What are your hopes for Harmony?

For discussion of Lunar: Silver Star Harmony, the PSP remake of Lunar 1
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Re: What are your hopes for Harmony?

Post by phyco126 »

Werefrog wrote:
phyco126 wrote:I thought that the scaley thing on his face was machine used to reconstruct his body...
Bah... what do you think this is... Star Wars?
Well, Ghaleon did disappear like Obi-Wan. Laike could be Obi-Wan, Alex could be Luke... mua ha ha.

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Re: What are your hopes for Harmony?

Post by DevNall »

Alunissage wrote:The turtle isn't animated; it's on the world map.
Ah, sorry for the confusion. Even though it doesn't look like it, IIRC, this is actually a cutscene. Same thing with the air balloon.

From a quick cursory comparison of TSS and SSS's cutscenes, I also notice missing:
  • The initial zoom in on Dyne's monument
  • The Black Dragon
  • The picture of Althena (the one from your avatar)
EDIT: I would also argue that the blimp cutscene (where you attempt to ride it to the Goddess Tower, but get repelled back) was cut, even though it appears in the cutscene that shows you the town where the Grindery is being built; the name of which escapes me at the moment.

EDIT 2: Also the credits cutscene from TSS, even though it does have an equivalent animation in SSS, is totally different.

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Re: What are your hopes for Harmony?

Post by Alunissage »

I think I said in my first question about cutscenes that I was assuming he meant animated cutscenes, therefore not the turtle (or the zoom in on Dyne's monument -- though I would consider that opening scene with Alex and Nall to be equivalent). I also wouldn't have considered the portrait in my avatar to be a cutscene, as it's entirely optional. Re the Black Dragon, I would consider the SSS (sprite, admittedly) scene immediately preceding the battle to be the equivalent of TSS's view of the skeleton, as obviously an animation of a skeleton wouldn't fit SSS's story. I suppose you could argue that the initial view of the Dragon should have been animated.

It sound like what you consider swordandshield to be saying is any scene at all which shows a story difference from TSS -- in which case one may as well simply say story differences rather than cutscenes, such as taking a turtle to the Red Dragon Cave instead of a balloon. Really, I'm inclined to stand by my original post and say that Luna's farewell in Saith is the only scene that didn't have an equivalent for a parallel situation in SSS, because Ghaleon's transformation had no parallel in SSS. I'd contrast this with the differences between EB and EBC, because EBC really did remove some cutscenes; I'm sure there's a list around, but the one that comes to mind is Lucia being chained in Pentagulia, which was a sprite scene in EBC.

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Re: What are your hopes for Harmony?

Post by DevNall »

Alunissage wrote:I think I said in my first question about cutscenes that I was assuming he meant animated cutscenes... [snip]... It sound like what you consider swordandshield to be saying is any scene at all which shows a story difference from TSS
No, if that was the case there would have been significantly more in that list.

I just did a quick run-through of all the TSS cutscene files and SSS cutscene videos and noted all those cutscenes in TSS that had no direct equivalent in SSS. I do recognize that's admit-ably a fairly arbitrary definition of cutscene which may or may not agree with someone's else arbitrary definition.

But certainly some of the TSS cutscenes are not animated.
Alunissage wrote:(or the zoom in on Dyne's monument -- though I would consider that opening scene with Alex and Nall to be equivalent)
Assuming you're referring to the cutscene in both versions where Nall is talking to Alex about Dyne's monument, I would consider this a separate cutscene since that's what it is under the hood. But if we consider them effectively as one big cutscene, then I would agree with you.

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Re: What are your hopes for Harmony?

Post by Alunissage »

DevNall wrote:I do recognize that's admit-ably a fairly arbitrary definition of cutscene which may or may not agree with someone's else arbitrary definition.

But certainly some of the TSS cutscenes are not animated.
Aren't those statements kind of contradictory? ;)

At any rate, I made a guess as to what the OP may have meant and stipulated that that was what I was inquiring about, because that person has used some odd working definitions in other threads. Since s/he hasn't replied, I still don't know what was intended. I'm still not seeing the distinction you're drawing between "cutscene omitted from SSS" and "scene showing a story element which was not in TSS", because (for example) it would have been ridiculous to have the scene of Alex and co riding a turtle without the story element of playing a tune near a funny rock to get to it. Likewise with seeing an animated dragon skeleton when the Black Dragon is still wearing its skin and flesh in SSS, or the airship crashing into the Goddess Tower when it's not used to get to the tower. I mean, you wouldn't say that Phacia's introduction scene was added to SSS without saying that Phacia as a story element was added. That's why I could only construe that since the OP said "cutscene" rather than "story element" s/he meant "scene that was animated in TSS but not in SSSC".

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Re: What are your hopes for Harmony?

Post by Ardent Fox »

Just let it be good. That's my only hope. Let them not try to change everything and shoehorn in gameplay mechanics that don't fit in with the overall jive. Let them keep in what works and give us only more of what we wanted in the old games. More VO dialogue (fully voiced would be wonderful) and also more of the animated cutscenes. That's all I can hope for.

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Re: What are your hopes for Harmony?

Post by Shiva Indis »

Temzin wrote:I actually sort of abhorred Ghaleon's transformation scene in TSS and was delighted when he not only remained normal in SSS but also fought you in his EB armor.
Quoted because I agree with it so much. The way it was in SSS was consistent with the game's message, and I just don't want monster Ghaleon anyway. I know the one-stage final boss struck some people as weird, but I'm willing to accept that.

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Re: What are your hopes for Harmony?

Post by Temzin »

Right on! Demon Ghaleon was lame in TSS but would have been totally incoherent and out of character in SSS given that Ghaleon isn't as consumed by vengence the way he was in the original so much as he is an ideologue with absolutist ideas on the roles of divinity and order. As for it being unusual for Ghaleon not to transform, I'd call it an incredible, classy relief. The "true form!" sequence is so tired that it was more of a surprise that a defeated Ghaleon rises again, sneers, and dies than it would have been if you'd been "caught off guard" by some final transformation yet again. Jeremy Parish of ToastyFrog wrote a great feature (http://toastyfrog.com/verbalspew/archives/entry_290.php) a long time ago on the battle with Luca in Gensou Suikoden II...a four-round, transformation-less superfight? Classy! I thought something like that might happen with Vayne in the classy atmosphere of FFXII, only to be severely disappointed.

All of which is to say, in keeping on topic, that I hope they don't even consider amping up Ghaleon in Harmony.
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Re: What are your hopes for Harmony?

Post by DevNall »

Alunissage wrote:
DevNall wrote:I do recognize that's admit-ably a fairly arbitrary definition of cutscene which may or may not agree with someone's else arbitrary definition.

But certainly some of the TSS cutscenes are not animated.
Aren't those statements kind of contradictory? ;)
Not really, TSS has some cutscenes -- and for that matter, SSS has some video -- that lacks any animation -- for instance, the shot of Ruid or some of the bath scenes. Or would you not consider those cutscenes?
Alunissage wrote:I'm still not seeing the distinction you're drawing between "cutscene omitted from SSS" and "scene showing a story element which was not in TSS", because (for example) it would have been ridiculous to have the scene of Alex and co riding a turtle without the story element of playing a tune near a funny rock to get to it.
I was just listing cutscenes in TSS that didn't get equivalents in SSS, without regard as to why. Obviously if that part of the story didn't make the transition, including the relevant cutscenes wouldn't make any sense, but that doesn't change the fact that they're not there.

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Re: What are your hopes for Harmony?

Post by FrozenInTheLights »

As much as I'd love to see TSS and SSSC elements incorporated into this remake, I'm pretty sure little if any is going to be done, so here are some of the things I'm really hoping for:

1) The game to be overall well designed, easily playable, and without laggy cutscenes or delays.
2) An extended Epilogue, or and Epilogue at all. After playing Eternal Blue and going through that Epilogue, it really adds a lot of attractiveness to the game as well as providing a challenege (especially if you do it with just Hiro).
3) Different bromides. If they add more, great, but if they don't add more, at least make some of the 14 bromides different.
4) This is going to be farfetched and probably never will happen, but an explanation as to what EXACTLY happens to the four dragons and how the new four dragons are born.
5) Make Nash likeable again.
6) I may be on my own on this one, but the score from SSSC, with a few exceptions.

And most importantly, make it worth my investment, because I have to by the PSP to get it XD.

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Re: What are your hopes for Harmony?

Post by Monde Luna »

if all they do is keep SSSC and change Ghaleons scene w/ Quark I will probably be happy... I'm not fond of plot holes that are that huge.

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Re: What are your hopes for Harmony?

Post by LunarRaptor »

The whole thing where Ghaleon finds out that Luna is Althena, but still kidnaps all the songstresses in the land just the same? Yeah... That's about all any of us can say to that.
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Re: What are your hopes for Harmony?

Post by joker_mausland »

While playing lunar dragon song DS I looked at the booklet and skimmed through some pages and found one that said you could speed up the battle animation with the L or R buttons, I really hope they put this feature in SSH!

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Re: What are your hopes for Harmony?

Post by Benevolent_Ghaleon »

joker_mausland wrote:While playing lunar dragon song DS I looked at the booklet and skimmed through some pages and found one that said you could speed up the battle animation with the L or R buttons, I really hope they put this feature in SSH!
That's only a plus in Lunar DS because it sucked butt. I enjoy the battles in the other games.

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Re: What are your hopes for Harmony?

Post by joker_mausland »

I remember SSSC being super slow in battle, I hope they speed it up this time.

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Re: What are your hopes for Harmony?

Post by S.ninja »

I miss the blackjack from TSS :shock:

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Re: What are your hopes for Harmony?

Post by Aaron »

I really want to see an expansion of the story. More "side quests". Ultimate weapons for each character. More spells. Original Voice cast from SSSC. I swear to god if the guy who did the voice for Ghaleon doesn't come back I'm gonna be pissed.

The voice actor for Ghaleon really made that game. If he weren't so awesome I don't think the game itself would have shined so well.

I would like to hear references to Lunar Dragon Song, and other parts of Lunar's past. More on Lucia and the Blue Star. And DEAR GOD THEY BETTER AT THE END OF IT SHOW WHY, WHEN, HOW, LUNA LEFT THAT MESSAGE FOR LUCIA. I want to know about the Towers that connect the blue star and lunar together. I want to know about the Star Dragon. I want to know where the towers are in Lunar since they were absent from Lunar Dragon Song (I think). I also want to know how Alex dies, I want to know about offspring.

MEYROD better have bad grammar and all that jazz. I want to see more bosses as well.

I really hope Vane's library holds some juicy Lunar cannon.

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Re: What are your hopes for Harmony?

Post by NallOne »

Aaron wrote:MEYROD better have bad grammar and all that jazz.
Maybe I'm alone, but I could do without the silly redneck stereotype that was Meryod. It would be a different story if that was the original intention, but it seemed like such an awful localization decision. :?
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Re: What are your hopes for Harmony?

Post by Kizyr »

I didn't like the Meryod change either.

I'd prefer if no reference whatsoever was made to Lunar: Dragon Song. That way, we could still fit it into canon as being just a wild dream someone once had. KF
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Re: What are your hopes for Harmony?

Post by NallOne »

I think learning more about the Four Heroes is about as far back into the past as we need to go. I'd much prefer finding out what happened after Lunar 2, but I suppose we'll have to wait for the inevitable Lunar 2 PSP remake to get that. Or Lunar 3. :P
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