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MSL Anime, Ukrainian translation

Posted: Mon Dec 31, 2007 10:56 pm
by Kizyr

It's a Ukrainian translation (with timing) of the Lunar anime!

Ok yeah I can't understand any of it, except for some of the words that are similar enough in English (oh and words like "Лунар"). But anyway, this Ukrainian translation I think is based off of the English translation I did a while back of the movie.

Муу!!! Муу муу муу!
Муу? Муууу...

Вибачте. Ви надто великий...
Вони просто не в змозі вас помітити.


Макашігі фушікама гішіфука машікама,
гімашіка кашімафу фукашігі камашіма.
Може здатися, цей світ просто жахливий,
Та ви знаєте ТАЄМНИЦЮ!


Re: MSL Anime, Ukrainian translation

Posted: Fri Jan 11, 2008 1:40 pm
by Sadrin
Thats kinda...different! but very cool! i had no idea that it would have been translated to anything other than english. Guess I didn't think the market was that big for it? Hmmm Neat. Oh and do you speak Ukrainian?

Re: MSL Anime, Ukrainian translation

Posted: Fri Jan 11, 2008 4:04 pm
by Kizyr
Sadrin wrote:Thats kinda...different! but very cool! i had no idea that it would have been translated to anything other than english. Guess I didn't think the market was that big for it? Hmmm Neat. Oh and do you speak Ukrainian?
не, that's why I said "I can't understand any of it, except for some of the words that are similar enough in English". I can read the Cyrillic alphabet, more or less, but that doesn't do much for understanding. KF

Re: MSL Anime, Ukrainian translation

Posted: Fri Jan 11, 2008 4:44 pm
by Sadrin
Lol I guess i miss read it... Opps maybe i thought you could read it being that some of the post is in Ukrainian... its such a neat type face!