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Ghaleon&Dark Althena
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Post by osirus »

i voted whith challeon and xenobia

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Post by YoshiMars »

Old poll I realize but after reading the subject I had to vote, and we all know who for don't we? =P
But seriously, Nash and Mia were my favorite two characters in LSSS and thier relationship was just adoreable. Or rather the denseness on Mia's part and the obviousness of Nash's crush on her, though I recall squeeing when she said she loved him, both at the end of the game and after slapping him (while he was in the chicken-suit of death). Yes indeed. Turned fangirl ever since.
Though Kyle and Jessie are a close second... with Nall and Ruby close behind... and then a tie with the main pairings of EB and SSS... Sorry, less babble more post. ^^
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Post by MinisterGhaelon »

go alex and luna! :D

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Post by Chrono Trigger »

Ghaleon and Dark Althena, what power and might can you get?
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Post by prinnie dude »

I had to go for Hiro & Lucia. Hiro went through a lot of troubles, (huge bosses mainly) just to see Lucia. Now that is true love.

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Post by Benevolent_Ghaleon »

anyone else find it surprising that Ruby didn't bother asking Nall how morphing into a human worked? that definitely could've helped her out with her Hiro situation.

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Post by Kizyr »

Benevolent_Ghaleon wrote:anyone else find it surprising that Ruby didn't bother asking Nall how morphing into a human worked? that definitely could've helped her out with her Hiro situation.
I think something like that would require more maturity than she had while she was pining away after Hiro. Either that, or Nall might realize the same thing and just tell her that it'll take a while to learn.

Not to mention that Nall could be the only dragon with that much control over his form. KF
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Post by phyco126 »

In the English version of EB, didn't one of the books hint that Nall was the only dragon born with the ability to morph his form or at least explain that he can do it because he was a lucky born dragon?

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Post by Kizyr »

phyco126 wrote:In the English version of EB, didn't one of the books hint that Nall was the only dragon born with the ability to morph his form or at least explain that he can do it because he was a lucky born dragon?
One of the books in Gwyn's basement kind of hinted at that being the case. The fact that the same thing is not mentioned in the Japanese version, and that the artbook does have some concept sketches of Ruby in human form, I don't think it was ever the intention to have Nall be unique in his morphing ability. KF
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Post by Benevolent_Ghaleon »

even IF Hiro wasn't interested in Lucia and Ruby was able to turn human and DID end up with him, Hiro would still age and die while Ruby was left miserable to carry on.

wow that's pretty awful. Hiro's love interest is immortal and so is the one interested in him! he should definitely have pursued Jean.

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Post by Alunissage »

Who would have knocked his block off for his presumption. :roll: What makes you think any such pursuit would be successful? She's her own person (within the context of the game, of course), not just some female-shaped doll there for the taking.

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Post by DezoPenguin »

Alunissage wrote:What makes you think any such pursuit would be successful?
Largely because of the hints she drops throughout the course of EBC that she's interested in him but isn't going to push the point because he's obviously not there for her to take?

I swear, when she started to suggest she could go along with him to the Blue Star I wanted to club the writer on the back of the head almost as hard as I wanted to hit the guy who came up with the "Ghaleon jealous of Dyne" line in SSSC.

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Post by phyco126 »

Thus, Alunissage, the word pursue. It doesn't mean that he would get her, just means he would attempt to persue a relationship with her. Now if we said, maybe, Hiro should just bone Jean instead whether she likes it or not, then there would be a definate issue.


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Post by Alunissage »

I saw no such hints in the games; if anything, I would've expected Jean to end up with Leo. You could possibly use Jean's lines about being lovesick to support that, but Kizyr's lists showed that in both games that was a WD addition or error.

And Phyco, it's still implying that she's rightfully prey, not free to live on her own if she wants. Pursuit implies flight.

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Post by phyco126 »

pur·sue /pərˈsu/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[per-soo] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation verb, -sued, -su·ing.
–verb (used with object) 1. to follow in order to overtake, capture, kill, etc.; chase.
2. to follow close upon; go with; attend: Bad luck pursued him.
3. to strive to gain; seek to attain or accomplish (an end, object, purpose, etc.).
4. to proceed in accordance with (a method, plan, etc.).
5. to carry on or continue (a course of action, a train of thought, an inquiry, studies, etc.).
6. to continue to annoy, afflict, or trouble.
7. to practice (an occupation, pastime, etc.).
8. to continue to discuss (a subject, topic, etc.).
9. to follow: They pursued the river to its source. I felt their eyes pursuing me.
10. to continue; go on with (one's course, a journey, etc.).
–verb (used without object) 11. to follow in pursuit.
12. to continue.

Not all of those definitions are so nasty Alunissage. Some of them point to a more innocent standpoint, such as #5. Every guy pursues a girl, whether or not you like it. Correction, every straight guy with any sort of yearning for companionship of the opposite sex, pursues a girl.

We don't just walk up to a girl and start going off the top of our heads not expecting or wanting anything to happen, and if it happens, okay it happened great get married whatever. No, we develope a plan. "Will she like me if I send her flowers, what if I be myself, will she want my money?"

Besides, if you want to go this route, women only want men for their money. God forbid a girl actually goes for and stays with a guy for their love of him.

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Post by ilovemyguitar »

I have to disagree here, Alun. In the realm of dating, "pursuing" is a term frequently used to signify showing interest in someone, whether that be a male showing interest in a female, vice versa, or some other situation (two males, two females, etc), and not necessarily in a lecherous or predatory way. Asking someone on a date, flirting with them, etc, are examples of pursuing someone.

Let's suppose for a second Hiro was attracted to Jean. There's nothing inherently wrong with him flirting with her or asking her out if he is. If she says she's not interested and he persists, then we've got a problem, but who's to say she'd definately say no? Perhaps in some bizarro-world where Hiro was helping Lucia on her journey only out of the goodness in his heart and he had absolutely no attraction to her, Jean would swoop in as a love interest?

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Post by Benevolent_Ghaleon »

LOL! god damn. i can't believe i didn't see that coming.

the phyco line was pretty hilarious.

well i'd say ILMG has encompassed it quite well. i wonder if there's a fanfic out there with anything like this...

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Post by Alunissage »

Phyco, now you're just trying to be offensive. Leaving your childish sexist generalization aside, what makes you think every relationship develops from a plan?

And why should Hiro pursue anyone at all? Is there any reason to assume that he must hook up with some person? The implication here is that if the two females who are interested in him are unsuitable (Ruby and Lucia), then naturally he should find some second choice, because he couldn't possibly just go his merry way. No, let's select a nearby female and say he should chase after her, because of course she couldn't be happy with a single life if there's an alternative either.

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Post by Kizyr »

On balance, Phyco is more accurate than Alun is being right now.

Pursuit of someone isn't an offensive thing. I certainly don't feel offended when I know someone is interested in me, and pursuing a relationship (I might feel flattered, but I can't think of any situation in which I'd actually feel offended--that just seems ridiculous).

Where are you getting "pursuit implies flight"? That doesn't even make sense.

Games are games. Usually things tie up throughout the course of the game. Jean and Leo are the only ones really who didn't have someone who was an obvious match (and I still think there's a lot of implied feelings that each of them has for the other, not to mention that they're perfect for one another). I know your dislike for Hiro has always been pretty clear, but that doesn't mean that anyone who he's interested in is automatically in some sub-par, second-class position--well, unless you want to make a bunch of leaps in logic.

Now, that being said, Hiro and Jean really aren't much of a match. Hiro pursuing Jean would've come off as a "second-best" kind of thing: "Oh, I can't get Lucia, so lemme go after Jean instead." It wouldn't've made sense in the context of the game, given both Hiro and Jean's characters, which is why something like it never happened. KF
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Post by phyco126 »

Alunissage wrote:(1)Phyco, now you're just trying to be offensive. (2)Leaving your childish sexist generalization aside, (3)what makes you think every relationship develops from a plan?
1. Yes, yes I am.

2. Funny, I was thinking the samething about YOUR comments

3. Most relationships develope with a plan. Some don't, but those are the wierd but warm and fuzzy scenerios that just came to be. "Your mother and I met at a movie theater, I spilled my drink on her on accident while I was looking at the movie posters. Boy was she mad, and I felt bad offering to buy her a new shirt. She refused and stormed off, and I was happy I never had to deal with her again... but here we are. (And between me and you son, she never lets me forget, gotta watch out for women like those.)"

Still, there is a plan. Sites like wouldn't flourish if there wasn't one. When you think to yourself (if you are me,) "What should I wear? What movie should we see? What movie will she want to see?" Those are all plans being made. If I showed up looking like a bum from the 9th level of homelessness and took her to see, say, some action packed horror flick that she absolutely did not want to see, she sure as heck wouldn't stick around would she? So you create a plan, in this case, a nice casual-dress shirt, khakis, those brown semi-cloggers, shave, shower, etc. Take her to see, say, The Notebook (even if I may hate it.) Now, I put that plan into action, to give her a good time. That right there just pursued her.

Make sense?

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