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Would have loved this game more...

Posted: Sun Nov 07, 2010 6:04 am
by LuNaRtIc
...if they had kept the original voice cast.
Yeah. I'm going to be that person.
And no, don't lecture me on how it was IMPOSSIBLE to have kept the same amateur group of "voice actors" they had for the original/PS remakes. I already know this and I don't care.

Yeah. Another buzzed post from me.
Sorry, it's just that I realized today the only thing keeping me from liking this remake is the voice cast. It's just not the same with the new kids. :cry:

Re: Would have loved this game more...

Posted: Sun Nov 07, 2010 3:49 pm
by CatsWithMatches
... if there had been more randomization in the battles. Three battles in row with the same monsters in the same layout? Really?

Loved the rest, though.

Re: Would have loved this game more...

Posted: Sun Nov 07, 2010 5:58 pm
by Final Night
Wasn't there a Vic Ireland comment where he said that Jenny Stigel "broke rank" and did this SSH, leading you to believe that, at least with some of the original cast, they were refusing to be a part of this?

Personally, I didn't mind the new voices at all.

Re: Would have loved this game more...

Posted: Sun Nov 07, 2010 6:03 pm
by Aaron
...more difficulty then opening a peanut content other then the prologue overworld

...better voice actors

...finished animations

...better non-anime story scenes attacks side quests

...fixing the lore between L1 and L2


there's more but I don't have time to list them.

Re: Would have loved this game more...

Posted: Sun Nov 07, 2010 9:01 pm
by Kaiya-Sky
I always hate it when ever you use an attack the battle screen goes black, and I dislike half of the voice's, some are good though.

Re: Would have loved this game more...

Posted: Mon Nov 08, 2010 1:56 am
by Shiva Indis
...if it didn't beg comparisons to SSS.

The critical reception for the game has been gratifyingly positive, though. I'm kinda surprised by how strongly people have endorsed it.

Re: Would have loved this game more...

Posted: Mon Nov 08, 2010 5:59 am
by Silver Phoenix
As with any game that gets a remake and a new cast there will always be pros and cons. I loved John Truitt, but I also enjoy the new Ghaleon VA as well. Luna's voice now is based more on her actual character, and not some village girl on downers. I liked her original voice, but it didn't always fit. The new girl has the sassy but lost the appeal of the softness. Nash has a crappy VA for the most part, and Nall is presented the way he should have been regardless of whether the VA was the right choice or not. I couldn't deal with the chipmunkish voice for him again, because it just wouldn't work in this remake and he would need a vagina.

I'd hate to see the sh*+ storm that would brew with an all new VA cast for Lunar 2. I mean, lifeless braindead Lucia had the best VA of all time...

Re: Would have loved this game more...

Posted: Mon Nov 08, 2010 8:46 am
by Alunissage
I seriously do not get why people think Nall should sound like a typical human male. The higher voice is just in the range I would expect, especially now that I have seven cats, and made sense in contrast with Quark's deeper-than-normal voice. Sexual dimorphism doesn't take the same form in all species (cf. at least some raptors, wherein the female is larger than the male); for that matter, while dragons may have gender, they almost certainly don't have sex. And even if you decide that the rather salient point of his being nonhuman doesn't count in this context and do expect him to sound like a human boy, recall that the key part of his character is not that he's (presenting as) a male baby dragon, but that he's a male baby dragon. And having lived in a daycare for nine years and worked in a preschool for four of those years, let me remind you: all children's voices are high. In the rehash, er, remake we see Nall briefly full-size and it would make sense for his voice to be that of a post-puberty male at that point, but not before.

Really, the only explanation I can think of for the complaint about Nall's "feminine" voice in the WD releases is insecurity of some sort.

Re: Would have loved this game more...

Posted: Mon Nov 08, 2010 3:35 pm
by Sonic#
I've got to agree there. When I first heard Nall's voice, I did assume that he was feminine, but it made more sense once I realized, "Oh, duh. He's little. And a baby!" It would be freaky if he had a deeper voice. >_>

Re: Would have loved this game more...

Posted: Mon Nov 08, 2010 10:36 pm
by Shiva Indis
As far as I'm concerned, the problem with the WD kitty Nall voice wasn't the pitch as much as the shortage of mischievousness. WD's actor wasn't very good at that snakes and snails and puppy-dog tails vibe.

An illustration of my feelings on the matter, as ripped off from FB:
nall.jpg (34.85 KiB) Viewed 36923 times
The SSH voice is hard to reconcile but has a better beat on the character, I think.

(I love these voice acting threads!! :mrgreen: )

Re: Would have loved this game more...

Posted: Tue Nov 09, 2010 2:38 am
by Alunissage
I gotta admit, the first time I put the TSS game disc into my CD player and listened to the tracks, I heard the opening and thought "Wait, what? When did a little kid talk to Alex?" It had been so long since I'd started the game that I'd completely forgotten about the opening. But I didn't think little girl, just little kid.

Maybe pitch-shifting the SSH voice would be a good compromise. ^_^

Re: Would have loved this game more...

Posted: Tue Nov 09, 2010 5:47 am
by Drathial
I completely agree with OP. I think the new voices((especially Nall!)) kinda bugs me. I think I'm not crazy about the new vocal track interlaced into the battle scenes for Luna also.

I noticed something else that is missing... It was just one of those pieces that added to the humor of Lunar... You remember when you ran from battle?.. I miss how the monsters would kinda "run after you" when the characters would run off the battle field.

Re: Would have loved this game more...

Posted: Tue Nov 09, 2010 9:40 pm
by Kizyr
I thought folks were exaggerating on Nall's voice until I heard it for myself... I have a rule that the first time through a game, I don't skip any spoken dialogue or movie scenes. Nall's VA made me break that rule... KF

Re: Would have loved this game more...

Posted: Tue Nov 09, 2010 11:58 pm
by phyco126
Yeah, I'm not a fan of most of the voice actors. I'm not going to be one of those people that no matter who it was, I would have hated it. I just think that some of the actors just simply didn't fit.

Ramus from WD's was a perfect fit, IMO. I knew several lumpy friends who had that same voice range. Nall from WD's made perfect sense to me, but I'm sure others would have fit just fine. Not the current voice.

Re: Would have loved this game more...

Posted: Thu Nov 11, 2010 11:53 pm
by Solidor
I really had a problem with Yuri Lowenthal voicing Alex. Not that I have anything about the way the guy does his job but he just seems to be voicing everybody these days.

Re: Would have loved this game more...

Posted: Fri Nov 12, 2010 2:21 am
by LuNaRtIc
Yeah, the cast was talented enough to be sure. But they're the same generic group I've been hearing in most video games and anime. I've met a lot of them before, they're fine people and great actors... but they're just not my Lunar kids.

Re: Would have loved this game more...

Posted: Sun Nov 14, 2010 8:22 am
by Aaron
So much of voice acting has to do with having a script to work with. If the material is bogus, everything is bogus. (Not that I'm trying to change topics). I think the voice actors might have been okay if they didn't have such a bad script. Also one thing that really bothered me was hiring someone to try to sound like John Truitt. That just never works, they should have just gone in a new direction like they did with Nall's voice actor.

Re: Would have loved this game more...

Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2011 1:47 am
i LOVE Jessica's new VA

Re: Would have loved this game more...

Posted: Thu Sep 15, 2011 8:56 pm
by brit
I wasn't a big fan of the new voices, truthfully. However They were god awful either.
So I could live with it. : )

Re: Would have loved this game more...

Posted: Sat Oct 29, 2011 1:59 am
by Hissora
Dude, I almost put this game down because of Nall's VA.... Like I felt like it was THAT bad. ._. Im so glad they don't have voice acting for every conversation.
I haven't finished this game yet, but the script as well seems to dissatisfy me. It seems super cheesy to me and the acting makes it worse.