I love Lunar, but one thing that bugs me....

For discussion of Lunar: Silver Star Story, the remake of Lunar 1 for Saturn/Playstation/PC and all its translations
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I love Lunar, but one thing that bugs me....

Post by Jupiterstar1221 »

I wish they had made the bag where you carry herbs/starlights/etc like the one in Lunar Eternal Blue Complete. It is so much more organized while the Lunar SSSC is a diaster. >.< I think its the only thing that is detering me from playing LSSSC. I am loving LEBC, BUT I do not know if I can handle that bag......and if I remember that if you don't move herbs from Nall to the characters you can get items to heal, AND you can't carry that many! *Heavy Sigh*

I started L EBC two days ago and I am already on Disc 2, and I decided I was going to start LSSSC when I got to the 3rd disc, but I decided to just start the first but now...I do not think I want too. Any ideas that can get me over the whole item carrying system to get into playing it? Thanks

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Re: I love Lunar, but one thing that bugs me....

Post by Shiva Indis »

Limited inventories for each character was the norm in the series until the Lunar 2 remake. I know that doesn't make much difference to you since you started with the game that made the change. But personally, I missed it. Maybe it's sort of like driving a car with automatic transmission when you're used to a manual. There's not enough to do or to think about.

Having to manage your inventory was one thing about Lunar that was kind of unique. SCD Lunar 2 and SSS set it up so that it required a little extra thought, but minimized frustration. (Compare that to EarthBound, for instance, where you probably WILL throw away things you'd rather keep and you have to wait and pay to put items in storage.)

But as to your problem with SSS, I remember relying mostly on magic for healing, done mostly after fights, while keeping items for boss fights and emergencies.

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Re: I love Lunar, but one thing that bugs me....

Post by Sonic# »


I preferred it as well, for many of the same reasons. Enforced scarcity makes it a little painful, but on the other hand it's not like I have to sell off or put in storage items I can't put in a character's inventory. They just go into a "bag."

You'll get used to it fairly quickly. The other thing... at least with SSSC, I seldom used items. In boss battles, I might use a few healing items or a Star Light, but it wasn't until the final fight that I used Silver Lights or anything like that.

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Re: I love Lunar, but one thing that bugs me....

Post by Alunissage »

Shiva Indis wrote:Having to manage your inventory was one thing about Lunar that was kind of unique. SCD Lunar 2 and SSS set it up so that it required a little extra thought, but minimized frustration.
Well, except for the minor frustration (for me, anyway) of figuring out where the items you found in chests had ended up in EB, since instead of them going straight into Ruby's inventory they went into the inventory of the first person in the party with a space available. I would rather have been able to keep a slot in each person's inventory free so that changing equipment required less moving around.

Actually, I guess what that boils down to is that I would rather it have been like TSS's, just with more space in Nall's "satchel". I did end up dropping items in that game, mainly because there were so many different ones, many of which would never be used, and there was pretty limited space. Still, I actually really liked all the different items even though the variations were largely unnecessary. I suppose that variety was more or less replaced by tool/equip effects in EB, which were also fun.

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Re: I love Lunar, but one thing that bugs me....

Post by Shiva Indis »

Sonic# wrote:I preferred it as well, for many of the same reasons. Enforced scarcity makes it a little painful, but on the other hand it's not like I have to sell off or put in storage items I can't put in a character's inventory. They just go into a "bag."
Enforced scarcity, yeah. :) The older games put an incentive on using magic instead of items, which seems appropriate to the setting somehow.
Alunissage wrote:Well, except for the minor frustration (for me, anyway) of figuring out where the items you found in chests had ended up in EB, since instead of them going straight into Ruby's inventory they went into the inventory of the first person in the party with a space available.
Where's Hiro's new helmet? Oh, Jean's got it, lol. Definitely remember that. :mrgreen:

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Re: I love Lunar, but one thing that bugs me....

Post by Imperial Knight »

I kind of liked the old inventory system simply because it seemed more realistic. It always did seem a little odd to me just how much stuff you can carry around in a typical RPG.

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