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FF XIII-2 Argh

Posted: Tue Jan 03, 2012 5:31 pm
by Monde Luna
I didn't realize till after I preorded that the preorder bonuses are different depending on where you preorder the game. WTF really? I don't understand what the incentive is in that. Do you really think there are people out there that will order from Best Buy, Gamestop and amazon just to get different bonuses? So if you don't know here are the differences.

Best Buy: novella that bridges xiii to it's sequel
Gamestop: alternate costume for Serah and (a Genji Bow w/ power up card)
Amazon: boss fight w/ Omega, once defeated you can put him in your party as a monster

I ordered from Gamestop per usual but I kind of wish I would have ordered through amazon. Argh

Re: FF XIII-2 Argh

Posted: Tue Jan 03, 2012 6:20 pm
by Werefrog
Don't they still have Gamesharks to hack into these things?

Re: FF XIII-2 Argh

Posted: Tue Jan 03, 2012 6:25 pm
by Imperial Knight
Monde Luna wrote:Do you really think there are people out there that will order from Best Buy, Gamestop and amazon just to get different bonuses?
My guess would be that there's a surprisingly large number of people who will do just that.

Re: FF XIII-2 Argh

Posted: Wed Jan 04, 2012 4:16 am
by Monde Luna
Werefrog I'm not sure but there must be someone on LThreads that knows.

IK - That's just sad to me what a waste of $$

Re: FF XIII-2 Argh

Posted: Wed Jan 04, 2012 11:51 am
by Nobiyuki77
I strongly dislike it too. It's very annoying when this kind of stuff happens, I'm screwed either way.

... though whether or not I buy XIII-2 at launch will depend on a LOT of factors. Like whether or not it's good.

Re: FF XIII-2 Argh

Posted: Wed Jan 04, 2012 1:23 pm
by Monde Luna
Famitsu gave it a perfect score, people are saying its better than XIII. But I didn't seem to mind XIII as much as most people.

Re: FF XIII-2 Argh

Posted: Wed Jan 04, 2012 5:34 pm
by Alunissage
Hm. These are all different in-game things?? Bizarre. The novella would be most interesting to me by far, but I thought FF13's greatest strength was in all the text recapping and supplementing the story, so more text would be good.

Re: FF XIII-2 Argh

Posted: Wed Jan 04, 2012 9:21 pm
by WhiteKnightLeo
Yeah, I always check when I pre-order. As per the usual I go with Gamestop because their pre-order bonuses are way better. I had the choice of pre-ordering Gran Turismo 5 before, I ordered it at Gamestop because they had the best cars wit their pre-order. The same thing happened with Fallout : New Vegas. I pre-ordered it from BestBuy because they offered a better bonus. Gamestop will allow you to transfer your existing money that you put down onto another pre-order. I would say just pre-order it on Amazon and then go transfer the Gamestop money to something you really want/need. That's what I would do

Re: FF XIII-2 Argh

Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2012 5:52 pm
by Monde Luna
I may do that, thanks for the suggestion.

Re: FF XIII-2 Argh

Posted: Sat Jan 07, 2012 1:09 am
by Monde Luna
Here is some demo info incase any of you are interested. ... -next-week

Re: FF XIII-2 Argh

Posted: Mon Jan 16, 2012 11:25 pm
by brit
I pre-ordered from Amazon, they have the omega battle.
I think the demo was nice though it was just the same footage from E3.
Still can't wait for play the game on the 31st though! ^__^ I like playing as Noel better. I felt like he moved faster in battle then Serah.

Re: FF XIII-2 Argh

Posted: Tue Jan 17, 2012 9:20 pm
by brightshield
I played the demo for this game last week. I still hate the battle system, but at least the game has towns, shops, lots of NPCs, puzzles, and dungeons with branching paths(so at least it's not a tunnel anymore). Gameplay-wise I think it's a step in the right direction. Story-wise I've heard it was garbage(DBZ Cell saga, Noel = Trunks). I didn't like the story or characters in XIII either though. One major thing that pissed people off was the ending, but I won't spoil for it you guys.

Re: FF XIII-2 Argh

Posted: Sat Jan 28, 2012 10:42 pm
by Silver Phoenix
Here is a link to the Novella fully translated from the Japanese. This way you can still read it if you didn't pre-order from Best Buy. ... vella-Text

I hate to say it, but this game is a flaming pile of crap in many respects and once you finish the game you'll understand why. They improved certain aspects from XIII but ruined so many others, especially the story. There are enjoyable aspects to it, but as a game it feels unfinished and you'll most likely need to buy DLC since Square-Enix will force you into it to complete the story.

Re: FF XIII-2 Argh

Posted: Wed Feb 01, 2012 5:45 am
by brit
That's why I didn't pre-order for that. There's another site that has it up too a blog called Dilly Dally Shilly Shally.

As for the game I still haven't gotten my copy yet, but I've been watching live streams since Dec. 15. I can't say I hate the battle system; but I really don't like what they did to the stagger system in XIII-2, it seemed like it took me forever to stagger stuff in the demo and in XIII the only reason I beat most of the monsters was because of it. D:

I read earlier today that there's gonna be DLC for new party characters. : /

Re: FF XIII-2 Argh

Posted: Wed Feb 01, 2012 3:21 pm
by Monde Luna
Thanks for the link S_P. I don't mind the battle system so much but now that you mention it Brit I wasn't really able to stagger much in the demo either. I thought it was just my lack of skills. :mrgreen: In XIII I didn't really have problems staggering, I guess we will see if it carries over to the actual game.

I'll probably start playing this weekend. Maybe I will get in an hour today if I am lucky.

Re: FF XIII-2 Argh

Posted: Thu Feb 02, 2012 1:43 am
by Nobiyuki77
An interesting critique on some core issues with XIII and it's sequel. ... _XIII2.php

Re: FF XIII-2 Argh

Posted: Sun Feb 05, 2012 6:38 pm
by localflick
Often times people put the preorder download codes on ebay if they aren't planning on using them. It may be an easier way to get all of the bonuses without having to buy the same game in three places. Right now there are several copies of the novella which aren't cheap -the buy it now listings are about $40 which is almost as much as the game itself. The omega dlc is even more with prices ranging from $40-$50! They're definitely taking advantage of die hard fans, and honestly I'm a little surprised that people would buy them for those prices, but you want them, ebay's the way to go.

Re: FF XIII-2 Argh

Posted: Sun Feb 05, 2012 7:46 pm
by Monde Luna
Nobi thanks for sharing the link.

Local those prices are insane! I'm interested in seeing how much of the preorder stuff ends up as dlc.

I've put in a few hours already and so far I think the games okay. I'm just a little annoyed by the wild artefacts. (owell) Brit I actually haven't had a problem staggering like I did in the demo. I find that Serah rocks the stagger when she's a Rav.

Re: FF XIII-2 Argh

Posted: Thu Feb 09, 2012 6:05 am
by brit
Personally, I'm loving it!

I just beat the main story line tonight. So I was pretty pumped up earlier. I played for about 50 hours gathering fragments and level grinding while slowly working on the story plot. I had 108 fragments when I went to fight the final battle and I have more now not sure how many. I know I got one for beating the game but then I did some paradox endings and just other fragment hunts that I skipped over.

Likes: Noel Kreiss, exploration, towns, Choco-bocolina, side quests, time travel
Dislikes: DLC is confusing (lightning :/ We're searching for her in the game so why is she DLC?), Noel's Battle Attire (looks awful to me! He's totally a blue guy), Shortness in the game (I hope they come up with more story lines to add in the game, not to mention a "True" ending.

Re: FF XIII-2 Argh

Posted: Thu Feb 09, 2012 4:03 pm
by Monde Luna
I'll have to come back and post more after I beat the game. I just died on the final battle of the main storyline. But there was a lot that I skipped over I think I need to level a bit. So far I'm actually into the story, it's not as bad as I have heard.

Not a fan of Choco-bocolina I think she is annoying. & your right about the DLC it is a little odd. I do hope they add on more side quests as well.