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1 out of 10... WTF?!

Posted: Fri Mar 05, 2010 12:47 am
by localflick ... t_id=76785

I was planning on picking up my copy tonight and wanted to see a photo of what comes in the limited addition (I'm late, it's probably all over the boards and Lunarnet) anyway I stumbled on the eb games site and there's only 1 customer review which is incredibly low.

I'm a little concerned that people might see the review and get turned off which would be sad because critics have given it pretty good reviews ... %20harmony and it seems to be well received here.

I don't have it yet, but I want to add another review on this site. This is a great chance to allow more people to discover Lunar, and that won't happen if they think it's a bad game based on one review.

Please leave reviews on the eb games site and help the series out. I've only played the demo, and yeah it has flaws, but it's a hell of a lot better than 1/10!

Re: 1 out of 10... WTF?!

Posted: Fri Mar 05, 2010 1:01 am
by Shiva Indis
Remake dissonance strikes again!

Re: 1 out of 10... WTF?!

Posted: Fri Mar 05, 2010 2:12 am
by Silver Phoenix
A Working Designs zealot perhaps or a NeoGaf kamikaze? If someone reads this review and takes it as fact then they really shouldn't be playing games.

Re: 1 out of 10... WTF?!

Posted: Fri Mar 05, 2010 2:31 am
by Aaron
Meh, don't be so surprised. When I review this game I can tell you for sure it wont be an greater then 7/10. I'm just waiting to see if the game picks itself up. So

Re: 1 out of 10... WTF?!

Posted: Fri Mar 05, 2010 2:35 am
by Silver Phoenix
Regardless of opinion, 1 out of 10 isn't even an average score, and it's someone being an ass. The music alone brings the game up to at least a 7.

Re: 1 out of 10... WTF?!

Posted: Fri Mar 05, 2010 4:48 am
by sux2bme
ah that's one harsh score... and probably without consideration...

this remake would get a 9/10 from me... the one thing that is making me won't give this a 10 is because of it's old school level up system... but considering this is a remake, it is forgiven of that certain flaw...

Re: 1 out of 10... WTF?!

Posted: Fri Mar 05, 2010 5:13 am
by Alunissage
I suspect posting higher-scoring reviews to try to offset the 1 would probably do more harm than good. Since most people score things like this on a scale of about 7 to 10, a 1 is likely to be dismissed as the result of bias or malice. But two reviews with a score of 10 in addition to the one review of 1 would make an average of 7, which, as Aaron's comment shows, is pretty poor in most people's minds.

Re: 1 out of 10... WTF?!

Posted: Fri Mar 05, 2010 5:27 am
by fates
Alunissage wrote:I suspect posting higher-scoring reviews to try to offset the 1 would probably do more harm than good. Since most people score things like this on a scale of about 7 to 10, a 1 is likely to be dismissed as the result of bias or malice. But two reviews with a score of 10 in addition to the one review of 1 would make an average of 7, which, as Aaron's comment shows, is pretty poor in most people's minds.
Have to agree with this. The review reeks of just the kind of mentality that will start a flamewar (or in this case, rating war) between people who like this version and people who like the previous incarnations. No need to further divide the fanbase with that.

It's the critical reviews that count when it comes to people on the wire about purchasing.

Re: 1 out of 10... WTF?!

Posted: Fri Mar 05, 2010 7:40 am
by Silver Phoenix
I also love how the idiot that posted the 1 out of 10 review didn't even get far into the game before writing the "review." If you look at the graphing he gave the story and the music a 1/10 but highest scores for graphics and interface. Obvious moron is an obvious moron.

Of course he was a Sega CD Lunar fan, but basically complains about it being a remake in general.

Re: 1 out of 10... WTF?!

Posted: Fri Mar 05, 2010 12:55 pm
by localflick
Hopefully people won't take the 1/10 seriously. And I do think it would be a bad idea if a bunch of people go in and give it 10/10 to balance it, I just want something representative since the lone 1/10 is useless and negative, and a bunch of high praise 10/10 reviews are just as useless but positive.

If people are on the fence they'll probably google it and up here anyway... so I guess that works.

Re: 1 out of 10... WTF?!

Posted: Fri Mar 05, 2010 3:12 pm
by Sonic#
Does anyone use customer reviews on a store site before they buy online? By then, I generally know I'm getting it. >_>

Re: 1 out of 10... WTF?!

Posted: Fri Mar 05, 2010 4:09 pm
by Aaron
I use the customer reviews online ALL the time.

The reason is, the people who hate it get straight to the point. A lot of the time it's user error. But there is also good information to pick up. Like shutter speed if buying a digital camera. I always read customer reviews.

The positive ones are usually the least useful. They usually just say this is great, I love it.

Re: 1 out of 10... WTF?!

Posted: Fri Mar 05, 2010 6:56 pm
by lady465
Aaron wrote:I use the customer reviews online ALL the time.

The reason is, the people who hate it get straight to the point. A lot of the time it's user error. But there is also good information to pick up. Like shutter speed if buying a digital camera. I always read customer reviews.

The positive ones are usually the least useful. They usually just say this is great, I love it.
I actually agree with you. I use customer reviews for anything I'm not quite sure of. If I had never picked up a Lunar game before there's a good chance I would have looked at reviews before deciding to purchase it. I also usually find the negatives to be more helpful because I feel I get more information out of them but I wouldn't give much merit to that review since it's pretty obvious that he wanted the original Lunar back and that anything less than that was going to receive a dismal score.

Re: 1 out of 10... WTF?!

Posted: Fri Mar 05, 2010 7:22 pm
by Silver Phoenix
The problem is, whether it's 1/10 or 10/10 you need to be objective and truthful in your review, and not just base it on I loved it or hated it. Even magazine reviews are guilty of this because they refer back to previous versions of games instead of critiquing the actual game itself. Not to mention they don't even bother to play through most games to completion.