I SAW ITTTT!!!!!!11111

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I SAW ITTTT!!!!!!11111

Post by phyco126 »

XD! I saw Star Wars Episode 3! Booya! I'll just copy paste what I have to say! WATCH IT YOU PRICKS!

[spoiler]OH MY -Fatal Hopper- GOD! I just saw it in the theater! It was midnight, the very first showing for us. It was a blast! In the line at about 8:30 PM, my sis's boyfriend let me use his PSP (which just seeing it for the first time made me cream my pants.) At 9:30 PM, we where seated in the theater. There where some contests, including a dancing contest. Then, someone had five beach balls that they had brought. Intresting watching 200ish people bounce beach balls around the theater for an hour O_o. Then there was a storm trooper, and of course Darth Vador, and lets not forget the dozen or so people who where parading in home made costumes (pretty nice ones at that =) ).

So, then comes 11:15ish. Some more contests, including three guys running to the front to show the announcer their star wars underwear (for a prize, very funny actually.)

Then, the movie starts! Cheers, clapping, it was wonderful!

So, what do I have to say of the movie! You have to see it! It was indeed very dark, and extremely sad in some areas... (like the Jedi Temple, it was horrible...) It closed up all of the holes that I had, and the attention to detail was incredible (like the General in the Episode IV, the one that dies on the death star was in the very end!)

So, I am just hyped. It's 3:00 AM, I just got home several minutes ago. I can't believe it. The movie, I want more!!! I want an episode VII and up! ARGH! Such a great movie. Such a sad movie. Such a dark movie...

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Post by Chris »

I'm glad you enjoyed it. I loved it as well.

Man....there were some times where I just wanted to cry haha.

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Post by Drake-Dark »

Gotta say that my favorite scenes had to be Yoda's. Every fight and line managed to keep my interest.

[spoiler]It did seem over the top with the killing though, even though the third is the darkest. Honestly though, Mace's death coulda been better. Shame.... And hearing the whole machanical breath and Vader voice, as he asked about Padame.... Shivers down my spine.[/spoiler]

This was one of my favorite movies, through they shoulda killed Jar Jar.
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Post by keele864 »

I too attended a midnight showing and I too was impressed. The movie was violent, but not more than it needed to be. My twelve-year-old brother was fine with it. The final fight was probably the best in any Star Wars film. I thought that Anakin's descent was extremely well done, though the Anakin-Padme scenes were generally painful to watch.

My brother and I arrived at the theater around 11:15, though we picked up our tickets earlier, around 9:00. When we picked up the tickets, we saw a camera crew for the local news channel, but I don't think they filmed us. Though our tickets all read "12:01," the film didn't actually start until 12:15. I believe that the theater management staggered the show start times (i.e. some films were at 12:01, some at 12:05, etc.) to avoid a traffic jam from forming as the entire multiplex exited the parking lot simultaneously. There ended up being a jam anyway. I'd go into more detail about the night here, but my dinner just arrived...

Final message: Go see Revenge of the Sith!

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Post by Sonic# »

I'm still digesting some of it mentally, but my impression of it was positive.

First, I used to be a Star Wars tech junkie. I used to know basic designs for all kinds of ships in the normal and Extended Universe, as far as Eclipse Class Super Star Destroyers and ships made out of hollowed out space wasps. I wasn't disappointed by the movie. I liked how they kept Captain Antilles' Corellian Corvette (the one that is being attacked in the first scene of Episode IV), and how many of the ship designs roughly resembled what would come later (from Anakin's starfighter cockpit resembling the TIE models to the Republic tri-winged fighters resembling X-wings, and of course the evolution toward the Imperial Class Star Destroyer). I wasn't as comfortable with the allusion toward the Death Star that was made, but I suppose it's appropriate. It just seems a little out-of-time, since Episode IV is a good 20 years ahead.

[spoiler]As for the movie itself, I was satisfied. I found it rather odd that, for the first time in my recollection, the word 'democracy' was used in those films. This film, more than the others, conveys a sense of a struggle to safeguard the liberties from the harrowing lies of the dark side that would enslave the Republic, based on the dictations of one Emperor. Padme says it when they're in the Senate chamber, about how it's strange that the other members are applauding the death of liberty, when Palpatine delegates even more power to himself.

There's another subject. How could he have gotten that much influence? I know it's been written, in Timothy Zahn's books, at least, that after the death of the Emperor in the Battle of Endor, all of the Imperial leadership temporarily fell apart, because they found that their abilities were bolstered by the Emperor's power. One of the most chilling moments in the movie was when the different squad leaders turned against the Jedi, when a moment before they were working in perfect sync, and it even seemed that Obi Wan and his companion were very friendly. He hands Obi Wan the lightsaber, and they joke about leaving some behind for each other. How easily the Jedi are cast aside... if the literature is relevant to the movie, then the Emperor was able to exert a great influence on all of those clones, and on a great number of other people too. In some cases, it may've even been pure charisma that carried through. In others, fear. But with those masks on, it was impossible to tell.

There were also parallels in between the scene with Anakin, Mace Windu and Palpatine, and the scenes with Luke Skywalker, Vader, and Palpatine. The way Palpatine says 'Riiiiiiiiise', the music that plays during it, and the manipulations that go on during it.

And of course, the scene where Anakin, after being turned, meets the younglings. A further tarnishing.

And when Bail Organa comes to the Jedi Ziggurat (I forget what you call it, but that's what it reminds me of), and finds that it's closed off, and then a boy jedi comes out, fighting briefly in a flash of defiant glory before being shot down...

All these different images coming. It sticks.

I like how it ends with a resemblance to Luke's gazing out into the sunset, with Beru and Lars doing the same... and with Obi Wan ready to become a hermit, to train further as he hears from Qui Gon... and how the memory wipe reminds us why at least C-3PO doesn't remember Anakin or connect him to Luke. [/spoiler]
Anyway, those are my first impressions.

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Post by MiaOne »

This movie was just what I was expecting from day 1 that the prequels were released. It was amazing and powerful. There were so many scenes that brought a chill to my spine, or gave me goosebumps, or made me break out into tears. In fact, that final scene between Padme and Anakin really started the waterworks...and I was suprised because I usually just laugh at their scenes with one another :P

P.S. Hyden Christiansen (sp most likely) is...very...hot...as Anakin Skywalker.
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Post by Ozone »

It was nowhere near as good or as well done as Ep.s IV and V, maybe ties VI. It is certainly the best prequel and it does tie up a lot of ends. The battle scenes were absolutely magnificent though and it was very visually stunning, but the acting was still cardboard in a lot of places. Let me make this clear... Harrison Ford MADE Star Wars.
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Post by Alunissage »

Hey, Phyco, could you make your subject lines a little more specific? I haven't seen this (or Ep 2) yet and while I've been reasonably successful in avoiding spoilers the hover aspect of this board makes it rather too easy to negate the purpose of the tag if my mouse is in the wrong place. (Why we can't have spoiler tags that require highlighting rather than hovering I'm not sure.)

Anyway, I didn't mean to go on that tangent. Just, it would help if the subject lines in this forum were more specific in general...heh, that sounds dumb. But you know what I mean.

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Post by Sonic# »

Ozone wrote:It was nowhere near as good or as well done as Ep.s IV and V, maybe ties VI. It is certainly the best prequel and it does tie up a lot of ends. The battle scenes were absolutely magnificent though and it was very visually stunning, but the acting was still cardboard in a lot of places. Let me make this clear... Harrison Ford MADE Star Wars.

Uh, no. ;) Alec Guinness made Star Wars. And Kenny Baker. Harrison Ford was just awesome. Alec Guinness was... genius!

Take the Internet Anagram Server's advice. It describes Harrison Ford by this succinct statement. "RADISH FOR RON." Now, Ron? What?

Ron Beck was the wardrobe supervisor in the original film. You see, Harrison Ford must've somehow bribed Ron with a radish in order to make him look cool.

Alec Guinness on the other hand has the cool acronyms A SILENCE SUNG and GENIUS CLEANS and GENIUS LANCES, suggesting how the painful paradox of the first one both wipes the slate clean and cuts through us, much like his acting performance in the first movie.

Of course I'm half kidding. No single actor could make Star Wars for me, at least the original. It was several of them that did it for me. Harrison Ford's a very important one, but not the only, IMO. :D

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Post by MiaOne »

Ozone wrote:It was nowhere near as good or as well done as Ep.s IV and V, maybe ties VI.

Maybe ties VI?!?! Maybe ties VI!? Are you kidding me....Return of the Jedi was the best Star Wars EVER. Well, actually all 3 originals were, they prequels don't even compare, but the third one was definitely the best and the acting was pretty and such. Obi-wan really stole the show for the prequels by all stretches...Anakin was just hot and angry.

I don't know about Harrison Ford MAKING Star Wars...I think it was all the original cast...Carrie Fisher...Mark Hammil...the puppet Yoda. I mean come on....no one could ever replace Hammil as Luke.
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Post by GhaleonOne »

I dunno, Hammil got better throughout the original three IMO. Of course, most of that was the way he was supposed to act. He went from being kinda brash and foolish in the first movie. Rushing into things, etc. By RotJ, he was a much more confident and calm Jedi-warrior. You could see the changes. I don't think these new prequels acting was so bad. There were some bad lines throughout the prequels, but then, the original movies had that too. It's just Lucas' lines. But then, I'm sick of people bashing the hell out of the new movies just to sound elite or something. It seems it's everywhere.

And yes, Ewan McGregor totally stole the show. I thought he did wonderful. The guy who played Qui-Gon did a wonderful job in the first movie as well. As did the Ian McDermitt (sp?) as Palpatine.

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Post by AlasdairPalemoon »

I saw Revenge of the Sith on the Sunday of the first week it came out. I have to say I did enjoy it a lot, and thought it was definitely an improvement over Ep. 1, and Ep. 2.


One of the aspects of the movie that I enjoyed the most was the complexity of the plot and the events surrounding the characters. Something I felt was lacking in the first two movies and not explored well was the theme of good vs. evil and its many complexiities. Seeing Anakin being disilluisioned of the Jedis with Mace Windu's almost successful attempt at striking was an interesting moment for me. Of course, Anakin was a hypocrit in this regard, considering what he did to Dooku (who really didn't last long at all, did he?)

There were moments where I did get misty, as well, but held back since I was with a friend of mine. The "Great Jedi Purge" was one of those moments. The music captured the scenes well and seeing the symbols of justice and light being struck down was a tough scene. Another was the assembling of Darth Vader's outfit as Padme was being carried away. The symbolism there was heavy, I felt.

I don't want to talk too much, but outside of some awkward dialogue every now and then, I was impressed with the movie[/spoiler]

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Post by Pogi »

I'm going to go watch it again, somewhere in asia, where i dont even understand a single word.
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Post by Kizyr »

Pogi wrote:I'm going to go watch it again, somewhere in asia, where i dont even understand a single word.

?? Why would that make a difference? The movie is still in English, just ignore the subtitles. KF
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Post by Erroneous »

VGCats pretty much sums how I felt about some of the characters.

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Post by Xandal »

don't spoil it i haven't seen it yet

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Post by MiaOne »

Xandal wrote:don't spoil it i haven't seen it yet

I'm pretty sure you don't have to read this thread if you don't want it spoiled. We put up spoilers and warnings were they belonged...if anyone spoiled it, you did for yourself by reading this thread dispite it's warnings.
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Post by Alunissage »

Although, as I pointed out before, you can't tell what this thread is about from the title so you won't know until after you've clicked on it. But indeed there is no reason for Xandal to continue reading the thread knowing what the subject is and that spoilers are likely to be present.

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