What system would you like to see Lunar 3 on?

For discussion of rumors of any new Lunar games, including the nonexistent Lunar 3

What system would you like to see Lunar 3 on?

Nintendo Wii
Xbox 360
Nintendo DS
Total votes: 47

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Re: What system would you like to see Lunar 3 on?

Post by Sonic# »

Oh, you said it. ^_^

Now, first, I think you're arguing for some sort of mainstream appeal. If so, I'm questioning the mainstream appeal, not you. Nonetheless...

Why do games have to look real? Put another way, why are cartoons so bad, or automatically kid-like?

Some of my favorite games haven't had realism. In Sonic, they call something a hedgehog because it has "spines" on its back and a nose. The monster designs in Dragon Quest VIII... the many effects in Monkey Island. Sometimes it's fun to watch cartoons where silly things happen... check out the old Bugs Bunny cartoons, or things like that. But they can be done. And they can be done right. And they can be done with lively details!

I think what you may be arguing for is a sort of graphical edge, a sharpness to it, more texture, and so on. That's fair. But with real, what you're implying is that everything will look and act as if it could actually exist. That's alright, as long as it isn't done all the time. That's why I retched whenever I read in old game magazines how games would eventually look exactly like what happens on TV. Where would be the lively design? The variation? The different artistic approaches? Would I be doomed to play Law and Order? Where would Sonic or Mario have a place in it? I don't want Sonic to look real. I want him to look (and work) fancifully.

I don't think Lunar was done the way it was because it was trying to appeal to kids, or it was compensating for the inability to make it look real. Rather, the more buoyant freedom allows the game to breathe; it suits the game's optimistic themes quite well. I don't think the lack of "grit" makes a game any less enjoyable, or any less adult. It can still have the complicated insights that adults enjoy.

Plus, except for TSS, a Lunar game has never been on the graphical edge. SSSC sold fine. I even helped my sister's boyfriend of the time beat a boss from the game, so it was well enjoyed even by casual gamers. Why does that need to change?

"Than seyde Merlion, "Whethir lyke ye bettir the swerde othir the scawberde?" "I lyke bettir the swerde," seyde Arthure. "Ye ar the more unwyse, for the scawberde ys worth ten of the swerde; for whyles ye have the scawberde uppon you, ye shall lose no blood, be ye never so sore wounded. Therefore kepe well the scawberde allweyes with you." --- Le Morte Darthur, Sir Thomas Malory

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Re: What system would you like to see Lunar 3 on?

Post by Benevolent_Ghaleon »

I'm tired of "casual gamer" and how the tag has affected gaming lately. The Wii is fully capable of playing hardcore and intriguing games as well as games that are well suited towards children. The words "casual" and "hardcore" need to disappear from gaming.

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Re: What system would you like to see Lunar 3 on?

Post by Sadrin »

lol ok guys... I didn't know my reply would mean so much lol. but cool.

I only said that zelda looked cartoony because it does. I remember hearing along time ago that the last game was delayed once because they wanted to try and make link look more real. I'm not sure what came of that but we've all seen the end result of that. He still looks good. :-p I think zelda could pass with looking more real. Cel-shading is used to make things look as if its a cartoon. Thats the whole point. But then you have some games that go for the cel-shaded look. Now that I don't understand... Wild Arms 3 comes to mind. It's my least fave wild arms.

I think some games should stay 2D and cartoony. That's how we got to know them. Things are changing and sometimes I don't really like that. I don't care for 3D sonic or mario... New super mario brothers was my first NDS game and I love it! But like I said things are changing... I'm sure within the next few years you'll see Sonic with fur and claws unless he wants to stay on something that doesnt show that great of detail. Back in the 80s, 3d was an Idea so everything had to made in sprites. And now if a new game uses sprites, it's really pushed to the side and often unoticed unless its on a handheld system.

Now as far as lunar... I for one love that Lunar so far has all been in 2D. I know one reason why I picked up SSSC was beacause it was in 2D and beautiful! Everything and their grandma was coming out in 3D because PSX/saturn, and n64 could finally do it. Lunar felt like home to me. If it had been in crappy 3d.(good for its time. Kinda.) I just don't think it would have felt so magical to me. I think if Lunar was on wii it would look cartoony and feel outdated much like dragon song did. Look at the new mario cart. I was shocked to see how it looked. Still looks like fun though. But it looks like it was made to be on gamecube. That works though. Everyone knows mario cart so even if it went retro style, it would still sell. Lunar has been left in the dark and i'm guessing more people will know of it sucking than it being what we know of it. I just really feel that a 3rd lunar would have to be a step forward. It has very strong roots. It's just a little wilted at the moment.

Far as Casual gamer goes... It just means they have a limited time to play rather than a hardcore gamer or whatever. Wii was set up for quick play thats all.
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Re: What system would you like to see Lunar 3 on?

Post by Nobiyuki77 »

I want Lunar 3 on the Sega CD!



... what do you mean that's not realistic????


Fine, my vote goes to the Wii!

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Re: What system would you like to see Lunar 3 on?

Post by Benevolent_Ghaleon »

Nobiyuki77 wrote:I want Lunar 3 on the Sega CD!



... what do you mean that's not realistic????


Fine, my vote goes to the Wii!

I swear i saw a sports game that was 07 on PS1.

I'd like it come out on PS1. Big boxes and swag just like the other two.

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Re: What system would you like to see Lunar 3 on?

Post by Evil_Goddess »

Nobiyuki77 wrote:I want Lunar 3 on the Sega CD!



... what do you mean that's not realistic????


Fine, my vote goes to the Wii!
That would also be my first choice but as I also fear that this probably won't happen I voted for the Wii but actually I mean by that WiiWare and not a normal DVD game as I would prefer a 16 Bit style game like Gradius Rebirth or Final Fantasy IV The Years After. Not only because I prefer 2D graphics over 3D but because I like the classic and more simple gameplay of old school games.

I didn't beat a new RPG game for years because they get imho overloaded with so many functions and side quests that it takes too much time to learn how to play it and it is hard to focus on the main story.
Good example is Rogue Galaxy, I think it was a nice RPG but there were just too many things you could do aside the main story (you could manage your own factory for creating items where of course you have to find some rare materials for example and other things). Of course you can skip them but then I also feel that I didn't see the whole game and maybe won't see the real ending so in the end I stopped it somewhere in the middle.

I don't want Lunar becoming such an overloaded game so I would prefer an old school game in WiiWare that just looks slightly better than on the Mega CD and still has the same gameplay.

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Re: What system would you like to see Lunar 3 on?

Post by Kaiya-Sky »

I would love for it to be on the PS3, even though i don't have one right now i plan to one day soon. If it ever did come out im hoping it would NOT come out on the 360 because i never plan on owning one (dpnt mean to offend xbox fans). The Wii would be good too, since i have a wii and its good system, It would be cute if it was in a similar style to the harvest moon games. I just prefer the PS3, iv always been a play station fan, and i just think it would be better.

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Re: What system would you like to see Lunar 3 on?

Post by That Other Person »

I would like to see L3 on the PS3 as well. Primarily because I love my PS3. :)

And it's the only console I own, unless you count handhelds. I own a DS which I bought for Dragon Song, but I wouldn't want to see L3 ending up like that game. :p
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Re: What system would you like to see Lunar 3 on?

Post by captaindax »

Sadrin wrote:I would like to see it on PS3. Only beacuse xbox360 has all the rpgs... why I don't know... but I would hate to see it on the Wii. I wouldn't want to see lunar as another little kids game.
Same here, I have a feeling if it went on the Wii it'd be dumbed down and dramatically different than the others in the series, don't ask me why it's just a bad feeling I have. I'd have to say PS3 because that's what I own, and given that both the previous Lunar titles were remade for the PS1 I'd be able to play all three on one console.
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Re: What system would you like to see Lunar 3 on?

Post by joker_mausland »

I guess I'd like to see Lunar 3 on the psp, mainly because I'm a sucker for the pixel graphics and anime cutscenes. I really can't stand how everything now a days is completely 3d, but that's the future and I really can't stop it. :)

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Re: What system would you like to see Lunar 3 on?

Post by neovane911 »

I would like to see it launched on the PS3 mainly because I view Lunar as a console-game.. I would say that it would be good if it came out on Wii, but the Wii just doesn't fit the type of console Lunar should be played on.. Idk, Nintendo tried to do Lunar justice once but it gave birth to Lunar Legends on the GBA and Dragon Song on the DS *shudders*... Lunar should stay with Playstation since Sega has blown away in th sands of time.. lol

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Re: What system would you like to see Lunar 3 on?

Post by Sonix »

Its not like its Nintendo's fault that both Lunars on their system were average/bad.
They both weren't developed by GameArts as well (I think?).

I'd prefer it to be on PS3 or Wii. If it has to come on a handheld, I'd prefer the PSP.
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Re: What system would you like to see Lunar 3 on?

Post by Shiva Indis »

I'll admit that it doesn't matter to me what platform future Lunar installments are released on. I'd enjoy a well made game on any of them, and so far I've bought 5 systems with Lunar in mind. I expect I'll continue to do so if necessary. Don't judge me! ^_^; Also, what's up with the older posts in this thread that seem to argue against a hypothetical home console Lunar installment that is colorful and cartoony? Is there some other dark and realistic Lunar series that I don't know about?

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Re: What system would you like to see Lunar 3 on?

Post by Silver Phoenix »

I'd prefer it to be developed on the PS3 solely for what can be accomplished with Blu-Ray. This means more room for better sound that is not compressed, enormous video files for anime and cg, and whatever else is possible. I don't want the series to continue on a handheld because it limits the scope of the game, and I just hate staring at a small screen and getting neck cramps from staring down.

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Re: What system would you like to see Lunar 3 on?

Post by ghaleon12 »

In order for it to get taken seriously as an RPG, it'd have to be released on PS3. 360 isn't known for its rpgs and the ones I've played aren't *that* great. The Wii has junk software for the most part it seems, it'd be wayyy too easy for Lunar to get ignored in its library, but I'm sure others would disagree. Plus just the kiddie pop software sort of scares me as far as putting up something real, like Lunar which has heart (tales of symphonia remake was considered sort of bad, but made money). It does have the biggest base, but eh. The graphics would run fine on the Wii since my expectation for Lunar 3 isn't dependent at all on graphics, 2d graphics done well would be fantastic, so would 3d. I played FF7 for the first time like a year ago and loved the graphics/art, wouldn't want it any other way. The 2d art even gave it a greater feel than what 3d wuld have accomplished since it was like you were moving around in an art piece, like seeing the green mako energy flare and stuff, amazing in 2d. That's where I think gaming is sort of lost and might never come back, but that's another topic lol.

PS3 has a bit more "feel" than the xbox 360 I was thinking the other day, even though that doesn't really matter lol. Read an editorial about how FF13 played on xbox would feel weird, and I find myself agreeing.

And as far as handhelds....if you're talking about the resurrection of a franchise, having your coming out party constrained to a handheld is a horrible idea if you are trying to become respected in the mainstream.

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Re: What system would you like to see Lunar 3 on?

Post by Aquaignis »

Did you perchance read this on IGN? I remember reading something about a long-standing X-Box editor swapping over the the PS3 because, to him, the PS3 was the only system that felt like a "genuine gaming machine."
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Re: What system would you like to see Lunar 3 on?

Post by Silver Phoenix »

In a matter of speaking the Xbox360 is more like a PC, so maybe that's why someone would feel that way. The 360 has a lot more rpgs than PS3 at this point, but hopefully there is a big shift coming. Lunar would benefit more on a PS3 release because it's more popular in Japan and now Europe. The U.S. is a bunch of FPS crazed wannabe gun toters.

I just couldn't look at Lunar having the same impact if it showed up on the Wii, as it would on the PS3. The Wii is too casual of a system, and the games that sell the best are all Nintendo first party titles. We don't need Lunar overshadowed by the majority of crap games the Wii loves to sell. Good games like Okami and Klonoa drop in price quickly because no one buys them (and they're ports) even though they're great games. Not that I'm complaining about price.

The Wii really only looks best on a standard television set too, because some games just look like pixelated disasters on an hdtv. My Dreamcast games look better through VGA on my tv than most of my Wii games, and the Dreamcast came out in 2000! How I miss Sega's "ahead of it's time" innovation.

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Re: What system would you like to see Lunar 3 on?

Post by Sonic# »

360 isn't known for its rpgs and the ones I've played aren't *that* great.
I've got to call you on that one. First, how is the PS3 more well-known for its RPGs? All of the good ones I can think of for it were also on the 360, and in some cases (like Fallout 3), the 360 version was better for having more DLC.

Then the 360 also has Mass Effect, MagnaCarta II, Star Ocean, and a few others. If you don't find them that great, then that's probably because there haven't been many break-out RPG releases in the past couple of years, and those were for the PS2 (Persona 3 and 4), Nintendo DS, or multiplatform (Oblivion, Fallout 3, Dragon Age). The next-gen systems haven't gotten a stand-out exclusive RPG yet outside of Mass Effect (ignoring the PC). That's not unusual, but does contribute to my point: the systems are either on equal footing, or the 360 is doing slightly better RPG-wise.

That being said, I wouldn't mind it on either the Wii, 360, or DS but only because those are the systems I own or will own, and I think Lunar would be best marketed on those systems. (I don't think the Wii-glut would have a large effect provided it was marketed even halfway decently, since a good deal of the glut happens in other genres.) But any system would do, if it were Lunar and well-done.

"Than seyde Merlion, "Whethir lyke ye bettir the swerde othir the scawberde?" "I lyke bettir the swerde," seyde Arthure. "Ye ar the more unwyse, for the scawberde ys worth ten of the swerde; for whyles ye have the scawberde uppon you, ye shall lose no blood, be ye never so sore wounded. Therefore kepe well the scawberde allweyes with you." --- Le Morte Darthur, Sir Thomas Malory

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Re: What system would you like to see Lunar 3 on?

Post by Silver Phoenix »

First of all, Lunar has never been marketed in the U.S. short of magazine ads or in-store displays so that is a joke. There is no way in hell I want Lunar on the Wii, because they will force some ridiculous gimmick into the game using the Wii remote.

I want some HD Lunar damnit!

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Re: What system would you like to see Lunar 3 on?

Post by ghaleon12 »

There is no way in hell I want Lunar on the Wii, because they will force some ridiculous gimmick into the game using the Wii remote.
lawl, that is so true. Or like how Lunar: DS was named only in part since it was made for the DS, good design decision there. Marketing seems like its going well, not. Maybe they should try that for the Playstation if they ever make Lunar 3....Lunar: Pulsing Star. Not horrible really, has star in the title >.> Pulse you think of heart, of which lunar has lots of. Could have a super cool love story and stufff. Maybe tie in a global warming reference to the story (jk of course lol).

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