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Delayed until February in the US?

Posted: Tue Aug 18, 2009 9:11 pm
by ilovemyguitar
That's what it says on

On the bright side, this means I can hold off on buying a PSP.

Re: Delayed until February in the US?

Posted: Tue Aug 18, 2009 9:31 pm
by Alunissage
Personally, I'm fine with that. I'd rather have a longer localization window, after the examples of Legend and Dragon Song. Dragon Song just had the name inconsistencies and at least fixed Althena's hair color and added the sped-up battles, but Legend's localization actually added several bugs and subtracted a save slot, in addition to the text really needing a final cohesive edit. It was really clearly rushed for the holiday season, and one version of Lunar 1 like that is enough.

Re: Delayed until February in the US?

Posted: Tue Aug 18, 2009 9:50 pm
by Dark_Fairy
Sounds great to me. I'll have more money then, not to mention some birthday cash that month. ^_^

Re: Delayed until February in the US?

Posted: Tue Aug 18, 2009 10:15 pm
by Kizyr
Huh. This sucks.

Although a longer localization increases the likelihood that XSEED will do due diligence to make sure the translation's of good quality. It being XSEED also increases the likelihood that they'll do due diligence. KF

Re: Delayed until February in the US?

Posted: Tue Aug 18, 2009 10:46 pm
by ilovemyguitar
Kizyr wrote:Huh. This sucks.

Although a longer localization increases the likelihood that XSEED will do due diligence to make sure the translation's of good quality. It being XSEED also increases the likelihood that they'll do due diligence. KF
I do hope they dutifully do due diligence.

Re: Delayed until February in the US?

Posted: Tue Aug 18, 2009 11:09 pm
by Nobiyuki77
I'm okay with that. Waiting for WD releases trained me to wait.

Re: Delayed until February in the US?

Posted: Tue Aug 18, 2009 11:22 pm
by GhaleonOne
Just remember that these release dates are still all speculation as far as I know. XSEED has never officially announced a release date of any kind that I've seen.

Re: Delayed until February in the US?

Posted: Wed Aug 19, 2009 12:22 am
by Kizyr
Yeah I updated after the December announcement since I figured it was plausible they'd try to get a pre-Christmas release out of it. Eh, go figure. KF

Re: Delayed until February in the US?

Posted: Wed Aug 19, 2009 12:59 am
by fates
Kinda figured this would happen when the JP date was shown as November 12th.

Damn, gonna be a bad year for me financially. Though, I graduate from my current college around that time, so maybe I can throw that on the gift list :D

Re: Delayed until February in the US?

Posted: Wed Aug 19, 2009 1:15 am
by Ardent Fox
Curses, they would wait until I'm in Afghanistan to release it here.

Re: Delayed until February in the US?

Posted: Wed Aug 19, 2009 1:24 am
by Benevolent_Ghaleon
This is how we know it's a real Lunar.

Re: Delayed until February in the US?

Posted: Wed Aug 19, 2009 2:11 am
by NallOne
So much for asking for a PSP + Lunar for Christmas. :evil:

Re: Delayed until February in the US?

Posted: Wed Aug 19, 2009 4:48 am
by Sonix
Meh, not that much. I'm used to Blizzard-long delays ^^

Re: Delayed until February in the US?

Posted: Wed Aug 19, 2009 3:28 pm
by liquidpolicenaut
Didn't really wanna hear this but I was expecting it anyway. As soon as the trailer came out and stated the release date as November in Japan, I knew our chances were slim of still getting it in December. Oh well. Hopefully we still get an incredible translation and maybe some great limited edition/pre order bonuses (shades of WD, no? Lol) :)

Re: Delayed until February in the US?

Posted: Wed Aug 19, 2009 11:42 pm
by GhaleonOne
BTW, officially, there is no release date yet. Though early 2010 is a good bet. GameStop and EBGames websites are speculation, though I imagine, somewhat close.

Re: Delayed until February in the US?

Posted: Thu Aug 20, 2009 5:58 am
by Monde Luna
Well I'm down with waiting longer... esp if it means no plot holes.... ::::please remove plot holes::::

Re: Delayed until February in the US?

Posted: Mon Aug 24, 2009 5:07 am
by brit
The waits alright with me.
I rarely play my PSP, plus I'll have more time to play it then. ^__^

Re: Delayed until February in the US?

Posted: Mon Aug 24, 2009 8:50 pm
by LunarRaptor
Frankly, I was also expecting this. Delays are pretty common with U.S. released in the gaming world. I have no problem waiting, either. I have absolutely no money for a PSP at the moment, anyway.

Re: Delayed until February in the US?

Posted: Mon Aug 24, 2009 10:30 pm
by cj iwakura
Benevolent_Ghaleon wrote:This is how we know it's a real Lunar.
:lol: Maybe Gaijinworks really is involved. :P

Re: Delayed until February in the US?

Posted: Mon Aug 24, 2009 10:40 pm
by GhaleonOne
There's no delay, considering no release date was ever announced by XSEED. People just jumped the gun saying the game would be out in December based on GameStop and/or EBGames listing.