist before. The DS has been their flagship effort, and it's worked out quite well.

Roas, I get the idea that you'd be more willing to support Nintendo if they approached the market the same way as Sony and Microsoft. But that isn't viable for Nintendo - the reason they've managed to hold up in the market the last few years is that they provide gaming experiences you can't get anywhere else. They're banking on the capital of their uniqueness. If you don't like their style that's your prerogative, but you're never going to be satisfied when you compare apples to oranges.

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Post by DragonmasterDan »

But that is just it. I don't see that as innovation. It's PDA screen? What's so innovative? It's not like they invented the technology? I'm sorry, but there is nothing you can say or do that will convince me that scratching a digital pet with a plastic pencil is anything remotely innovative and groundbreaking. It may be fun for some, but that does not make it innovative.

Fun and innovation are not mutually exclusive. They can coinside on occasion, but, as you like to put it, one does not need the other. So, I would not define something that is a latest hit as innovative just because people enjoy it.

Your now switching the hardware and software argument. My argument is that games like Nintendogs and Warioware Touched! are Innovative. There hasn't been games like them until the release of the Nintendo DS.

Then why have you been taking on all my points outside the innovation part of the discussion, if all you cared about were my comments on innovation?

That makes no sense.

The main disagreement I had was that Nintendo is in fact innovating and producing quality software which you disagreed with. Some of the information you used to back up this claim (for example the non innovation claim with things like the power glove or your whole rant about power and such) were also incorrect as this discussion continued. But my main disagreement was regarding the innovation and quality of their products.

I'm not saying Nintendo's long term business strategy with the Revolution is flawless and I'm not saying that their products appeal to everyone even though their intention is to reach a larger audence (IE non-gamers) with their new approaches to control.

What I am saying is that they are producing innovative products that are continuing to garner acclaim among industry insiders and critics alike. You basically dismissed any opinions besides those of your direct circle of word of mouth as invalid since you apparently don't trust the gaming media. Calling a game like Mario Sunshine which has recieved predominantly highly positive reviews a "crapfest" is something that isn't very difficult to understand why I took issue with.

To Sonic#:

With regard to DVD as a media for games, I don't consider it that innovative relatively speaking. The first CD-ROM based system (The PC Engine CD which was an add-on but a console nonetheless) was innovative. The Nuon (the first DVD based console platform) is almost completely forgotten by most of the industry today.

And in reply to Shiva:

However, that's tangental to the subject of Nintendo's recent innovation. As Dragonmaster Dan and Sonic# have said, Nintendo has been experimenting with control concepts. The games they're making are able to engage players in ways that didn't exist before. The DS has been their flagship effort, and it's worked out quite well.

This is what makes it not really hardware related innovations. Control is directly relating to how a game plays and because of their innovations in control it allows for new types of games to be developed. It's not like Nintendo is just making more powerful hardware, they are trying to change the way games are played in order to appeal to an audence that has difficulty learning the intricacies of standard controller interfaces.

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Roas Atrades
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Post by Roas Atrades »

PDA screens, yes, they've been around the block. Wireless connections, oh, we've had them for a while. But Nintendo's using them in their systems! They haven't been used to play games on a widespread basis before!

A good way to put it, but I still don't see it as revolutionising. And can a single handheld system really be called widespread? If Microsoft and Sony copied and used, I'd use that lable, but there is only the DS for now. And while it is, and I have not denied this, the best handheld out there, is the touch screen really turning the gaming world on its head?

I can't answer that for the world, but I personally don't think so, mainly because this is still a handheld, and handhelds are the little brothers compared to the consoles.

Roas, I get the idea that you'd be more willing to support Nintendo if they approached the market the same way as Sony and Microsoft. But that isn't viable for Nintendo - the reason they've managed to hold up in the market the last few years is that they provide gaming experiences you can't get anywhere else. They're banking on the capital of their uniqueness. If you don't like their style that's your prerogative, but you're never going to be satisfied when you compare apples to oranges.

I wouldn't quite say that. What I want from Nintendo is simply consistancy, which they have not proved to me they can do. I'd like the loyalty returned that I gave them for over a decade. They do not have to do things like Sony or Microsoft at all. Uniqueness is fine, but unique can also be just as bad as good, and create a great deal of unappeal for people.

Your now switching the hardware and software argument. My argument is that games like Nintendogs and Warioware Touched! are Innovative. There hasn't been games like them until the release of the Nintendo DS.

The main disagreement I had was that Nintendo is in fact innovating and producing quality software which you disagreed with. Some of the information you used to back up this claim (for example the non innovation claim with things like the power glove or your whole rant about power and such) were also incorrect as this discussion continued. But my main disagreement was regarding the innovation and quality of their products.

I'm not saying Nintendo's long term business strategy with the Revolution is flawless and I'm not saying that their products appeal to everyone even though their intention is to reach a larger audence (IE non-gamers) with their new approaches to control.

What I am saying is that they are producing innovative products that are continuing to garner acclaim among industry insider and critics alike. You basically dismissed any opinions besides those of your direct circle of word of mouth as invalid since you apparently don't trust the gaming media.

How so? I'm simply adopting your perspective to my own advantage. Putting them together for this point merely adds to the strength of my arguement, not detracts. So thanks for that.

And again you are putting words together defining them as mutually exclusive. New and Innovative are not necessarily the same thing. So, Dogs and Ware are new....that does not make them innovative.

You seem to be the one, more than I, who is having trouble accepting another person's opinion and belief. You say that I am wrong with my facts and perspective, but have I said you're wrong with yours?


I simply see things differently, but I have not taken a shot saying that you're completely wrong. My beliefs and the foundations for my arguements are based on personal experience and fact, which is something you can never top or take away from me. You may disagree with what I have to say, but you are not the end all be all of the gaming world, therefore, you have no grounds whatsoever to say I am incorrect with all my statements.

So Nintendo didn't make the Powerglove themselves. They still put their NAME on it and promoted it in their periodicals and media. Therefore, they should have a certain amount of responsibility to why it ended up sucking so much.

And you never did comment on those oh so innovative contraptions called the VirtuaBoy and the bazooka that was useless. You ignored it, as you have much of what I've been saying apparently.

I have awknowledged everything you have said, and brought up reasonable opinions and counter points to all of it, to which you have simply called incorrent and wrong.

So you refer to me as someone without a perspective, who decides to disregard and trash all gaming critics and insiders, which is once more a grandioise statement from you that I did not actually say. You say all I really want is the word of mouth from what you term "closed circles."

Yeah, so a fraction of your "words in my mouth" definition is true. I trust practical experience a little more over printed words from a person who I have no true knowledge of, that for all I know played the game half assed without inthusiasm because it is not one of their favorite genres. But I still read reviews, because occasionally someone does get it right.

Once more, you presume to get inside of my mind and tell me what I'm thinking. Maybe we should go on the road and sell tickets. We'd clean up, I'm sure.

But seriously speaking, you put these entirely false lables upon me, simply because you do not like my point of view that I do not think what Nintendo does is world shakingly innovative. You are blatently disregarding all I say as an emotional, which to some extent it is, response from raging gamer who only wants Nintendo to appeal to his 18-30 demographic.

I never say these things. I will say for the umpteenth time, I do not hate Nintendo. I simply, as I replied to Shiva above, desire consistancy from them in gaming products instead of their radical desire to please everyone and be unique. That is what it would take to earn me back as a consumer and true fan. And no, I do not believe what they do always qualifies as innovative and grand scheme changing for the gaming world.

Once in a while Nintendo finds itself again and releases an incredible game.

They put out interesting hardware that a good deal of people seem to enjoy.

But they are not necissarily changing the gaming world with a touch screen, a controller, and the querky games they may inspire. Like all things in life, eventually they will be forgotten and fade away, replaced by whatever the next It thing is.

In the end, that's what things always boil down to. Media deem products the "It" thing to have and people all race out to buy it. In the beginning things are great, but as always, the It of old gets...well...old, and everyone then goes out to buy the next big It.

Now, dan, if you don't like my opinion, that's just bully for you, but don't call it wrong or incorrent. Keeping taking cheap shots like that, and continue to put words in my mouth, and I might actually start to take offense and I may take myself out of first gear and go into second. My opinion, as well as many unspoken others, is different than yours, and if you can't accept that...

well...that's too bad.
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Post by DragonmasterDan »

New and Innovative are not necessarily the same thing. So, Dogs and Ware are new....that does not make them innovative.

A quick look at the dictionary shows me the word innovative as "Marked by or given to innovations" and a look at the root word innovation is 1. The act of introducing something new. 2. Something newly introduced.
Simply put new and innovative ARE the same thing. This is a simple logic argument, if all things newly introduced are innovative. And as you stated earlier "Dogs and Ware are new" this must make them innovative. This is simple logic.

Dictionary Link

I simply see things differently, but I have not taken a shot saying that you're completely wrong. My beliefs and the foundations for my arguements are based on personal experience and fact, which is something you can never top or take away from me. You may disagree with what I have to say, but you are not the end all be all of the gaming world, therefore, you have no grounds whatsoever to say I am incorrect with all my statements.

What fact have you introduced to the argument besides your own personal opinion or personal opinions of those you know? How are is the personal opinion of for example the many professional reviewers who handled Mario Sunshine less valid than your friends?

And you never did comment on those oh so innovative contraptions called the VirtuaBoy and the bazooka that was useless. You ignored it, as you have much of what I've been saying apparently

The virtual boy was innovative. I never said that Innovation is always successful or even a good thing. But it is good to try something new and it's something Nintendo should be given credit for. I'm not arguing that everything Nintendo has ever done is good for the company and a great thing. I am not a Nintendo Fan Boy, I don't defend everything they do and have ever done to the death, but I stand by the fact they they do produce innovative gamess contrary to your earlier statements.

You are blatently disregarding all I say as an emotional, which to some extent it is, response from raging gamer who only wants Nintendo to appeal to his 18-30 demographic.

I'm not disregarding all of what you're saying, a lot of your comments are fine. But things that I disagree with are regards to the quality of their product and innovation. Everyone is entitled to personal opinion, but when a majority of knowledagble gamers disagree with that opinion (for example using Mario Sunshine as an example) and you fail to show any constructive criticism regarding why the critically acclaimmed title is a "crapfest" the looming persona of your being a "aging gamer who only wants Nintendo to appeal to his 18-30 demographic" certainly manifests itself through the way you phrase things. If you want to give constructive criticism great, but just saying something is a "crapfest" or whatever else without explaining why so it can be further discected leads to running around in circles.

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Roas Atrades
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Post by Roas Atrades »

A quick look at the dictionary shows me the word innovative as "Marked by or given to innovations" and a look at the root word innovation is 1. The act of introducing something new. 2. Something newly introduced.
Simply put new and innovative ARE the same thing. This is a simple logic argument, if all things newly introduced are innovative. And as you stated earlier "Dogs and Ware are new" this must make them innovative. This is simple logic.

Webster's Dictionary:

in-no-vate 1: to introduce as or as if new, 2: to make changes

See I can look up words, too.

One definition does show that innovative can be seen as new, but the second definition also says that it can mean change. So simple logic you say? Words are a funny thing, you see. Written word and spoken word can be interpreted as two different things sometimes.

In every day life, when you speak and use common words, do you always mean them to have an exact definition? So if we apply this exact definition, every single thing that ever comes out is considered innovative. New CDs by bands, whose music remains the same, are innovative simply because they are new when infact the band is still using the same style of music.

Definitions are definitions if you want to remain logical in a black and white world. Science and Math are black and white, right or wrong. In the world we live in, words are used daily and applied with new conotations every day.

If we lived by the rule that every word had a set definition, common phraes like "Cool" or "Wicked" would mean the exact opposite of the way we all use them.

If you want to start a debate on the use of words, bring it. I've been training myself as a writer for ten years now, in addition to my more refined debate writing from my academic years. I live almost every minute of my life examing the use of words in all their aptitudes. I may not be the best of spellers at times :P, but I am quite adept at using the English language.

What fact have you introduced to the argument besides your own personal opinion or personal opinions of those you know? How are is the personal opinion of for example the many professional reviewers who handled Mario Sunshine less valid than your friends?

So, by your definintion, experience means nothing unless you are a professional.

So...what makes these people professionals in being able to review and proclaim games successful? Numbers as evidence aside, (which are once more subjective because people can buy mass numbers of a product and then not like it) what makes them different from everyone else that are playing these games??

Because some magazine is paying them? Yeah, you could apply that as a "definition" of professional, but that still does not make them any different from everyone else who plays these games. So no, they are not less valid, but they are not more valid by any means in this virtual world. Which makes them just as reliable, or unreliable as the next person.

It seems that you are again failing to grasp that there is more than what the bottom line tells you. My personal saying, Free your mind and let your dreams fly, means just that. Open up and start realizing that not everyone is going to conform to something just because it is "critically acclaimed". If I fee a game is hokey, with lack luster game control, a premise that feels like it was designed by a hippy, and an overall feeling of going nowhere...well I am going to say it, and people may...shocker...just agree with me.

The virtual boy was innovative. I never said that Innovation is always successful or even a good thing. But it is good to try something new and it's something Nintendo should be given credit for. I'm not arguing that everything Nintendo has ever done is good for the company and a great thing. I am not a Nintendo Fan Boy, I don't defend everything they do and have ever done to the death, but I stand by the fact they they do produce innovative gamess contrary to your earlier statements.

True, it's good to keep trying things, but in the end there comes a point when you are tapped out and you just end up looking foolish. Nintendo is about two sticks and a glop of chewing gum from being there. Not EVERYTHING is innovative in the literal sense, which you seem to be so fond of in all circumstances.

I invite you to step into the grey area. It can be scarey at first, but in the end your mind just might expand.

I'm not disregarding all of what you're saying, a lot of your comments are fine. But things that I disagree with are regards to the quality of their product and innovation. Everyone is entitled to personal opinion, but when a majority of knowledagble gamers disagree with that opinion (for example using Mario Sunshine as an example) and you fail to show any constructive criticism regarding why the critically acclaimmed title is a "crapfest" the looming persona of your being a "aging gamer who only wants Nintendo to appeal to his 18-30 demographic" certainly manifests itself through the way you phrase things. If you want to give constructive criticism great, but just saying something is a "crapfest" or whatever else without explaining why so it can be further discected leads to running around in circles.

Majority of knowledgable gamers.


Do you know all these people? Can you write their names down for me? Because I would really like to talk to them and find out what makes them more knowledgable than me or the next guy who's played games for twenty or so years. I mean, I'm asking, because it seems you have a detailed, fact based answer for everything.

But, I'm just an 18-30 aging gamer, who wants Nintendo's sole attention, who isn't a professional, or part of the majority of knowledgable gamers, so apparently my opinion really doesn't weigh as much as theirs. So, my dislike for Mario Sunshine doesn't count.

Is that about right? Have I defined myself well enough? Should we put this in a dictionary so that it can be literal til the end of the written word?

If anyone is having trouble taking constructive criticism, it seems to be you. I've admited when I was wrong on multiple occasions, and made addendums to further my points when necessary to avoid being wrong, but you have yet to truly awknowledge that there is an opinion and point of view outside the conventional, literal world you inhabit. Can you accept that there are in fact legeons of people who would not think Mario Sunshine is good and see it as a crapfest of waterguns and sewage cleaning?

I've opened my mind and accepted some of what you've said, but for all your facts your own position is still as subjective as mine.

So, do you really want to keep insulting me? Because if that's all you can do now, okay.

This aging gamer is getting too old to run the circles you keep dragging this discussion into. I may be the only person here defending this point of view, but I am not alone in this world, and I am not just refering to my "inner circle of friends." We live in a big world, and a much bigger world than ever before thanks to the internet. I find it hard to believe that you can actually lable majorities and minorities as easily as you do.

I don't claim that my opinion is of a majority or minority of people that I've never met or talked to, but you seem to be able to do that just fine. All I say is that there are a lot of people who feel the same way I do, and the exact opposite of what you believe. I know plenty of people feel differently than I, and I am not out to change their minds. I simply feel it's my right to say my piece on this public forum, and that it DOES count for something because I've played games for so many years.

Some might have run or quite this discussion a while back, but ask some of the vets around here, and you'll find out I don't run from anything. Normally I like to play the hero, but it's pretty clear in this case I am the villain of this game.

I'm cool with that. It's fun being the badguy once in a while. Means I don't have to play by the rules.

I'm not out to change your mind, dude, or prove you wrong. My purpose in continuing this thread now is to show that your way is not the only way. Debates are not about right or wrong, or making someone submit to your point of view. It's all about enlightenment, expressing the different views. Opening minds to the possibilities that there is more than one option out there.

So no one here has agreed with me yet. That's fine, but at least they're listening and accepting. I know I'm not alone, and that's good enough for me.

But you are free to believe what you want. I'm not here to tell you any different.

Oh man....I forgot about my steak and it got cold while I was writing this :cry:
Free your mind and let your dreams fly, -me

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Post by DragonmasterDan »

in-no-vate 1: to introduce as or as if new, 2: to make changes

See I can look up words, too.

One definition does show that innovative can be seen as new, but the second definition also says that it can mean change. So simple logic you say? Words are a funny thing, you see. Written word and spoken word can be interpreted as two different things sometimes.

In every day life, when you speak and use common words, do you always mean them to have an exact definition? So if we apply this exact definition, every single thing that ever comes out is considered innovative. New CDs by bands, whose music remains the same, are innovative simply because they are new when infact the band is still using the same style of music.

And if that's the case Nintendo innovates as well in the sense that they change things. Trying to change the topic regarding the main part of the discussion, Your statement that you felt Nintendo hadn't "any innovations in gaming in the past ten years or so," is still disproved by this basic point. Regarding quality of software we can go back and forth all day. But you should at least accept that even by your own definition you;re wrong.
So, by your definintion, experience means nothing unless you are a professional.

Not at all, but due to their job game writers are generally more experienced at playing games than is the general public. If popular opinion voted for things like awards for films, the Oscars would be the people's choice awards.

So...what makes these people professionals in being able to review and proclaim games successful? Numbers as evidence aside, (which are once more subjective because people can buy mass numbers of a product and then not like it) what makes them different from everyone else that are playing these games??

In some rare cases nothing, but when you reviews games as a source of income in many cases a primary source of income, you play a lot more games, good and bad and are better able to appreciate quality. Simply put experience matters, are thee hardcore gamers who play as many games as professionalr eviewers, yes but they are very few and far between just due to time restraints alone.

It seems that you are again failing to grasp that there is more than what the bottom line tells you. My personal saying, Free your mind and let your dreams fly, means just that. Open up and start realizing that not everyone is going to conform to something just because it is "critically acclaimed". If I fee a game is hokey, with lack luster game control, a premise that feels like it was designed by a hippy, and an overall feeling of going nowhere...well I am going to say it, and people may...shocker...just agree with me.

Explaining what you dislike about a game is fine, simple name calling it without an explanation as to why isn't.

Do you know all these people? Can you write their names down for me? Because I would really like to talk to them and find out what makes them more knowledgable than me or the next guy who's played games for twenty or so years. I mean, I'm asking, because it seems you have a detailed, fact based answer for everything.

The majority of knowledgable gamers was in reference to reviewers who as mentioned above generally have more experience .

If anyone is having trouble taking constructive criticism, it seems to be you. I've admited when I was wrong on multiple occasions, and made addendums to further my points when necessary to avoid being wrong, but you have yet to truly awknowledge that there is an opinion and point of view outside the conventional, literal world you inhabit. Can you accept that there are in fact legeons of people who would not think Mario Sunshine is good and see it as a crapfest of waterguns and sewage cleaning?

There are legions gamers who would dislike any title irregardless of the quality for one reason or another.,Generally speaking a majority of experienced gamers wouldn't agree with that assessment. A look at game rankings a site that indexes reviews of games shows that the majority of the reviews are quite positive. As a result my use of the term majority is correct. In an open poll in the entire world there are always people who dislike something. As I said experience does matter.

So, do you really want to keep insulting me? Because if that's all you can do now, okay.

Nothing I've said was ever intentionally made to be an insult. If you're insulted by the fact that I value profesional reviewers opinions over you and your friends in order to establish my point regarding critical acclaim then you're failing to see the point.

don't claim that my opinion is of a majority or minority of people that I've never met or talked to, but you seem to be able to do that just fine. All I say is that there are a lot of people who feel the same way I do, and the exact opposite of what you believe. I know plenty of people feel differently than I, and I am not out to change their minds. I simply feel it's my right to say my piece on this public forum, and that it DOES count for something because I've played games for so many years.

As I said there are legions of people who feel one way or another about any topic and when it comes to a matter of opinion (and in some cases regarding maters of scientific fact) about almost any topic imaginable. What I am saying is that stating something like Mario Sunshine being a "crapfest" as though it is a widely accepted fact when the most available consensus regarding the quality of a game (GameRankings) seems to indicate quite otherwise.

I'm not out to change your mind, dude, or prove you wrong. My purpose in continuing this thread now is to show that your way is not the only way. Debates are not about right or wrong, or making someone submit to your point of view. It's all about enlightenment, expressing the different views. Opening minds to the possibilities that there is more than one option out there.

I'm not out to change your mind either, but i hope at least in the future you wil at least be a bit more constructive in your criticisms. If you said Nintendo hasn't innovated anything of interest to me in the past ten years. Or that Mario Sunshine was a crapfest because of (insert reasons you didn't like the game here) that's fine. But the tone and attitude of your messages was quite abrasive to begin with and the lack of constructive criticism led only to the many replies with as you said "no one has agreed with me(you) yet". I'm not trying to change your mind of de-validiate your opinion about the quality of gams, but perhaps if you rephrased your opinions you wouldn't be met with such a backlash.

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Roas Atrades
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Post by Roas Atrades »

And if that's the case Nintendo innovates as well in the sense that they change things. Trying to change the topic regarding the main part of the discussion, Your statement that you felt Nintendo hadn't "any innovations in gaming in the past ten years or so," is still disproved by this basic point. Regarding quality of software we can go back and forth all day. But you should at least accept that even by your own definition you;re wrong.

Man, I don't understand how this is so difficult to grasp.


I have stated this over and over again with plenty of reasons as to why I think it's so.

And as to the word and definition issue, it seems you are the one who fails to grasp that language is not static. I'm not trying to turn the issue around, simply, once again, trying to get you to understand there are other perspectives. You still seem to not accept this.

Not at all, but due to their job game writers are generally more experienced at playing games than is the general public. If popular opinion voted for things like awards for films, the Oscars would be the people's choice awards.

Not in the least. Kids and people play just as much as these magazine contributers do. And using the Oscars as an example is weak, since it's the biggest fluff machine in the entertainment world today. It is the general public who play these games over and over again, not the reviewers. There is still no reason as to why a reviewer knows more than a regular gamer.

In some rare cases nothing, but when you reviews games as a source of income in many cases a primary source of income, you play a lot more games, good and bad and are better able to appreciate quality. Simply put experience matters, are thee hardcore gamers who play as many games as professionalr eviewers, yes but they are very few and far between just due to time restraints alone.

See above, I'd just be repeating myself, and even I'm getting tired of that.

Explaining what you dislike about a game is fine, simple name calling it without an explanation as to why isn't.

First of all, I can lable it if I feel like because that what it made me feel when I played it.

Second, I did give my reason why. I said I prefered a tradition Mario style game like the NES and SNES versions as opposed to a game like Sunshine, which was nothing like them in play or feel.

The majority of knowledgable gamers was in reference to reviewers who as mentioned above generally have more experience .

Again, see above. sheesh.

There are legions gamers who would dislike any title irregardless of the quality for one reason or another.,Generally speaking a majority of experienced gamers wouldn't agree with that assessment. A look at game rankings a site that indexes reviews of games shows that the majority of the reviews are quite positive. As a result my use of the term majority is correct. In an open poll in the entire world there are always people who dislike something. As I said experience does matter.

Again, rankings mean didly squat, dude. You don't know exactly who those people are, and you don't know how many of them are simply fluffing things to promote good numbers. You continue to claim majority, referencing rankings, internet rankings which never amount to anything in reality, but you cannot put names or faces to any of the masses that say they love something.

No ranking, especially on the internet, can accurately say what the real opinion is since only specific people are being asked. And many of these times, those people are influenced by outside factors not pertaining to the real issue to go a certain way.

Really, man, a needle can pop that arguement that rankings make a majority, when we don't know a damn thing about the people voting, or if even a correct amount of diverse people were asked about a game. In the end, either break out and publically hold a forum on a game's popularity to prove that the masses really do enjoy it, or else I am still going to make my decision on normal people saying "Yeah, it was all right for a little while, but I'm not gonna play it again let alone buy it," etc.

Now, holding such an open forum is absurd and nearly impossible, but that makes my point. You are never going to get a true majority or minority report on what gamers really think about something. There is just no way, so don't try and say that the majority speaks, because it's not possible.

Nothing I've said was ever intentionally made to be an insult. If you're insulted by the fact that I value profesional reviewers opinions over you and your friends in order to establish my point regarding critical acclaim then you're failing to see the point.

I'm not failing to see anything. What is insulting is when you speak my mind for me by putting words in my mouth, and proclaim that my opinions are wrong and incorrect because your specific facts say otherwise.

That is what 's insulting.

I could give two shakes of a rat's ass about the value of "pro" reviewers, since I don't think they really have any. Outside of that, I don't give them a second thought. I simply ignore them, as a good deal of people do all critics.

As I said there are legions of people who feel one way or another about any topic and when it comes to a matter of opinion (and in some cases regarding maters of scientific fact) about almost any topic imaginable. What I am saying is that stating something like Mario Sunshine being a "crapfest" as though it is a widely accepted fact when the most available consensus regarding the quality of a game (GameRankings) seems to indicate quite otherwise.

See above. Just cuz you're repeating yourself, doesn't mean I have to.

I'm not out to change your mind either, but i hope at least in the future you wil at least be a bit more constructive in your criticisms. If you said Nintendo hasn't innovated anything of interest to me in the past ten years. Or that Mario Sunshine was a crapfest because of (insert reasons you didn't like the game here) that's fine. But the tone and attitude of your messages was quite abrasive to begin with and the lack of constructive criticism led only to the many replies with as you said "no one has agreed with me(you) yet". I'm not trying to change your mind of de-validiate your opinion about the quality of gams, but perhaps if you rephrased your opinions you wouldn't be met with such a backlash.

Backlash, huh?

From what I see, everyone else stated their opinion without trying to trash mine, as you are. I'd call that a simple exchange of ideas, as opposed to this crusade you seem to be on to prove that I'm not allowed to believe that I don't see what Nintendo has done as overly innovative.

And frankly, I've stated on numorous occasions why my tone may come off abrasive or harsh. I am a representative of those who still feel burned by Nintendo. This is a big issue for people like myself, who still ask why Nintendo continues to act the way they do.

I am not going to censer myself just because you feel I come off as abrasive and harsh on this subject.

It's my feelings and emotions on the matter, dude. I'm a human being with an outspoken personality, and I am going to air my views on the subject how I please, but still in a non-offesive manner (ie, cursing all the time). My thoughts have been well versed and clear since the beginning.

To you my criticisms may seem unconstructive, because you are stuck in this loop of facts and literal meanings. I've continually said to try and step outside your end and see that there are other ways to see things.

I completely understand that you think Nintendo does a bang up spiffy job being unique and innovative. I can see where you're coming from.

You, however, have yet to step outside yourself and try on my size thirteens, from the way you continually try to make my opinions, experiences, and over all feelings seem insignificant and meaningless.
Free your mind and let your dreams fly, -me

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Post by DragonmasterDan »

Man, I don't understand how this is so difficult to grasp.


I have stated this over and over again with plenty of reasons as to why I think it's so.

And as to the word and definition issue, it seems you are the one who fails to grasp that language is not static. I'm not trying to turn the issue around, simply, once again, trying to get you to understand there are other perspectives. You still seem to not accept this.

What Nintendo has done is new by your definition as you stated earlier. The two different definitions do not disclude the other. In fact the alternate definition is listed in Websters dictionary as archiac.

"2 archaic : to effect a change in <the dictates of my father were... not to be altered, innovated, or even discussed -- Sir Walter Scott>
intransitive senses : to make changes : do something in a new way"

By either definition Nintendo has innovated in one way or another. This is not something you can disagree about and remain serious. In both definitions Nintendo has innovated. Do you have your own select definition? Is your definition of innovative relative to something else besides console gaming? The definition of innovative isn't "new and impresses everyone" it's just something new or done in a new way.

Not in the least. Kids and people play just as much as these magazine contributers do. And using the Oscars as an example is weak, since it's the biggest fluff machine in the entertainment world today. It is the general public who play these games over and over again, not the reviewers. There is still no reason as to why a reviewer knows more than a regular gamer.

Reviewers play games for a living generally spending much of their days trying to complete a game in order to review it. They play them for a living. Most professioinal they play a new game every few days (or less in a lot of cases, especially around the Holiday Season when more product is relased) extensively in order to keep producing content. Experience brings knowledge.

Second, I did give my reason why. I said I prefered a tradition Mario style game like the NES and SNES versions as opposed to a game like Sunshine, which was nothing like them in play or feel.

You said you thought Mario World and Mario 3 were better, you never elaborated until now about why you felt they were better (for example the play and feel.

Again, rankings mean didly squat, dude. You don't know exactly who those people are, and you don't know how many of them are simply fluffing things to promote good numbers. You continue to claim majority, referencing rankings, internet rankings which never amount to anything in reality, but you cannot put names or faces to any of the masses that say they love something.

Sure you can, many websites have pictures of the reviewers on their staff pages, most magazines at some point somewhere show pictures of their staffers in one way or another. You absolutely can put faces to these people.

Really, man, a needle can pop that arguement that rankings make a majority, when we don't know a damn thing about the people voting, or if even a correct amount of diverse people were asked about a game. In the end, either break out and publically hold a forum on a game's popularity to prove that the masses really do enjoy it, or else I am still going to make my decision on normal people saying "Yeah, it was all right for a little while, but I'm not gonna play it again let alone buy it," etc.

We know most of them play video games for a living and as mentioned above, this brings with it great amounts of experience in playing games.

Really, man, a needle can pop that arguement that rankings make a majority, when we don't know a damn thing about the people voting, or if even a correct amount of diverse people were asked about a game. In the end, either break out and publically hold a forum on a game's popularity to prove that the masses really do enjoy it, or else I am still going to make my decision on normal people saying "Yeah, it was all right for a little while, but I'm not gonna play it again let alone buy it," etc.

I stated "experienced gamers" as I mentioned by my definition most game reviewers that are listed as ranked on game rankings are experienced. There is obviously no way as you mentioned to hold a forum using this critieria exclusively. But this doesn't de-validiate at all my point about it's ratings being overwhelmingly positive.

I'm not failing to see anything. What is insulting is when you speak my mind for me by putting words in my mough, and proclaim that my opinions are wrong and incorrect because your specific facts say others.

That is what 's insulting.

How am I putting words in your mouth? In many cases when I've quoted you they have been direct quotes for example calling Nintendog's and Warioware new earlier.

PostPosted: Sun Dec 04, 2005 3:33 am Post subject:
Quote: ‹ Select › ‹ Expand ›
And if that's the case Nintendo innovates as well in the sense that they change things. Trying to change the topic regarding the main part of the discussion, Your statement that you felt Nintendo hadn't "any innovations in gaming in the past ten years or so," is still disproved by this basic point. Regarding quality of software we can go back and forth all day. But you should at least accept that even by your own definition you;re wrong.

Man, I don't understand how this is so difficult to grasp.


I have stated this over and over again with plenty of reasons as to why I think it's so.

And as to the word and definition issue, it seems you are the one who fails to grasp that language is not static. I'm not trying to turn the issue around, simply, once again, trying to get you to understand there are other perspectives. You still seem to not accept this.

Quote: ‹ Select › ‹ Expand ›

Not at all, but due to their job game writers are generally more experienced at playing games than is the general public. If popular opinion voted for things like awards for films, the Oscars would be the people's choice awards.

Not in the least. Kids and people play just as much as these magazine contributers do. And using the Oscars as an example is weak, since it's the biggest fluff machine in the entertainment world today. It is the general public who play these games over and over again, not the reviewers. There is still no reason as to why a reviewer knows more than a regular gamer.

Quote: ‹ Select › ‹ Expand ›
In some rare cases nothing, but when you reviews games as a source of income in many cases a primary source of income, you play a lot more games, good and bad and are better able to appreciate quality. Simply put experience matters, are thee hardcore gamers who play as many games as professionalr eviewers, yes but they are very few and far between just due to time restraints alone.

See above, I'd just be repeating myself, and even I'm getting tired of that.

Quote: ‹ Select ›
Explaining what you dislike about a game is fine, simple name calling it without an explanation as to why isn't.

First of all, I can lable it if I feel like because that what it made me feel when I played it.

Second, I did give my reason why. I said I prefered a tradition Mario style game like the NES and SNES versions as opposed to a game like Sunshine, which was nothing like them in play or feel.

Quote: ‹ Select ›

The majority of knowledgable gamers was in reference to reviewers who as mentioned above generally have more experience .

Again, see above. sheesh.

Quote: ‹ Select › ‹ Expand ›
There are legions gamers who would dislike any title irregardless of the quality for one reason or another.,Generally speaking a majority of experienced gamers wouldn't agree with that assessment. A look at game rankings a site that indexes reviews of games shows that the majority of the reviews are quite positive. As a result my use of the term majority is correct. In an open poll in the entire world there are always people who dislike something. As I said experience does matter.

Again, rankings mean didly squat, dude. You don't know exactly who those people are, and you don't know how many of them are simply fluffing things to promote good numbers. You continue to claim majority, referencing rankings, internet rankings which never amount to anything in reality, but you cannot put names or faces to any of the masses that say they love something.

No ranking, especially on the internet, can accurately say what the real opinion is since only specific people are being asked. And many of these times, those people are influenced by outside factors not pertaining to the real issue to go a certain way.

Really, man, a needle can pop that arguement that rankings make a majority, when we don't know a damn thing about the people voting, or if even a correct amount of diverse people were asked about a game. In the end, either break out and publically hold a forum on a game's popularity to prove that the masses really do enjoy it, or else I am still going to make my decision on normal people saying "Yeah, it was all right for a little while, but I'm not gonna play it again let alone buy it," etc.

Now, holding such an open forum is absurd and nearly impossible, but that makes my point. You are never going to get a true majority or minority report on what gamers really think about something. There is just no way, so don't try and say that the majority speaks, because it's not possible.

Quote: ‹ Select ›
Nothing I've said was ever intentionally made to be an insult. If you're insulted by the fact that I value profesional reviewers opinions over you and your friends in order to establish my point regarding critical acclaim then you're failing to see the point.

I'm not failing to see anything. What is insulting is when you speak my mind for me by putting words in my mough, and proclaim that my opinions are wrong and incorrect because your specific facts say others.

That is what 's insulting.

I could give two shakes of a rat's ass about the value of "pro" reviewers, since I don't think they really have any. Outside of that, I don't give them a second thought. I simply ignore them, as a good deal of people do all critics.

Quote: ‹ Select › ‹ Expand ›
As I said there are legions of people who feel one way or another about any topic and when it comes to a matter of opinion (and in some cases regarding maters of scientific fact) about almost any topic imaginable. What I am saying is that stating something like Mario Sunshine being a "crapfest" as though it is a widely accepted fact when the most available consensus regarding the quality of a game (GameRankings) seems to indicate quite otherwise.

See above. Just cuz you're repeating yourself, doesn't mean I have to.

Quote: ‹ Select › ‹ Expand ›
I'm not out to change your mind either, but i hope at least in the future you wil at least be a bit more constructive in your criticisms. If you said Nintendo hasn't innovated anything of interest to me in the past ten years. Or that Mario Sunshine was a crapfest because of (insert reasons you didn't like the game here) that's fine. But the tone and attitude of your messages was quite abrasive to begin with and the lack of constructive criticism led only to the many replies with as you said "no one has agreed with me(you) yet". I'm not trying to change your mind of de-validiate your opinion about the quality of gams, but perhaps if you rephrased your opinions you wouldn't be met with such a backlash.

Backlash, huh?

From what I see, everyone else stated their opinion without trying to trash mine, as you are. I'd call that a simple exchange of ideas, as opposed to this crusade you seem to be on to prove that I'm not allowed to believe that I don't see what Nintendo has done as overly innovative.

And frankly, I've stated on numorous occasions why my tone may come off abrasive or harsh. I am a representative of those who still feel burned by Nintendo. This is a big issue for people like myself, who still ask why Nintendo continues to act the way they do.

I am not going to censer myself just because you feel I come off as abrasive and harsh on this subject.

I am not trying to trash your opinion, but when you share it in an initially as you yourself admitted abrasive manner you should be more constructive as to why you feel that way. Additionally something like the definition of "Innovative" in the context we were reffering to with Nintendo isn't a matter of opinion unless your concept of innovative is relative to something outside the world of gaming since you yourself stated two of the gameplay concepts in Nintendo titles were "new".

To you my criticisms may seem unconstructive, because you are stuck in this loop of facts and literal meanings. I've continually said to try and step outside your end and see that there are other ways to see things.

I completely understand that you think Nintendo does a bang up spiffy job being unique and innovative. I can see where you're coming from.

You, however, have yet to step outside yourself and try on my size thirteens, from the way you continually try to make my opinions, experiences, and over all feelings seem insignificant and meaningless.

When you use a term like "Innovative" that has a literal definition of new or used in a new way and then admit something is new (thus fitting one of the two definitions unless you yourself have a definition contrary to the dictionary's definition of Innovative) but denying it is innovative it is not an opinion. At this point ther'es not much further we can go with regard to the quality debate besides my siting sources and your refusal to accept anything as popular opinion if it is not determined by restrictive criteria you deem acceptable which as you said yourself would be absurd and nearly impossible. But this discussion over what's Innovative isn't

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Roas Atrades
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Post by Roas Atrades »

What Nintendo has done is new by your definition as you stated earlier. The two different definitions do not disclude the other. In fact the alternate definition is listed in Websters dictionary as archiac.

"2 archaic : to effect a change in <the dictates of my father were... not to be altered, innovated, or even discussed -- Sir Walter Scott>
intransitive senses : to make changes : do something in a new way"

By either definition Nintendo has innovated in one way or another. This is not something you can disagree about and remain serious. In both definitions Nintendo has innovated. Do you have your own select definition? Is your definition of innovative relative to something else besides console gaming? The definition of innovative isn't "new and impresses everyone" it's just something new or done in a new way.

You are stuck in this tunnel visioned point of view where you refuse to believe anything outside of a litereal interpretation.

The world isn't literal. It is subjective with many levels and perspectives.

And again, you insult me by saying my point is not serious. I guess it's just automatic and you cannot help yourself. Maybe you're threatened by the way I feel, I don't know.

But there are other ways of interpreting things outside of your precious literal definitions that are static. Without such a way of stepping outside to try and find new interpretations, we would not have the study of philosophy.

The world is not as static as you like to think it is.

Reviewers play games for a living generally spending much of their days trying to complete a game in order to review it. They play them for a living. Most professioinal they play a new game every few days (or less in a lot of cases, especially around the Holiday Season when more product is relased) extensively in order to keep producing content. Experience brings knowledge.

Thanks, you just made one of my overall points.


Don't think I need to elaborate.

Sure you can, many websites have pictures of the reviewers on their staff pages, most magazines at some point somewhere show pictures of their staffers in one way or another. You absolutely can put faces to these people.

Nice comeback.

But they are still of that small catagory of the select people who would bee a part of these votes. They cannot represent large numbers no matter what their experiences.

I stated "experienced gamers" as I mentioned by my definition most game reviewers that are listed as ranked on game rankings are experienced. There is obviously no way as you mentioned to hold a forum using this critieria exclusively. But this doesn't de-validiate at all my point about it's ratings being overwhelmingly positive.

From the select people. So what good is it?

How am I putting words in your mouth? In many cases when I've quoted you they have been direct quotes for example calling Nintendog's and Warioware new earlier.

Dude, in the past half a dozen responses you start "quoting" words and specific things that are not in any parts of my arguement. You reply that I make certain views and feelings in addition to what I actually say.

There all there when I made such a response, you and anyone can see for yourself.

I am not trying to trash your opinion, but when you share it in an initially as you yourself admitted abrasive manner you should be more constructive as to why you feel that way. Additionally something like the definition of "Innovative" in the context we were reffering to with Nintendo isn't a matter of opinion unless your concept of innovative is relative to something outside the world of gaming since you yourself stated two of the gameplay concepts in Nintendo titles were "new".

Quote: ‹ Select › ‹ Expand ›
To you my criticisms may seem unconstructive, because you are stuck in this loop of facts and literal meanings. I've continually said to try and step outside your end and see that there are other ways to see things.

I completely understand that you think Nintendo does a bang up spiffy job being unique and innovative. I can see where you're coming from.

You, however, have yet to step outside yourself and try on my size thirteens, from the way you continually try to make my opinions, experiences, and over all feelings seem insignificant and meaningless.

When you use a term like "Innovative" that has a literal definition of new or used in a new way and then admit something is new (thus fitting one of the two definitions unless you yourself have a definition contrary to the dictionary's definition of Innovative) but denying it is innovative it is not an opinion. At this point ther'es not much further we can go with regard to the quality debate besides my siting sources and your refusal to accept anything opinion not determined by criteria you deem acceptable. But this discussion over what's Innovative isn't.

Oi. You really don't get it, man. Opnions are just that, opinions. They are the way people feel, and you don't want me to feel as I do. You are obsessed with making me believe that....

You know what. I take back what I said earlier. I've had enough of this discussion.

To your last insult here, don't talk down to me about refusal to accept things because they do not fit into my supposed criteria. Again, it's an OPINION, something I have developed over time and EXPERIENCE. But you can't accept that. If I don't like something, I'm entitled to say so and why without having to tailor myself to you and your sources.

I've tried to be resonable, explain that there are more ways to interpretate innovation than your literal definition, but you're too stuck inside the box to accept this. I accept the way you view it, why can't you see that my side is equally valid for people in my position?

Congratulations. Your narrow thinking has run this dicussion into the ground. Me, a person who loves to take things to the bitter end is bored an sick of this gimped discussion since you won't entertain anything other than a narrow view.

I done with this thread. Someone can either pick up my side or let it die.

I don't care anymore either way. I'm gonna watch Adult Swim now and move on.
Free your mind and let your dreams fly, -me

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Post by DragonmasterDan »

You are stuck in this tunnel visioned point of view where you refuse to believe anything outside of a litereal interpretation.

The world isn't literal. It is subjective with many levels and perspectives.

And again, you insult me by saying my point is not serious. I guess it's just automatic and you cannot help yourself. Maybe you're threatened by the way I feel, I don't know.

But there are other ways of interpreting things outside of your precious literal definitions that are static. Without such a way of stepping outside to try and find new interpretations, we would not have the study of philosophy.

Well then what is your definition and interpretation of "Innovative"?

From the select people. So what good is it?

Revuewers are experienced gamers, Are you saying their opinions (on average) differ grealty than the general population of experienced gamers?

Congratulations. Your narrow thinking has run this dicussion into the ground. Me, a person who loves to take things to the bitter end is bored an sick of this gimped discussion since you won't entertain anything other than a narrow view.

What is your definition of Innovation relative to gaming and used in this context? This is really what a lot of this boils down to. By the literal intepretation and my guess is from that most people's "Innovation" isn't something that is subjective.

Congratulations. Your narrow thinking has run this dicussion into the ground. Me, a person who loves to take things to the bitter end is bored an sick of this gimped discussion since you won't entertain anything other than a narrow view.

I done with this thread. Someone can either pick up my side or let it die.

I tried to let you explain your side of things and I am going to keep that opportunity open. I'm not wanting to argue, I just want an open discussion about the remaining missing pieces of our discussion (basicaly, what is your definition of Innovation since we've decided that the quality issue can't be determined by your methods since any sources I can site are invalid). With that out of the way we can finish up this discussion and be done with it with no hard feelings. If you chose this to be the end that's fine too. I just wanted to understand where you were coming from with your criticisms that as you yourself said came off as "abrasive and harsh". This is what prompted this whole discussion in the first place, sometimes just being a little more specific and constructive can make a world of difference.

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Post by Roas Atrades »

I tried to let you explain your side of things and I am going to keep that opportunity open. I'm not wanting to argue, I just want an open discussion about the remaining missing pieces of our discussion (basicaly, what is your definition of Innovation since we've decided that the quality issue can't be determined by your methods since any sources I can site are invalid). With that out of the way we can finish up this discussion and be done with it with no hard feelings. If you chose this to be the end that's fine too. I just wanted to understand where you were coming from with your criticisms that as you yourself said came off as "abrasive and harsh". This is what prompted this whole discussion in the first place, sometimes just being a little more specific and constructive can make a world of difference

This really is my last reply to this.

Dude, if you haven't been able to understand my definition by now, you never will. I have explained it in several different ways in the past 2 days, yet you have this eternal blind spot. Re-read the past three pages. I'm hopeful you may finally get it, but I'm not gonna pin my dreams on it after all this time of trying to explain it.

And thanks for that last insult concerning how I view quality. I guess you really can't help it.

That's too bad.

K, now I really am done.
Free your mind and let your dreams fly, -me

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Post by DragonmasterDan »

Dude, if you haven't been able to understand my definition by now, you never will. I have explained it in several different ways in the past 2 days, yet you have this eternal blind spot. Re-read the past three pages. I'm hopeful you may finally get it, but I'm not gonna pin my dreams on it after all this time of trying to explain it.

The only understanding I have of your definition of Innovative (and this is not intending to put words in your mouth) is that it is subjective completely to you and is unrelated to the literal definition which is something new or used in a new way. Your definition does not appear to be relative to console gaming (which is the main topic we are talking about), it appears to be like most of your other statements subjective and relative only to you even though "Innovation" is in fact a literal word, it is not a word like "good" or "bad" that is open to opinion. If this is correct then let this be that.

If you wonder why people have all been against you on this thread using a literal non-subjective word like Innovation in order to make your argument causes nothing but headaches for others. If you would have said "substancially innovative" that's one thing. Then what is considered substancial is a matter of debate, but you didn't. But as I have said before accepting that Nintendo has done new things in games and then saying they aren't innovating is negating itself unless your definition is relative.

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Post by Roas Atrades »

The only understanding I have of your definition of Innovative (and this is not intending to put words in your mouth) is that it is subjective completely to you and is unrelated to the literal definition which is something new or used in a new way. Your definition does not appear to be relative to console gaming (which is the main topic we are talking about), it appears to be like most of your other statements subjective and relative only to you even though "Innovation" is in fact a literal word, it is not a word like "good" or "bad" that is open to opinion. If this is correct then let this be that.

I was going to walk away, I wanted to, but I guess I just don't like being shot in the back without defending myself.

Man, you just don't get it.

The mere fact that you think this part of the discussion is just about me or you shows you don't get it. What I am trying to get you to understand is not about me, but people in general. Not everything in the world is supposed to be taken literally or at face value. There are different aspects to all subjects.

It's all about perception, my friend, or whatever word fits, because there are so many: Perception, perspective, interpretation, even definition.

Everyone has a different interpretation about just about everything. If we are to go by the way you describe things, then there is only a single way to look at the world, and that way is defined by strict guidelines.

How can you honestly say that my interpretation of a subject is wrong just because your definition is different? I mean, really, you're not a god laying down the rules, my man. There are different ways to see things, and I am not alone with a view that New is not always necessarily connected to Innovation.

Why can't you accept this? Why is it so hard to believe that there are other interpretations of things, and that many people can prescribe to them?

Is this some sort of control issue? Do I have to say that your way is the only way because it is the literal definition with no leeway for discussion?

I don' think so. For all we know there is yet a third interpretation someone has on this that is totally different from ours. Would you demand that they too conform to the literal sense, or would you accept that they have something different to offer?

I could use a couple of metaphors to hammer this home, but I think I would be crossing a line in doing so. They are not vulger or anything, but a little too intense. I'm not out to insult you, as you seem to be with me. I only ask that you open your mind to possibilities, but alas, it seems to constantly fall on deaf ears.

As I said before, language is not a static thing. It is ever changing and taking on new meanings. Just because you find an accepted meaning one place, does not mean there are not others, unwritten, to be found.

And if you cannot accept that there are such things, then I don't know what else to say.

If you wonder why people have all been against you on this thread using a literal non-subjective word like Innovation in order to make your argument causes nothing but headaches for others. If you would have said "substancially innovative" that's one thing. Then what is considered substancial is a matter of debate, but you didn't. But as I have said before accepting that Nintendo has done new things in games and then saying they aren't innovating is negating itself unless your definition is relative.

Against me.

Interesting way to put it.

Taking into account the miss-communication I had with Dawrestla, which was rapidly resolved with my deepest apologies, no one has been against me as you put it. They all offered opposite views to how I felt, and I answered them honestly. And clearly, to a large extent, they have been satisfied because they understood me and moved on. You are the only one dragging this discussion through the mud, when all you have to do is understand that I see things in a certain light that is different from yours. My experiences, and those of many people in this gaming world, have
gone into creating this view that just so happens to be radically different than yours. I can sit here and type this without reservation, because though no one here may be vocalizing their support, I know that across the gaming world there are plenty of people who share my views, and the same goes for your end.

But am I going to say your view is nor acceptable? No I am not, because people such as yourself have had different experiences that give them a difference perspective on the situation.

You are pinning all your points on the fact that they are the only relevant points, and that is why we are at this point. All you had to do several pages ago was try and open up and understand, which would have probably lead to "Okay man, I see where you are coming from. I don't agree, but I can see why you think this way."

Then this would have been over and done.

But, nope. You have continued to degrade my opinions and feelings, constantly saying that they had to conform to your view, because your view is supported by the literal sense.

Grow up, man. Life is too short to spend believing there is only one way to look at a situation.
Free your mind and let your dreams fly, -me

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Post by DragonmasterDan »

The mere fact that you think this part of the discussion is just about me or you shows you don't get it. What I am trying to get you to understand is not about me, but people in general. Not everything in the world is supposed to be taken literally or at face value. There are different aspects to all subjects.

Well, again you've failed to explain what you've meant by Innovative. Does your definition of Innovative mean something besides the actual English definitions?

If I were to say for example "Microsoft hasn't released the Xbox 360 in North America" because my definition of released is sold one million or more units then the problem is mine as I am using the term released in a context it shouldn't be. The word released is not correct to use in that sense. If you use a term like Innovative which means new and then admit something is new but claim it isn't Innovative you are very simply negatin g yourself. The word is literal. If you didn't mean they weren't Innovative that's fine, but it is not a word that is open to interpretation.

t's all about perception, my friend, or whatever word fits, because there are so many: Perception, perspective, interpretation, even definition.

There's not a single way to look at the world but there are single ways to use words, see the comment about the use of the word "release" above. Things like that aren't open to intepretation.

How can you honestly say that my interpretation of a subject is wrong just because your definition is different? I mean, really, you're not a god laying down the rules, my man. There are different ways to see things, and I am not alone with a view that New is not always necessarily connected to Innovation.

This is where you should have used a term like Very to go along with Innovative to explain the degree. I don't think many people think of Innovative as different than new, How innovative something is is subjective, the term itself is not.

I could use a couple of metaphors to hammer this home, but I think I would be crossing a line in doing so. They are not vulger or anything, but a little too intense. I'm not out to insult you, as you seem to be with me. I only ask that you open your mind to possibilities, but alas, it seems to constantly fall on deaf ears.

It is but you seem to be using a clearly undocumented definition for the term Innovative which you've then failed to share with myself and the rest of the board after admitting that Nintendo has produced things that are new.

You are pinning all your points on the fact that they are the only relevant points, and that is why we are at this point. All you had to do several pages ago was try and open up and understand, which would have probably lead to "Okay man, I see where you are coming from. I don't agree, but I can see why you think this way."

I still don't see where you are coming from. The word Innovative doesn't mean "New and personally liked by Roas" it means "New or done in a new way". If you admit something is new, it's innovative. Innovative can have varying degrees like you don't think something is very innovative. But if you admit something is new, it's innovative. It's not a situation where it is a word like popular that has seperate unrelated definitions (example something is popular if tje end result is that it is well known and then the seperate definition is that something is popular if the end result is that it is well liked). The end result of something being innovative is that it is new. The definition extends to modifying something old but doesn't solely encompass it.

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Post by Roas Atrades »


I hoped, I mean I had really hoped, I'd managed to reach you deep inside your anal world, but I clearly did not.

I could not be more clear. Other's have gotten my point, you are the only one because you are too arrogant, yeah that was a clear shot not the passive aggressive snipes you continually take at me, to accept it.

I really am through with this now, because to continue this with someone like you, who refuses even after impassioned, reasonable explanations, and after countless examples is pointless and burning my brain.

There are terms I could use to describe who and what you are, but I'm not going to go there, because as I said earlier it would be too intense and possibly cross a line that I don't really need to do.

You can reply to this with another passive aggressive post of sublte insults, but you have already proven you are refusing to evolve your thinking, no matter how many times I've tried to appeal to you to at least accept other things.

I pity the way you view the world, dude. Living with such a literal interpretation that closes out all other possibilities must be so boring. The mere fact that you cannot accept tha words and language are subjective, when I have shown you they can be, just means how closed minded you are.

Enjoy yourself. I know I couldn't.

I'm done with this.
Free your mind and let your dreams fly, -me

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Post by DragonmasterDan »

I pity the way you view the world, dude. Living with such a literal interpretation that closes out all other possibilities must be so boring. The mere fact that you cannot accept tha words and language are subjective, when I have shown you they can be, just means how closed minded you are.

As I stated before, the word innovative has a definition. It isn't a word like "imaginative" for example which is open to interpretation. If you meant to say something else and said "Innovative" in its place I understand that, but just explaining that you used the word in the wrong context would have settled this a long time ago.

There are words that are used as descriptions like innovative that are matter of fact, there are words that are used as descriptions (spectacular, fantastic, impressive or terrible, mediocre) that are a matter of opinion or can be relative to a discussion. A word like Innovative isn't open to matter of opinion once you accept (as you did earlier) that something was new. This is the whole concept of a logical argument, if all things that are new or done in a new way are innovative. Nintendogs and WarioWare Touched are accepted as being new. Nintendogs and WarioWare Touched are innovative. As I said the definition of innovative isn't "Impressive" (which begs the question who does it impress, if you say you aren't impressed by something then it's not impressive to you. But like with the innovative argument if you accept that something is new, it's innovative). Anyway, this continues to go in circles.

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Post by Kizyr »


There've been more than a few personal jabs back and forth. I haven't had the time to keep up with the entire conversation, but please, if either of you choose to continue, PLEASE refrain from making any personal comments. I mean any, down to anything that you'd have to express by using the second person.

I didn't say anything sooner, because I feel the debate is at the point where it'd benefit more than suffer by removing any comments stated in the second person ("you don't get this" or "you haven't said that"). That and, from what it sounds, the discussion is just about over on this point.

That's all. I'm happy that both of y'all are members of this board, so I'd rather that there be no bad blood between either of you. KF

~Kizyr (they|them)

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Post by Roas Atrades »


There've been more than a few personal jabs back and forth. I haven't had the time to keep up with the entire conversation, but please, if either of you choose to continue, PLEASE refrain from making any personal comments. I mean any, down to anything that you'd have to express by using the second person.

I didn't say anything sooner, because I feel the debate is at the point where it'd benefit more than suffer by removing any comments stated in the second person ("you don't get this" or "you haven't said that"). That and, from what it sounds, the discussion is just about over on this point.

That's all. I'm happy that both of y'all are members of this board, so I'd rather that there be no bad blood between either of you. KF


now worries, kiz. As I said, I'm done with this. I'm not commenting anymore on the subject.
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Post by CoePSX »

Well... this topic was originally about old games on DS, and i intend to reply about this!

This is gonna sound stupid, but...

I think that if we're talking about Lunar games, seeing it's own history, they first get to a main console, with good hardware and big screens, and then they remake it on a portable hand-held.

Putting old games on hand-held really is a good way of bringing new fans to like it. Since almost nobody with less that 20 years have or actually play a good old sega... Remaking the classics is quite effective.

Places like Brazil(my home) people don't know too much about american neither japanese ones... so it's the newest ones that become popular... final fantasys for the ps2 is quite a fever here tough...

By the way (i know this doesn't belon here, but just wondering...) Kizyr... i checked out your blog... and i wondered... how old ar you? don't need to answer this, i know i'm being nosy... :roll:

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