8th on the Top Ten Worst Games of 2005

For discussion of Lunar: Dragon Song (Lunar: Genesis), the only Lunar game on the DS
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8th on the Top Ten Worst Games of 2005

Post by Roas Atrades »

I just got my GameInformer, and I'm doing my first leaf through before reading indepth.

This issue is basically the year in review issue, and they listed DS as the 8th worst game in 2005. According to them, the only worse games were Dead to Rights 2 at 9 and Death by Degrees at 10.

So it pretty much seems everyone's feelings are universal on the matter :P

Maybe in the end it's all just a cruel joke and a real version is coming out, heh.
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Post by Shiva Indis »


While I am certain that Lunar DS is not that bad techincally speaking, when concidering the expectaions and the legacy of the series, it really was a -Fatal Hopper- up on a noteworthy level. I guess now will go down in the annals of video gaming as Lunar's darkest days. Here's hoping that they will end...

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Post by GhaleonOne »

What Shiva said. I also agree that Lunar DS wasn't that technically bad, as even though it had major flaws, it definately doesn't deserve a nod in a top ten worst games list, but when considering how high the expectations are for Lunar games, I do understand why it made it on.

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Post by Roas Atrades »

GhaleonOne wrote:What Shiva said. I also agree that Lunar DS wasn't that technically bad, as even though it had major flaws, it definately doesn't deserve a nod in a top ten worst games list, but when considering how high the expectations are for Lunar games, I do understand why it made it on.

That is pretty much exactly why it probably did get on. To quote the blurb for it:

"We're pretty sure it was actually more of a cruel socoilogical experiment than an actual game. What else could explain taking a beloved franchise and filling it with the most bizarre, counter intuitive design decisions imaginable? Taking damage from runing ? Surely that was added simply to gauge the various stages of human despair and disbelief."

The shots at the game aside, it looks like it was indeed placed on due the legacy of Lunar games in general.
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Post by GhaleonOne »

Good for them then. In many ways, it needs to be recognized by the media that this game is no fault of the series, and is a fault of the individual game. It really seems like the media caught on to this fact. Perhaps GameArts will sit down and take a look at this and say "Hey, it's not an indication of lack of interest in Lunar, but rather a failure as an individual game based on untested and what turned out to be, horribly designed features."

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Post by Kizyr »

It depends on how adventurous GA wants to be at this point.

The bigger a company gets, the more they have a tendency to stick to what works instead of risking something new, even though the payoff might be worth it. Does that carry over to the video game industry as well? KF
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Post by Alunissage »

Well, they didn't risk anything new with Genesis at all. ;)

The health from running really wasn't that bad...better than not being able to run at all, certainly. There are other things that were far worse.

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Post by Angelalex242 »

...Well, I can't say this surprised me too much.

Then again, that's why I made a thread for 'how would you fix it?'

The game can be fixed...in a bunch of ways we can pretty much agree on.

Yeesh. Well, here's to hoping someone listens to us for the remake.
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Post by GhaleonOne »

My hope is because the next Grandia is going online, there will be little need for a story guy, and Shigema will work on a new Lunar game fulltime. It would be good timing to tell the Four Heroes thing. I can forgive bad gameplay for an awesome story. I know not all can, but most Lunar fans play for story first, and gameplay second. At least, that's the notion I get. But even at that, they could easily fix some of this stuff up.

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Post by segaboy7 »

wow 8th worst overall thats pretty bad, but there is far far worse games out there. I don't think the game really deserved to be on this list, it was just not good enough to be called Lunar

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Post by Wolfman_Samurai »

well look at the bright side it wasn't as bad as Death by Degrees. Truthfully I havn't been this dissapointed since Metal Gear Solid 2.

It was the reason I was gonna get a DS but thankfully a buddy loaned me his for a day and well... I really felt like they were trying to hard to be Dragon Quest with the fighting system.
::sigh:: oh well I'm gonna break out the ol Ghaleon puppet and have him box my Metal Gear Ray till they do the four heros game.

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Post by Rune Lai »

Kizyr wrote:The bigger a company gets, the more they have a tendency to stick to what works instead of risking something new, even though the payoff might be worth it. Does that carry over to the video game industry as well? KF

With multi-million dollar budgets looming for the next generation of games? Heck yeah. :P A company may take a risk on a brand new game, but the point isn't to churn out a bunch of new and potentially innovative titles. The point is to churn out a new and potentially innovative title to make a franchise out of it. ^^; (Witness the Katamari Damacy sequels springing up like daisies.)

Franchises are what works (for the majority of gamers anyway). If the question was posed to the board: Would you rather have Lunar 3 or Rogue Galaxy (which I'm just picking because it's an upcoming RPG without a franchise behind it)? How many of the board members would rather have Lunar 3 despite the fact Rogue Galaxy may be a promising RPG in every way?

Generally speaking, smaller companies may be more inclined to take a risk to get the audience they want. Larger companies already have that audience and would rather satisfy them by a tried and true method than to risk giving them something they don't want.
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Post by snaztacular »

LUNAR seems to celebrate universal acclaim, even in the mainstream media. I think it is acceptable to equate disappointment compared with expectations to lack of quality. If that's their criterion, I'd have to agree...

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Post by LuciaOne »

Alone, Lunar DS wasn't too awful.
But as a part of the Lunar series, with Silver Star and Eternal Blue....
....it blows.... IMO, of course.

Thank you GameArts..
I found my old siggie! MUAH HAHAHAHAHA!!!
Sir Kizyr: ::high-pitched voice:: Ohh lookit me, I'm a cute li'l elf!
MiaAusa: Oh wait! NO I GET IT.
MiaAusa: It's him finally fessing up the the fact that HE IS a cut li'l elf. :d
MiaAusa: Hey, chance" NO I GET IT" to "NOW I GET IT"
MiaAusa: change**
MiaAusa: I'm mad with grammar today
MiaAusa: bad**

I'm mad with grammar too.
Sir Kizyr: Here's a lovely song about my favorite food
Sir Kizyr: Lima, lento, soy, and pinto ~ Navy, northern, and garbanzo! ~ Kidneys and frijoles negros
Sir Kizyr: I love beans, I love beans, woo woo woo! ~ How 'bout you? ~ High in fiber ~ Low in fat ~ Hey, I betcha didn't know that
Sir Kizyr: When I eat beans, I sit in my little cloud, I don't know why ~ maybe 'cause I'm cuttin' muffins ~~ Because....
Sir Kizyr: I love beans! Hey hey hey! ~ I love beans everyday! ~ Beans are an excellent source of protein ~ I love beans!
Sir Kizyr: Diggydoo!

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Post by Agawa »

LuciaOne wrote:Alone, Lunar DS wasn't too awful.
But as a part of the Lunar series, with Silver Star and Eternal Blue....
....it blows.... IMO, of course.

Thank you GameArts..

Eh, I don't think I would have enjoyed it more, or thought better of it if it wasn't a Lunar game. I do think I would have been less bitterly disappointed, but that's the way it works.

In my opinion, it deserves to be on that list.

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Post by dragonmaster_jonathan »

:( ill admit that Lunar Ds does have some room for improvement, but i completely disagree with it being one of the worst games. I really havent even played it yet, and i wont until christmas, but i do not think that the game is all that bad.

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Post by ilovemyguitar »

This might sound odd, but I'm kinda glad Lunar: DS is getting such bad press. It shows that people really do have interest in the Lunar series, and that people simply weren't satisfied with this installment in the series. If it got good press, future installments in the Lunar series might look like this one, and if it got no press at all, the Lunar series might simply fade away.

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Post by joker_mausland »

The only things I don't like about lunar dragon song are the new dialogue format and the new map format. >_<

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