New beta test comics

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New beta test comics

Post by phyco126 »

I call them beta test comics because I was experimenting with various techniques, so yeah, they arn't up to my usual standards of quality, but it should improve as time goes on.

Comic 1 - He Fit's In Just Fine

Test Comic 1 - Wizard of... Lunar?

Test Comic 2 - Bubble Thought Test

- "Sometimes life smiles when it kicks you down. The trick is to smile back."

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Post by Alunissage »

Hehe, I like the first one, though I think the punchline kind of falls flat. Having the goddess statue be there is pretty much the punchline in itself, so having Plaster Mel ask about other statues is a bit weak. I'd expect more that she'd just say something about birds, even "yeah, I really hate that" or something about them being healthy, since presumably birds would get healed if they landed on, er, her. I know you're not testing out content, but I really liked the idea. Might be able to toss in stoned Laike as well, if you have a sprite of him.

I'd also expect comic 2 to be "your little cat too!" with the obvious catlike attendant. But yeah, I know you weren't looking for feedback on the content. =) Re the thought bubbles, I think they'd look better if the smaller bubbles (not the ones with the text, the ones coming from the thinker's head) were simple circles or ovals instead of clouds.

Oh, and forgive me for sounding pedantic, but it should be "He Fits In Just Fine" -- no apostrophe.

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Post by YoshiMars »

I really did like the first one. Mel flirting with the goddess statue is amusing! XD
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Post by Benevolent_Ghaleon »

This brings about a decent question. What does it FEEL like to touch the goddess statue? Is it a pure feeling? Is it erotic at all?

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Post by Werefrog »

Wouldn't that depend on exaclty where you were touching the statue?

Edit: I'm sorry for bringing the maturity level of this board down, but I couldn't resist.

Nice comics, btw, I agree with Alunissage that the punchline falls a little flat in the first one. Personally, if I had the ability to make a comic I would just end on a panel with the statue of Althena. I don't even think that you should Mel side by side with the statue. I think the implication that it was the statue he was flirting with is a lot funnier that actually confirming it the way it is in the comic.

But I like Achewood... so what do I know?

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Post by PhycoOne »

Alunnisage: Actually, I rather like hearing the feed back there. Although I feel the punchline is fine, I do think I could have done it a little better. For instance, instead of "Why hellloooo there sugar" it should have been shorter like "Why hello sugar. Rawr." Or something like that. As for the thought bubbles, I was experimenting with those in all three comics, so technically the first one was more of a test for a full length comic. I got the thing from Adobe Photoshop, as paint doesn't have any thought bubbles for me to use, so it's rather difficult to do it the way I did it, thus every thing is a bit off, but the feed back is wonderful, I'll try using ovals instead of smaller thought bubbles. As for the Wizard of Oz, since that was a test for a primative thought bubble, I decided to see how well I could edit the R2-D2 sprite sheet I found on the internet. Didn't work out all that great, so I have to find new sprites when I get the internet back. Anyway, it was for the Lunar-wars test part anyway, so instead of Nall, it was R2 (though a good Lunar-Legend would be something like "...and your little cat too." and Nall would say "I am NOT a CAT!" I do also have Laike sprites, but I need to rip a few more before I can really use him. Still, I am a little lost on what you had in mind, if you can explain it a little more I would like to try what you had in mind. :) I'll also fix the title with the "Fit's" 'cause that would be the right thing to do, thank you for pointing that out.

Werefrog: What/who is Achewood? Oo.

Anyway, I appreciate the feed back. I have around 28 scripts just waiting to be transformed into comics (if I get the sprites made, you guys should like the two scripts I made for the Lunar-net character tournament.) Anyway, out of the 28, only around 6 have been completed, and there are even more scripts that I'm trying to work out, so in all I have around 35-40 scripts, and within those scripts I have short series (Deleted Scenes series, Dream series, Lunar-wars series, and Lunar-Legend series, plus misc ones here and there.) So yeah, it's fun. :)

I've also been working on editing the sprites so that hey give off a little more emotion, or more movement, better positions, and I've also worked on transforming small objects into bigger objects for props (currently working on makeing a ingame house larger.)

The cool part is, when I get the internet back, you'll might be pleased (or not) with the latest L:L project I just finished. :)

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Post by Werefrog »

<a href=> Achewood </a> is a comic strip with really weird timing. Often the comic abandons the comedy standards of setup and punchline.

I feel that the best strip are behind it unfortunately (and I just started reading it).

<a href=> This one is really good for showing off the timing aspects </a>

<a href=>I'm really amused by this one, but it could definitely be construed (and rightfully so) as offensive </a>

These two are funny as well.

<a href=>Part one</a>
<a href=>Part two</a>

Part two isn't the actual second part of the story arc. There was some filler. Still funny. Just not as funny as that one.

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