Split from: What are you currently playing?

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Split from: What are you currently playing?

Post by Sonic# »

Not quite the same thing as a video game, but I'm currently gearing up to run a roleplaying game using Fate Core. It will be a space based game, sort of a blend of the Star Wars game TIE Fighter (set on a frontier; lots of independent activity as well as imperials and rebels; no force users) and Firefly (individualized crew each contributing skills to a team and sometimes sharing a history; open-ended goals around an ostensible purpose).
I was this close to purchasing the Kingdom Hearts HD 1.5 video game at GameStop the other day, but I had my hand raised up and 'Hello?'-ed the customer service representative who quickly brushed me off so I couldn't ask the question whether or not it was the first game, plus the sequel, or whatever. Or, whatever. I wasn't really bothered because he seemed in a total piss-poor mood so he kind of lost a 99.99% sale right there, but it's fine! I wasn't gonna go about walking across the sales floor like a puppy dog for a question... even the two cashier girls were so disappointed, but anyway...
That is very curious. I would've asked the two women at the register.

"Than seyde Merlion, "Whethir lyke ye bettir the swerde othir the scawberde?" "I lyke bettir the swerde," seyde Arthure. "Ye ar the more unwyse, for the scawberde ys worth ten of the swerde; for whyles ye have the scawberde uppon you, ye shall lose no blood, be ye never so sore wounded. Therefore kepe well the scawberde allweyes with you." --- Le Morte Darthur, Sir Thomas Malory

"Just as you touch the energy of every life form you meet, so, too, will will their energy strengthen you. Fail to live up to your potential, and you will never win. " --- The Old Man at the End of Time


Re: What Are You Currently Playing?

Post by TempestOne »

Sonic#, I was actually with a girl at the time and she told me, ''No,'' do not even bother with that kind of salesmanship. 8-) The business of video games when you walk into a console store is just that, a business first. And, if the customer service representatives didn't have the passion to sell, I didn't have the willingness to buy, though I did half-assed try just to be nice 'ol me. The mall was so busy that the claustrophobia was getting to almost everyone it seems. Everyone's window shopping, but no one's making purchases. Are you done stalking me now? (It's Free-day!)

Okay, hi, I actually wanted to say something just to everyone, or myself right here in this thread, but I feel I am being baited by the administration staff into, 'actin' a-fool', up here on Lunarthreads.com or something? If I am just being paranoid, please tell me, but I made (gasp) another joke about Sonic# 'stalking' me and they appear on the 'Guest bar,' then logs off. I am being a courteous poster, and waiting for them to reply to me, then they just log off, because, like, just staring at the Guest bar is so normal, at least for me when I am logged in. Is it weird for me to say that I feel almost harassed on a message board about 'LUNAR'? I got a PM from another poster here a few days ago being like, ''Why are they treating you that way?'' Seeing Kizyr and Werefrog, or just other posters here in general made me wanna speak up about this dilemma. (I have tried contacting administrators before this point, too so I am not just whining about this, but I honestly feel, after talking it over with family and friends, to get police involvement about what had happened between that poster Alunissage.)

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Re: What Are You Currently Playing?

Post by Alunissage »

You're... saying you feel like admin staff is stalking you because you're carefully watching their presence on the board? And because they, or perhaps we, haven't replied to each of your posts despite logging in? Huh?

To make a more on-topic comment, we've been playing Lost Odyssey lately. My husband just brought home the Wii U / Wind Waker bundle, but I'm not in a huge hurry to play it just yet. I'm not thrilled with how the lighting effects from the lanterns have been changed.


Re: What Are You Currently Playing?

Post by TempestOne »

I was actually going to give you a chance to finally apologize to me like a bigger person, to be honest, since you're not man enough, or woman enough, whatever. Or, whatever - a bigger, more mature person to do it yourself via PM, through just a casual 'lolspeak' repartee in a random, on topic post. You tried to hurt me, Alunissage, with your, what seemed to be, completely out of left-field, personal flame towards my character and I felt like I had to stand up and defend myself, whether or not you feel this is just some whatever 'LUNAR' webpage. This dot-come, this website means a lot to me, and the reason why I stayed offline, away from the group of posters who I almost feel, directly influenced my internet life, and concurrently, real life when I was younger, was because I did have a tough time getting through school being such a otaku/outcast/loner. I did not feel I ostracized myself from the video game community by spending more time away from the keyboard, but it was because I just had a difficult time concentrating on what I deemed more important to me in that time of my life: school. I felt that you calling me stupid, and sexist, rather than the comment, was way out of line (given the fact that, if anything, I was 'attacking' Alex in that post I made), yet you made it out to be that I am some ogre, 'ooga-booga'-ing in your oh, so pristine Lunarthreads.com. I do not even know you! And, consequently, you do not know me. We live in an age where your internet screen name could easily be directed to your real-life persona, and for you to use derogatory-sounding verbage over a comment not even made in your direction because you want to be a strong-looking 'online' character, I feel, really reflects some sort of heinous insecurity you have, within yourself, coming out towards me, in an arena where the topic at hand is 'LUNAR' and your misguided judgement that you weren't really in the right of a position to make, if you are more than just a screen name floating around, isn't a good way to represent who you really are. I forgive you in a sense, because I feel I am just, a better person than to harbor resentment towards, like I said, some online ID. You should, really, get to know a person, even an e-person through AIM, private message, e-mail, and not pick apart every, littlest verb they make, before you start spewing venom on the level of what seems to be, frankly, online bullying - direct, or indirect. 8-) (I, personally, got the feeling that the staff here wants us posters to hash it out ourselves, but I thought this was a flaming-free zone?)

Also, I can adhere to levelship; It's just that, after mulling it over myself, and bringing it up to loved and liked ones, they totally told me to say something about it before it got, personally, out of hand. I, seriously, wouldn't want any 'LUNAR'-related material seeping away in any sort of form...  Magic in the game itself has dissipated, let's not let it disappear in our hearts, at least?

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Re: What Are You Currently Playing?

Post by Alunissage »

I see. You're trying to work around the previous thread being locked by posting here instead. Strangely, for someone who demands a private message and reports getting others, you couldn't put this all in a PM yourself? That would be the way to "hash it out ourselves," though in reference to that parenthetical note of yours I remind you again that I AM staff, and act in an administrative capacity when the situation warrants. (Obviously, acting as such in this particular instance would be a conflict of interest at this point. It's not something I do lightly.)

If anyone else wishes to evaluate TempestOne's statements in context, I invite you to read the locked thread yourself. I think it speaks for itself, but the one thing I have to point out is that my actual words in my first post were "making a (stupid, sexist) generalization" -- I called his words stupid and sexist, not him, as he states above. Judge for yourself whether an apology is indicated, and in which direction.

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Re: What Are You Currently Playing?

Post by Sonic# »

Are you done stalking me now? (It's Free-day!)
That's a bold allegation. I'm doing no such thing.
Okay, hi, I actually wanted to say something just to everyone, or myself right here in this thread, but I feel I am being baited by the administration staff into, 'actin' a-fool', up here on Lunarthreads.com or something? If I am just being paranoid, please tell me, but I made (gasp) another joke about Sonic# 'stalking' me and they appear on the 'Guest bar,' then logs off. I am being a courteous poster, and waiting for them to reply to me, then they just log off, because, like, just staring at the Guest bar is so normal, at least for me when I am logged in. Is it weird for me to say that I feel almost harassed on a message board about 'LUNAR'?
So I am being judged for not replying to every post as soon as I log in, and I'm being accused of stalking. That is odd.

My habits with posting are to check the boards one or two times a day, more often when I need breaks from writing (like yesterday). If I have time to reply when I check, I do. The exception is when the conversation could go too quickly with only two responders in a forum. That limits the ability of everyone else to reply, so I try to wait 12-24 hours or until another person has posted. (That's not a rule here, but I've seen it work well elsewhere, so I keep to it personally.) So you're reading too much into my not replying the next time I checked in - it had little to do with you. (And the little it did have to do with you was that I was in no position to respond to an allegation of stalking, since I was technically working.)

The part of my prior post you're referring to, furthermore, was genuine in its intent - I found it curious, and I thought I'd do differently in that situation. (As was the mention of the game I'm running.) I've had bad GameStop experiences; I've never had no one willing to help me. Your explaining that the store was crowded and you were with someone at the time who advised you to go - cool. I better understand why you did what you did.

Finally, my responses as an admin have been very carefully considered. I consult the rules. I consult Kizyr and other administrators of the forums. I don't do bans or temp bans without their consent. I let everyone know when I close or split a topic, in case they have any objections. In particular, this part of the rules is very relevant here:
http://lunarthreads.com/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=11 wrote: In general, nobody at LunarNET wants to ban people.

I don't want to ban anyone.

I also don't want a topic about what games we play and whatever comes up in the process to be turned into a thread where anyone's making personal accusations, threatening to go to the police, or dredging up old disagreements from locked posts. To Alunissage's attempt to keep this topic on topic, you replied with more of the same dredging up. That's escalation into flaming and going off topic, and will not be tolerated.

To be totally clear, there were a few ways to avoid this.
1. Make a new topic with your concerns. If you feel it deserves attention, don't drag another topic off-topic.
2. Respond to the content of a post, not what you feel the content is doing. Don't accuse administrators of things as petty as stalking when they merely don't reply immediately. We're not out for you. I carefully explain everything I do as an admin to communicate that.
3. When there are attempts to keep a topic on topic, don't drag it further off topic. Don't respond to an attempt to make someone apologize for what went down weeks ago in a prior thread.

Therefore I'm splitting this thread, locking it, leaving it in a public forum (so there's no confusion over what went down), and giving a second warning to TempestOne. TempestOne, you can consider this the warning that would have been sent via PM. You may send me a PM if you have any questions.

"Than seyde Merlion, "Whethir lyke ye bettir the swerde othir the scawberde?" "I lyke bettir the swerde," seyde Arthure. "Ye ar the more unwyse, for the scawberde ys worth ten of the swerde; for whyles ye have the scawberde uppon you, ye shall lose no blood, be ye never so sore wounded. Therefore kepe well the scawberde allweyes with you." --- Le Morte Darthur, Sir Thomas Malory

"Just as you touch the energy of every life form you meet, so, too, will will their energy strengthen you. Fail to live up to your potential, and you will never win. " --- The Old Man at the End of Time


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