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Preparing for the hurricane

Posted: Sat Aug 27, 2011 12:28 pm
by Kizyr
Hi everybody!

So I guess I gotta do some preparation 'just in case' for the oncoming storm before it gets too late... I'm up early since I dropped my sister off at the airport at 5am, and I've been dithering about since checking old old posts on LunarNET (since I'm done with summer classes and fall classes haven't begun yet, my weekends are actually free). Anyway!

Here's what I figure I gotta do...
- Bring in all my stuff from the balcony (done)
- Fill up a bucket or two of water (about 5-6 gallons for the restroom/washing)
- Make sure I have enough food for a few days (...done, I always have enough dry goods)
- Cook some food in advance (it's Ramadan so I only need to worry about the one meal)

I mean, I'm kind of blanking on what else to do to prepare. I'm expecting something only a bit worse than when Isabel hit back in 2005, which for this area really wasn't that bad. Is there something I'm missing here?

Is anyone in the path of the real bad part of the hurricane, or on the coast? KF

Re: Preparing for the hurricane

Posted: Sat Aug 27, 2011 1:48 pm
My parents are In Cape May, NJ. 2 blocks from the ocean. I tried to get to them to help prepare but the NJ state police told me that all southbound traffic to southern NJ is closed so they are on their own. I think they should be ok but you never know. I wan't too happy to be told I can't go help my parents.

Living a half hour west of you makes a big differance in how hard were getting hit here. I almost want to drive east tonight to be as close as I can. I'm not sure if I may get another chance to be in a hurricane... :)

You seem to have made all the preperations but do you have candles or a flashlight if you lose power? I'm sure you have some sort of supprt power for your building. You may want to find out. Don't forget your bathing suit too.

Re: Preparing for the hurricane

Posted: Sat Aug 27, 2011 5:02 pm
by Jenner
Charge up all your game systems while you can incase this takes awhile and you need something to do.

You might wanna pick up candles if you think you're in an area that will be slow to receive power. (I don't think you are...) So you have something to read by after all your game systems run out of power.

Get some flashlights too.

The good news is you have a gas stove, so you can heat water, etc.

Most importantly, please stay alive sweetheart. Not that I think it'll be that dangerous.

Re: Preparing for the hurricane

Posted: Sat Aug 27, 2011 5:49 pm
by Werefrog
Jenner wrote:Charge up all your game systems while you can incase this takes awhile and you need something to do.
This... Every time the electricity went out at my house this year my cell phone had just run down, and I had no way to listen to music. Umm... I've never been in a hurricane, so I don't know what else needs done. You probably have a first aid kit, right? Hmm... that's about the only thing I could think to add.

Re: Preparing for the hurricane

Posted: Sat Aug 27, 2011 6:30 pm
by Nobiyuki77
In Connecticut I am. Tomorrow's gonna suck. D: I've charged up my 2 DSs, 3DS and PSP, iPod and iPhone and Laptop.

I just hope we don't lose power (for too long). D:

Re: Preparing for the hurricane

Posted: Sat Aug 27, 2011 7:09 pm
by Kizyr
Ok I got everything on that list done. In addition:
- I have candles, matches, and a small flashlight.
- I don't have a first aid 'kit', but I do have bandages, antiseptic, medication, etc.
- All my devices are charged
- I have some blocks of ice in my fridge that I can move to the fridge to keep it cool if needed

Am I missing anything? KF

Re: Preparing for the hurricane

Posted: Sat Aug 27, 2011 7:32 pm
Jenner wrote:Charge up all your game systems while you can incase this takes awhile and you need something to do.

You might wanna pick up candles if you think you're in an area that will be slow to receive power. (I don't think you are...) So you have something to read by after all your game systems run out of power.

Get some flashlights too.

The good news is you have a gas stove, so you can heat water, etc.

Most importantly, please stay alive sweetheart. Not that I think it'll be that dangerous.
Aww, Thanks Jenner. I appreciate the support. I'll do my best!

Re: Preparing for the hurricane

Posted: Sat Aug 27, 2011 7:42 pm
by Sonic#
You're doing a lot right, and a thing or two I wouldn't have thought of. I have a couple of ideas.

This may be too obvious, but make sure you have a knife with you, like a pocket knife. That's ordinarily a given for me, but you never know what you might potentially need to get into or out of. The "out of" is really a worst-case scenario; I really hope you don't have to cut through insulation.

Baseball bat too, or some similar tool you feel comfortable with, in case things are bad and people panic. Again, probably won't be necessary.

Finally, write stuff down that's stored electronically that you might want if your phone dies. Phone numbers are especially important. I know in my case, I'm good about remembering my parents' phone numbers, but my girlfriend's number, as with most of my friends, would be gone if anything were to happen to the phone.

You sound like you're putting a lot of thought into it, so I wouldn't worry. I'll be thinking of you nonetheless.

Re: Preparing for the hurricane

Posted: Sun Aug 28, 2011 12:38 am
by Monde Luna
I like how charging your gaming systems is a priority. =o) But in all seriousness I hope you guys stay safe! Hopefully it doesn't flood to bad. GL

Re: Preparing for the hurricane

Posted: Sun Aug 28, 2011 1:19 am
by Werefrog
Stock up on silver bullets in case it's a Were-hurricane.

Re: Preparing for the hurricane

Posted: Sun Aug 28, 2011 4:17 pm
by Jenner
Kizyr wrote:Am I missing anything? KF
Me. :cry:

Re: Preparing for the hurricane

Posted: Sun Aug 28, 2011 6:53 pm
by Kizyr
So the storm wasn't too bad. The wind kept me up a little this morning, but otherwise it wasn't any big deal for this area. I still have my power, and since my 'preparation' wasn't anything more than what I'd normally do (plus the blocks of ice thing) then I'm not really any worse off.
Jenner wrote:
Kizyr wrote:Am I missing anything? KF
Me. :cry:
You're always here with me. KF

Re: Preparing for the hurricane

Posted: Sun Aug 28, 2011 9:21 pm
by phyco126
If you can, board up your windows. Of course, by now I'm thinking it may be either too late or the storm has already passed.

Re: Preparing for the hurricane

Posted: Sun Aug 28, 2011 11:34 pm
by Nobiyuki77
Well, I'm alive and well on my end. :-P And funnily enough, we still have power. *knocks on wood*

Re: Preparing for the hurricane

Posted: Sun Aug 28, 2011 11:44 pm
Well, the storm died pretty quickly. My parents in NJ got nowhere near what was expected. My brother and I drove around last night around midnight just to be in the storm. We ended up running over a tree branch that popped the left front tire. Changing a tire in the rain on a back road isn't all that fun. An earthquake and a hurricane in the same week is pretty interesting though. Locusts are sure to be next.

Re: Preparing for the hurricane

Posted: Mon Aug 29, 2011 3:12 am
by Kizyr
phyco126 wrote:If you can, board up your windows. Of course, by now I'm thinking it may be either too late or the storm has already passed.
I already said that it passed and it wasn't a big deal for the area. Also boarding up my windows for a little wind would probably constitute property damage to my apartment. KF

Re: Preparing for the hurricane

Posted: Mon Aug 29, 2011 6:43 pm
by phyco126
Kizyr wrote:
phyco126 wrote:If you can, board up your windows. Of course, by now I'm thinking it may be either too late or the storm has already passed.
I already said that it passed and it wasn't a big deal for the area. Also boarding up my windows for a little wind would probably constitute property damage to my apartment. KF
Gah, somehow I didn't see the first half of your post. My bad =X.

Also, boarding up windows is still better than having them shatter out and stuff. Curious what category hurricane it will have to be and the chances of that even happening anyway.

Re: Preparing for the hurricane

Posted: Mon Aug 29, 2011 7:32 pm
by Kizyr
phyco126 wrote:Also, boarding up windows is still better than having them shatter out and stuff. Curious what category hurricane it will have to be and the chances of that even happening anyway.
At least a category three and we'd have to be right in the middle of it (I'm on the fifth floor and shielded on two sides). The chances of that this far inland are so rare that it's not worth preparing for. If it got up to that point, anyway, my apartment complex would've either boarded them up for me or provided me with equipment to do it -- it's their building after all.

Generally, when the preparation causes more damage than the weather, it's probably overkill.

It's no problem, though, I mean I didn't really go into a lot of detail of where I live. If I were on the coast, in a house, and further south, then it'd be more relevant advice. KF

Re: Preparing for the hurricane

Posted: Mon Aug 29, 2011 9:05 pm
by phyco126
Right on. I assumed you where relatively near shore, maybe but 15 or so miles.

Re: Preparing for the hurricane

Posted: Tue Aug 30, 2011 4:05 pm
by Dragonmaster Lou
Well, I survived the hurricane (tropical storm, actually, when it reached us) okay. Still don't have power though and it's been 3 days.