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Miles the White Knight (RPG2K3 fangame)

Posted: Sun May 30, 2010 7:30 am
by Eradose
This is a project I have been working on for a while for the Katbox Webcomic Forums. It's called "Chronicles of White Knight: Miles", and is based off the webcomics on the Katbox website (mostly Las Lindas).

The game stars the character Miles being thrust into a world of swords and sorcery, being tasked to defeat an ancient enemy of his people, only known as "The Emperor".

Of course, Miles' isn't really the hero type. If I were to compare him to a Lunar character, I'd have to say he's like a Kyle or Ronfar. Before this all starts, he only thought of women, and doing as little work as possible. Looks like he'll have to shape up if the worlds are going to be saved. (We're screwed)

The game will feature Limit Breaks, a full Bromide system (as soon as I can figure out how to add it), item crafting, a deep relationship system, and up to 13 possible ending.

Here's a few screenshots of the game (some from an earlier build, and some from areas not in the Alpha)

I have a working Alpha of the game ready to go (version 7 I might add). You can download it here.

Remember, this is an Alpha. So make sure to give me some feedback so I can fix the bugs in it.

Also, there's a Lunar Easter Egg in the Alpha. Can you find it?

You can also read the comics this game is based off of here...
Fair warning, some of the comics may not be safe for work. Don't worry, the game will be safe for work.

Re: Miles the White Knight (RPG2K3 fangame)

Posted: Sun May 30, 2010 1:18 pm
by Vyse of Arcadia
Wow, RPGM2K3. That brings me back. I used to play around with that myself, way back when (2003.) Best of luck with the game!

Have you looked into newer versions of RPGM? I understand the newest is scripted with Ruby, which is one of my favorite programming langauges.

Re: Miles the White Knight (RPG2K3 fangame)

Posted: Mon May 31, 2010 5:42 am
by Eradose
Vyse of Arcadia wrote:Have you looked into newer versions of RPGM? I understand the newest is scripted with Ruby, which is one of my favorite programming langauges.
Of course I have, but I can't afford a new version right now. Besides, with everything I've done so far with this game, it will be tricky to switch to a new program.

Here's a few more screenshot from later on in the game...


Re: Miles the White Knight (RPG2K3 fangame)

Posted: Thu Jun 17, 2010 11:33 pm
by Eradose
Here is a map of the Blue Star featured in the game.


Re: Miles the White Knight (RPG2K3 fangame)

Posted: Fri Jun 18, 2010 12:29 am
by Ardent Fox
Holy carp! I haven't messed with any RPGM since way back in early 2000. This version looks fun though.