ReMake of Lunar DS *New pic of Perit Village*

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ReMake of Lunar DS *New pic of Perit Village*

Post by Sadrin »

Going to keep this short :-p
Ok so I'm a huge fan of lunar! Much like everyone here! So I was shaking when I found out about Lunar for the DS. Alright... we All know how that went... So I was wondering what everyone would think if Lunar DS was remade by fans? So well... I'm going to remake LDS On RMXP. Yeah yeah yeah... I know that people have tried that before... Even myself. I'm very skilled with RMXP and so I would really like to see this game the way it should have been. I mean wasn't the whole idea to get people to go and play lunar 1&2? I don't think LDS even came close so yeah i would love to hear your ideas and thoughts.
-Characters will be in a style a lot like that of Lunar:Legend.
-Larger towns will make you feel rather small. Lots to do. Not just to shop
-Gad's express will feel more like side stories rather than just getting items from monsters.
-Battle system close to SSSC/EBC with more skills and items.
-Vane will be added along with many locations that are missing from the orginal game.
-Huge world map to explore.
-Lots of children.
-huge storyline!!
Here is just a quick pic of Perit Village. It's far from being done but this should give you an idea of how it will look. :)

The day has finally come! Port Searis is Finished! Well... Only the original section is finished.
First thing you might notice is that the port area is rather large. Searis is supposed to be one of the largest cities in the game, so I had to up the traffic of ships to fit that idea. So being that the size of the town as of now is Mega Ultra HUGE, Here's the picture at just 25% zoom.
If you scroll all the way down you can see Port Searis from the DS and my awful first version. Full version is up for download *WARNING! FILE SIZE IS 2.61 MB

Ok so I lied and said that I'll have Port Searis posed by the end of the week. Oops! Well things happend... One being that my boyfriend was in a car accident! He's well and it wasn't his fault. Happens ever December! Ok so here is another picture to tie you over... Scroll down to see the super old version!

Wow so two months later... Port Searis is just about done! I'm putting finishing touches on now! It's just little things but they make all the difference. So uh. here is just a taste of how much work i've put into this. Enjoy!

I've completed all of the buildings for Port Searis! YAY! This does not include details. Those will be added while putting the map together. Here is just a sample of Gad's express! I haven't made the logo just yet so the building is without a sign. I feel this looks much better than my top-down map.

Being that i'm going for a more isometric feel, i'm redoing Port Searis! Yeah so that means it's taken me about 8 months to figure out the format for the game. >_< But because of all that i'm able to work super ultra fast! Here is a VERY VERY early picture of what Port Searis will look like now. I think this looks 15,000 times better than before. I hope everyone shares my excitement!
So very sorry for the huge lack of updates that I said I would post. Sorry! :( I've tried to keep away from the forum so that way I don't get off tracked. It's helping! I'm still spending about 6 hours a day working on this. Alright so now for a new picture...
This is what Perit Village will look like...kinda. This is VERY early as i'm still trying to format textures. >_< Instead of trying to make a new template for me to use, i'm going to use Lunar: Legends. I know L:L's format more than the back of my hand. As you can tell i'm also going for a little isometric view. The finished project will be a mix of top-down and isometric perspective s. I think this will help with the feeling of the original game. Some of the colors within the picture are wrong and will be changed.

Here is a picture of what the Blue Dragon's Cave will look like. The first picture is of this project and the second picture is of the original cave from the DS. Both pictures show the entrance. I did this because I wanted to show how different this project will be from the original. After the entrence the two caves will be nothing alike. The remix project's cave will lead to the blue dragon's temple.
Port Searis is 97% DONE! I say 97% because the signs for a few of the shops are not done. They will remain without signs till logos have been made. I felt that I was spending more time on the logos than on the map itself. Also note that this map is a little smaller than the full sized. The forest section on the right is a bit choppy. This is just to cover hidden stuff? no need to worry about it now. ^_^ You will not even see most of the forest. The water hasn't been finished aswell. I'm still working on waves. Oh and the dirt texture is still being working on. Now about the map... You should see a picture from the DS of port searis, and below that my map of port searis. The map has been scalled down to 25% of the actual size. A link to the larger is under the smaller one.
Download link: *Warning* Size = 1.56 MB
Last edited by Sadrin on Thu Jan 22, 2009 7:26 pm, edited 16 times in total.

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Post by Alex_Pwns_Hiro »

That would be awesome!

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Post by phyco126 »

Good luck. I've been thinking that if I ever pick up RPG Maker VX that I'll attempt to make a lunar SSSC fan game. :)

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Post by PrettyGirlJean »

I think it's a great idea and wish you luck. I'll look forward to seeing and hearing more about your project! :D

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Post by Sadrin »

I was thinking of using RMVX but not much is known about it so till then i think RMXP will be cool. Ok so for some ideas I have... I would like to have Jian's Hair be Brown just because Alex and Hero both had brown hair. I also think Lucia's hair should be blue. ^_^

Ok so this is what i was thinking for some ideas. I don't see port Searis as being the place that Jian and Lucia live? They might stay at the hotel there waiting for a job but thats about it? So that would mean that a whole new town needs to be made. I think Jian and Lucia grew up together in that town as best friends. They often work for the Gad's express there and take packages to Port Searis and then Gad gives them another job to take back or bring to say Perit Village or Healriz. To me it just didnt seem right that Jian and Lucia have been working for Gad's but have never been to Perit or Healriz. so being as there are Gad's express in just about everytown on Lunar, shouldn't there be other people running packages around? this idea could open up some kind of mini game of sorts?

Ok so now with that home town of Jian and Lucia. I would like it to be a city maybe bigger than Port Searis? I wont give that reason away but lets just say the city is around a large tower? *wink* Now because Jian and Lucia have homes that means they have to have family right? what if Jian had a little brother who was somewhat gifted in Magic and wanted to enter the school of magic at the Cathedral of Althena? So Jian's little brother took and passed a test in Port Searis thats held every year by the Cathedral. Being that he passed he was on his way to the Cathedral.

Now for the intro...
Jian and Lucia have a few days before they must leave for the Cathedral so they figure they might as well get one more job done for Gad's express. Jian's little brother wants to go along as one last adventure with his brother. They go to Port Searis to get a package to take to Perit. On the way to Perit they get robbed by some Sasquatch! So the crew continues to Perit and find out that the Sasquatch have taking things right from the village. the crew finds out from the Gad's express in Perit that the mayor asked for help from the beast men of Healriz but no one has showed up for days. Being that Jian and Lucia Don't want to lose their jobs and that Jian's little brother has to be leaving for the Cathedral within a day or two, they all decide to go after the Sasquatch themselfs...

Wow that was alot to type... umm so how does that sound??? ANY ideas would be great and if anyone would like to help with this project plz let me know! I would like this to be a very open project.

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Post by ilovemyguitar »

That description sounds so different from the original game, it hardly even would be a remake. It'd just be a different game. That thing where they're supposed to go to the Cathedral is just... weird. What's wrong with Jian's original goal of wanting to enter the tournament?

I agree that it is a bit odd that they've never been to Perit Village before. How about if you just change it so that Jian and Lucia's current duties at work involve running packages between Port Searis and Perit Village, and because they handle the incident with the stolen package so well Gad gives them another package to take to Healriz as a sort of a promotion? It'd be a lot simpler than creating new towns and new characters and all that.

And how about changing Lucia's name to something else, since her character has nothing to do with EB Lucia? She has a different name in the Japanese original anyway.

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Post by Sadrin »

Thanks for the response ilovemyguitar! I was kinda going with very different from the original just because alot of ppl dont like it? and the whole part about the cathedral is just to help build on the idea of Vane? And the Character who uses magic would help make battles fun? i thought it would help push Jian to be such a big head about his skills as a fighter? and the thought about the tournament would come along after the trip to the cathedral. lets say the mayor of Perit told Jian that maybe he should enter because he saved everyone from the Sasquatch. but being that Jian's little brother has to be at the cathedral within a few days they then turn the idea down. Jian wants to enter but Lucia keeps saying something like we only won becuase the guys from Healriz never showed up. I guess im trying to make the flow of the story as little steryotyipical as possible. I hate how the hero just happens to enter a town and something just happens to be going on. i just figured that after the trip to the cathedral, Jian and lucia would go about their normal lives till like the day before the tournament started and Jian told Lucia he would go with or without her.

oh another reason for the character at the cathedral. A fun side story for whats going on around Althena and to see the attacks on the cathedral. The tower of Althena is the center of the planet but yet nothing really happens there? He would also give Jian a reason to want to be part of the group to stop the vile tribe? Jian just kinda fell into this leader with no real reason other than Lucia being taken. it just seems like so much could be going on. A huge war is happening but everyone seems to think its all alright?
And what was Lucia's name in the japanese game? I really dont like that Lucia is her name... I don't understand why... but yeah thats a great idea!

And i was thinking that maybe because Jian is off to save the world that being a package boy isnt a way to move the story along? How about it being some kind of mini game that you can play during the whole game?

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Re: ReMake of Lunar DS

Post by Sadrin »

Here is a picture of how the game will look... as far as towns. Now just keep in mind that this picture of Port Searis is 45% done. I say just 45% done being as I don't have all of the tables and chairs, plants, windows, doors, Objects, and ground texture done. Just wanted to show that yes I am still working on this project. The bigger building your seeing is the Inn/ Coffee shop. ;) I'm still working on the logo for the coffee shop. Oh and if anyone has ANY ideas for a logo for Gad's express, plz help! :) I'm trying to make this map look as close as i can to the DS map while still keeping it fresh and new.
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Re: ReMake of Lunar DS *Update*

Post by Sadrin »

So heres a question... I'm thinking of going with Lunar Legend style sprites. Not the small ones used on maps but the larger sized sprites used during battle. The problem is that sprites tend to be one of my weak points. It would be ALOT of work. I'm going to have to make templates for the different races. Should I go with that style? The benifit of using that style would be..
-More animated sprites for events.
-Characters will look the same in/outside of battle
-Game will look more familiar to fans.
-Game will not look like another RMXP game.
I wasn't going to use the sprites from Lunar Dragon song at all. they're really ugly when you look at them.
If anyone can help with this please let me know. Or really anything else to do with the project. I looking for someone who can help with story layout, artwork, sprites, maps, text, Lunar lore, and just ideas.
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Re: ReMake of Lunar DS *Update*

Post by AlexHiro4 »

Wow, that looks great. I'm not exactly computer saavy, so I'm always impressed to see someone who can do this kind of thing. When you complete it you need to send me a copy. Lol. While you're at it, why don't you just make an unofficial Lunar 3 too? You know all of us have been waiting a LONG time for that one! As far as ideas are concerned all I would suggest is NOT losing life when you hold down the run button and NOT having to switch battle modes. ONE battle mode is all you should need.
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Re: ReMake of Lunar DS *Update*

Post by Sadrin »

LOL well AlexHiro4... My hopes with this fan remake of LUNAR:DS is to get people back into lunar. My goal is for this to spread like wildfire. I want the producers of lunar to see this. It feels like they've given up on lunar. I think they need fans help. theres no way they would make a 3rd lunar now... it has a really bad name now... :( I want to fix that!! *ROAR*
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Re: ReMake of Lunar DS *Update*

Post by phyco126 »

I just have to say, on that last pic, that sign looks like a Starbucks sign. Put a starbucks in there, I'll play the game. ;)

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Re: ReMake of Lunar DS *Update*

Post by Sadrin »

LOL! thanks phyco126. I wanted to have a coffee shop someplace within the game and being that the DS map of Port Searis shows that the Inn has a HUGE front window. I thought it would be odd for a Inn to have a large display window like that so now we have a Inn with a coffee shop in the lobby! :) one of the characters will spaz if they don't get port searis coffee. I used to work for starbucks. I had to quit because i moved in with my boyfriend. theres a starbucks 2 miles away but they're not hiring >_< i miss it sooooo much! I'm going ot model the coffee store after my old starbucks. Oh and the coffee might give a stat post for a short while.
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Re: ReMake of Lunar DS *Update*

Post by ilovemyguitar »

Sadrin wrote:Oh and the coffee might give a stat post for a short while.
That would be pretty funny. I suppose it would give a subtle agility boost, since caffeine makes you jumpy, haha. Maybe it would knock off a few wisdom points too, since I know I find it difficult to concentrate when I'm hopped up on coffee.

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Re: ReMake of Lunar DS *Update*

Post by GhaleonOne »

You should definitely add Vane into the game. :P There's a few locations that were cut in the end product. If you're interested in putting them back in, I can give you some names and descriptions.

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Re: ReMake of Lunar DS *Update*

Post by Sadrin »

The fact that Vane wasnt apart of the game is what made me want to do this project in the first place. GhaleonOne- I would love to add anything that was cut from the game into this project! That would be awesome! Send me a PM about it.

Here is an idea that i have as far as the two battle modes (Virtue and Combat)
I'm thinking of droping the whole idea. I thought it was kinda stupid being as your killing monsters so why can't I get AC (Althena Conduct) and items? The idea that your praying to the goddess while slaying monsters(virture mode) doesn't work for me.
-Combat is the style of SSSC/EBC with xp(for leving up) and items after every battle but no silver. You can get silver by 1) Finding it in a chest 2)Selling your stuff 3) Doing jobs for Gad's express 4) Gifts from people who want to help you. Who doesnt want to help a dragon master?
So now AC...
You aquire AC though Doing jobs for Gad's but not all jobs earn you AC. Only jobs that Help people. As in maybe finding someone's dog or showing a kid how to bake a cake. You get AC points for doing good things for people. That means during the story you aquire AC though the events that happen to the party.
So what do you do with Althena Conduct points?! ... You use them to level up your Magic! Lunar is FULL of magic so why not reward the good? So say a character learns the spell Ice Pick. Now rather than it upgrading to Ice Arrows by the character going up 17 levels, you use 20 points of your AC that you've earned by helping others in the name of Althena.

This system encourages people to do Gad's express without it being a chore. Not only do you get silver as pay and maybe AC points but you get more character interaction and that means more story and character Development!
What does everyone think about this?
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Re: ReMake of Lunar DS *Update*

Post by ilovemyguitar »

You're basically describing what I'd hoped Gad's Express would be when I first heard about it, so I'm definitely happy with your choices. Plus the idea of using AC points to level up magic is a great throwback to EB. Good points all around.

I'm actually pretty interested in this fan game now, based on a few of your ideas. How far along are you in its development?

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Re: ReMake of Lunar DS *Update*

Post by Sadrin »

ilovemyguitar- Thanks! I just didn't understand why the gad system was so awful! It was so boring and just a huge waste of time. Why does someone need 34 cow bones?! They had better be making an awesome broth!
I really want magic to fill eveything during this period in time.
Now as far as how much I have done? Close to none.. I'm not going to lie. :-p I'm working out story,Battle system, Character graphics, Menu style(briefcase look), I mean everything is still in very early stages. I'm making Port Searis as sort of a benchmark? This will help in making sure that Characters fit naturally with whats around them.
The hardest thing about this project is sprites. I want to use sprites in the style of MSL. I'm not very good with making sprites. lol I'm getting better though. I'm really good with making maps :) I also can't draw pictures of people. I would like to have character portraits above text like in SSSC,EBC, and MSL! I think having character sprites in poses and portraits on screen will really show character expressions well.
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Re: ReMake of Lunar DS *Update*

Post by AlexHiro4 »

From what I've read, I'm really impressed with your stuff Sadrin. You guys will all probably crucify me for this, but I never finished Lunar DS. The two battle modes, the way Gad's express was done, and the fact that you lost life by holding in the run button totally ruined the game for me to the point of me putting it down. I plan to eventually pick it up again, but right now your version sounds more exciting. I can't wait until it's complete.
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Re: ReMake of Lunar DS *Update*

Post by Kizyr »

AlexHiro4 wrote:From what I've read, I'm really impressed with your stuff Sadrin. You guys will all probably crucify me for this, but I never finished Lunar DS. The two battle modes, the way Gad's express was done, and the fact that you lost life by holding in the run button totally ruined the game for me to the point of me putting it down. I plan to eventually pick it up again, but right now your version sounds more exciting. I can't wait until it's complete.
Eh, I don't blame you. You're really not the only one.

The things you mentioned didn't really worsen the game for me (the running thing quits being significant by level 9 or so). The thing that irritated me the most was the lack of selection during battle. And the very skeletal storyline. KF
~Kizyr (they|them)

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