Lunar: Magical School:OFFICIALLY a sidestory/spinoff or NOT?

For discussion of Magical School Lunar, for the Saturn, and its predecessor Lunar: Walking School, for the Game Gear
Lann Fisherman
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Lunar: Magical School:OFFICIALLY a sidestory/spinoff or NOT?

Post by dhowerter »

:!: NOTE TO ALL: :!: What I really need is expressed in MY first post on page 4 of this thread nice and succinctly. SO you can just go there directly if you want :D

Hi :) I'm a big fan of Lunar: Magical School (Saturn), but I was wondering, could someone please provide a URL/ link where the developers of Lunar MS state this game is a "side-story /a spinoff".

Please read this below series of quotes and you'll see why I need to know -_-

from Gamefaqs:

"Lunar Magic School IS a side story. That's why it isn't Lunar 3.

Lunar Walking School, Lunar Magic School(remake of Walking School), and Lunar Dragon Song are all side stories, like it or not."


"I'll believe it once someone has provided me with a link where the developers themselves say that Magical School is a side story/spinoff. If THEY say its a side story/spinoff then fine :)

That way I'll know its not the average gamer's personal bias against the game that leads them to call MS a side -story / spinoff, as if to insult it.

Unless you can provide me with that link tho, you have no proof Lunar Magical School is *officially* a side-story/ spinoff."

and then GhaleonOne (at gamefaqs) replied and I replied to him :) ( I divided up his response so I could reply to each part of it) :

"GhaleonOne -

"One specific source that states Magic School isn't Lunar 3:..."


Um ok who says any Lunar game without a number in its title is automatically a side-story /spinoff? I mean as several people in this thread have said, Lunar Dragon Song doesn't have a number in its title either and it's not considered a side-story/spinoff... its an official prequel/sequel.


"This was translated out of the Lunar I+II artbook, AFTER Magic School was released.

"Shigema: If we were to do a "Lunar III," what would you want to do, Mr. Satou?

Satou: Hmm, I think I'd really want to do a fantasy-themed one. I'd be fun to plunge even more deeply into the myth of Lunar's world. Not that I know what it would be, though. After all, there's a world that a goddess controls, and there are sort of monotheistic elements. There might be the god of another world somewhere, too. It would be interesting if Lunar collided with that kind of world, I think. Or maybe it could be about what happens afterwards to the world of Lunar, which has achieved civilization. "


Hmm couple of things here. Who are these two guys?
:-D (officially as it relates to Lunar).

Second, how do we know someone didnt mess up some small grammar element (in Shigema's statement, as he's the only one who called it "Lunar 3"?

Third a link would be nice so I could check the date to make sure it really was said AFTER Lunar MS came out :) (even then he didnt come out and say Lunar mS wasa side-story)

Fourth, as I said above, a Lunar game doesn't need to have a number in the title to be part of the main series (like Lunar Dragon Song) and thus NOT a side-story.

Fifth, "Lunar III" is in quotes :) He might just have well as meant "the next Lunar game".

Got any more possible links?"

SO can anyone answer the questions pose in there?

and ,of course, most importantly, can ANYONE post the URL of a link where the DEVELOPERS of Lunar MS officially call it a "side-story" or a "spinoff"? (if the developers say it, then ok :), but if not, then I see no reason to refer to Lunar MS as a spinoff/ side-story when its not backed up by any solid facts)

Thanks! :)
Last edited by dhowerter on Mon Oct 10, 2005 1:36 am, edited 3 times in total.

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Post by GhaleonOne »

No, it's not a mistranslation of Shigema. Shigema is the main scenario designer. There's also mention of Lunar 3 by either him or GameArts president, Mr. Miyaji in Lunar 2: EBC's manual interviews. This also came out after Magic School. Lunar 3 has been turned into such a legend by it's fans, and it's universally thought to be a direct sequel to Lunar 2.

For your links, check the interviews in LunarNET. Specifically the artbook ones.

On top of that, it's been stated numerous times in magazine interviews, etc. especially in articles from Japan. Generally, games that appear on a handheld first are not considered true "sequels" (as in, the line of Lunar 1, 2, 3 - FF1, 2, 3, 4 - Grandia 1, 2, 3, not Parallel Trippers). GameArts titled Lunar Eternal Blue as "Lunar 2". It's on the Saturn import of the game. Neither Magic School or Dragon Song have been considered that. In fact, the name "Lunar: Genesis" implies that it's a prequel, and would be titled "Lunar 0" if anything. No, numbers don't mean much, as some series have titled numbers out of order (ie. Lufia 2 being before Lufia 1). But in the case of Lunar, it's just not the case.

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Post by dhowerter »

GhaleonOne / ALL -
"No, it's not a mistranslation of Shigema. Shigema is the main scenario designer. There's also mention of Lunar 3 by either him or GameArts president, Mr. Miyaji in Lunar 2: EBC's manual interviews. This also came out after Magic School. Lunar 3 has been turned into such a legend by it's fans, and it's universally thought to be a direct sequel to Lunar 2."
Hmm ok but why assume you know exactly what Lunar 3 will be like when you dont know anything about it? ;)

Also, like I seem to be saying a lot in here :) Lunar Dragon Song is considered a prequel and not a side-story. Thus a Lunar RPG that is NOT a side-story CAN have NO number in its title. Thus any discussion of "Lunar 3" is irrelelvant in proving whether or not Lunar MS is a "official" "side story" or NOT because it would be possible for Lunar MS to NOT be a side story AND not have a number in its title.

"For your links, check the interviews in LunarNET. Specifically the artbook ones."

Ok I did and the only mention of Lunar 3 or Lunar MS. I found was the same one I quoted you as saying in the first post of this thread -_-

These points of mine would seem to be still valid and unanswered:

- He (in that quote from the artbook interview) did NOT come out and say Lunar MS was a side-story)

- A Lunar game doesn't need to have a number in the title to be part of the main series (like Lunar Dragon Song) and thus NOT a side-story.

- "Lunar III" is in quotes He might just have well as meant "the next Lunar game".

Please addresss these points :)

"On top of that, it's been stated numerous times in magazine interviews, etc. especially in articles from Japan."

Which of course I cant check because I dont have them and dont read Japanese ;-) so they're invalid for my purposes. I need official PROOF for me.

"Generally, games that appear on a handheld are not considered true "sequels" (as in, the line of Lunar 1, 2, 3 - FF1, 2, 3, 4 - Grandia 1, 2, 3, not Parallel Trippers). "
Um well thats nice, but its not OFFICIAL in any way.. thats just a bias of the fans...

"GameArts titled Lunar Eternal Blue as "Lunar 2". It's on the Saturn import of the game. Neither Magic School or Dragon Song have been considered that. In fact, the name "Lunar: Genesis" implies that it's a prequel, and would be titled "Lunar 0" if anything. No, numbers don't mean much, as some series have titled numbers out of order (ie. Lufia 2 being before Lufia 1). But in the case of Lunar, it's just not the case."
Um yes Lunar 2 was labelled with a 2 although NOT in the original release on Sega CD, but Lunar Dragon Song is a prequel, NOT a "side-story".. thats my point, there is a difference... see my above comments (paragraph 3 of this post) on how "Lunar 3" or numbering of the Lunar games has no real bearing on the official status of Lunar MS as a side story or not.

Er ok there still wasnt anything in your reply that has the deveopers of Lunar MS labelling Lunar MS *officially* as a "side-story" /"spinoff" It all seems to be insinuated at best.. never stated..

(Also, dont forget to reply to my 3 "-" ed points above )
Last edited by dhowerter on Sun Oct 02, 2005 5:13 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by Kizyr »

...please, use less spaces in your posts. It's hard reading everything with half of it being blank.

Anyway, G1 has all the official sources that he's been quoting, most of which are available in some form on LunarNET. All I'll add is that most every fan (Japan or US) acknowledges Magic School as a side-story; there's never been any official labelling of it as anything but a side-story. KF
~Kizyr (they|them)

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Post by dhowerter »

Kizyr -

I know he has quoted stuff :) But I replied to each part and still didnt find any OFFICIAL confirmatiom in there (read my last post fully)

"All I'll add is that most every fan (Japan or US) acknowledges Magic School as a side-story"

Exactly. the FANS call it that ;) This is why I need OFFICIAL confirmation (quote from the developer of Lunar MS) as to the status of Luanr MS ;) All the fans seem to refer to Lunar MS as a side-story/ spinoff (usually in a insulting way), which makes me want to know its official status even more :-D (it makes me think that MAYBE the game is labelled that by fans because of the bias against the game in the first place)

Massive FAN acknowledgement does NOT = OFFICIAL confirmation :)
"there's never been any official labelling of it as anything but a side-story. "

Then why can't anybody provide a URL/link with Lunar MS's developer labelling it as a side-story / spinoff?? ^_^
You certainly make it sound like the url/link I want is readily available heh. :D
Last edited by dhowerter on Sun Oct 02, 2005 5:14 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by Kizyr »

Unless you cut out that ridiculous spacing, I'm not bothering to scroll up and re-read what's come before.

Anyway, point is, Shigema is the scenario writer for every Lunar game, in addition to the SSS novels. He doesn't acknowledge Lunar: MS as a Lunar 3. How much more "official" proof do you need? KF
~Kizyr (they|them)

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Post by Shiva Indis »

I did a quick scan of the packaging, the disk ID, the .txt files... even the novel and RPG expansion book. I haven't found it identified as 'Lunar gaiden' or anything of the like. I would like to search the game data itself, since I think that would be the most likely place to find it, but that's beyond my ability.

I don't think you're going to find the data that you so abrasively seek. I'd imagine most fans don't think that the majority of players would mistake the developers' intent so badly.

Incedently - Do you object to using quote tags?

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Post by DragonmasterDan »

It's a gaiden. Does that mean it isn't canon? It's canon
But Magical School/Walking School Lunar is a gaiden.

The fact that Lunar Magical School is a gaiden has also been stated publicly (old WD message boards) by Working Designs President Victor Ireland years ago as to why they had no interest in localizing it.

It is in fact a side story whether it is called one by title or not. It does take place in the Lunar universe, and it's part of the series, but it's not a major chapter. Long after Lunar Magical School and Walking School were released Game Arts made many mentions of a seperate Lunar 3 being developed, check the many interviews on Lunar 3 on this site for example.

Since Lunar Magical School/Walking School is a side story originally designed for Game Gear, very little promotional interviews, were made since it was a minor release, as a result an official interview from Game Arts saying "Oh, that's just a gaiden" isn't likely to exist since no one even bothered asking the question.

But the game is not a major chapter in the Lunar Universe and quite frankly is a gaiden in every sense of the word. Much like how Final Fantasy Mystic Quest for SNES is considered to be a gaiden in the Final Fantasy timeline, Lunar Magical School is a gaiden to the Lunar series. That doesn't mean it's not canon, it simply means it's not a full fleged sequel or prequel.

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Post by Alunissage »'re drawing a distinction with "side-story" that doesn't really exist. Calling it a side-story doesn't mean it doesn't count, only that it's smaller in scale than the other chapters. And this does describe MS. No dragons (or no more than one), no dragonmasters, no world history, no world crisis, no's kids at a school learning spells and having encounters with local baddies. Charming, but hardly epic. It's along the lines of authors who have a series of novels writing a short story set in their series' framework, which happens fairly often in fantasy/sf anthologies. It's still part of the overall series, but is simply smaller.

Re: "Lunar III" is in quotes He might just have well as meant "the next Lunar game".

No, he did not. I am holding the artbook from which that was translated in my hands and it definitely says "LUNAR III" -- in Western characters and a roman numeral, surrounded by Japanese quotation marks. If you don't accept that as proof then shell out for the artbook yourself and look. The translation gives the page number and no knowledge of Japanese is required to find that. Kindly keep in mind that not every source is online -- and since you cast doubt on the translation up at LunarNET, you don't seem to trust links and so there is no reason to give you them...if they even exist, which is unlikely, and exist in English, which is even more unlikely. The developers haven't had anything to do with WS/MS in years; why would you expect official material to be on the web when they've long since moved on to other projects? Like it or not, interviews and translations such as those posted on LunarNET are your best online sources.

Hajime Satou was the world designer, and G1 already told you who Shigema is. These are things you can find out yourself by simply buying the artbook and other Japanese materials and possibly studying the language yourself. Until you're willing to do that you'd better accept that the artbooks say what they're translated to say and that the interviews are with the designers, because there's no way to "prove" more clearly than that.

Oh, and I have a date of 1/6/95 for when the artbook was published, courtesy the Lunar Goods Archive. I believe Walking School came out that same year.

Lastly, just because the MS board is low activity doesn't mean that no one reads it. Most regulars here read all the Lunar boards.
Last edited by Alunissage on Sat Oct 01, 2005 7:51 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by Angelalex242 »

I believe someone mentioned the Star Dragon in magic school? Is that true or not?
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Post by GhaleonOne »

I'm not 100% sure, but I think it was just a dragon of some sort. Not neccessarily one of the main 4 dragons, but not the Star Dragon either.

Kiz, Alunissage or Shiva Indus can probably answer that better.

And dhowerter, I agree with Kiz. The spacing in your posts just makes me skip 90%. It's hard to read. If you could reply with what you're specifically wanting in a conside few paragraphs, I'd be happy to try and help you with your questions.

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Post by Kizyr »

No star dragon. The Blue Dragon was in it, though. It also makes a cameo (complete with flying kitty form) in the anime. KF
~Kizyr (they|them)

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Post by Angelalex242 »


Thanks. Somebody told me to research the Star Dragon in there. You saved me the trouble of looking for something that's not there.
Don't blame me, Lucia promised me lots of snuggles and cuddles if I would be her PR guy.


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Post by dhowerter »

Kizyr - BTW, I use that spacing so that when I quote someone and the immediately reaply to it, there is a little space between those 2 things and then there is even more space between the NEXT quote and reply combination to show you that we are on a new point now ;)

I thought it made it easier to read :?

Also kizyr -
"Anyway, point is, Shigema is the scenario writer for every Lunar game, in addition to the SSS novels. He doesn't acknowledge Lunar: MS as a Lunar 3. How much more "official" proof do you need? "
Heh. From my previous post:
"Also, like I seem to be saying a lot in here Lunar Dragon Song is considered a prequel and not a side-story. Thus a Lunar RPG that is NOT a side-story CAN have NO number in its title. Thus any discussion of "Lunar 3" is irrelelvant in proving whether or not Lunar MS is a "official" "side story" or NOT because it would be possible for Lunar MS to NOT be a side story AND not have a number in its title."

See? Him not acknoledging Lunar MS as "Lunar 3" is fine with me, because you can have a NON side-story Lunar RPG with no number in the title (example: Lunar: Dragon Song).

My question here is NOT whether or not Lunar MS is Lunar 3,; my question is whether or not Lunar MS is a OFFICIAL side-story/spinoff (official = developer acknowledging this)
Last edited by dhowerter on Sun Oct 02, 2005 5:15 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Post by GhaleonOne »

I'm confused, is there a question about that quote?

BTW, there's no real confirmation that Lunar DS isn't Lunar III, but since the developers have said "Lunar III" on so many occassions in interviews, that unless the specify the III or 3 in the title, it won't be taken as such.

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Post by dhowerter »

Shiva Indis -
"I did a quick scan of the packaging, the disk ID, the .txt files... even the novel and RPG expansion book. I haven't found it identified as 'Lunar gaiden' or anything of the like. "
Hmm interesting :)

"I'd imagine most fans don't think that the majority of players would mistake the developers' intent so badly.

Incedently - Do you object to using quote tags?"

If I'm mistaking the developers intent so badly, why can't someone provide a url/link with the developer referring to it s a "side-story", "spinoff" or hack I'll even take them referring to it as a"Gaiden".

(Gaiden does mean "side- story " in Japanese right?)

And what are quote tags? :)

Dragonmaster Den -
"It's a gaiden. Does that mean it isn't canon? It's canon
But Magical School/Walking School Lunar is a gaiden."
No proof. and what do you mean by "canon" exactly?

"The fact that Lunar Magical School is a gaiden has also been stated publicly (old WD message boards) by Working Designs President Victor Ireland years ago as to why they had no interest in localizing it. "
Working Designs also said the game was terrble to give an excuse for not localizing it :? Anyway, Victor Ireland or WD is NOT the developer.

It is in fact a side story whether it is called one by title or not. It does take place in the Lunar universe, and it's part of the series, but it's not a major chapter. Long after Lunar Magical School and Walking School were released Game Arts made many mentions of a seperate Lunar 3 being developed, check the many interviews on Lunar 3 on this site for example."
Two things: 1. calling it a "MAJOR" chapter is a relative personal opinion and thus not proof.

2. You obviously didn't read my previous posts ;-)
Read this: (I SAID IT:

"Also, like I seem to be saying a lot in here Lunar Dragon Song is considered a prequel and not a side-story. Thus a Lunar RPG that is NOT a side-story CAN have NO number in its title. Thus any discussion of "Lunar 3" is irrelelvant in proving whether or not Lunar MS is a "official" "side story" or NOT because it would be possible for Lunar MS to NOT be a side story AND not have a number in its title."

See? Him not acknoledging Lunar MS as "Lunar 3" is fine with me, because you can have a NON side-story Lunar RPG with no number in the title (example: Lunar: Dragon Song)."

"Since Lunar Magical School/Walking School is a side story originally designed for Game Gear, very little promotional interviews, were made since it was a minor release, as a result an official interview from Game Arts saying "Oh, that's just a gaiden" isn't likely to exist since no one even bothered asking the question. "

Hmm that would be unfortunate. Althogh if it's not called a gaiden/side-story/spinoff anywhere that would mean it might not be one ;)

"But the game is not a major chapter in the Lunar Universe and quite frankly is a gaiden in every sense of the word. Much like how Final Fantasy Mystic Quest for SNES is considered to be a gaiden in the Final Fantasy timeline, Lunar Magical School is a gaiden to the Lunar series. That doesn't mean it's not canon, it simply means it's not a full fleged sequel or prequel."

You once again used the relative term "MAJOR". ;) Relative labeling by fans doesn't really prove anything.

"'re drawing a distinction with "side-story" that doesn't really exist. Calling it a side-story doesn't mean it doesn't count, only that it's smaller in scale than the other chapters. And this does describe MS. No dragons (or no more than one), no dragonmasters, no world history, no world crisis, no's kids at a school learning spells and having encounters with local baddies. Charming, but hardly epic."
Hmmm, I definitely see your point here. I simply want to know what the developers thought of it as, since they are the only true authority on the matter"

""Re: "Lunar III" is in quotes He might just have well as meant "the next Lunar game".

No, he did not. I am holding the artbook from which that was translated in my hands and it definitely says "LUNAR III" -- in Western characters and a roman numeral, surrounded by Japanese quotation marks. If you don't accept that as proof then shell out for the artbook yourself and look. The translation gives the page number and no knowledge of Japanese is required to find that."

The fact that the words LUNAR III are IN quotation marks (as you point out) is what made me think that maybe he DID simply mean "the next game in the series" whether it has a THREE in the title or not..

"Kindly keep in mind that not every source is online -- and since you cast doubt on the translation up at LunarNET, you don't seem to trust links and so there is no reason to give you them...if they even exist, which is unlikely, and exist in English, which is even more unlikely. The developers haven't had anything to do with WS/MS in years; why would you expect official material to be on the web when they've long since moved on to other projects? Like it or not, interviews and translations such as those posted on LunarNET are your best online sources."
I'm sure the translation at Lunar-Net is fine. :D

As for trusting links, well it depends whats ON the web page they go to, doesn't it :)

But gotta have links for proof, assuming someone can find them (one or many) of course.

I'm not insulting Lunar-net or anything btw. I love this site ;)

"Hajime Satou was the world designer, and G1 already told you who Shigema is. These are things you can find out yourself by simply buying the artbook and other Japanese materials and possibly studying the language yourself. Until you're willing to do that you'd better accept that the artbooks say what they're translated to say and that the interviews are with the designers, because there's no way to "prove" more clearly than that."
Um I DO accept that. Whether it is considered a "side-story"/"spinoff"/"gaiden" by the actual developers is my question here, NOT whether or not Lunar MS should be considerd Luanr 3.

Read this please :

""Also, like I seem to be saying a lot in here Lunar Dragon Song is considered a prequel and not a side-story. Thus a Lunar RPG that is NOT a side-story CAN have NO number in its title. Thus any discussion of "Lunar 3" is irrelelvant in proving whether or not Lunar MS is a "official" "side story" or NOT because it would be possible for Lunar MS to NOT be a side story AND not have a number in its title."

See? Him not acknoledging Lunar MS as "Lunar 3" is fine with me, because you can have a NON side-story Lunar RPG with no number in the title (example: Lunar: Dragon Song)." "

"Oh, and I have a date of 1/6/95 for when the artbook was published, courtesy the Lunar Goods Archive. I believe Walking School came out that same year."
Hmm actually Gamefaqs has Lunar Walking School (GG) coming out in Japan on 1/12/96 a YEAR after the interview, not that it matters (see my answer to the above question, right after :"Read this please:")

BTW to be clear, I am asking for MAGICAL SCHOOL (SATURN) not Walking School (game gear) ;)

"Lastly, just because the MS board is low activity doesn't mean that no one reads it. Most regulars here read all the Lunar boards."
Maybe so, but I'm asking people to provide a (apparently) very elusive link here. I wanted as many people as possible seeing this post and thus increading the chance of SOMEONE finding it ^_^

GhaleonOne - "
. If you could reply with what you're specifically wanting in a consise few paragraphs, I'd be happy to try and help you with your questions."
OK :) I want a link/URL to a website containing a English (orginally English or translated to English - either way I gotta be able to read it ;) comment about Lunar Magical School (SATURN) **BY** anyone in the game's developer (the company) referring to the game as a "side-story", "spinoff", "Gaiden", or any similar word. Thats all :D

You can provide multiple links if you want (if you can find them).
Last edited by dhowerter on Sun Oct 02, 2005 5:06 am, edited 2 times in total.


Post by Guest »

And what are quote tags?
That is a quote tag I think everyone here agree's with me that it would make reading your posts easier.
(Gaiden does mean "side- story " in Japanese right?)
Gaiden is a Japanese term for a side story. Sometimes the English phrase "Another Story" is used within a Japanese title. Often the side story is considered to take place in an alternate universe from its original counterpart, and does not affect the main story.

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Post by dhowerter »

GhaleonOne -
"BTW, there's no real confirmation that Lunar DS isn't Lunar III, but since the developers have said "Lunar III" on so many occassions in interviews, that unless the specify the III or 3 in the title, it won't be taken as such."

heh yes Lunar III will probably be called "Lunar III" :D

Even if we did NOT count Lunar MS as a main game in the series tho (hypothetically for this ONE example), you CAN have "Lunar III" be the name of the FOURTH main game in the series. Confusing but true..
(1- Silver Star, 2- Eternal Blue, 3- Lunar Dragon Song, 4- Lunar III)

oh and no there is no confusion on the Lunar artbook quote you originally provided. er once again :) read this:

""Also, like I seem to be saying a lot in here Lunar Dragon Song is considered a prequel and not a side-story. Thus a Lunar RPG that is NOT a side-story CAN have NO number in its title. Thus any discussion of "Lunar 3" is irrelelvant in proving whether or not Lunar MS is a "official" "side story" or NOT because it would be possible for Lunar MS to NOT be a side story AND not have a number in its title."

See? Him not acknoledging Lunar MS as "Lunar 3" is fine with me, because you can have a NON side-story Lunar RPG with no number in the title (example: Lunar: Dragon Song)." "

Divine Dragon -
"That is a quote tag I think everyone here agree's with me that it would make reading your posts easier."
Ah I see.. How do I turn a paragraph/text into a quote tag then?

Lets say I wanted THIS to be a quote tag: (as an example)
"The Farmer in the Dell"

How would I turn that into a quote tag?


"Gaiden is a Japanese term for a side story. Sometimes the English phrase "Another Story" is used within a Japanese title. Often the side story is considered to take place in an alternate universe from its original counterpart, and does not affect the main story."
Hmm Ok :)
Last edited by dhowerter on Sun Oct 02, 2005 5:08 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Post by Shiva Indis »

I'm not suggesting that you are mistaken about the developers' intent - after all, you're looking for definitive proof of what it is, right?

As Alunissage said, since the staff never had much to say about Strolling School/Magic School it's unlikely that you'll find an instance of someone with sufficient authority confirming or denying that it's a gaiden. (You're correct - gaiden roughly means side-story.)

Though I can't point you to any quotes from the staff that would help you, I do have my own observations as someone who completed Magic School. Magic School is different from Lunar 1, 2, and even Lunar Genesis in the structure of it's scenario, it's major themes, it's characters and their personalities, and it's battle system.

I suggest you play it and observe for yourself if you haven't already - it shouldn't be too difficult to find the Game Gear version and an appropriate emulator, and there are translations available for most (if not all) of it. (PM me if you want assistance with this.) If you approach it with an open mind, I'm sure you'll find that it's different enough that it can't be reasonably called a main installment in the series. Whether or not you want to call it a side-story at that point is up to you.
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Post by localflick »

Even if we did NOT count Lunar MS as a main game in the series tho (hypothetically for this ONE example), you CAN have "Lunar III" be the name of the FOURTH main game in the series. Confusing but true..
Lunar Magic School is a version of Lunar Walking School for Game Gear. It's related to Lunar 1 & 2 in the sense that it takes place in the same world, but it's not a sequel, or prequel to either, so it IS a sidestory. Usually the actual games in series are directly related to each other, and sometimes there's a sidestory thrown in which isn't numbered.

There's acutally lots of games like that with a "Gaiden" as another game in the series, but not being directly related to the games in the series. Fire Emblem Gaiden is the first that comes to mind, but storywise the Fire Emblem games seem kind of different, so it's not the best example. I'll get back to you when I think of a better one.

As for the "quote tags" bonk the little Quote button, type/paste the quote, then bonk it again to close the tag. That'll make us all a little happier. :wink:

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