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Lunar DS #4 on gamespots Top 10 popular for ds games

Posted: Tue Aug 30, 2005 1:52 am
by segaboy7
Well Lunar DS is #4 on gamespots top 10 most popular ds games. This is good news to me because it shows that more then just us hardcore lunar fans are awaiting its release. I really think the fact it will be the DS's first rpg is really going to help sales.

Posted: Tue Aug 30, 2005 4:12 am
by Silver Phoenix
Well are there even 10 really good DS games out? They probably just list whatever is out, and Lunar should be higher on the list anyway!

Posted: Tue Aug 30, 2005 4:19 am
by GhaleonOne
Actually, that's a good spot. Only Nintendogs (which is like a craze right now), Metroid Prime (popular) and Advanced Wars (apparently a great game from what all are saying) are ahead of it. Lunar is ahead of Mario Kart currently, and Castlevania isn't even on the list, and it's only a month behind Lunar on the schedule, so that's not too bad really. I think it stands to make some money over here because of the first RPG for the DS thing and the fact that it's a new Lunar after all this time.

Posted: Tue Aug 30, 2005 5:48 am
by Kizyr
Nintendogs is so cute! But, it's definitely not my thing.

Now, Nintencats... that I'd get. You get to stroke the cat's fur, have it rub against your leg when it wants food, and whenever you try to teach it tricks it'll just give you a "I'll do what I want and you'll still love me for it" look and take a nap.

By the way... A refurbished DS is $60 if you have a GBA SP to trade in. Pretty good deal. I went ahead and bought a new one, though, for full price. KF

Posted: Tue Aug 30, 2005 6:43 am
by NallOne
This is great news! I really hope it does extremely well so they feel it is successful enough to continue the series. :s

Kizyr wrote:Nintendogs is so cute! But, it's definitely not my thing.

Now, Nintencats... that I'd get. You get to stroke the cat's fur, have it rub against your leg when it wants food, and whenever you try to teach it tricks it'll just give you a "I'll do what I want and you'll still love me for it" look and take a nap.

Haha. You sound like me. I'd love a Nintencats, of course the play on the name doesn't work quite as well as Nintendogs. :(

Posted: Tue Aug 30, 2005 8:25 am
by Alunissage
I heard someone suggest Kittendo... :P

Posted: Tue Aug 30, 2005 8:46 am
by phyco126
I would get Kittendo! XD Who doesn't love kittens? *pumps his shotgun* No one? Good ^_^. Number 4 is a pretty good spot though, considering so many people never heard of lunar, and those that have generally have a "OMG!!!111 Lnar sux0rs soo much bcuz its 2d graphix and its not final fantasy OMGOMGOMG!!111 i h@te u su much!!!!!"

Now Advanced Wars for the GBA was, and still is, fun as heck to play. I wanted AW2, but I couldn't afford it at the time :P

Oh, on a side question, on Nintendogs, can your dog die from say... teaching it to chase a ball into the street, or perhapes from not learning to eat?

Posted: Tue Aug 30, 2005 11:50 am
by NallOne
Alunissage wrote:I heard someone suggest Kittendo... :P

That's golden, that is. I'd buy it. :P

Posted: Tue Aug 30, 2005 4:02 pm
by GhaleonOne
Oh, on a side question, on Nintendogs, can your dog die from say... teaching it to chase a ball into the street, or perhapes from not learning to eat?

I think we know what you have in mind. :P

And cats suck. Dogs are so much better. Stupid cats thinking they can always do what they want and get away with it. I hate cats. Dogs are so much more loyal.

Posted: Tue Aug 30, 2005 4:34 pm
by NallOne
GhaleonOne wrote:
Oh, on a side question, on Nintendogs, can your dog die from say... teaching it to chase a ball into the street, or perhapes from not learning to eat?

I think we know what you have in mind. :P

And cats suck. Dogs are so much better. Stupid cats thinking they can always do what they want and get away with it. I hate cats. Dogs are so much more loyal.

Hey, don't generalize! My Cat is very loyal, she just expects the respect to be returned which I think she deserves. Plus, she is much more trained than my dog. She can roll over, but my Dog refuses to.

Of course, just because she can do tricks doesn't mean she will. >_>

Posted: Tue Aug 30, 2005 6:52 pm
by ilovemyguitar
Kizyr wrote:By the way... A refurbished DS is $60 if you have a GBA SP to trade in. Pretty good deal. I went ahead and bought a new one, though, for full price. KF

Hold up, who's offering this?

Posted: Tue Aug 30, 2005 7:20 pm
by Lupin the Third
Actually, Castlevania: DoS is currently only about 2 weeks behind Lunar on the schedule, so really it's an even better sign of Lunar's positive buzz.

EDIT: Wow, this is pretty neat. I wonder why I couldn't see anyone's avatars until I registered...?

Posted: Tue Aug 30, 2005 7:40 pm
by SSSFan
Dogs are so much more loyal

well, mine isn't. at least, not to my cat :P he always eats my cat's food.
and then there's the thing that he barks to everyone who comes along our house, I keep saying him not to do such things but he just don't listen that's kinda annoying. I'm not saying I like cats more then I do like dogs, but dogs aren't more loyal in my opinion :P

Posted: Tue Aug 30, 2005 7:50 pm
by Kizyr
ilovemyguitar wrote:
Kizyr wrote:By the way... A refurbished DS is $60 if you have a GBA SP to trade in. Pretty good deal. I went ahead and bought a new one, though, for full price. KF

Hold up, who's offering this?

Participating EB stores are offering that deal. There's also $30 off a new DS for the same thing (making it $100 instead of $130). A refurbished DS is $100 normally, and $60 with a traded-in functional GBA SP. And, if you have a DS, unless you have a lot of old GB games, you may as well.

GhaleonOne wrote:And cats suck. Dogs are so much better. Stupid cats thinking they can always do what they want and get away with it. I hate cats. Dogs are so much more loyal.

Bah, you're just upset because cats are smarter. A dog does whatever you tell it because it doesn't know any better. A cat does what you tell it only when it wants to do it anyway.

Lupin III wrote:EDIT: Wow, this is pretty neat. I wonder why I couldn't see anyone's avatars until I registered...?

Because enabling viewing images for Guests eats up some bandwidth. Keeping it to only registered members helps conserve that, making it easier for more folks to view the main site. KF

Posted: Tue Aug 30, 2005 7:52 pm
by GhaleonOne
Yeah, my dog goes nuts on people that come to the house. He loved to eat cat food too. :P I think that's a thing with most dogs and cats though. In our house, the dogs would devour the catfood if it was left out. Vise-versa, the cats would eat the dog food, but my mom let them, because she's obsessed with cats. That's probably why I hate cats. She had a mean cat that always scratched me as a kid.

Posted: Tue Aug 30, 2005 8:40 pm
by phyco126
Hey, I've had my arm torn up by cats when I was a kid, but I still love cats!

And yes, I do have in mind to kill the dogs in Nintendogs! Bwa hahahahaha! Any one remember those portable dog pet game thingies that where so popular several years ago? I had one, it was fun actually. It kept dieing on me because I kept forgetting about it though :P

Cats are totally better than dogs. Loyal, hell my cat is so loyal that he brings me live birds and dead mice! *shudders*