Song of the Moment V6

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Post by Kizyr »

Ok I've been on a kick of French rap lately. But I've been looking mostly for stuff that has meaning and significance--I'm biased to stuff bringing up political tension, and discrimination against Arabs and blacks, for instance. I listen mostly to a group called Sniper, though I'm starting to branch out a bit. Sniper's comprised of 3 people: Aketo, Tunisiano, and Blacko (formerly "Black Renega"). There used to be a fourth, DJ Boudji.

Anyway, here's one song by Sniper off their last album. Unfortunately, I don't have the translation, but you should check out the music video nonetheless off of YouTube:

It brings up the riots in 2005 and a lot of the sentiment surrounding them. The song's title is Brûle (Burn) off the album Trait pour Trait. KF

Sniper - Brûle
Tunisiano & Aketo:
Parce que quand on grimpe ils nous freinent
parce qu'au fond ils nous craignent
parce qu'au jt ils nous saignent
parce que la coupe devient pleine
car le sang bouille dans nos veines
car il faut briser les chaînes
on aimerait qu'ils nous comprennent
ils auront le feu car ils ont semé la haine

Bienvenue en banlieue où les daronnes sont dans la tourmente
Pas d'tournantes, juste deux, trois tests comme plaques tournantes
Où ici tout s'vend, tous mentent, tous s'vantent de vouloir devenir millionnaire
Avant de dépasser les 30 balais, grands ou gringalets
Les armes ont la hargne qu'il fallait et l'plan épargne dans l'matelat
Té-ma, les ptits ont faim, ont des crampes à l'estomac,
Et pour arriver à leur fin, ils iraient même jusqu'à t'tromatt'
Et rate pas ton coup, gratte pas les gens,
Assisté des temps modernes et voleur par tous les temps
Grand les ptits bossent, pé-ta puis ils bougent,
Expert en toss-toss, qui tend pas la main au feu rouge
Et y a les pistolet à eau et les gros berretas
Comme y a les soirées ghetto et puis les soirées Guetta,
Tout la coupe à Olmetta, des crampons, un grand pont,
Y'a la loi de no mer-ta devant les shtar ferme la grand con
T'as la frousse, donc tu tousses, tu t'expliques,
Ferme la couz' les keufs connaissent l'odeur d'ma bitte
J'habite où j'ai grandi, au quartier pas d'MJ,
Peu d'bittes, trop d'MC, trop d'PD d'la PJ
Oui les reuf on réagi face au propos outrancier
Un crime impuni la gazeuze dans une mosquée
Funérailles oboské engrenage dramatique
Effet boule de neige photo matraquage médiatique
Il parle de karcher divise la France en 2
Sarko t'offre un lavage à l'éléphant bleu,
Mais ce qui est malheureux c'est que l'on brûle le peu qu'on a
Alors qu'il suffirait de voter pour incendier ses connards

Brûle, Brûle, Babylone brûle, j'veux t'entendre crier, faut qu'tu hurles
Que la chaleur fasse fondre les barreaux des cellules
Qu'elle incinère ton système qui part en testicule
Brûle, Brûle, Babylone brûle, j'veux t'entendre crier, faut qu'tu hurles
Tu dis qu'on avance mais en fin d'compte on recule,
Un morceau lance-flamme pour la jeunesse qui t'en...

Plus je grandis plus je vois que tout va de travers
En fait on vient sur cette Terre pour pouvoir nous la mettre à l'envers
Babylone mon flow est un virus dans tes programmes
Qui désinstalle, qui nique et puis tout crame
Que personne n'abandonne rempli de vibes trop bonne
Man, j'ai sorti my weapon donne moi des balles comme dirai jaguar gorgone
Je viens foutre le faya je crache des flammes comme un dragon
Nique le système ils auront le feu car ils ont semé la haine
Qu'on les brûle qu'on les pende ou qu'on les jette dans la seine
La jeunesse du ghetto a de la rage qui coule dans les veines
Faut briser les chaînes
L'esclavage mentale est modernisé
Vous nous marchez sur la gueule vous nous méprisez
Man t'étonne pas si ta caisse est carbonisée
Peu importe qui c'est senti visé.


Jeune issu de l'immigration comme ils aiment tant le rappeler
Ca fait 30 ans qui font que parler d'intégration je me sens pas français
Forcé de constater que l'on c'est pas du refus c'est juste un fait
J'ai vu je sais que le fossé se creuse
De plus en plus tous ces mytho font leurs beuz
Sur l'insécurité jouent sur la peur des gens ?
N'hésite pas a draguer électoral tu grondes
Va y je sens que l'histoire se répète j'entends
Parler du rôle positif de la France durant
Les colonies putain c'est quoi ces conneries
Quand nos pères étaient utiles et productifs ils étaient bons pour ce pays
Ok mais quand leurs fils crient vengeance
Ils sont bons pour leur pays d'origine la France
Un pays régi par des irresponsables qui multiplient les maladresses
Et se demandent pas pourquoi jt'agresse j'm'adresse
Face au premier flic un mec timide qui nie les faits
Salit la mémoire des victime qui met
De l'huile sur le feu comportement indigne
C'est prétentieux, trop ambitieux qui va nettoyer qui?

~Kizyr (they|them)

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Post by Ozone »

Midnight Tango by Al DiMeola

Jazz virtuoso guitar :) Great stuff. No lyrics.
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Post by Sonic# »

Strange Fire, Indigo Girls... it's a change of pace for me. ^_^

I come to you with strange fire, I make an offering of love, the incense of my soil is burned by the fire in my blood. I come with a softer answer to the questions that lie in your path. I want to harbor you from the anger, find a refuge from the wrath.

This is a message of love. Love that moves from the inside out, love that never grows tired. I come to you with strange fire.

Mercenaries of the shrine, who are you to speak for god? With haughty eyes and lying tongues and hands that shed innocent blood. Who delivered you the power to interpret calvary? You gamble away our freedom to gain your own authority.

Find another state of mind. Grab hold. Strange fire burns with the motion of love.

When you learn to love yourself, you will dissolve all the stones that are cast, you will learn to burn the icing sky and to melt the waxen mask. Yes, to have the gift of true release, this is a peace that will take you higher. I come to you with my offering. I bring you strange fire.

This is a message of love. Love that moves from the inside out, love that never grows tired. I come to you with strange fire.

"Than seyde Merlion, "Whethir lyke ye bettir the swerde othir the scawberde?" "I lyke bettir the swerde," seyde Arthure. "Ye ar the more unwyse, for the scawberde ys worth ten of the swerde; for whyles ye have the scawberde uppon you, ye shall lose no blood, be ye never so sore wounded. Therefore kepe well the scawberde allweyes with you." --- Le Morte Darthur, Sir Thomas Malory

"Just as you touch the energy of every life form you meet, so, too, will will their energy strengthen you. Fail to live up to your potential, and you will never win. " --- The Old Man at the End of Time

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Post by Ozone »

Ever by Team Sleep

Pardon the lack of lyrics.
"'There are no atheists in foxholes' isn't an argument against atheism, it's an argument against foxholes." - James Morrow
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Post by YoshiMars »

Over the last week or so I've been stuck on this one... I do love A23...

Ground - Assemblage 23

Be still
Though chaos rains around you now
Only so much rain can fall at once
Breathe in
And let the air envelope you
And slow but sure, serenity will come

Close your eyes
Try to breathe
Feel the ground beneath your feet
It's still there
The world still turns around

Stand up
Though circumstance has knocked you down
There is nothing gained by staying within it's reach

Take strength
In every failure you endure
Our mistakes have many lessons they can teach


These walls you've built around yourself
You can't take another step until they're gone

Move out
No use in dwelling in the past
Bid farewell to all your fears and carry on

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Post by Ozone »

In This Twilight by Nine Inch Nails

watch the sun,
as it crawls across a final time
and it feels like,
like it was a friend.
it is watching us,
and the world we set on fire
do you wonder,
if it feels the same?

and the sky is filled with light
can you see it?
all the black is really white
if you believe it
as your time is running out
let me take away your doubt
you can find a better a place
in this twilight

dust to dust,
ashes in your hair remind me
what it feels like
and I won't feel again
night descends
could I have been a better person
if I could only do it all again

but the sky is filled with light
can you see it?
all the black is really white
if you believe it
and the longing that you feel
you know none of this real
you will find a better a place
in this twilight
"'There are no atheists in foxholes' isn't an argument against atheism, it's an argument against foxholes." - James Morrow
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Post by Kizyr »

Reviving the song of the moment thread with some cricket spirit...

Theme for the 2007 World Cup in the West Indies

Play, in this beautiful game
Where the rules and aim
Remain the same
It's the game of love unity
Play, in this beautiful game
Where the rules and aim
Will never change
It's the game of love unity

Sending out invitations all over the world
Every race, every class, every man, every girl
Whether near, whether far, come and join in the fun
(Oh na na na)

This is it, one big game that you cannot miss
No matter who you are - everyone's on the list
This is the game of life and we all are one
(So come along)


We run the place
We set the pace
We lead the chase
Everybody participate and…
No time to waste
Lift up the pace and celebrate
It's our obligation
We fascinate,
we captivate
Your mind, your heart, soul and
Rhythm of the nation
We play, we play
We feel the game
Come on, come on
Let me see you gyrate

Bring along all your friends, and tell them join in
Cause this game never ends, once it begins
We will spread peace and love
For eternity

All your worries and stress, let them all go
We won't settle for less, cause we're all MELLO
Bring your heart and your soul and set your mind free


We will rejoice
And sound our voice
Cause we are one together
L.O.V.E. and unity,


~Kizyr (they|them)

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Post by LuNaRtIc »

Super Human by PLID <3

It's a brand new song, so I can't find the lyrics and I don't have them memorized yet. xD
「美しい白い竜 愛しい白い竜…」
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Post by GhaleonOne »

*decides to 1up Kiz and posts what I consider Brasil's World Cup theme song* :P That and it's a really good song, if you like good latin music.

Title: Mas que nada
By: Sergio Mendes (ft. Black Eyed Peas)
Album: Timeless (2006)

Oaria raio
Oba Oba Oba
Oaria raio
Oba Oba Oba

mas que nada
black eyed peas came in to make it hotter
we beat the party starters
bubblin up just like lava
like lava heat it like a sauna
penetrating into your body armor
rhythmically we massage ya
with hip hop mixed up with samba
with samba so yes yes yall
you know we never stop
we never rest yall
the black eyed peas are keeping it funky fressh yall
and we wont stop until we get you, til we get you

Oaria raio
Oba Oba Oba
Oaria raio
Oba Oba Oba

peter piper picked peppers but Tab rocked ryhmes
1,2,3 for several times
heavy rotation made by every kind
of radio stations blessing every mind
and we crossing boundaries like everyday
tu papi papi pair to the r n b
we got we got tab magnification tab magnified
like every day
so yes yes yall
you know we never stop we never rest yall yall
the black eyed peas are keeping it funky fressh yall
and we wont stop until we get you, til we get you sayin

Oaria raio
Oba Oba Oba (la la la la la)
Oaria raio
Oba Oba Oba

drop hot hot be my daily operation
got to put a right in this crazy occupation
gotta keep it movin' thats the motivation
gotta ride the waves and keep a tight relation
with my team keeping moving and doing it right
i've been in a lab every day til daylight
thats the way things move in this monkey business
we took a old samba song and remixed it

Mas que nada
Sai da minha frente
Eu quero passar
Pois o samba esta animado
O que eu quero e sambar
Este samba
Que e misto de maracatu
E samba de preto velho
Samba de preto tu
mas que nada, we gonna make you feel lil hotter
peas and Sergio Mendes heating up sambaaaa
sergio play your piano sergio play your yo yo yo yo piano (echoing)
check it out

Oaria raio
Oba Oba Oba (la la la la la)
Oaria raio
Oba Oba Oba (la la la la la)
Oaria raio
Oba Oba Oba
Este samba
Que e misto de maracatu
E samba de preto velho
Samba de preto tu (la la la la la)

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Post by Ozone »

Graveyard Disciples by Black Label Society

Graveyard disciples march into the fields
Existence through destruction
The bodies beneath the wheels

The trip into the black
Life's dying fall

Born to pull the trigger
Fuel to feed the hate
Innocence is shattered
The blood that cripples the hand of fate

The trip into the black
Life's dying fall

The trip into the black
Life's dying fall
"'There are no atheists in foxholes' isn't an argument against atheism, it's an argument against foxholes." - James Morrow
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Post by Kizyr »

GhaleonOne wrote:*decides to 1up Kiz and posts what I consider Brasil's World Cup theme song* :P That and it's a really good song, if you like good latin music.
All right then, I'll do another.

In the spirit of the World Cup Final tomorrow, here's Dish Network's promo song for their coverage of the 2007 World Cup. Aside from the mentions of Dish Network, it's pretty good...

YouTube Link: ... ed&search=

Cricket Anthem - Don Revo feat G-Deep
It's Don an' Reev like you see, in the West Indies
World Cup Cricket, come rock with me
Dish Network--satellite TV
I'm in the bandstands, in the poppin' crease

The bowler bowls the ball with lots of speed
He's goin' for the wicket, but I'm already swingin'
So watch the wicket-keeper, I'm goin' for the runs
Two run, four run, six run, RUN!
Two run, four run, six run, RUN!
Battin', bowlin', hittin', winnin',
Two run, four run, six run, RUN!
I'm talkin' about the wonderful sport of playin' cricket
Two run, four run, six run, RUN!
Battin', bowlin', hittin', winnin',
Two run, four run, six run, RUN!
I'm talkin' about the wonderful sport of playin' cricket

-part that I don't understand 'cause I don't speak Punjabi-

I'm talkin' about the wonderful sport of playin' cricket
India, Kenya, Ireland
South Africa, Pakistan
Zimbabwe, Scotland,
Bermuda to New Zealand
Bangladesh, Canada, and England
Aussies, Sri Lanka, the Netherlands
Now we're back in Caribbean, we're West Indian
World Cup coverage on Dish, so tune in!

-Punjabi part exchanged with chorus-

Last edited by Kizyr on Tue Oct 02, 2007 12:06 pm, edited 1 time in total.
~Kizyr (they|them)

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Post by Ozone »

Zero-Sum by Nine Inch Nails

They're starting to open up the sky
They're starting to reach down through
And it feels like we're living in that split-second
Of a car crash
And time is slowing down
And if we only had a little more time
And this time
Is all there is
Do you remember the time we
And all the times we
And should have
And were going to
I know
And I know you remember
How we could justify it all
And we knew better
In our hearts we knew better
And we told ourselves it didn't matter
And we chose to continue
And none of that matters anymore
In the hour of our twilight
And soon it will be all said and done
And we will all be back together as one
If we will continue at all

Shame on us
Doomed from the start
May God have mercy
On our dirty little hearts
Shame on us
For all we've done
And all we ever were
Just zeros and ones

And you never get away
And you never get to take the easy way
And all of this is a consequence
Brought on by our own hand
If you believe in that sort of thing
And did you ever really find
When you closed your eyes
Any place that was still
And at peace
And I guess I just wanted to tell you
As the light starts to fade
That you are the reason
That I am not afraid
And I guess I just wanted to mention
As the heavens will fall
We will be together soon if we
Will be anything at all

Shame on us
Doomed from the start
May God have mercy
On our dirty little hearts
Shame on us
For all we've done
And all we ever were
Just zeros and ones
"'There are no atheists in foxholes' isn't an argument against atheism, it's an argument against foxholes." - James Morrow
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Post by Kizyr »

Let me bring you an island song...

From an island...

Called Manhattan...

Zombie Jamboree
Performed by Rockapella

It was a zombie jamboree
Took place in the New York cemetery
Oh, it was a zombie jamboree
Took place in the New York cemetery

Zombies from all parts of the island
Some of them are great Calypsonians
Since the season was carnival
They got together in bacchanal
And they were singing

Back to back, ghoul, belly to belly
Well, I don't give a damn 'cause I'm stone dead already
Back to back, oh oh oh, belly to belly
It's a zombie jamboree

One female zombie she wouldn't behave
See how's she's dancing out of the grave
In one hand she's holding a quart of rum
The other hand is knocking a conga drum

You know the lead singer starts to make his rhyme
While the other zombie is rockin' in time
One bystander, he had this to say
"It was a trip to see the zombies break away"
Shah! And they were singing


And they were singing


Hey hey, back to back, everyone we sing, back to back
And belly to belly then back to back
One two three four

Hey, what a zombie jamboree
From Times Square to the Statue of Liberty
Uptown, downtown zombie jamboree
Whoa whoa whoa, yeah yeah

There's a high-wire zombie 'tween the World Trades
A King Kong zombie on the Empire State
But the biggest zombies Tokyo to Rome
The zombies who call the city home

Hah, what they do, huh


And they were singing


I need the chorus


Back to back, hey


Sing the chorus


Do the limbo


One more time, yeah
Back to back

~Kizyr (they|them)

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Post by Ozone »

The Warning by Nine Inch Nails

Some say it was a warning
Some say it was a sign
I was standing right there
When it came down from the sky
The way it spoke to us
You felt it from inside
Said it was up to us
Up to us to decide

You've become a virus
That's killing off its host
We've been watching you with all of our eyes
And what you seem to value most

So much potential
Or so we used to say
Your greed, self importance, and your arrogance
You piss it all away

We heard her cry
We've come to intervene
You will change your ways and you will make amends
Or we will wipe this place clean

Your time is tick-tick-ticking away
"'There are no atheists in foxholes' isn't an argument against atheism, it's an argument against foxholes." - James Morrow
"I'll hit your head with the thunder clap, you're seeing Horus"

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Post by Ozone »

Reviving this thread because I miss it :)

Glassjaw by Systematic

It never threw me like this
A head buried in the sand
to retort.
If it ever came down
To be a man
Or break my fall
Peel back the skin again
So I know.
And I wait, and I wait, to live this damn thing out
And I wait, and I wait, to be the thing I never was before.
A head case
I can't refrain
All of my flaws
Or rationalize
Just to stall
Well, I'm well aware
And I think you care
From your easy chair
Remission is all
that I can't afford.
And I wait, and I wait, to live this damn thing out
And I wait, and I wait, to be the thing I never was
And I wait, and I wait, to live this damn thing out
And I wait, and I wait, to be the thing I never was before.
And I wait, and I wait, to live this damn thing out
And I wait, and I wait, to be the thing I never was
And I wait, and I wait, to live this damn thing out
And I wait, and I wait, to be the thing I never was before
"'There are no atheists in foxholes' isn't an argument against atheism, it's an argument against foxholes." - James Morrow
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Post by Benevolent_Ghaleon »

and now for the song of the moment....the heat of the moment!

I never meant to be so bad to you
One thing I said that I would never do
One look from you and I would fall from grace
And that would wipe this smile right from my face

Do you remember when we used to dance
And incidence arose from circumstance
One thing lead to another we were young
And we would scream together songs unsung

It was the heat of the moment
Telling me what your heart meant
Heat of the moment shone in your eyes

And now you find yourself in 82
The disco hotspots hold no charm for you
You cant concern yourself with bigger things
You catch the pearl and ride the dragons wings


And when your looks are gone and youre alone
How many nights you sit beside the phone
What were the things you wanted for yourself
Teenage ambition you remember well

{chorus x2}

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Post by Ozone »

Crawl Through Knives by In Flames

The blackhole, forever mine,
I need the fear push me out.

Be brave, show me signs,
Should I feel shame
for the questions that I have...

If you, could be, the things I need.
I'll crawl through knives an inch per tear
These knees, they bleed for you.
let the colour persuade the hate that you fear.

feed the lie, force the reason,
leave me in doubt, need some motivation

It's in my hands,
the sky is so bright its burning
It's for me to decide...
If Flames will reach heaven tonight,
It's in my hands.

Nailed to the floor, paralyzed
Emotions drifting, touch the new

Could be, the things I need.
I'll crawl through knives an inch per tear
These knees, they bleed for you.
let the colour persuade the hate that you fear.

It's in my hands,
the sky is so bright its burning
It's for me to decide...
If Flames will reach heaven tonight,
It's in my hands.
It's in my hands.
It's in my hands.
It's in my hands.
"'There are no atheists in foxholes' isn't an argument against atheism, it's an argument against foxholes." - James Morrow
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Post by Ozone »


Down by 311

Chill light on my sight as my ego becomes
A funky child with some words on my tongue
Be like intake of breath and my mouth gets loose
While i scatter my spit i dream of juice

Have you ever made out in dark hallways
Displayed a kiss that made your day or say
Played a track from your record collection
It's your mix congratulations

We've changed a lot and then some-some
You know that we have always been down-down
And if i ever didn't thank you-you
Then just let me do it now

I bet you light up when we start the show
Follow me now very closely cause i told you so
You know we glow because we throw sunrays
We be freaky and we wanna stay

We've changed a lot and then some-some
You know that we have always been down-down
And if i ever didn't thank you-you
Then just let me do it now

Lightning strikes yo we be in that violent force of light
Guaranteed to turn it out as bad as dolemite
Cuz we're dope kid change like a chameleon and the
Channel whenever that wack show real world is on

You know we dazzle like ghetto box boomin battles
Rattle inside your head feel redeemed like cola bottles
Fall in love with your teachers on the wax
We are self made check the technique,311 in LA

We've changed a lot and then some-some
You know that we have always been down-down
And if i ever didn't thank you-you
Then just let me do it now

Keep my feet on the ground
Keep my head in the clouds
Electrified by the sound
Comes from the down-and

We've changed a lot and then some-some
You know that we have always been down-down
And if i ever didn't thank you-you
Then just let me do it now
"'There are no atheists in foxholes' isn't an argument against atheism, it's an argument against foxholes." - James Morrow
"I'll hit your head with the thunder clap, you're seeing Horus"

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Post by Sonic# »

Oh my. I heard this on Weekend Radio this afternoon while driving. It was hilarious. There's this man, Tom Lehrer, and he's done a small repertoire of parodies and such from the 40s, 50s, and 60s. Outside of doing music, he's a math lecturer.

This is Fight Fiercely, Harvard. Imagine it done in a sort of cultivated drawl.

Fight fiercely, Harvard, fight, fight, fight!
Demonstrate to them our skill.
Albeit they possess the might,
Nonetheless we have the will.

How we will celebrate our victory,
We shall invite the whole team up for tea. (How jolly!)
Hurl that spheroid down the field,
And fight, fight, fight!

Fight fiercely, Harvard, fight, fight, fight!
Impress them with our prowess, do!
Oh, fellas, do not let the crimson down,
Be of stout heart and true.

Come on, chaps, fight for Harvard's glorious name!
Won't it be peachy if we win the game? (Oh, goody!)
Let's try not to injure them,
But fight, fight, fight!
Let's not be rough, though!
Fight, fight, fight!
And do fight fiercely!
Fight, fight, fight!

"Than seyde Merlion, "Whethir lyke ye bettir the swerde othir the scawberde?" "I lyke bettir the swerde," seyde Arthure. "Ye ar the more unwyse, for the scawberde ys worth ten of the swerde; for whyles ye have the scawberde uppon you, ye shall lose no blood, be ye never so sore wounded. Therefore kepe well the scawberde allweyes with you." --- Le Morte Darthur, Sir Thomas Malory

"Just as you touch the energy of every life form you meet, so, too, will will their energy strengthen you. Fail to live up to your potential, and you will never win. " --- The Old Man at the End of Time

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Post by Jenner »

Ozone needs to stop listening to so much emo crap.
The Infamous Jenner!
Maker of Lists.
RIP Coley...
still adore you Kiz.

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