Lufia Curse of the Sinistrals

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Lufia Curse of the Sinistrals

Post by Bravo 29 »

Man, it's been too long since I posted here, but here we go.

When I turned on the game and watched as the intro began, I was horrified. They start OUT with Doom Island hovering above the earth, with the never-subtle Gades proclaiming the end of the world as humanity knows it, which all the heroes hear. Now Gades was never the brightest apple in the bunch, but this goes BEYOND inane. It's on the par of Zophar appearing in the first DUNGEON of Eternal Blue. That scene I described didn't happen until three quarters of the way through the original game. But the remake, GOSH! Are they TRYING to make the world's plight seem hopeless? I'm still playing as we speak, but, oh man, I only hope this doesn't turn otu as inane as Lufia: The Legend Gets Burned.

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Re: Lufia Curse of the Sinistrals

Post by Solana »

Hmmm, how's the dialogue and the new battle system going? I've been going back and forth on whether to pick this up or not, (or just the soundtrack), because I loved the SNES form dearly and would be thrilled to see more Lufia II goodness, but I'm also a 'turn-based combat' kind of girl. (On the other hand, the updated tracks I've heard from the soundtrack sound incredibly awesome.) The dialogue is also what pushed the original from great to stellar.
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Re: Lufia Curse of the Sinistrals

Post by GhaleonOne »

Didn't realize it was out. I'm interested in it, but guess I'll wait and see how it turns out. I remember playing it back in the day, but that was 13+ years ago. That and a serious lack of time for games the length of RPGs these days means it really needs to be good if I'm gonna bite. Post more when you get further in. I'm interested to hearing how it paned out in the end.

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Re: Lufia Curse of the Sinistrals

Post by Bravo 29 »

The dialogue is still top notch, character interactions are as comical as they were in the original. The combat system is more real time, and instead of running into visible enemies, they appear on the screen and you have to fight them. A lot different from the original system, but it works out quite well.

 They took out a lot of towns, though. Sundletan, Alunze, and Tanbel are all gone. The only cities I've encountered so far are Elcid and Parcelyte. What is it with modern designers that they have to shrink the world in every remake? They even took out the world map, that's quite disappointing. I loved walking about the world, seeing new sights and all that. Here, you travel from location to location WITH the Excerion, at the start of the game no less. Events and NPC are also compressed to fit the seriously downsized world.

Gades is as annoying as ever when you fight him.  They even give you a cheesy feature where if a boss kills you, you can retry five levels higher. I'd rather work for levels myself, thank you very much. They even mispronounce his name. They make it sound like Gah-dess, which sounds like Goddess, which is even more insulting than his verbal gaffe in The Legend Gets Burned. "THIS is what I would call frue destruction!" I've always pronounced it Gay-deez, so it rhymes with Hades. His voice is wrong, too, his is the only really off one, the rest work out just fine.

Yes, I know I'm a nitpicker. I loved the original, still have it even. I wanted to see how they'd redo the game, and, hopefully it gets better later on. Not sure it'll be the same length as the original, that was easily fifty, sixty hours or so. I even recommended it to the dealer who'd never heard of Lufia, because I loved the original so much. Hope he's not too disappointed. :( I'll give more info after I trash Gades. That's it for now, have a good night.

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Re: Lufia Curse of the Sinistrals

Post by Sonic# »

 They even give you a cheesy feature where if a boss kills you, you can retry five levels higher. I'd rather work for levels myself, thank you very much.
 So basically you can "level up" just by trying to fight the boss and failing? Do you keep the levels after the battle?

It sounds like they made this game way too puerile and easy.

"Than seyde Merlion, "Whethir lyke ye bettir the swerde othir the scawberde?" "I lyke bettir the swerde," seyde Arthure. "Ye ar the more unwyse, for the scawberde ys worth ten of the swerde; for whyles ye have the scawberde uppon you, ye shall lose no blood, be ye never so sore wounded. Therefore kepe well the scawberde allweyes with you." --- Le Morte Darthur, Sir Thomas Malory

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Re: Lufia Curse of the Sinistrals

Post by Bravo 29 »

Not sure, I'd have to actually try and find out for you. But yeah, that would be WAY too cheesy. As I said before, I'd rather go earn the levels myself than use a cheap shortcut like that.

 Anyway, just got to Gades for the THIRD time. Yes, you have to fight him one more time before the marriage of Maxim of Selan. And this time, it's the two of them alone against him. Man, he just gets squishier every time I fight him. Makes using that Level Boost Option very tempting. Might make another save and see how it actually works. Though more levels aren't always the answer. We'll see.

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