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Post by MiaOne »

I've started a new book!

The Eagle and the Sword by A. A. Attanasio

It's the sequel to The Dragon and the Unicorn and it's about King Arthor. Very interesting read, highly recommended.
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Post by Rune Lai »

Finished reading Silver on the Tree.

Still don't like the ending, still felt too many things came out of nowhere or just felt jarring in comparision to the rest of the series, but the climax felt better and not quite as silly as before. It's funny how a climax can work but the rest of the ending is such a let-down.
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Post by keele864 »

I'm reading One Hundred Years of Solitude by Gabriel Garcia Marquez. It's an extremely good book; I'd recommend it to anyone.

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Post by Wizro »

Merrill's Atlas of Radiographic Postions and Radiographic Procedures

I hate Summer Courses. :cry:

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Post by Aaron »

I'm reading the New King James Bible

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Post by MiaOne »

Well, I finished The Eagle and the Sword speedy-quick and now I am on to...

The Wolf and the Crown by A. A. Attanasio
The 3rd book in the series
about Arthor's first year as King.
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Post by Mog Dragonheart »

I dont know crap about books and don't really care for them. I want to read something good but then again I rarely give anything a chance bcuz I have the span of a 5-yr old.

The last thing I've read tho was the Book of 5-rings by Miyamoto Musashi. It was more of a Guide then an actual story. I heard Musashi was pretty much a -Plantella- too. Hence why his code was like "By any means necessary." or something. He does give some pretty good points tho and I rather not get into them. haha. It's a pretty good read but I feel it's a book that's very hard to translate and realize the point he's tryna make. I give it Two thumbs up.

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Post by Undine »

Wanted to pop into this thread at least to say, "Hi Dad!"

I just finished a collection of Roald Dahl's short stories. They are both hilarious and excruciating. I highly recommend them if you have a sick sense of humor.

Now that I'm gradu-ma-ated, I have to design my own reading list so my leet skills don't get rusty. Unfortunately, there are so many things I want to read that I don't know where to start. I think to keep Greek up, I'm going to try to find a Greek edition of the New Testament. I heard it was easy. Lemme know if you agree, G1.

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Post by Zhirl »

Guess I have to start reading sometime...
My last book was Battle Royale, and my, was it wonderful.

Guess I gotta start reading one of these days, so I randomly picked up Dragons of Autumn Twilight.
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Post by keele864 »

I'm reading The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and CLay by Michael Chabon. It's an extremely good read, but I'm too tired right now to tell you why.

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Post by MiaOne »

I'm about halfway through The Serpent and the Graal by A. A. Attanasio. The last book in the series. Help! WHat am I going to read next? I was thinking maybe The Da Vinci Code.
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Post by Rune Lai »

Did a quick reread of The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe by C. S. Lewis today. It's a bit odd rereading it again. I'm not sure it has aged as well as some of the other children's books I've read. I also realized for the first time that the story takes place during WWII. That completely flew over my head when I was a kid.
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Post by Alunissage »

Really? That I'd never noticed, though I do remember thinking it odd that the Pevensies weren't living with their parents. I think I did notice more stuff about the settings in some of the other books. I really should reread them myself...though I always get so depressed and upset at the end of the last one that it's pretty hard.

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Post by ilovemyguitar »

Are you guys aware that the Chronicles of Narnia are being turned into a big (and I mean BIG) budget film franchise? "The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe" is going to be in theaters this December, and I for one can't wait.

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Post by Sonic# »

Yep, I'm aware, and can't wait for it. Well, I can, because I have to, but...

Right now I'm running through the Harry Potters, reading this book with maps and stuff from different points throughout history (right now I've worked my way to A.D., barely), and taking nourishing nibbles off of a backlog of National Geographics.

"Than seyde Merlion, "Whethir lyke ye bettir the swerde othir the scawberde?" "I lyke bettir the swerde," seyde Arthure. "Ye ar the more unwyse, for the scawberde ys worth ten of the swerde; for whyles ye have the scawberde uppon you, ye shall lose no blood, be ye never so sore wounded. Therefore kepe well the scawberde allweyes with you." --- Le Morte Darthur, Sir Thomas Malory

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Post by Alunissage »

Gah, I'm getting really sick of books I like being turned into movies. :? Is it just that reading comprehension has dropped so far that people need to see their books? </rant> I cringe every time I think of people only seeing the movie and thinking they know the story because of it. For any book to movie adaptation I mean. Like those poor people who only saw the Phantom of the Opera movie instead of the musical...okay, that was a book adaptation too, I know, but at least it had been done four or five times already. I suppose there's the faint hope that people who see the movie will want to read the books and see all the stuff that had to be left out in the change of medium.

Grumble, grumble. Someone feed me some meat.

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Post by keele864 »

I know several people who were inspired to read The Lord of the Rings after watching the movies. The sales for Tolkien's books certainly went up due to Peter Jackson's films. I think they even got onto the bestseller lists again. I doubt that everyone who bought the books read them, but I know for a fact that some did.

I myself just finished reading The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and Clay by Michael Chabon. It's a Pulitzer-winning novel about two comic book authors in the 1930's, 40's, and 50's. I definitely recommend it, especially (though not exclusively) if you're at all interested in comic books.

I'll may start reading another book tomorrow, but I'm not yet sure which one. It's not as if I don't have enough unread books lying around.

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Post by Scorpioeyez »

I just finished 'Warriors of Legend Reflections of Japan in Sailor Moon' a couple of nights ago. In a couple of more nights I'll be pushing through the new Dark Hunter book by Sherrilyn Kenyon.

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Post by Rune Lai »

Yeah, I didn't like the end of the last book of the Chronicles of Narnia either. Since I also didn't like the end to the last book of The Dark is Rising, perhaps I just don't like the endings to children's series. We'll have to see what J. K. Rowling does with Harry Potter.

I'm a little annoyed by all the fantasy book-to-movie adaptations being done, but it's more because it feels like everyone's jumping on the bandwagon rather than I think people are becoming illiterate. They've always done book-to-movie adaptations. It's just becoming more prevalent with fantasy.

I think there will always be a few people who seek out the books after watching the movie. Not everyone, of course, but a few. I know someone who turned into a rabid Harry Potter fan after she saw the first movie. After that she couldn't wait for the rest and bought every single book that was available at the time (I think that was up to Goblet of Fire) and has been pre-ordering the new installments ever since. And recently I saw Howl's Moving Castle. The original book by Diane Wynne Jones is now on my wishlist of books to buy.
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Post by MiaOne »

I am going to have to say...

Lord of the Rings is amazing as well as Harry Potter. The Harry Potter movies actually sparked my interest in the book as well as A Series of Unfortuate Events. I think sometimes movies can do good for books sales and get people to read. In my situations that's the case...except I do like reading so I might be biased.

The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe does looks really wonderful though. I cried during the trailer.
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