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Ardent Fox
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Post by Ardent Fox »

Just when I thought that Brutal Legend was going to be the only savior this fall quarter, Gearbox decides they'll drop a real Deuce (you'll get that if you're awesome) on us and release Borderlands shortly thereafter. I've spent about twenty good hours feeling as though I've bearly scratched the surface of this game. It's sheer depth would make the Mariana trench look like a goldfish bowl. With weaponry and enemies consistently changing in the game, it makes no two play throughs the same.

Now let's hear the story, you play one of four people known as a Hunter. You hunt for a treasure called The Vault which instead of being filled with science gone wrong it's filled with whatever the story you're listening to at the time is full of. Women, power, money, what have you. You have The Heavy, The Spy, The Engineer and The Sniper that you can play as. Okay so no, you really don't have the TF2 characters in the game but that's just about what they feel like. A brutish fellow who's power consists of beating the blood out of those who cross him, a wiry little fellow with a sniper rifle and a bird that follows him around, another fellow who throws around turrets and no one ever plays and a young lady who can turn invisible and effectively destroy everything around her just by popping back into reality.
These characters are very diverse in what they can do, and it's quite a nice variety but after a little bit of time on co-op mode with a friend of mine who chose the brutish fellow Brick and I as Mordichai, the sniper, I felt as though I was only there for set decoration. Seriously, this character punches everything and can basically destroy everything on his own. This guy doesn't need help it seems unless it would be something very complicated in which some amount of thought were to be applied. Other than that, just pumping enough points into his fists are enough to quell any fight.
At one point we fought our first real boss and before I could even get a shot off at the guy head he was down already having been pummeled to death! That left me with clean up of the other four baddies that spawned and then the rape that happened thereafter. This leads me to going on about the co-op. It's nice to finally have a broad game that's split screen, and I like the fact that a friend of mine and I don't need two separate 360s/PCs/PS3s to play this game, but my beef comes from the fact that through a System Link or through XBL/PSH you can't play a split screen game over the internet. Not even through system link, are we serious here? A game in which they promote the co-op like they invented it and they don't bother in putting something like that in? Come now...surely this isn't that difficult.
But, in all honesty, this is all I could even find remotely wrong with the game. Little nit picky things like that. The game's multiplayer is solid, the fact that weapons and enemies change more often than an OCD man's underwear and the room they've left for more content to be added means that this is a game that will endure and hopefully will be seen as a perfect opportunity to experiment with new forms of co-op. It certainly would be nice for all the people on my couch to play the same game I am online and it'd be better if the game we were playing weren't about a hyper powered space marine and his quest to get from point A to B while carving a path of destruction.

So, with this said, did anyone else pick this up yet? If not it's highly recommended. I have it for 360 and should someone want to partner up I'm ArdentFox13. Drop me a line and let me know.

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