Reconstructing history's future

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Reconstructing history's future

Post by phyco126 »

So, a looooooooooooooong time ago, I used to play with Micromachines (teh uber!) Eventually, over time, I started to devolope a historical future involving those ub3r toys. Now, naturally, I'm not skilled enough to have set times, dates, yadda yadda, but I did end up creating a general outline for everything involved.

Now, how can I recreate a world using micromachines? Easy. A long time ago, in a state far far away.... I used to get Micromachines, but more specifically I would get the military ones more often than the civilian ones. I based the world off of those particular sets. They where called: Freedom Force (no relation to the video game) for the good guys, and Terror Troops for the bad guys.

Okay, so how does THAT involve any of this? Easy. Simplified plot line below.

WWIII -> Operation Colonize Earth -> United States enters Civil War -> United States loses Civil War -> Freedom Force formed from the breakaway states* -> Freedom Force and United States attacked by "new" country call Terror Troops -> Freedom Force and United States form alliance -> Virtually WWIV.

* - technically, there where no states where the Freedom Force broke away from the United States, only pockets of civilization.

Ah, I love my imagination ^^;. I didn't stop there, I created a history on how WWIII broke out, the government of the Freedom Force and the United States, several smaller, independant territories (such as the nick named Rebels, who forms alliance with FF and US,) new technology, key government officials, special military units (FF Special Commandos! UBER!!!!!)

Heck, I even created FF's own internal issues, such as funding for schools, it's orginal struggles to upkeep the newly formed country, etc.

Crazey eh? I bet. Not that anyone cares about all this, but hey, I'm on a lackofsleep buzz XD XD XD XD XD

- "Sometimes life smiles when it kicks you down. The trick is to smile back."

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