Foxxy's Star Trek Online Shenannigans

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Foxxy's Star Trek Online Shenannigans

Post by Ardent Fox »

Captains Log Stardate: 87903.80

We are on our way back to the Sol system from patrolling the Orion sector of Federation space. My crew are tired and there are some much needed repairs to be made to the ship after a tangle with some rather blood thirsty Klingons.

OKURAM: Lieutenant Fox, sir, there's a message coming in from the Pico system, distress call priority one.

FOX: Put it on speakers.

MINER: This is the mining colony 8723-B in teh Pico system. We are under attack by Nausicaans and are in dire need of help! Our women and children are here with us in the mining colonies, please, if anyone can hear us, help us please! We cannot hold out mu-*Crackle*

FOX: Ensign, what happened?

OKURAM: The just...vanished.

FOX: Communications might've been taken out. Okuram, set course for the Pico system, warp seven. We've got to help those miners.

OKURAM: Are you certain sir?

FOX: You have your orders, much like I have my duty. Hop to.

OKURAM: Aye aye, sir.

Captains Log Stardate: 87910.32


We've arrived to provide help to the colonists of the mines here in the Pico system. Despite our own ship needing repairs and personnel, we cannot ignore the cry for help that comes from these lone miners that are stuck to just sitting around in their homes while everything around them is destroyed.

ENSIGN: Sensors picking up two Nausicaan ships approximately 27 kilometers ahead.

FOX: Close the gap and go to red alert. Have all hands at their battlestations.

*The ship lurches forward as the faint glow of phaser banks shine upon the dome of the ship. Suddenly, hell is unleashed as space around them is lit up from the battle.*


FOX: Hard right now! Hit them with both aft and fore phasers!

ENSIGN: Shields on that side have been compromised sir! We've got massive hull damage on lower engineering decks as well as fires in the crew dorms! *BOOM*

*The crew are tossed around the bridge as explosions rock the ship.*

FOX: Hard about ensign! Don't give them another chance to sneak past our shields!


ENSIGN: We've taken care of one, and it looks like the other is entering warp!

FOX: Engineering, status report!

KORT: Sir, the main engines are offline, we've taken a bad pounding down here. We're lucky that this ship is even still holding together.

FOX: Mr. Kort, how long till we get those engines back online?

KORT: Days sir.

OKURAM: Sir, we don't have days, we have a day until we're out of food and water.

FOX: I'm well aware of how dire our situation is Mr. Okuram, thank you. Mr. Kort, I need a miracle from you, I need a day.

KORT: Sir, there is absolutely no way with the shortages of manpower and the lack of repair parts.

FOX: Manpower is easy, some of the crew can come down and help, as for parts you leave that to me, and when I come back I want good news.

KORT: Yes sir.

OKURAM: What do you suggest sir?

FOX: We'll check the miners, see if there's anything they might have that we can use. With luck, we can get their help.

OKURAM: And if we can't?

FOX: We start paddling.



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Re: Foxxy's Star Trek Online Shenannigans

Post by Kizyr »

Terra_Prime_logo.jpg (8.9 KiB) Viewed 13047 times

See this never would've happened if we hadn't gone around trying to be friendly with aliens in the first place. Conquer first, ask questions later. Don't give 'em the first chance to assert their power. KF
~Kizyr (they|them)

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Re: Foxxy's Star Trek Online Shenannigans

Post by Aaron »

Whoa! Are those screenshots you took? Your rig must be AWESOME! I'm getting ready to upgrade my 8 year old computer. Tell me your specs. BTW nice story.

Also, is STO worth it? I mean is it fun?

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Re: Foxxy's Star Trek Online Shenannigans

Post by Ardent Fox »

My rig is really nothing special.

MSI K9N SLi Platinum motherboard
4.2 AMD processor
2 gigs RAM
285 1024MB BFG video card
750 watt power supply

Think that's everything.

As for ST:O, I've been enjoying myself with the game so far. It's pretty fun, though I can see how it could become a little grindy. But then again what MMO isn't that way? Right now I haven't even scratched the surface still being a lieutenant and only having the starter Miranda class ship. I'm waiting to rank up to move up to my next class of ship, whatever that may be. There's new content being added slowly. Other than that, it's pretty solid fun so far. I've only been playing a week but it's still cool.

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Re: Foxxy's Star Trek Online Shenannigans

Post by Kizyr »

...can you play as the Tholians? KF
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Re: Foxxy's Star Trek Online Shenannigans

Post by phyco126 »

Kiz, you can fight against the mirror universe =P Of course, since the Terran Empire was conquered... I'm not sure you fight Terran's so much as the aliens from that universe.

In any event, I'm not even a lieutenant yet, and I'm also stuck on a Miranda Class. Money is too hard to come by, unless they fixed it. Actually, I haven't played in about a month, school and work. Plus I needed to hold off on paying the monthly subscription until finances level out. It is fun though. :D

Kiz, you may be able to. I can't remember. But if anything, you can just make them yourself.

Goodness... I really need to play again!

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Re: Foxxy's Star Trek Online Shenannigans

Post by Sonic# »

Please post more sometime! I can't wait to hear about how it went. The screenshots look really cool, by the way.

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Re: Foxxy's Star Trek Online Shenannigans

Post by Jenner »

Ardent Fox wrote: Image
Looking a bit... Rikeresk there Fox.
The Infamous Jenner!
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RIP Coley...
still adore you Kiz.

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Re: Foxxy's Star Trek Online Shenannigans

Post by Ardent Fox »

I was thinking about going with the "epic" beard option to make it look like ZZ Top in space. In fact I was thinking about having an all bearded crew a la "The Bearded Men of Space Station 11."

Extra points if you get that reference.

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Re: Foxxy's Star Trek Online Shenannigans

Post by Jenner »

Ardent Fox wrote:I was thinking about going with the "epic" beard option to make it look like ZZ Top in space. In fact I was thinking about having an all bearded crew a la "The Bearded Men of Space Station 11."

Extra points if you get that reference.
I don't. But, if you were able to give your woman crew beards I would have started worshipping you as my God.
The Infamous Jenner!
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still adore you Kiz.

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Re: Foxxy's Star Trek Online Shenannigans

Post by Ardent Fox »

Captains Log Stardate: 87923.14

The USS Valiant has been adrift in space for the past hour while repairs are being conducted. I've put together a group in this time to beam down to the mines to see if we can find some help to get back on our feet and back home.


FOX: Emudee, report.

EMUDEE: Sir, I'm reading several life signs further on into the mines. I do not believe them to be miners though.

FOX: Makes sense, all right people, phasers on stun until we know who were up against.

OKURAM: Sir, this is interesting. Carbon markings on the walls, a firefight took place here not too long ago. Is it possible we've arrived too late?

FOX: Not ruling that possibility out, but we may get lucky. Let's try to find a computer on this installation that would hold a roster or a log of some type.

*The team continues down the corridors of the eerily silent facility. Slowly they make their way to what looks to be a control room.*

FOX: It seems this computer has been used before, there's a log already up. It says that the Nausicaans beamed down here and started loading up some of the minerals they were mining. They killed several of the miners themselves and any that didn't lock themselves up or flee the station. Hmm, this is very distressing.

KORT: Sir, it's very possible that some of those Nausicaan's are still on this station. That they were left behind when the other ship hit warp.

FOX We should clear this place then. Just in case-


FOX: Who's there!? Show yourself now!


MINER: Don't shoot! I'm just one of the miners here on the station!

FOX: We're Starfleet, you're okay now.

MINER: That goodness! We've been hiding out so they wouldn't find the rest of us.

FOX: Don't worry, we're here to make sure they stop bothering you. You go back to hiding, we'll clear out the rest of them and secure this station. But first, one question.

MINER: Anything!

FOX: My ship was disabled in the firefight with the Nausicaans. My ship needs parts.

MINER: You can have anything we have in the hanger bay. Take whatever you need.

FOX: Appreciated. Get back in there and keep your heads down.

*The miner scurries back into the hiding spot within a ventilation shaft.*

FOX: We'll have to find this hanger bay they were talking about, making sure we take out any Nausicaans we encounter along the way.

EMUDEE: Sir, from what I have gathered from the station's computer, we are not very far from the hanger itself. A few meters down this hall and then a left and the second right and we've arrived.

FOX: Very well then, let's get moving.

*Silence continues to follow them before a guttural, foul sounding language is heard echoing from down the hallway. The team slowly make their way further up with weapons drawn before a cry is heard and phaser fire is shot towards them.*

FOX: Return fire! It's the Nausicaans!


OKURAM: Sir, I believe that is the last of the Nausicaan threat.

FOX: A small squad left behind to their own vices. I shudder to think what would've happened to the first miner that poked their head out to check if everything was all clear.

EMUDEE: We seem to have found our hanger though sir.

FOX: Yes of course. Engineer Kort, you and Ensign Fusol round up whatever supplies you need, the rest of you split up and try to find as many of the miners as you can to let them know this station belongs to them again.

Captain's Log Supplemental:

We've rounded up enough parts in the hanger of the mining facility to limp back to the Sol System and to the Earth dock. We've returned to the ship and await the final repairs.

MINER: Thank you so much Lieutenant Fox for your help with our problem.

FOX: Nonsense, I should be thanking you, were it not for your supplies we wouldn't make it home.

MINER: You're welcome to our part of the Pico System any time sir.

FOX: Yes, perhaps I shall drop by sometime in the future to see how you are all doing.

*The thankful miner closes communication as a beeping comes from Fox's chair. Pressing a button, he shifts from one side of the chair to the other.*

FOX: Yes?

KORT: Systems are back online. We can achieve Warp 2 now, but I wouldn't push it further than that sir.

FOX: Very good work Mr. Kort, I'm glad to hear it.

HELMSMAN: Course laid in sir, we're ready on your mark.

FOX: Ahead Warp Factor 2 helm.

HELMSMAN: Aye aye sir.


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