New Years Resolutions

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New Years Resolutions

Post by Kizyr »

I'm wondering if anyone's made any resolutions... I've actually made a few substantive ones this year (I ordinarily don't do this sort of thing), so I was curious if anyone has a few.

I have 4 or 5 for myself: 3 normal ones, 2 related to online stuff...

First, I'm going to try to get at least 6 hours of sleep a night. Ordinarily I get 5 hours--sometimes less--and it's been taking its toll (I used to get 4 or less during high school). That's gonna take a while, though, since it's something my body has to physically adjust to, but I'd really like to get at this.

Second, I'm going to try and keep contact with friends/family a lot more. That seems to be a popular one this year...

Third, I'm going to update my Xanga at least once a week. Last year I had a bunch of 1-2 month gaps. I've been keeping up with this one so far {^^}.

Fourth, I'm gonna try and post way more on LunarNET, and start up more topics.

Fifth... is a more complicated one. I'm going to get into the habit of giving fake personal information whenever I'm asked it, unless it's someone I know or for official (job/government/billing) purposes. Meaning, if I register for a CVS card or something, I won't give my real name anymore.

So... any of you have some? KF
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Re: New Years Resolutions

Post by Werefrog »

Kizyr wrote:
Fifth... is a more complicated one. I'm going to get into the habit of giving fake personal information whenever I'm asked it, unless it's someone I know or for official (job/government/billing) purposes. Meaning, if I register for a CVS card or something, I won't give my real name anymore.
This is a really good one in my opinion. I find it very creepy how much information companies have begun to store on us. I just read on Slashdot that some bars are starting to record the license information on their patrons. What would happen if companies started to look at this information when considering who to hire? Although I don't think this will ever affect me personally, I find it unnerving. Plus, it's always fun to mess up their consumer research.

I really haven't put much thought into resolutions. I really want to perform at more comedy open mikes, but I'm not sure if that will happen anytime soon.

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Re: New Years Resolutions

Post by GhaleonOne »

I got a few, though some are related to last years. I made some mention of it in Phyco's thread (kinda thought that was gonna take the form of a New Years Resolution thread, but it didn't really). Anyways, mine:

1) Continue getting my body into amazing shape. I was overweight at the beginning of 2007. I was always in good shape up until 6-7 years ago when I started college. Got sick of it, and lost 60+ pounds, and got myself into pretty good shape. My goal this year is to tone up, and get myself into really top-shape. Like marathon-running shape.

2) Kinda related to the above, but starting this summer, I'm going to be climbing a lot more mountains (literally). Last year, people may remember that I took on Colorado's tallest and conquered it. I'm probably going to do a few more prominent ones this summer (definitely the two tallest mountains on the Continental Divide in July), but probably more than that.

3) Related to the mountains, I want to improve my photography tenfold, as scenic photography has always been a hobby of mine. I'll probably take a good photography class at my old university in the fall, and I may have some stuff on display in a few local art shows this year.

4) Finish my new portfolio - been putting this off too long, and plan to have it up and running by March at the latest.

5) Improve my design. I'm taking an in-depth design studio class starting next week for the spring semester, and from a really amazing design teacher, so this one is a given.

6) Travel outside of the U.S. - I've always wanted to do this, and it's looking more and more likely this year. Though late in the year. We have a good friend from Thailand who's going home in February, and we're considering visiting him either over the summer or next December. Though I'm considering also making a stop in Japan on the way there. Always wanted to climb Mt. Fuji and that would set up resolution numer 2 in concrete.

7) And one smaller goal - finally get rid of all these coming's soons here at LunarNET, but hey, LunarNET wouldn't be LunarNET if it didn't have something to look foward to. :P


'tis a lot, but I think I'll pull it all off.

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Re: New Years Resolutions

Post by ilovemyguitar »

I've been doing really good on resolutions that couple years. Last year I resolved to go vegan, and that's been great. The year before that, I resolved to read more substantial stuff instead of the silly pop fiction I used to eat up, and now I read almost entirely nonfiction.

This year I'm giving up prepackaged food and going all organic. It's turned out to be a smoother transition than when I went vegan, because that transition forced me to learn how to cook a lot more (you can only eat so many veggie burgers and tofurky dogs before you go nutso), and now it's just a matter of taking the time to make more stuff from scratch.

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Re: New Years Resolutions

Post by Werefrog »

Oh Kiz, have you came up with an awesome alias to give yourself when you're filling out nonessential forms?

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Re: New Years Resolutions

Post by Sonic# »

My resolution isn't so much a change as it is ... well, a resolution.

I am going to work on my thesis at least an hour a day. (That is to say, if I get really busy in a day and can't put more time into it, I will at least touch on it, read a scholarly work and annotate, something like that. Many days I've put in considerably more than that.)

I am going to freshen up my French (or french up my freshin).

And when I graduate, whether I get into grad school or not, I'm going to start reading, researching, and writing during the summer. Not too much, but an hour a day of focused studying on a topic, to fit in nicely with a job without wearing me down in the first week.

"Than seyde Merlion, "Whethir lyke ye bettir the swerde othir the scawberde?" "I lyke bettir the swerde," seyde Arthure. "Ye ar the more unwyse, for the scawberde ys worth ten of the swerde; for whyles ye have the scawberde uppon you, ye shall lose no blood, be ye never so sore wounded. Therefore kepe well the scawberde allweyes with you." --- Le Morte Darthur, Sir Thomas Malory

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Re: New Years Resolutions

Post by Kizyr »

Werefrog wrote:This is a really good one in my opinion. I find it very creepy how much information companies have begun to store on us. I just read on Slashdot that some bars are starting to record the license information on their patrons. What would happen if companies started to look at this information when considering who to hire? Although I don't think this will ever affect me personally, I find it unnerving. Plus, it's always fun to mess up their consumer research.
A lot of it is a principle thing. I don't like giving out personal information unless there's an expected connection there. If I'm just buying some bedsheets from LnT, I don't want to give out my phone number to do it. That and, I think it's just good practice to limit where and when you give out details about how to contact yourself.

On the consumer research angle... There are other ways to keep with consumer research. In fact, you should be able to do so without having to collect any personal information about consumers at all; as long as you have enough data about your inventory and items that are being sold, you can do research. My local supermarket doesn't bother with the card business, and it still manages to have the right stuff in stock.
Werefrog wrote:Oh Kiz, have you came up with an awesome alias to give yourself when you're filling out nonessential forms?
I've always had aliases in mind, in case I need to give out a fake name in a hurry and don't want to seem like I'm stalling. I'll probably just give out the names of cricket players, though, since that'll let me avoid using a consistent alias without requiring me to think up several different ones. KF
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Re: New Years Resolutions

Post by Imperial Knight »

I've never really made any New Years Resolutions. Maybe it's just because it's something my family never did and so I never got into the habit of doing it.

I suppose I could make a belated resolution to post here more often. What with my low posting frequency these past few months, I've practically been a lurker.

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Re: New Years Resolutions

Post by phyco126 »

It took me a while to finally settle on a New Years resolution. I have many I wanted to claim as my NYR, but I didn't want to over burden myself with useless NYRs.

Therefore, I decided to have 2 NYRs, and I couldn't think of anything better.

1. To follow the ******** *********** with emphasis on helping and caring for others rather than myself.
2. To continue work on the ********** **********

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Re: New Years Resolutions

Post by GhaleonOne »

What are the *******?

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Re: New Years Resolutions

Post by Werefrog »

1) New Year's Resolution
2) ???
3) Profit!

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Re: New Years Resolutions

Post by phyco126 »

The ******** ******* is the name of the belief and way of life, but I can't seem to remember what I orginally called it. The first word I could never forget, the second one though, is driving me insane.

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Re: New Years Resolutions

Post by Kizyr »

phyco126 wrote:The ******** ******* is the name of the belief and way of life, but I can't seem to remember what I orginally called it. The first word I could never forget, the second one though, is driving me insane.

...wait, no, this is two words, isn't it?

Well, that's a relief. KF
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Re: New Years Resolutions

Post by Werefrog »

My thetans are acting up. Any suggestions Phyco?

Edit: If you know the first word, you can probably find the whole phrase on Google.

And, I'm trying to switch over to Linux over the summer when I'm not busy using my computer for school stuff.

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Re: New Years Resolutions

Post by phyco126 »

Hehe, pay me more money and I will help you with those pesky thetans. =P

No, this isn't something I can google, this isn't something that already exsists. Rather something I have been crafting for the past 2 years.

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Re: New Years Resolutions

Post by BattleMedic »

phyco126 wrote:Hehe, pay me more money and I will help you with those pesky thetans. =P

No, this isn't something I can google, this isn't something that already exsists. Rather something I have been crafting for the past 2 years.
Phyco Meditation? Spiritual Understanding? Personality Research? Let me know if they ring a bell..

My New Year's Resolutions are:
1. To get my Firearms license
2. Spend more time with my family
3. Study harder in school
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Re: New Years Resolutions

Post by phyco126 »

Meh, I can't remember it, so just for an idea I'm just gonna call it the Gakusein Order.

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Re: New Years Resolutions

Post by BattleMedic »

phyco126 wrote:Meh, I can't remember it, so just for an idea I'm just gonna call it the Gakusein Order.

I'm interested, please, tell me about it
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Re: New Years Resolutions

Post by phyco126 »

It's a longish story, kinda. Might even draw the ire of some people here, mostly based on where the concept came from than what it is about.

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Re: New Years Resolutions

Post by BattleMedic »

Ok then, I'm not going to push you to say it
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