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Bizzare... @_o;;

Posted: Fri Jul 15, 2005 7:44 pm
by Coley Lou
According to the ADA I'm disabled @_@;;;

-Coley (Wow...)

Posted: Fri Jul 15, 2005 9:24 pm
by Sonic#
Wow. O_o Is endometriosis that bad? I read a definition, but that says nothing of the condition. Do you think you're going to do anything about it?

Posted: Sat Jul 16, 2005 2:43 am
by Coley Lou
I dunno, for some people it causes crippling pain. My IBS causes crippling pain, sometimes while I'm driving. And my bladder is useless. And that could actually be because of the endo too. I have an amazingly high pain tolerance though after the surgery, so mmaybe I don't notice the pain.

But it causes other troubles like fatigue and nausea, irretability, anxiety, etc. But that might be because I'm just freaked out I have it. It seems to be very different for every girl, but here's an article about it.

If you have any other questions I might know some more info. I seem to have a more severe version of it, since it caused the complete destruction of my ovary and fallopian tube, and is now working on the other one and my bladder. I have pictures if you want to see sometime XD
