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US boxart, first US screenshots and release date unveiled

Posted: Thu Jun 30, 2005 5:10 am
by laus
boxart: ... 346701.jpg

Looks pretty good except for the text which I think is a bit too big.

new(well sort of) info here:

US screens here:

Once again, the game looks good but where are the shadows?? :?
Even basic round shadows will do. Someone need to tell Ubisoft about this so they can tell whoever is developing it in Japan to put some damn shadows in :evil:

I mean the game is almost done, would be silly to forget such a simple thing like that. I'm getting worried

In other news I finally pre-ordered the game yesterday. Can't wait! :)

Posted: Thu Jun 30, 2005 6:25 am
by MiaOne
Looks like the animation sequences will resemble more the kind in Legend than those in SSSC and EBC. Sigh.

Posted: Thu Jun 30, 2005 6:42 am
by YoungDyne
I pre-ordered the game about a week ago myself...the days got a little slower after that, heh.

It's great that IGN posted some new stuff, and thank you for putting that up (I never would have found it otherwise)...but there's a couple things I'm not crazy about. First, let me say I don't like the Ubisoft boxart(or title, for that matter). Also, the names. I don't want to go off, but let me say I don't like Ubisoft naming one of the characters "Lucia"...if my understanding is correct, even though the japanese version of her name is similar to Lucia's from EB their names are completely different. This could confuse a lot of people unless they make some excuse as to why they have the same name. Second, Rufus. I'm Sorry, I don't think this name fits any of the characters. Though I could probably stand it as long as it doesn't belong to who people describe, even though I disagree, as the Ghaleon-like character. Except for white hair and pointy ears(which correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't that kind of a trait of his race?) he does not share a single resemblance with Ghaleon. Though, I'd love it if it were his older brother from the Story of Inheritance manga...simply because for an unexplainable reason, I really liked that character. Gabryel? Come on, you guys are trying too hard. Gabriel is fine. And why did IGN put Jian? I thought it was Gien? The name Flora is kind of cool though ^^;; I could see the green-haired woman as Flora.

Wow, didn't mean to type all of that...maybe you can tell, but I'm a little nervous about where Ubisoft is going with this. I can't remember playing a single Ubisoft game that I enjoyed.

...oh, wait...I enjoyed Bomberman. :roll:

Posted: Thu Jun 30, 2005 8:09 am
by Kizyr
And this is why they have professionals translate.

The English romanizations in the original (Gien, e.g.) are done by folks who aren't making it for a US audience. They should be changed, and most if not all of the names were done appropriately.

Some of the romanizations for the original names in EB were just silly. KF

Posted: Thu Jun 30, 2005 1:27 pm
by Dark_Fairy
Finally we learn the names of the other people! Flora has to be the girl with green hair so Rufus would be that beastmen guy...since I doubt it's the dude who somewhat looks like Ghaleon...but why the name Rufus? I'm ok with all the other names Rufus just reminds me of FF7 too much...

Also it doesn't look like there's going to be voice acting for the animations :( *grumble* But...oh well. I suppose I can do without it. Like I said before, at least it's a Lunar game so I'm happy.

Posted: Thu Jun 30, 2005 2:11 pm
by punkabof1
MiaOne wrote:Looks like the animation sequences will resemble more the kind in Legend than those in SSSC and EBC. Sigh.

I hope they move this time

Posted: Thu Jun 30, 2005 3:36 pm
by laus
punkabof1 wrote:
MiaOne wrote:Looks like the animation sequences will resemble more the kind in Legend than those in SSSC and EBC. Sigh.

I hope they move this time

Well Nintendo Power clearly asked that question in their latest issue and Mr.Takahashi said there would be many anime-style cutscenes.

The DS isn't the GBA. DS cards can hold a lot more than GBA's so why would it be so surprising to see some? They were able to put entire episodes of cartoons on a single GBA cart afterall, so imagine what they can put on the DS card.

Also the question was about if the game would featured fantastic anime-style cutscenes like the previous console titles

for one, I don't think anyone would consider still images fantastic, so I doubt they would be talking about those.

2nd, they were talking about console titles(more than one). I don't think Legend was included in there so they must've talked about SSS and EB.

If a game like Meteos(a puzzle game) can have a kickass FMV intro, I'm confident a game like Lunar will have some nice anime cutscenes like SSS & EB.

Posted: Thu Jun 30, 2005 4:52 pm
by Greensky
Great new pics! I love how they are sticking with some of the same enemies from the original Lunar games... though, I guess that was no big surprise. And call me crazy but, why isn't the Ghaleon look-a-like on the box art and the title screen art? He's not even mentioned in the article at all... I guess it COULD be safe to say that he will play the role of a villian... or just some figure head role.

Posted: Thu Jun 30, 2005 11:44 pm
by Scorpioeyez
Thanks for posting up those links. I'm still plenty excited to play this game after seeing those screen shots but I do have to admit that I am now also very worried that it won't meet up to the expectations that I have been holding onto. The character designs seem no where near as impressive as in the other games and I'm a little annoyed that the only real plot that has been unveiled so far has been 'the heroes will be fighting invading demons a thousand years before the other games'.... and???? Come on! That's not exactly a plot synopsis that's going to bring in a legion of new fans. *sighs* Well, here's hoping at least.

Posted: Fri Jul 01, 2005 1:31 am
by Alunissage
Perhaps those of you who are having mostly negative reactions to what you're seeing should avoid news of the game until it's actually out? No point in being so critical when all you have are canned bits from magazines. Sometimes I think advance publicity hurts games more than it helps, at least when the game in question is a new approach to an existing series. This sort of thing makes me really glad I wasn't around when most of the other Lunars were about to come out.

Posted: Fri Jul 01, 2005 4:14 am
by Rune Lai
Well... back when the remakes were going to come out on the Saturn, enthusiasm was pretty high. :) But back then most of the media was still coming from traditional print magazines so it wasn't quite the same thing. Besides, we were all still in the Saturn vs. Playstation wars and were too busy being annoyed with the incoming arrival of Final Fantasy VII (because being 3D, it was going to be everything Lunar wasn't).

Interesting how things change...

For all the complaining though, it raises public awareness. And I'm sure there are enough diehards who will buy the game as they complain all the way to the cash register. :)