Something in Regards to Magic School Lunar [SPOILER]

For discussion of Magical School Lunar, for the Saturn, and its predecessor Lunar: Walking School, for the Game Gear
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Something in Regards to Magic School Lunar [SPOILER]

Post by Omegazero108 »

So... I meant to ask out of curiosity. Did the identity of...

(Plotline Spoiler)
 the Blue Dragon featured in the game ever get sorted out? I ask because from what I saw, it didn't seem like it was Cyan given this Blue Dragon is almost reluctant to even speak, compared to Cyan who's more of a chatterbox.
Last edited by Omegazero108 on Sun Dec 17, 2023 6:52 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Something in Regards to Magic School Lunar [SPOILER]

Post by Alunissage »

Just wanted to let you know that I'm not engaging with this because I really don't know MS well at all... but I did send Kizyr a message telling him about your post!

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Re: Something in Regards to Magic School Lunar [SPOILER]

Post by Kizyr »

Hey! So to reply (and let's see if spoiler tags work still):

For the actual *game* (both the Saturn MS and Game Gear WS), there wasn't any identity for the Blue Dragon aside from "the Blue Dragon". And really compared to SSS, the personality is completely different: the WS/MS Blue Dragon comes across as a bit stoic, wise, not playful or anything but just an ancient (in my estimation, not really confirmed) dragon dispensing wisdom. Given that WS came out before SSS, I don't think there was an attempt to connect the two back then -- and I really don't think there was a concern of keeping continuity with MS when SSS was released (given that they were released pretty close to one another in Japan).

For the anime... the Blue Dragon's name was Tama, and didn't have any dialog, but was at least portrayed as a little playful. But the MSL anime was all over the place and I'd recommend not taking any of it as canon unless you want a headache.
~Kizyr (she/they)

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Re: Something in Regards to Magic School Lunar [SPOILER]

Post by Omegazero108 »

Thank you SO much for answering that one Kizyr XD this helps me out quite a bit

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